24 research outputs found


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    One of the clinical manifestations felt by fracture patients is pain. Pain in fracture sufferers is sharp and stabbing, One way to reduce pain in fracture patients non-pharmacologically is to apply cold compresses to the pain area. Pain can occur in almost every fracture area, if not treated it can have a dangerous effect that will interfere with the healing process and increase morbidity and mortality. The purpose of the service is to increase the insight, knowledge and willingness of the community to apply cold compresses, especially to patients with closed fractures to reduce pain. Participants in this activity were 48 people with closed fractures at the Orthopedic Poly Hospital, Langsa City General Hospital. This community service method first carried out counseling, demonstration of cold compresses using an ice bottle. The results of community service showed that knowledge after being given counseling increased from 54.2% to 72.9% as well as the intensity of pain from moderate pain to mild pain the participants also said it was very comfortable to be given cold compresses. It is hoped that patients with closed fractures can do therapy non-pharmacological cold compresses to reduce pain and reduce the side effects of using drugs


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai faktor yang berkontribusiterhadap perilaku herding di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data dalam penelitian inimenggunakan data primer berupa kuesioner terstruktur yang secara pribadidikirmkan kepada responden. Penelitian ini berfokus pada psikologi investor ritelserta berbagai faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap perilaku herding di antarainvestor ritel di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Adapun pengambilan sampel menggunakanteknik purposive sampling yang dilakukan pada 287 investor atau responden.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah factor analysis dengan pendekatan CFA(Confirmatory Factor Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investor mempertimbangkanberbagai parameter saat membuat keputusan investasi mereka. Kekuatan intuisi,kemampuan mengambil risiko dan tingkat kepercayaan diri investor ritel memilikipengaruh yang lebih besar saat menyusun strategi investasi. Sedangkan hasil analisfaktor dari 8 faktor pembentuk herding berdasarkan replikasi penelitian Saxena etal., (2016), hanya 3 faktor saja yang sesuai dengan hasil temuan Saxena et al., yaitu:lack of awareness, under confidence dan optimism. Dua faktor pembentuk herdingmembentuk komponen yang sama (berada dalam satu komponen), yaitu: socialproof - bandwagon effect dan speculation - volatility in global market. Sedangkanfaktor yang tidak membentuk perilaku herding adalah reputational factors.Kata kunci: Perilaku keuangan, Herding, Bursa Efek Indonesi

    Zakat dalam Mazhab Shafi’i: analisis kaedah istinbat hukum = Zakat In Mazhab Shafi’i: method analysis “Istinbat hukum”

