85 research outputs found

    Assessing Organizational Change in Multisector Community Health Alliances

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110557/1/hesr12216-sup-0001-AuthorMatrix.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110557/2/hesr12216.pd

    San Francisco Hep B Free: A Grassroots Community Coalition to Prevent Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer

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    Chronic hepatitis B is the leading cause of liver cancer and the largest health disparity between Asian/Pacific Islanders (APIs) and the general US population. The Hep B Free model was launched to eliminate hepatitis B infection by increasing hepatitis B awareness, testing, vaccination, and treatment among APIs by building a broad, community-wide coalition. The San Francisco Hep B Free campaign is a diverse public/private collaboration unifying the API community, health care system, policy makers, businesses, and the general public in San Francisco, California. Mass-media and grassroots messaging raised citywide awareness of hepatitis B and promoted use of the existing health care system for hepatitis B screening and follow-up. Coalition partners reported semi-annually on activities, resources utilized, and system changes instituted. From 2007 to 2009, over 150 organizations contributed approximately $1,000,000 in resources to the San Francisco Hep B Free campaign. 40 educational events reached 1,100 healthcare providers, and 50% of primary care physicians pledged to screen APIs routinely for hepatitis B. Community events and fairs reached over 200,000 members of the general public. Of 3,315 API clients tested at stand-alone screening sites created by the campaign, 6.5% were found to be chronically infected and referred to follow-up care. A grassroots coalition that develops strong partnerships with diverse organizations can use existing resources to successfully increase public and healthcare provider awareness about hepatitis B among APIs, promote routine hepatitis B testing and vaccination as part of standard primary care, and ensure access to treatment for chronically infected individuals

    How does community context influence coalitions in the formation stage? a multiple case study based on the Community Coalition Action Theory

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Community coalitions are rooted in complex and dynamic community systems. Despite recognition that environmental factors affect coalition behavior, few studies have examined how community context impacts coalition formation. Using the Community Coalition Action theory as an organizing framework, the current study employs multiple case study methodology to examine how five domains of community context affect coalitions in the formation stage of coalition development. Domains are history of collaboration, geography, community demographics and economic conditions, community politics and history, and community norms and values.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were from 8 sites that participated in an evaluation of a healthy cities and communities initiative in California. Twenty-three focus groups were conducted with coalition members, and 76 semi-structured interviews were conducted with local coordinators and coalition leaders. Cross-site analyses were conducted to identify the ways contextual domains influenced selection of the lead agency, coalition membership, staffing and leadership, and coalition processes and structures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>History of collaboration influenced all four coalition factors examined, from lead agency selection to coalition structure. Geography influenced coalition formation largely through membership and staffing, whereas the demographic and economic makeup of the community had an impact on coalition membership, staffing, and infrastructure for coalition processes. The influence of community politics, history, norms and values was most noticeable on coalition membership.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Findings contribute to an ecologic and theory-based understanding of the range of ways community context influences coalitions in their formative stage.</p

    Engagement and Action for Health: The Contribution of Leaders’ Collaborative Skills to Partnership Success

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    A multi-site evaluation (survey) of five Kellogg-funded Community Partnerships (CPs) in South Africa was undertaken to explore the relationship between leadership skills and a range of 30 operational, functional and organisational factors deemed critical to successful CPs. The CPs were collaborative academic-health service-community efforts aimed at health professions education reforms. The level of agreement to eleven dichotomous (‘Yes/No’) leadership skills items was used to compute two measures of members’ appreciation of their CPs’ leadership. The associations between these measures and 30 CPs factors were explored, and the partnership factors that leadership skills explained were assessed after controlling. Respondents who perceived the leadership of their CPs favourably had more positive ratings across 30 other partnership factors than those who rated leadership skills less favourably, and were more likely to report a positive cost/ benefit ratio. In addition, respondents who viewed their CPs’ leadership positively also rated the operational understanding, the communication mechanisms, as well as the rules and procedures of the CPs more favourably. Leadership skills explained between 20% and 7% of the variance of 10 partnership factors. The influence of leaders’ skills in effective health-focussed partnerships is much broader than previously conceptualised

