108 research outputs found

    The Future of Communication Education in the Community College

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    This article discusses the future of communication education in community colleges in the U.S. Recently, business and political leaders have begun to take note of the important role of community colleges within higher education. Bill Gates, chairman of the Microsoft Corp., firmly stated that community colleges are becoming absolutely critical in the information age. He continued by adding, The more I\u27ve learned about the community-college system throughout the United States, the more I\u27ve been impressed. President Bill Clinton\u27s vision of expanding education for all Americans to include grades 13 and 14 moves the community college to a more visible location in the fabric of American education. Perhaps surprisingly to some, community colleges have become significant players in the educational arena. Over 9 million credit students are enrolled in our nation\u27s 1,130 community colleges. Almost half (46%) of all first-time college freshmen attend community colleges. The majority of all African American students (46%) and Hispanic students (55%) in higher education are found in community colleges. Historically, community colleges evolved from junior colleges, providing access to higher education for local populations, into a more eclectic mix of institutions continuing to provide access, but with a wider range of options. As a result, there is no universal agreement regarding the role of the community college. Regardless of in which corner a community college currently resides, the evolutionary process will continue to mold and reshape today\u27s community colleges

    Tiefenprofiluntersuchungen an ionenleitenden GlÀsern mittels Flugzeit-SekundÀrionen-Massenspektrometrie (ToF-SIMS)

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    In dieser Arbeit wird das Verhalten von ionenleitenden, bioaktiven GlĂ€sern und Polymermembranen untersucht. Dabei kommt hauptsĂ€chlich die Flugzeit-SekundĂ€rionen-Massenspektrometrie (ToF-SIMS) zum Einsatz. Damit kann eine dreidimensionale Darstellung der Elementverteilung in einer Probe geschaffen werden. Nach der Synthese von bioabsorbierbaren GlĂ€sern der allgemeinen Formel CaXA (X% CaO; (55-X)% A2O; 45% P2O5 mit X = 20, 30, 40, 50 und A = Na, K, Rb, Cs) und dem bioaktiven Glas 46S4 (46,4% SiO2; 25,2% Na2O; 25,2% CaO; 3,2% P2O5) werden zwei unterschiedliche Experimente daran angewendet. Zum einen wird eine elektro-thermische Polarisation durchgefĂŒhrt. Dabei wird bei erhöhter Temperatur ein elektrisches Feld an das Glas angelegt, was zur Ausbildung einer Natrium-Verarmungszone unter der Anodenseite des Glases fĂŒhrt. Durch eine Kombination von Impedanzspektroskopie, Depolarisationsstrommessungen und ToF-SIMS-Tiefenprofilierung kann die Bildung der Verarmungszone beobachtet werden, sowie deren Dicke bestimmt und die darin gespeicherte Ladung ermittelt werden. Anschließend wird der Einfluss der Polarisation auf die BioaktivitĂ€t der GlĂ€ser ĂŒberprĂŒft. Bioaktive GlĂ€ser sind in der Lage, beim Kontakt mit Gewebe oder Knochen des menschlichen Körpers knochenĂ€hnliches Material an ihrer OberflĂ€che auszubilden und so eine feste Bindung mit dem Gewebe einzugehen. FĂŒr die Untersuchung der BioaktivitĂ€t werden sie fĂŒr einige Zeit in eine Lösung eingelegt, die den Ionengehalt und pH-Wert von GewebsflĂŒssigkeit genau nachbildet (simulierte KörperflĂŒssigkeit). Die anschließende Analyse der OberflĂ€che zeigt einen deutlichen Einfluss der Polarisation auf die BioaktivitĂ€t und das Löslichkeitsverhalten der GlĂ€ser. Zum anderen wird die Technik des bombardement-induzierten Ionentransports (BIIT) auf die GlĂ€ser und Polymermembran angewendet. Dabei werden mit Hilfe eines geleiteten Ionenstrahls Alkaliionen auf der OberflĂ€che deponiert. Dadurch entsteht ein elektrischer Potentialgradient, der zur Wanderung der Ionen durch das Material fĂŒhrt. Mit ToF-SIMS kann dieses Diffusionsprofil gemessen werden. Anschließend wird mit Hilfe der Nernst-Planck-Poisson-Gleichungen das Tiefenprofil mit der Theorie verglichen. Dabei können die konzentrationsabhĂ€ngigen Diffusionskoeffizienten der Alkaliionen berechnet werden

    AC impedance of poled glass during de-poling

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    It has been observed in the literature that when the DC poling voltage is removed at the end of the poling process in glass in a so called de-poling experiment, the small signal AC impedance as measured by impedance spectroscopy increases immediately. It is shown that this effect can be explained if the DC voltage causes nonlinear ionic conduction to occur in the poled layer. The DC field changes the barrier height over which ions have to jump from one site to another and this also effects the AC resistance; by removing the DC field the original barrier height is restored thus increasing the AC resistance. Analysis of experimental data using poled soda-lime glass supports this interpretation

    Improved measurement results for the Avogadro constant using a 28Si-enriched crystal

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    New results are reported from an ongoing international research effort to accurately determine the Avogadro constant by counting the atoms in an isotopically enriched silicon crystal. The surfaces of two 28Si-enriched spheres were decontaminated and reworked in order to produce an outer surface without metal contamination and improved sphericity. New measurements were then made on these two reconditioned spheres using improved methods and apparatuses. When combined with other recently refined parameter measurements, the Avogadro constant derived from these new results has a value of NA=6.02214076(12)×1023N_A = 6.022 140 76(12) \times 10^{23} mol−1^{-1}. The X-ray crystal density method has thus achieved the target relative standard uncertainty of 2.0×10−82.0 \times 10^{-8} necessary for the realization of the definition of the new kilogram.Comment: postprint, 22 page, 3 figures, 14 table

    Differences in affective learning and perceived immediacy of instructor between traditional college classrooms and classrooms incorporating student use of computer-mediated communication

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine whether community college students enrolled in Interpersonal Communication who utilize the technological aid of computer-mediated communication in the classroom have different perceptions of their affective learning and their instructor\u27s immediacy than do students who do not utilize computer-mediated communication in the classroom. The methodology used to address the issue was a post test-only control group design, with students completing the affective learning scale, the nonverbal immediacy scale, and the verbal immediacy scale. Results showed no significant differences were found between the treatment and control groups on either immediacy scale (verbal or nonverbal). Significant differences did exist between the treatment and control groups for affective learning. Correlation findings showed that affective learning was significantly correlated to verbal immediacy. Also, nonverbal immediacy was significantly correlated to verbal immediacy. Affective learning was also correlated to nonverbal immediac

    Reliability of tape automated bonding using Au-Sn alloy

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