77 research outputs found

    Benthic foraminifera indicate Glacial North Pacific intermediate water and reduced primary productivity over Bowers Ridge, Bering Sea, since the Mid-Brunhes Transition

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    The Mid-Brunhes Transition (MBT) saw an increase in the amplitude of glacial cycles expressed in ice core and deep ocean records from about 400 ka, but its influence on high-latitude climates is not fully understood. The Arctic Ocean is thought to have warmed and exhibited reduced sea ice, but little is known of sea ice marginal locations such as the Bering Sea. The Bering Sea is the link between the Arctic and Pacific Ocean and is an area of high productivity and CO2 ventilation; it hosts a pronounced oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and is thought to be the location of Glacial North Pacific Intermediate Water (GNPIW) formation in the Pleistocene. To understand palaeoceanographic change in the region, we analysed benthic foraminiferal faunas from Bowers Ridge (Site U1342, 800 m of water depth) over the past 600 kyr, as they are uniquely well preserved and sensitive to changes in deep and surface ocean conditions. We identified and imaged 71 taxa and provide a full taxonomy. Foraminiferal preservation is markedly higher during glacials, indicating the presence of less corrosive GNPIW. The most abundant species are Bulimina exilis, Takayanagia delicata, Alabaminella weddellensis, Gyroidina sp. 2, Cassidulina laevigata, Islandiella norcrossi, and Uvigerina bifurcata, consistent with broadly high net primary production throughout the last 600 kyr. Correspondence analysis shows that the most significant Assemblage 1 comprises B. exilis, T. delicata, Bolivina spissa, and Brizalina, which occur sporadically within intervals of laminated, biogenic-rich sediment, mostly during glacials and also some deglacials, and are interpreted as indicating very high productivity. Other assemblages contain the phytodetritivore species A. weddellensis, I. norcrossi, and C. laevigata, indicative of seasonal phytoplankton blooms. Before the MBT, more numerous intervals of the very high-productivity Assemblage 1 and A. weddellensis occur, which we suggest reflect a time of more sea-ice-related seasonal stratification and ice edge blooms. Our inference of a decrease in sea ice meltwater stratification influence in the central Bering Sea after the MBT is consistent with records showing that the Arctic and Pacific Ocean warmed during glacials and suggests that high-latitude productivity and sea ice changes were an important feature of this climate event

    A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene?

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    Recognition of intimate feedback mechanisms linking changes across the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere demonstrates the pervasive nature of humankind's influence, perhaps to the point that we have fashioned a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. To what extent will these changes be evident as long-lasting signatures in the geological record? To establish the Anthropocene as a formal chronostratigraphical unit it is necessary to consider a spectrum of indicators of anthropogenically induced environmental change, and to determine how these show as stratigraphic signals that can be used to characterize an Anthropocene unit and to recognize its base. It is important to consider these signals against a context of Holocene and earlier stratigraphic patterns. Here we review the parameters used by stratigraphers to identify chronostratigraphical units and how these could apply to the definition of the Anthropocene. The onset of the range of signatures is diachronous, although many show maximum signatures which post-date1945, leading to the suggestion that this date may be a suitable age for the start of the Anthropocene

    Gauging the impact of glacioeustasy on a mid-latitude early Silurian basin margin, mid Wales, UK

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    The early Silurian (Llandovery) Gondwanan South Polar ice sheet experienced episodes of ice retreat and re-advance. Marine base level curves constructed for the interval are widely assumed to provide a record of the associated glacioeustasy. In revealing a series of progradational sequences (progrades) bounded by flooding surfaces, recent work on the Type Llandovery succession in mid Wales (UK) has provided an opportunity to test this hypothesis. The grouping of these progrades into three composite sequences underpins the construction of both low order (small amplitude, high frequency) and high order (large amplitude, low frequency) base level movement curves. Revised biostratigraphical datasets for the type succession permit the accurate dating of base level events. The composite sequences record progradational acmes in the acinaces, lower convolutus and upper sedgwickii-halli graptolite biozones. A series of transgressions that postdate the Hirnantian glacial maximum culminated in an upper persculptus Biozone high-stand. Maximum flooding events also occurred during the revolutus and lower sedgwickii biozones, and the base of the early Telychian guerichi Biozone also marked the onset of a pronounced deepening. A review of 62 published datasets, including global and other regional base level curves, records of glacial activity, isotope data, patterns of facies and faunal flux and putative climate models, permits an evaluation of the origins of these local base level events. The concept of a Eustasy Index is introduced and shows that the impacts of global sea level movements can only be demonstrated within narrow ‘eustatic windows’ coincident with times of ice sheet collapse. At other times, the geometry of Llandovery area progrades reflects their accumulation across a faulted basin margin where, during periods of slow ice sheet advance, epeirogenic processes outstripped sea level movements as the dominant forcing factors. Increased levels of Telychian subsidence at first enhanced and then overwhelmed the influence of glacioeustasy as part of the region's response to the north European Scandian deformation