    Measuring capacity building in communities: a review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although communities have long been exhorted to make efforts to enhance their own health, such approaches have often floundered and resulted in little or no health benefits when the capacity of the community has not been adequately strengthened. Thus being able to assess the capacity building process is paramount in facilitating action in communities for social and health improvement. The current review aims to i) identify all domains used in systematically documented frameworks developed by other authors to assess community capacity building; and ii) to identify the dimensions and attributes of each of the domains as ascribed by these authors and reassemble them into a comprehensive compilation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Relevant published articles were identified through systematic electronic searches of selected databases and the examination of the bibliographies of retrieved articles. Studies assessing capacity building or community development or community participation were selected and assessed for methodological quality, and quality in relation to the development and application of domains which were identified as constituents of community capacity building. Data extraction and analysis were undertaken using a realist synthesis approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eighteen articles met the criteria for this review. The various domains to assess community capacity building were identified and reassembled into nine comprehensive domains: "learning opportunities and skills development", "resource mobilization", "partnership/linkages/networking", "leadership", "participatory decision-making", "assets-based approach", "sense of community", "communication", and "development pathway". Six sub-domains were also identified: "shared vision and clear goals", "community needs assessment", "process and outcome monitoring", "sustainability", "commitment to action" and "dissemination".</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The set of domains compiled in this review serve as a foundation for community-based work by those in the field seeking to support and nurture the development of competent communities. Further research is required to examine the robustness of capacity domains over time and to examine capacity development in association with health or other social outcomes.</p

    Jezikovna podoba dveh slovensko-madžarskih dvojezičnih osnovnih šol v Porabju

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    Magiszteri dolgozatomban bemutatom a két Rába-vidéki kétnyelvű általános iskola vizuális nyelvhasználatának vizsgálatával foglalkozó kutatómunkám eredményeit. Az elméleti részben először röviden bemutatom a Rába-vidéket és annak nyelvhasználatát, majd ezt követi a nyelvi tájkép fogalma és az iskolai nyelvi tájkép részleges szakirodalmának áttekintése, illetve a fogalom tisztázása. A folytatásban a Rába-vidéki oktatásról írok. Dolgozatom fő részét az empirikus részben elemzett 53 nyelvitájképelem, illetve a két honlap és egy Facebook-oldal jelenti. Ezek segítségével vizsgáltam a két oktatási intézmény vizuális nyelvhasználatát, illetve a virtuális térben megjelenő nyelvi tájképüket. Az elemzés során megállapítottam, hogy a kétnyelvű feliratok esetében túlnyomórészt a magyar és a szlovén standard változatok érvényesülnek és nincsenek formai különbségek a nemzetiségi nyelv rovására. Az iskoláknak fontos, hogy az itt élő közösség anyanyelve vizuális nyelvhasználatukban is kiemelkedő szerepet töltsön be.V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave o vizualni jezikovni rabi dveh dvojezičnih osnovnih šol v Porabju (Gornji Senik in Števanovci). Skozi raziskavo se ukvarjamo z avtohtono slovensko skupnostjo na Madžarskem oziroma z njeno jezikovno podobo (linguistic landscape). Glavni cilj raziskovanja je sociolingvistična predstavitev območja oziroma analiza šolske jezikovne podobe (schoolscape) dveh dvojezičnih osnovnih šol, ki delujeta tukaj. Raziskovanje omenjene šolske jezikovne podobe je nova veja raziskovanja jezikovne podobe, razmeroma novo raziskovalno področje jezikoslovja (sociolingvistike). V Porabju, kjer živijo Slovenci, pa pomeni analiza šolske vizualne rabe jezika, vidne dvojezičnosti, popolnoma nov pristop, saj je temo v tej skupnosti preučevalo razmeroma malo raziskovalcev. Ravno zaradi tega se je nam zdelo pomembno, da se pripravi izčrpna študija tudi o šolski jezikovni podobi dveh dvojezičnih osnovnih šol v Porabju. V teoretičnem delu na kratko predstavimo Porabje in njegovo rabo jezika, čemur sledita definicija jezikovne podobe in delna predstavitev strokovne literature o šolski jezikovni podobi oziroma definiranje tega pojma. V nadaljevanju govorimo o porabskem šolstvu, kjer na kratko predstavimo dvojezično šolstvo ter zgodovino in sedanjost šolstva v Porabju. Ko govorimo o jezikovnem območju določene šole, ne mislimo le na dokumentacijo in rutinske postopke institucije, ampak tudi na jezikovno podobo. O jezikovni vrednoti šole pričajo besedila, slike in drugi kulturni simboli, ki se nahajajo na fasadi stavbe in v notranjih prostorih. V empiričnem delu naloge smo se ukvarjali s sistematiziranjem oziroma z analizo zbranih elementov šolske jezikovne podobe. Pri tem so bili v pomoč strokovna literatura, madžarski zakon o narodnostnih pravicah, osebne izkušnje in spoznavanje skupnosti. Osrednji del naloge predstavlja 53 elementov jezikovne podobe, ki so bili zbrani na gornjeseniški in števanovski osnovni šoli, spletnih straneh dveh porabskih osnovnih šol ter Facebook strani dvojezične osnovne šole na Gornjem Seniku. S pomočjo teh smo raziskovali vizualno jezikovno rabo dveh izobraževalnih ustanov oziroma njihovo jezikovno podobo v virtualnem prostoru

