109 research outputs found

    Highly entangled photons from hybrid piezoelectric-semiconductor quantum dot devices

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    Entanglement resources are key ingredients of future quantum technologies. If they could be efficiently integrated into a semiconductor platform a new generation of devices could be envisioned, whose quantum-mechanical functionalities are controlled via the mature semiconductor technology. Epitaxial quantum dots (QDs) embedded in diodes would embody such ideal quantum devices, but QD structural asymmetries lower dramatically the degree of entanglement of the sources and hamper severely their real exploitation in the foreseen applications. In this work, we overcome this hurdle using strain-tunable optoelectronic devices, where any QD can be tuned for the emission of highly polarization-entangled photons. The electrically-controlled sources violate Bell inequalities without the need of spectral or temporal filtering and they feature the highest degree of entanglement ever reported for QDs, with concurrence as high as 0.75(2). These quantum-devices are at present the most promising candidates for the direct implementation of QD-based entanglement-resources in quantum information science and technology

    Inversion of the exciton built-in dipole moment in In(Ga)As quantum dots via nonlinear piezoelectric effect

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    We show that anisotropic biaxial stress can be used to tune the built-in dipole moment of excitons confined in In(Ga)As quantum dots up to complete erasure of its magnitude and inversion of its sign. We demonstrate that this phenomenon is due to piezoelectricity. We present a model to calculate the applied stress, taking advantage of the so-called piezotronic effect, which produces significant changes in the current-voltage characteristics of the strained diode-membranes containing the quantum dots. Finally, self-consistent k.p calculations reveal that the experimental findings can be only accounted for by the nonlinear piezoelectric effect, whose importance in quantum dot physics has been theoretically recognized although it has proven difficult to single out experimentally.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Hints for a general understanding of the epitaxial rules for van der Waals epitaxy from Ge-Sb-Te alloys

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    In this study, a generalized guideline is identified to predict the interaction between two-dimensional (2D) layered materials and substrate surfaces. Additionally, the van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures commensurability, the phase formation and the strain relaxation are identified during interface growth. To achieve such a general overview, the case of Ge-Sb-Te (GST) alloys on InAs(111) is studied. In this system, low-lattice mismatch conditions are fulfilled to avoid relaxation due to formation of misfit dislocations and allow to correctly identify vdW epitaxy. At the same time, the substrate can be efficiently prepared into self- and un-passivated surfaces to clarify the role of the surface interaction. Furthermore, the GST epilayer exhibits two different highly ordered 2D structures and a three-dimensional disordered structure, allowing to directly infer the nature of the epitaxy. This study opens the way for the design and mastering of vdW epitaxial growth of 2D heterostructures as well as hybrid 2D and non-layered materials

    Effect of second order piezoelectricity on excitonic structure of stress-tuned InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We study the effects of the nonlinear piezoelectricity and the In distribution on the exciton energy, the electron-hole electric dipole moment, and the fine-structure splitting in stress-tunable InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots integrated onto a piezoelectric actuator. In particular, we investigate in detail the contributions of various elements of the expansion of the electrical polarization in terms of externally induced elastic strain on the latter two important quantum dot properties. Based on the comparison of the effects of first- and second-order piezoelectricity we provide a simple relation to estimate the influence of applied anisotropic stress on the quantum dot dipole moment for quantum dots significantly lattice mismatched to the host crystal

    Slow and fast single photons from a quantum dot interacting with the excited state hyperfine structure of the Cesium D1-line

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    Hybrid interfaces between distinct quantum systems play a major role in the implementation of quantum networks. Quantum states have to be stored in memories to synchronize the photon arrival times for entanglement swapping by projective measurements in quantum repeaters or for entanglement purification. Here, we analyze the distortion of a single-photon wave packet propagating through a dispersive and absorptive medium with high spectral resolution. Single photons are generated from a single In(Ga)As quantum dot with its excitonic transition precisely set relative to the Cesium D1 transition. The delay of spectral components of the single-photon wave packet with almost Fourier-limited width is investigated in detail with a 200 MHz narrow-band monolithic Fabry-PĂ©rot resonator. Reflecting the excited state hyperfine structure of Cesium, “slow light” and “fast light” behavior is observed. As a step towards room-temperature alkali vapor memories, quantum dot photons are delayed for 5 ns by strong dispersion between the two 1.17 GHz hyperfine-split excited state transitions. Based on optical pumping on the hyperfine-split ground states, we propose a simple, all-optically controllable delay for synchronization of heralded narrow-band photons in a quantum network.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, BauelementeEC/H2020/679183/EU/Entanglement distribution via Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Quantum-Dot Relays/SPQRe

    Atomic Clouds as Spectrally-Selective and Tunable Delay Lines for Single Photons from Quantum Dots

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    We demonstrate a compact, spectrally-selective, and tunable delay line for single photons emitted by quantum dots. This is achieved by fine-tuning the wavelength of the optical transitions of such "artificial atoms" into a spectral window in which a cloud of natural atoms behaves as slow-light medium. By employing the ground-state fine-structure-split exciton confined in an InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot as a source of single photons at different frequencies and the hyperfine-structure-split D1D_1 transition of Cs-vapors as a tunable delay-medium, we achieve a differential delay of up 2.4 ns on a 7.5 cm long path for photons that are only 60 \mu eV (14.5 GHz) apart. To quantitatively explain the experimental data we develop a theoretical model that accounts for both the inhomogeneously broadening of the quantum-dot emission lines and the Doppler-broadening of the atomic lines. The concept we proposed here may be used to implement time-reordering operations aimed at erasing the "which-path" information that deteriorates entangled-photon emission from excitons with finite fine-structure-splitting.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Strain-tunable entangled-light-emitting diodes with high yield and fast operation speed

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    Triggered sources of entangled photons play crucial roles in almost any existing protocol of quantum information science. The possibility to generate these non-classical states of light with high speed and using electrical pulses could revolutionize the field. Entangled-light-emitting-diodes (ELEDs) based on semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are at present the only devices that can address this task 5. However, ELEDs are plagued by a source of randomness that hampers their practical exploitation in the foreseen applications: the very low probability (~10-2) of finding QDs with sufficiently small fine-structure-splitting for entangled-photon-generation. Here, we overcome this hurdle by introducing the first strain-tunable ELEDs (S-ELEDs) that exploit piezoelectric-induced strains to tune QDs for entangled-photon-generation. We demonstrate that up to 30% of the QDs in S-ELEDs emit polarization-entangled photon pairs with entanglement-fidelities as high as f+ = 0.83(5). Driven at the highest operation speed of 400 MHz ever reported so far, S-ELEDs emerge as unique devices for high-data rate entangled-photon applications.Comment: 28 pages in total, including supplementary information. 5 figure