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    Zakat adalah salah satu dari rukun Islam terpenting terutama yang berkaitan dengan Muamalat, dengan tujuan untuk menyucikan hati dan harta. Dalam membincangkan hukumhukum berkaitan zakat, banyak isu-isu berkaitan zakat yang timbul yang memerlukan kefahaman mendalam berkaitan tentang metodologi hukum Syariah dalam mengeluarkan hukum yang tuntas. Melihat kepada keadaan semasa, nampak seolah bahawa penekanan utama dalam soal zakat ialah jumlah kutipan, disamping beberapa silap faham lain dalam beberapa prinsip hukum berkaitan zakat, tanpa mendalami metodologi hukum sepertimana yang dibincangkan oleh mazhab Shafi‘i dan tanpa mengambil kira objektif utama/maqasid zakat. Menggunakan kajian kepustakaan sepenuhnya, kajian mendapati bahawa mazhabShafie mempunyai beberapa perbezaan dan keistimewaan dalam bidang zakat, seperti adanya konsep khultah yang dijuarai oleh ulama mazhab Shafi‘i dan konsep ini menjadi asas pengiraan bagi zakat perniagaan semasa bagi syarikat-syarikat dan perkongsian, begitu juga zakat sangat mengambil kira kesempurnaan syarat bagi harta berbanding kesempurnaan syarat wajib zakat ke atas individu, dan beberapa prinsip hukum lain yang berkaitan zakat yang menunjukkan keistimewaan metodologi hukum dalam mazhab ini dalam bidang zakat. ********************************************************************************* Zakat is one of the most important pillars of Islam, specifically pertaining to Muamalat, with the purpose of purifying heart and property. In discussing laws related to zakat, many current issues pertaining to zakat arise which require a thorough understanding of the Shariah rules in deriving the accurate laws. Looking at the current situation, it seems that the main concern in the zakat is the amount of collection, as well as other misunderstanding in some of the principle of zakat without properly adhering to the methodology of law deliberated by the Shafi‘i`s madhhab and without considering the real purpose (Maqasid) of zakat. Using the full library study, the findings show that the Shafi‘i madhhab has some distinction and specialty in the zakat fields, such as the concept of khultah which is spearheaded by Shafi‘i scholars and this concept has become the basis of the calculation of current business zakat for companies and partnership, as well as zakat is really much concern on the fulfilment of the asset`s requirement rather that the fulfilment of Zakat is one of the most important pillars of Islam, specifically pertaining to Muamalat, with the purpose of purifying heart and property. In discussing laws related to zakat, many current issues pertaining to zakat arise which require a thorough understanding of the Shariah rules in deriving the accurate laws. Looking at the current situation, it seems that the main concern in the zakat is the amount of collection, as well as other misunderstanding in some of the principle of zakat without properly adhering to the methodology of law deliberated by the Shafi‘i`s madhhab and without considering the real purpose (Maqasid) of zakat. Using the full library study, the findings show that the Shafi‘i madhhab has some distinction and specialty in the zakat fields, such as the concept of khultah which is spearheaded by Shafi‘i scholars and this concept has become the basis of the calculation of current business zakat for companies and partnership, as well as zakat is really much concern on the fulfilment of the asset`s requirement rather that the fulfilment of Zakat is one of the most important pillars of Islam, specifically pertaining to Muamalat, with the purpose of purifying heart and property. In discussing laws related to zakat, many current issues pertaining to zakat arise which require a thorough understanding of the Shariah rules in deriving the accurate laws. Looking at the current situation, it seems that the main concern in the zakat is the amount of collection, as well as other misunderstanding in some of the principle of zakat without properly adhering to the methodology of law deliberated by the Shafi‘i`s madhhab and without considering the real purpose (Maqasid) of zakat. Using the full library study, the findings show that the Shafi‘i madhhab has some distinction and specialty in the zakat fields, such as the concept of khultah which is spearheaded by Shafi‘i scholars and this concept has become the basis of the calculation of current business zakat for companies and partnership, as well as zakat is really much concern on the fulfilment of someone`s taklif/obligation requirement, and other principles related to zakat that underline the specialty of the rule of Law of the madhhab in the field of zakat

    The concept of zakat of Mustaghallat and its application to long term investment Sukuk

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    The topic of financial markets and the Zakat rulings related to its prod-ucts is among the topics that reoccur from time to time with the changes in product versions and features as there are new developments related to long term investment products ranging from the shares in the stock market to the various forms of sukuk. Is it therefore conceivable to develop a fiqh ruling for those who own such long term instruments for investment and are await-ing the returns – similar to Zakat on “mustaghallat” (rental and lease income generating assets), where the zakat is only paid on the rental income? This is in fact the opinion of some of the Zakat bodies and institutions in Malaysia, specifically for Zakat on long-term investment products such as shares and Sukuk, where zakat is due on the dividends only after the passing of a full year, which is in line with the tax system. The question that this research presents is: Can zakat on long-term investment sukuk be considered equal to zakat on mustaghallat which is compulsory on the yields/ rental income on-ly? This research aims to investigate the new data on sukuk and review the accuracy of the ruling that their zakat is the same as the zakat of mus-taghallat

    Pengaruh Diameter Hidrolik Terhadap Perpindahan Panas Kolektor Surya Belokan Tajam