    Jezikovna podoba v slovenskem Porabju

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    Magiszteri dolgozatomban a szlovén Rába-vidék vizuális nyelvhasználatával kapcsolatos kutatómunkám eredményeit mutatom be. A dolgozat elején a magyarországi szlovének által lakott települések történelmi és földrajzi leírása, illetve az egyes falvak rövid bemutatása kap helyet. Ezt követi a nyelvi tájkép fogalmának tisztázása, majd a nemzetközi, a Kárpát-medencei és a szlovén nyelvterületen létrejött szakirodalmak rövid áttekintése. A magiszteri dolgozat fő részét a 164 nyelvi tájképelem rendszerezése, elemzése jelenti. A szlovén Rába-vidéken gyűjtött képanyag több mint fele (91 tájképelem) kétnyelvű, duplikáló jellegű, így az abba a csoportba tartozó táblákat, feliratokat külön fejezetben elemzem. Ennek során az alábbiakat állapítom meg: a duplikáló jellegű táblákon legtöbbször a standard nyelvváltozat érvényesül, nagyon kevés példa van arra az esetre, amikor a szlovén Rába-vidéki nyelvjárás szerepel a magyar szöveg melletta szövegek formai eloszlását tekintve 74 magyar–szlovén és magyar–egyéb nyelvű feliratot fotóztam lea betűnagyságok az esetek túlnyomó részében a magyar és a más nyelvben (általában szlovén) azonosak. Végezetül egy rövid kérdőív segítségével összegyűjtöttem néhány itt élő ember tapasztalatait. A 13 adatközlőm válaszában megfogalmazódtak azok az attitűdök, amelyek a továbbiakban hozzájárulhatnak ahhoz, hogy a Rába-vidéki szlovének közössége virtuálisan is hangsúlyozottabban megmutassa önmagát, hozzájárulva ezzel anyanyelvváltozatbeli vitalitásuk erősödéséhez is.V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskovanja virtualne jezikovne rabe slovenskega Porabja. V začetku so predstavljene geografske in zgodovinske značilnosti slovenskega Porabja, čemur sledijo kratki opisi posameznih naselij. V nadaljevanju sledi razjasnjevanje pojma jezikovne podobe in kratek pregled mednarodne, karpatsko bazenske in na slovenskem jezikovnem območju nastale strokovne literature. Osrednji del magistrskega dela predstavlja sistematizacija in analiza 164 jezikovnih elementov. Več kot polovica (91 elementov) slikovnega gradiva, zbranega v slovenskem Porabju, je dvojezična, zato smo table, napise, ki sodijo v to skupino, analizirali v posameznem poglavju. Ugotavljamo, da se na dvojezičnih tablah največkrat uveljavlja knjižni jezik, v zelo malo primerih najdemo porabsko narečje ob madžarskem besediluglede na formalno porazdelitev besedil smo evidentirali 74 madžarsko–slovenskih in madžarsko–drugo jezičnih napisovvelikosti pisave so v madžarskem in drugem jeziku (ponavadi v slovenščini) pretežno enaki. Na koncu smo s pomočjo kratkega vprašalnika zbrali izkušnje nekaj tukaj živečih. V odgovorih 13 informatorjev so se izoblikovala vedenja, ki lahko v nadaljevanju prispevajo k temu, da bo slovenska skupnost v Porabju tudi virtualno bolj poudarjala samo sebe in s tem prispevala k temu, da se bo krepila tudi vitalnost njenega maternega jezika

    The Lexis from the Semantic Field of Orchard, Garden and Field in the Gornji Senik Dialect