    Polymorphic organization in a planktonic graptoloid (Hemichordata: Pterobranchia) colony of Late Ordovician age

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    Graptolites are common fossils in Early Palaeozoic strata, but little is known of their soft-part anatomy. However, we report a long-overlooked specimen of Dicranograptus aff. ramosus from Late Ordovician strata of southern Scotland that preserves a strongly polymorphic, recalcitrant, organic-walled network hitherto unseen in graptoloid graptolites. This network displays three morphologies: proximally, a strap-like pattern, likely of flattened tubes; these transform distally into isolated, hourglass-shaped structures; then, yet more distally, revert to a (simpler) strap-like pattern. The network most likely represents a stolon-like system, hitherto unknown in graptoloids, that connected individual zooids. Its alternative interpretation, as colonial xenobionts that infested a graptoloid colony and mimicked its architecture, is considered less likely on taphonomic and palaeobiological grounds. Such polymorphism is not known in non-graptolite pterobranchs, which are less diverse and morphologically more conservative: a division of labour between graptoloid zooids for such functions as feeding, breeding and rhabdosome construction may have been the key to their remarkable evolutionary success

    Holocene drainage systems of the English Fenland : roddons and their environmental significance

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    The roddons of the English Fenlands are fossilised silt and sand-filled tidal creek systems of mid- to late-Holocene age, incised into contemporaneous clay deposits. However, anthropogenic change (drainage and agriculture) has caused the former channels to become positive topographical features. Three stratigraphically discrete generations of roddon have been discriminated. They all show well-developed dendritic meander patterns, but there is little or no evidence of sand/silt infill during meandering; thus, unlike modern tidal creeks and rivers they typically lack laterally stacked point bar deposits, suggesting rapid infill. Major “trunk” roddons are rich in fine sands and there is little change in grain size from roddon mouth to the upper reaches, suggesting highly effective sand transport mechanisms and uniform conditions of deposition. Tributaries are silt-rich, while minor tributaries also have a significant clay component. During infill, active drainage networks appear to have been choked by sediment, converting mudflat/salt-marsh environments into widespread peat-forming freshwater reed swamps

    Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the regional Arenig Series in Wales and correlation with the global Lower–Middle Ordovician series and stages

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    The Arenig Fawr area of North Wales constitutes the type area for the British Lower to Middle Ordovician Arenig Series and is complemented by sections in the Carmarthen and Whitland areas of South Wales. We describe chitinozoan assemblages from both areas in order to aid correlation of the Arenig Series in its type region with the global Ordovician series and stages. Chitinozoans recorded from Arenig Fawr provide permissive rather than conclusive evidence but suggest that the Henllan Ash Member correlates with the upper Floian Stage Slice Fl3 or lower Dapingian Stage Slice Dp1. Better results were obtained from South Wales where six chitinozoan assemblages are distinguished, ranging in age from late Tremadocian to middle Darriwilian (early Llanvirn). Most species are known from South China, Gondwana and/or Baltica where there are controls on ranges. They show that much of the lower Arenig (Moridunian) succession in South Wales correlates with the upper Floian Stage (Fl3). Correlatives of the lower and middle Floian Stage (Fl1, Fl2), if present, must be represented by the Ogof Hên Formation and lowest Carmarthen Formation. Chitinozoan assemblages from the upper Arenig Series (Fennian Stage) are more readily correlated with Gondwanan biozones and indicate correlation of the Fennian Stage with the Dapingian and lower Darriwilian (Dw1) stages. The middle Arenig Whitlandian Stage is constrained in South Wales to an interval from the uppermost Floian Stage to the basal Dapingian Stage, resulting in an inferred increased rate of sediment accumulation

    Integrated stratigraphical study of the Rhuddanian-Aeronian (Llandovery, Silurian) boundary succession in the Rheidol Gorge, Wales:A proposed Global Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the Aeronian Stage