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    Rectangular crossings with sharp turns have complex three-dimensional structures because the flow separation is caused by sudden changes in direction of flow in sharp turns. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the width of the sharp channel solar collectors with hydraulic diameter factors to increase the heat transfer rate in solar collectors. The size of the collector examined was 2440mm x 1220mm in the form of a rectangular cross-section. Solar collectors use iron and iron gram absorber with a thickness of 30mm, the thermometer is placed on each track, channel, absorbent and output temperatur  of each solar collector. The results of the study can be concluded that the solar collector with the largest hydraulic diameter value of 223 cm will produce the highest output temperatur  and the temperatur  distribution at the collector can reach 91º C at 13.30. This is because the greater the value of the hydraulic diameter or cross-sectional area will increase the heat transfer rate

    Hubungan aktivitas fisik lansia elderly (60-74 tahun) dengan fungsi kognitif

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    Background: Physical activity is any body movement that generates energy to do it. Elderly due to degenerative, there will be a decrease in cognitive function, namely mental processes in obtaining knowledge or abilities and intelligence, including ways of thinking, and memory. This decrease in cognitive function is a normal condition experienced by the elderly with increasing age. This lack in cognitive function can be inhibited by taking preventive measures by increasing physical activity.Objective: To determine the relationship between physical activity of older adults (60-74 years) and cognitive function.Method: The design of this research is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique using cluster sampling is done by interview and questionnaire. The number of samples is 60 elderly respondents.Results: This study was dominated by male elderly aged 60-74 years, unemployed, who had elementary and junior high school education, and had chronic diseases. The results showed that there was a relationship between physical activity in the elderly (60-74 years old) with cognitive function (p = 0.01; = 0.05).Conclusion: It is expected to be a reference for one of the efforts to prevent cognitive decrease by increasing physical activity in the form of physical exercise, then a study can be conducted on the intensity, duration, frequency, and type of physical exercise that is best for improving the cognitive function of the elderly


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    Estimasi biaya konstruksi beton bertulang bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya jumlah biaya yang diperlukan pada suatu proyek konstruksi. Kesuksesan estimasi biaya tergantung pada kemampuan estimator dalam melakukan analisa biaya dan perhitungan volume pekerjaan. Pekerjaan beton bertulang terdiri dari pembesian, pemasangan bekisting dan pengecoran beton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kebutuhan tulangan untuk setiap m3 pekerjaan kolom lantai I dan juga membandingkan dengan perhitungan konsultan. Proses penelitian diawali dengan pengumpulan data sekunder untuk 5 gedung yang terdiri dari gambar bestek bangunan dan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB). Adapun tahapan pengolahan data terdiri dari menghitung volume tulangan pokok, menghitung volume tulangan sengkang dan perhitungan volume beton. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh informasi bahwa kebutuhan tulangan kolom lantai I untuk Gedung RKB Mts Samahani kebutuhan tulangan sebesar 282,92 kg/m3 dan terjadi selisih sebesar 10,74 kg/m3 (3,80 %), Gedung RKB SDN Cot Meuraja dengan kebutuhan tulangan sebesar 127,20 kg/m3 selisih sebesar 13,17 kg/m3 (10,35 %), Gedung RKB SDN Labuy dengan kebutuhan tulangan sebesar 177,48 kg/m3 selisih sebesar 29,53 kg/m3 (16,64 %), Gedung RKB SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh dengan kebutuhan tulangan sebesar 170,68 kg/m3 selisih sebesar 29,81 kg/m3 (17,47 %), Gedung RKB SDN Lamsayuen dengan kebutuhan tulangan sebesar 205,89 kg/m3 terjadi selisih sebesar 16,23 kg/m3 (7,88 %). Hasil perbandingan memperlihatkan bahwa kebutuhan tulangan kolom lantai I terdapat selisih rata-rata sebesar 19,90 kg/m3 (11,23 %) dengan hasil perhitungan konsultan.Kata kunci: kebutuhan tulangan, gedung, kolom, selisihBanda Ace

    Evaluasi Mampu Mesin Material Komposit Poliester Dengan Penguat Serat Sabut Kelapa

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