1,438 research outputs found
Distant interaction of rock mass clusters around underground opening
Purpose. To experimentally prove the fact of distant interaction between rock clusters during the irreversible displacements of rock mass. Disintegration of the rock mass does not necessarily imply loss in underground working stability.
Methods. Telltales were used to monitor rock mass around the underground development working in conditions of intensive rock pressure manifestation.
Findings. This experiment has demonstrated that the boundary of the rock mass failure expands asynchronously by spatially and temporally discrete increments. Such mechanism of the rock failure zone development is the consequence of the minimum entropy production principle according to which dissipative structures can occur in open thermodynamic systems.
Originality. Distant interaction of rock clusters has been experimentally detected for the first time, which is important for geomechanics because it reveals the mechanism of the rock mass self-organization.
Practical implications. The most efficient special technologies have been selected and quantitatively assessed for the control of rock mass state in conditions of severe rock pressure manifestation.Мета. Експериментально довести наявність дальньої взаємодії породних кластерів під час необоротних зрушень масиву гірських порід. Дезінтеграція масиву гірських порід не обов’язково тягне за собою втрату стійкості підземної виробки.
Методика. Використовуючи глибинні репери, здійснено моніторинг масиву гірських порід навколо підземної підготовчої виробки в умовах інтенсивного прояву гірського тиску.
Результати. Даний експеримент продемонстрував, що границі зруйнованого масиву розширюються асинхронно, прирощуючи зону руйнування окремими порціями у просторі й часі. Такий механізм розвитку зони зруйнованих порід є наслідком закону про мінімум виробництва ентропії, який стверджує, що у відкритих термодинамічних системах можуть виникати дисипативні структури.
Наукова новизна. Дальня взаємодія породних кластерів у масиві гірських порід була експериментально зареєстрована вперше, що є важливим у галузі геомеханіки, оскільки було підтверджено механізм самоорганізації масиву гірських порід.
Практична значимість. Найбільш ефективні спеціальні технології були виявлені й кількісно оцінені для управління станом масиву гірських порід в умовах інтенсивного прояву гірського тиску.Цель. Экспериментально доказать наличие дальнего взаимодействия породных кластеров во время необратимых сдвижений массива горных пород. Дезинтеграция массива горных пород не обязательно влечет за собой потерю устойчивости подземной выработки.
Методика. Используя глубинные реперы, осуществлен мониторинг массива горных пород вокруг подземной подготовительной выработки в условиях интенсивного проявления горного давления.
Результаты. Данный эксперимент продемонстрировал, что границы разрушенного массива расширяются асинхронно, приращивая зону разрушения отдельными порциями в пространстве и времени. Такой механизм развития зоны разрушенных пород является следствием закона о минимуме производства энтропии, который утверждает, что в открытых термодинамических системах могут возникать диссипативные структуры.
Научная новизна. Дальнее взаимодействие породных кластеров в массиве горных пород было экспериментально зарегистрировано впервые, что является важным в области геомеханики, поскольку было подтверждено механизм самоорганизации массива горных пород.
Практическая значимость. Наиболее эффективные специальные технологии были выявлены и количественно оценены для управления состоянием массива горных пород в условиях интенсивного проявления горного давления.This research has been supported by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (grant ІІІ-2-2017)
Some Reflections on Regulating Professional Sports in Integration Associations: a Sphere of Autonomy or an Object of the Union Law Regulation?