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    Magistrsko delo prinaša izsledke raziskave besedja iz tematskega polja sadovnjak, vrt in polje, zbranega na Gornjem Seniku. Gornji Senik je največja vas v slovenskem Porabju, kjer živi slovenska manjšina. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo geografski in zgodovinski oris Porabja, gornjeseniški govor pa umeščamo v prekmursko narečje panonske narečne skupine, natančneje v goričko podnarečje. V osrednjem delu v obliki treh tematskih slovarjev predstavljamo gornjeseniško besedje za sadovnjak, vrt in polje, zbrano z metodo terenske ankete po Vprašalnici za zbiranje narečnega gradiva Francke Benedik. Vse pogovore z informatorji smo posneli in fonetično zapisali, gradivo slovarsko uredili in primerjali izpričanost narečnih leksemov v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika ter v obeh porabskih slovarjih, Mukičevem Porabsko-knjižnoslovensko-madžarskem slovarju (2005) in Slovarju Gornjega Senika A–L Marije Bajzek Lukač (2009). Po vprašalnici smo zbrali 409 različne lekseme, katerih pomen je dokumentiran tudi z bogatim ponazarjalnim gradivom, in ugotovili, da več kot 40 % besed ni zabeleženih v Mukičevem slovarju, ki prinaša do sedaj najobsežnejšo zbirko porabskega besedja, v preostalih slovarjih je ta odstotek še višji. Večina zbranih leksemov je izvorno slovanska, sobivanje z madžarsko jezikovno skupnostjo pa v obravnavanem besedju ni pustilo močnejših sledi.The master’s thesis presents the results of the research of the lexis from the semantic field of orchard, garden and field, collected in Gornji Senik. Gornji Senik is the largest village in the Slovenian Porabje, where lives the Slovenian minority. In the master\u27s thesis we present the geographical and historical characteristics of Porabje and we classify the dialect of Gornji Senik as part of the Prekmurje dialect of the Pannonian dialect group, more precisely as part of the Goričko subdialect. In the central part we present the lexis for orchard, garden and field from Gornji Senik in the form of three thematic dictionaries, collected by the method of a field survey based on Questionnaires for Collecting Dialectic Material by Francka Benedik. All conversations with informants were recorded and written phonetically, the material was lexically edited and we compared the informant’s lexis with lexemes in the Dictionary of Standard Slovene Language (sl. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika) and in both dictionaries from Porabje region, Mukič’s Dictionary of the Rába Valley Dialect, Literary Slovenian, and Hungarian (sl. Porabsko-knjižnjeslovensko-madžarskem slovarju) (2005) and Slovarju Gornjega Senika A–L by Marija Bajzek Lukač (2009). According to the questionnaire we collected 409 different lexemes and their meaning is documented with illustrative material, and found that more than 40% of words is not recorded in Mukič’s dictionary, even though it includes the most extensive collection of words from Porabje dialect. Most of the collected lexemes are originally Slavic, and the coexistence with the Hungarian language community did not leave stronger impact on lexis we included in researc

    Idioms Including Domestic Animals in Subdialect of Gornji Senik

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    V magistrskem delu z naslovom Frazemi s sestavino za domače živali v gornjeseniškem govoru sta predstavljena narečna podoba govora vasi Gornji Senik in abecedni slovar narečnih frazemov, ki je nastal na podlagi gradiva, pridobljenega s terensko raziskavo. V začetku so predstavljene geografske in zgodovinske značilnosti slovenskega Porabja in Gornjega Senika. V nadaljevanju sledi natančnejši glasoslovni oris govora vasi Gornji Senik, ki ga slovenska dialektologija uvršča v panonsko narečno skupino, natančneje h goričkemu podnarečju prekmurskega narečja. Osrednji del magistrskega dela predstavlja slovar, ki vsebuje frazeme s sestavinami za domače živali. Slovar obsega 103 geselske članke, ki so razvrščeni po abecednem redu. Porabski narečni frazemi so pomensko analizirani in po pojavnosti primerjani s frazemi v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika in v Kebrovem Slovarju slovenskih frazemov. Ugotavljamo, da je v obeh knjižnih slovarjih in v narečju 22 pomensko in sestavinsko enakih frazemov, zapisali pa smo tudi 44 lokalno specifičnih frazemov, tj. frazemov, ki so v primerjavi s frazemi, zabeleženimi v knjižnih slovarjih, manjkajoči. V narečnih frazemih je med posameznimi živalskimi vrstami najpogosteje zastopana goveja živina, med posameznimi živalmi pa se kot sestavina frazema najpogosteje pojavlja pes, temu pa pogostnosti pojavljanja sledi maček.The Master’s thesis titled Idioms comprised by words denominating pets in the Gornji Senik dialect describes the dialectal image of the Gornji Senik village and the alphabetical dictionary of idioms, which was created on grounds of the results of field research. In the beginning, the geographical and historical characteristics of the slovene Porabje regions and of Gornji Senik are introduced. What follows is an exact vocal outline of the dialect spoken in the village of Gornji Senik, which Slovene dialectology classifies as part of the Panonian dialect, more precisely as part of the Goričko subdialect of the Prekmurje dialect. The central part of the Master’s thesis is comprised by a dictionary which contains idioms comprised by words denominating pets and animals. The dictionary encompasses 103 dictionary entries which appear in alphabetical order. Idioms belonging to the Porabje dialect are semantically analyzed and compared to idioms in the Dictionary of Slovene Standard Language (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika) and to idioms in the Dictionary of Slovene Idioms (Slovar slovenskih frazemov) by Keber. We find that, in both dictionaries, there are 22 idioms which are identical in their meaning and their components, and we have also noted 44 locally specific idioms, meaning idioms which are, in comparison to idioms which are noted in standard dictionaries, missing. The most commonly occuring component of dialectal idioms in terms of animals is bovine livestock, and in terms of pets, the most common component is the dog, which is, in frequency of appearance, followed by the cat