18 research outputs found

    Conical singularities regularized in warped six-dimensional flux compactification and their induced brane cosmology

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    We discuss the regularization of codimension-2 singularities in warped six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell axisymmetric models by replacing them by codimension-1 branes of a ring form, situated around the axis of symmetry. Further we consider the case of one capped regularized conical brane of codimension one and study the cosmological evolution which is induced on it as it moves in between the known {\it static} bulk and cap solutions. We present the resulting brane Friedmann equation which gives a dominant five-dimensional ρ2\rho^2 energy density term at high energies and a term linear to the energy density at low energies with, however, negative coefficient in the small four-brane radius limit (i.e. with negative effective Newton's constant)Comment: 14 page

    Geometrical Tachyon Dynamics in the Background of a Bulk Tachyon Field

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    We study the dynamics of a D3-brane moving in the background of a bulk tachyon field of a D3-brane solution of Type-0 string theory. We show that the dynamics on the probe D3-brane can be described by a geometrical tachyon field rolling down its potential which is modified by a function of the bulk tachyon and inflation occurs at weak string coupling, where the bulk tachyon condenses, near the top of the geometrical tachyon potential. We also find a late accelerating phase when the bulk tachyon asymptotes to zero which in the geometrical tachyon picture corresponds to the minimum of the geometrical potential.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in JHE

    String-Like BTZ on Codimension-2 Braneworlds in the Thin Brane Limit

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    We consider five-dimensional gravity with a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk and an induced gravity term on a 2-brane of codimension-2. We show that this system admits BTZ black holes on the 2-brane which are extended into the bulk with regular horizons.Comment: Title changed, reference added, shortened to match the published version in Physical Review Letter

    Regularization of conical singularities in warped six-dimensional compactifications

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    We study the regularization of the codimension-2 singularities in six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell axisymmetric models with warping. These singularities are replaced by codimension-1 branes of a ring form, situated around the axis of symmetry. We assume that there is a brane scalar field with Goldstone dynamics, which is known to generate a brane energy momentum tensor of a particular structure necessary for the above regularization to be successful. We study these compactifications in both a non-supersymmetric and a supersymmetric setting. We see that in the non-supersymmetric case, there is a restriction to the admissible warpings and furthermore to the quantum numbers of the bulk gauge field and the brane scalar field. On the contrary, in the supersymmetric case, the warping can be arbitrary.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, comments adde

    Black Holes on Thin 3-branes of Codimension-2 and their Extension into the Bulk

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    We discuss black hole solutions in six-dimensional gravity with a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk and an induced gravity term on a thin 3-brane of codimension-2. We show that these black holes can be localized on the brane, and they can further be extended into the bulk by a warp function. These solutions have regular horizons and no other curvature singularities appear apart from the string-like ones. The projection of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the brane imposes a constraint relation which requires the presence of matter in the extra dimensions.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, minor corrections, version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Curvaton Dynamics in Brane-worlds

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    We study the curvaton dynamics in brane-world cosmologies. Assuming that the inflaton field survives without decay after the end of inflation, we apply the curvaton reheating mechanism to Randall-Sundrum and to its curvature corrections: Gauss-Bonnet, induced gravity and combined Gauss-Bonnet and induced gravity cosmological models. In the case of chaotic inflation and requiring suppression of possible short-wavelength generated gravitational waves, we constraint the parameters of a successful curvaton brane-world cosmological model. If density perturbations are also generated by the curvaton field then, the fundamental five-dimensional mass could be much lower than the Planck massComment: 47 pages, 1 figure, references added, to be published in JCA