The regulation of relations in the field of sports is characterized by the presence of the considerable rule-making powers of sports federations that ensure the development of a particular sport, which is a manifestation of such a phenomenon as the autonomy of sport. States have to take into account this parallel normative reality. The issue of sport autonomy is gaining a new dimension in connection with the emergence of interstate integration associations, as there is a need to determine the relationship between the law of integration associations and the normative order established by sports federations, both national and international. The law of integration associations as interpreted by their judicial institutions plays a significant role in defining the concept of sport autonomy, determining the scope of rule-making powers of sports federations and the boundaries of state regulation in the field of sports. First of all, this influence can be traced in the field of labour law. In many respects the decisions of the courts of such integration associations as the European Union (EU) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) shaped the modern approaches to the content of the legal model of regulating the work of foreign athletes, taking into consideration such important principles as the freedom of movement of workers and the equality of labour rights for all citizens from the Member States of an integration association. When interpreting the rules governing professional sports activities, the courts of integration associations distinguish between issues in which the sport movement retains its autonomy and the labour (economic) activities of athletes, which are subject to the legislation of the Union. The Court of Justice of the European Union (the CJEU) in its decisions has repeatedly voiced its opinion both on the autonomy of sport and on various aspects of economic activities of athletes and sports organizations. The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union (the EAEU Court) is a much younger court and it has not adjudicated on these issues so far. However, in December, 2018 it rendered its first advisory opinion on the labour activities of professional athletes who are citizens of the EAEU Member States, in which it followed the logic the CJEU had demonstrated in a well-known decision in the Bosman case
Teacher education and features of the contemporary educational context
The purpose of this paper is to study changes in the conditions of the educational process associated with the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). Methods. The main methods of the study were the analysis of scientific publications and regulatory documents, observations, interviews, surveys and questionnaires of students, the data processing, interpretation and analysis. Results. By analogy with the Web-technologies, the concept of educational context (dynamically changing conditions in which educational content is studied) is introduced. Context of educational process can be understood as special conditions, which determine educational purpose; the way (technology) in which the content must be submitted and will be studied; the feedback it is assumed. The features of the ICT context (conditions, arising from the use of ICT), which are characteristic of the current level of information environment are noted. It is shown that some of the negative features (the formalization of teaching materials, excessive use of the computer testing due to it’s simplicity, the easiness of obtaining information, etc.), have been manifested in the education to a greater extent than the features, which can enrich the educational process (multimedia, computer modeling, communications). The results of tests and interviews with undergraduates and high school students have showed that the vast majority of students actively using ICT couldn’t explain the principle of the computer operations, the organization of the Internet or social networks, the search algorithms, etc. However, they are not interested in these issues. Teachers promote superficial approach using ICT only for office work and testing. The importance of the teacher’s role in the ICT context creation achieving adequate quality of education is proved.Scientific novelty and practical significance. The research results can be used while developing basic educational programs of teacher education. The system changes in the context of the educational process have been identified due to the negative aspects of informatization. The conclusion has been made on the need for special approach to the determination of the ICT courses content, serial appropriate combination of traditional educational technology and ICT in the educational process. It has been noted that the information educational environment of modern classical university creates the conditions for the preparation of future teachers who will be ready to solve such problemsЦель работы – исследование изменений условий образовательного процесса, связанных с развитием информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ). Основными методами исследования были анализ научных публикаций и нормативных документов, наблюдения, беседы, опросы и анкетирование студентов, обработка, интерпретация и анализ полученных данных. Результаты. По аналогии с web-технологиями введено понятие контекста образования – динамически изменяющихся условий, в которых осваивается контент – содержание образования. Обсуждены особенности ИКТ-контекста – условия, характерные для современного уровня информатизации. Показано, что многие негативные особенности информатизации (формализация дидактических материалов, чрезмерное использование тестирований благодаря простоте их организации через компьютеры и Интернет, легкость получения информации и др.) проявились в образовании в большей степени, чем то, что обогащает образовательный процесс (мультимедиа, компьютерное моделирование, расширение общения). Обоснована значимость роли учителя в создании ИКТ-контекста, адекватного поставленной цели – достижению качественного образования. Научная новизна и практическая значимость. Выявлены системные изменения контекста образовательного процесса, обусловленные, в том числе, и негативными аспектами информатизации. Сделан вывод о необходимости особого подхода к определению содержания дисциплин, направленных на полноценное изучение ИКТ, о последовательном целесообразном сочетании традиционных образовательных технологий и ИКТ в образовательном процессе. Отмечено, что информационно-образовательная среда современного классического университета создает условия для подготовки педагогов, отвечающих этим требованиям. Результаты могут быть использованы при разработке основных образовательных программ педагогического образованияРоссийский научный фон
Welding processes in the restoration of industrial and energy facilities