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    The Rheidol Gorge section, approximately 17 km east of Aberystwyth, mid Wales, exposes a ca. 20 m-thick succession of Llandovery (Silurian) strata from the upper Rhuddanian Pernerograptus revolutus Biozone through the lower Aeronian Demirastrites triangulatus Biozone and basal Neodiplograptus magnus Biozone. The section records deposition under a range of bottom-water oxygenation states. The Rhuddanian-Aeronian boundary is located 0.8 m above an abrupt lithological change from predominantly organic-poor, bioturbated `oxic' mudrocks to an interval of black, richly graptolitic `anoxic' shales. The graptolite fauna through the boundary interval, including the local lowest occurrence of D. triangulatus, allows precise correlation with other parts of the world. Graptolite assemblages indicative of separate divisions in the underlying revolutus Biozone and of the lower and upper parts of the triangulatus Biozone are also present. Chitinozoans are relatively well preserved in the section and indicate the Spinachitina maennili Biozone throughout the boundary interval, as is widely the case. The results of carbon isotope analyses from organic matter indistinctly show the weak interval of positive shift in d13C org values through the Rhuddanian-Aeronian boundary interval, as observed globally, though local or regional processes appear largely to overprint the global signal. Overall, the excellent biostratigraphical record, well-documented local and regional stratigraphical context, historical significance, as well as easy access and assured longterm preservation, mean that the Rheidol Gorge section can be proposed as a strong candidate for a new Global Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the Aeronian Stage.. Silurian, Llandovery, Rhuddanian, Aeronian, Global Stratotype Section and Point, Graptolites, Chitinozoa, Carbon Isotope

    The Great Acceleration is real and provides a quantitative basis for the proposed Anthropocene Series/Epoch

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    The Anthropocene was conceptualized in 2000 to reflect the extensive impact of human activities on our planet, and subsequent detailed analyses have revealed a substantial Earth System response to these impacts beginning in the mid-20th century. Key to this understanding was the discovery of a sharp upturn in a multitude of global socio-economic indicators and Earth System trends at that time; a phenomenon termed the ‘Great Acceleration’. It coincides with massive increases in global human-consumed energy and shows the Earth System now on a trajectory far exceeding the earlier variability of the Holocene Epoch, and in some respects the entire Quaternary Period. The evaluation of geological signals similarly shows the mid-20th century as representing the most appropriate inception for the Anthropocene. A recent mathematical analysis has nonetheless challenged the significance of the original Great Acceleration data. We examine this analytical approach and reiterate the robustness of the original data in supporting the Great Acceleration, while emphasizing that intervals of rapid growth are inevitably time-limited, as recognised at the outset. Moreover, the exceptional magnitude of this growth remains undeniable, reaffirming the centrality of the Great Acceleration in justifying a formal chronostratigraphic Anthropocene at the rank of series/epoch

    The Anthropocene is a prospective epoch/series, not a geological event

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    The Anthropocene defined as an epoch/series within the Geological Time Scale, and with an isochronous inception in the mid-20th century, would both utilize the rich array of stratigraphic signals associated with the Great Acceleration and align with Earth System science analysis from where the term Anthropocene originated. It would be stratigraphically robust and reflect the reality that our planet has far exceeded the range of natural variability for the Holocene Epoch/Series which it would terminate. An alternative, recently advanced, time-transgressive ‘geological event’ definition would decouple the Anthropocene from its stratigraphic characterisation and association with a major planetary perturbation. We find this proposed anthropogenic ‘event’ to be primarily an interdisciplinary concept in which historical, cultural and social processes and their global environmental impacts are all flexibly interpreted within a multi-scalar framework. It is very different from a stratigraphic-methods-based Anthropocene epoch/series designation, but as an anthropogenic phenomenon, if separately defined and differently named, might be usefully complementary to it

    Formal ratification of subseries for the Pleistocene Series of the Quaternary System

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    The Pleistocene Series/Epoch of the Quaternary System/Period has been divided unofficially into three subseries/subepochs since at least the 1870s. On 30 January, 2020, the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences ratified two proposals approved by the International Commission on Stratigraphy formalizing: 1) the Lower Pleistocene Subseries, comprising the Gelasian Stage and the superjacent Calabrian Stage, with a base defined by the GSSP for the Gelasian Stage, the Pleistocene Series, and the Quaternary System, and currently dated at 2.58 Ma; and 2) the term Upper Pleistocene, at the rank of subseries, with a base currently undefined but provisionally dated at ~129 ka. Defining the Upper Pleistocene Subseries and its corresponding stage with a GSSP is in progress. The Middle Pleistocene Subseries is defined by the recently ratified GSSP for the Chibanian Stage currently dated at 0.774 Ma. These ratifications complete the official division of the Pleistocene into three subseries/subepochs, in uniformity with the similarly subdivided Holocene Series/Epoch