The research relevance is determined by the constant development and changes in the production environment and technological requirements to ensure increased safety, durability, and efficiency of industrial and energy facilities. The study aims to analyse methods and strategies for improving the efficiency of welding and joint quality control, to achieve greater stability and reliability of energy facilities. The methods used include observation, comparative and descriptive, monitoring, abstraction, and others. The study analysed various welding technologies and their impact on the quality of welded joints. Various methods of calculating welded structures concerning materials and technical requirements were considered. In addition, various methods of quality control of welded joints, including visual inspection and non-destructive testing, were investigated. The study determined that the correct choice of technology, calculations and quality control can improve the strength, reliability, safety, and economic feasibility of welded structures. The studied welding technologies and quality control methods used are more effective for use in specific conditions and there is no general solution. In addition, the proper application of these methods demonstrated that they can significantly reduce the recovery time and increase the overall productivity of the process of restoring industrial and energy facilities. Therefore, the optimal use of welding technologies and quality control methods can significantly improve the efficiency and durability of industrial and energy facilities. The practical significance of the study is to contribute to improving the safety, reliability, and efficiency of the rehabilitation of industrial and energy facilities by improving the quality control procedures for welded joint
Modern terminology of management: Anglicisms as a means of adaptation to new economic realities
The subject of this study is an important part of the latest terminology of the modern management sphere, namely, anglicisms. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of anglicisms as an effective means of adapting participants in management processes in Russia to modern economic conditions. On the example of about 100 business terms of English origin, the article gives a classification of anglicisms according to structure, methods of formation, frequency of use and areas of application in management, provides a decoding of the meanings of individual components of borrowings, which contributes to the best understanding and use of business management terminology by specialists. Anglicisms originally entered the Russian language to denote concepts and phenomena completely new to the Russian reality, their emergence, integration into the vocabulary of the Russian language and active use seem to be an inevitable process that meets the communicative needs of society. Due to their high communicative significance, anglicisms from business sphere have firmly entered the Russian lexicon and are widely used in it
It has been indicated to the differences in the meanings of the concept of “competitiveness of the University” in the context of state educational policy, macroeconomics, international and national education markets and in the context of regional consumer markets. The necessity of taking into account the consumer rating of universities in the regional market for the forecast and formation of demand for educational products of universities has been substantiated. The results of the analysis of the market of higher education in the Ulyanovsk region in the 2018-2019 academic year have been adduced. The assessment of consumer preferences of universities of the Ulyanovsk region has been made, the professional interests of school leavers have been determined. The author’s method of evaluation of competitive positions of universities, based on the coefficients of acceptance, rejection, indifference, has been explained. A discrepancy in consumer assessments of educational institutions among school leavers and their parents has been noticed, which confirms the phenomenon of inertial competitiveness of universities. The regularities of the formation of demand for educational programs of regional universities, the factors and risks of their development in the current socio-economic situation have been specified
Human rights in sport: interaction of international legal and сorporate standards
INTRODUCTION. In some areas of international sports regulation, it is lex sportiva (for example, the establishment of rules for sports competitions) or the law created by the State / States (for example, the fight against crime in sports) that plays a dominant role. In a number of areas, international sports law and lex sportiva exercise regulatory impact simultaneously. The purpose of the article is to examine how these two sets of regulations contribute to the observance of human rights in sport. The author's three goals were to analyze the process of interference of regulatory efforts based on examples of prohibiting discrimination, using lex mitior, and countering doping in sports.MATERIALS AND METHODS. In each case, the author listed the applicable international legal acts and acts of lex sportivа, studied the domestic and foreign doctrine, used the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).The author utilised such general scientific methods as the substratum (content), structural and system approaches. The comparative and hermeneutical approaches should be named as specific scientific methods that were used.RESEARCH RESULTS. Th author characterised the content of the international legal and corporate standards that have been formed in the spheres of prohibiting discrimination, using lex mitior, and countering doping. As a result of their comparison, she comes to the following conclusions: international law and lex sportiva are unanimous in their intent to eliminate discrimination in sports; lex sportiva seeks to apply the legal standard of lex mitior; in the field of anti-doping, a number of inconsistencies have been identified between international legal and corporate standards recognized by lex sportiva.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The prohibition of discrimination is an example of harmonization, as a result of which the requirements of international sports law and lex sportiva complement and strengthen each other. The second case is an example of the successful reception by lex sportiva of the legal concept of lex mitior, which is well-known to national and international law. When countering doping at the present stage, it is lex sportiva that dominates, and the failure to fully comply with the requirements of "due process" and, in particular, with the presumption of innocence in respect of professional athletes is a cause of concern to the academic community and the ECtHR
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