27 research outputs found


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    katedra: KOM; přílohy: CD; rozsah: 50 s.Dissertation investigates the implementation of lean production tools such as 5S, SMED or visual management in order to achieve more efficient operation of the vale pump production process in TRW Automotive Czech s.r.o. Frýdlant. TRW is primarily interested in visual management options and would like to use the conclusions from this piece of work in areas other than in pumps assembly.Bakalářská práce se zabývá nástroji štíhlé výroby jako je 5S, SMED či vizualizace řízení. Hlavním cílem je za pomoci těchto nástrojů zajistit efektivnější chod případové studie montáže pump ve firmě TRW Automotive Czech s.r.o. Frýdlant. Tato firma se zajímá především o možnosti vizuálního řízení a závěry plynoucí z této práce by chtěla využít i na jiných pracovištích, než je montáž pump


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    The goal of this work is to show the possibility of us using the LCD optotype in common optometrist practice. Furthermore two commonly used methods for measuring visual acuity will be compared. 69 respondents were used for the measurements. The respondents were divided into two groups according to the measured LCD optotype. The visual acuity was measured using the whole-line method on modified Snellen charts as well as the interpolation method on ETDRS charts. Measurements were taken on the Sloan letters and on the Landolt rings. The charts for the before mentioned methods were selected according to everyday optometrist practice. The results show the test-retest variability (reliability) of given methods. By comparing the results the precision of a given method can by estimated. The results show that the two methods do not give the same resulting values of visual acuity. Measuring the visual acuity has great importance since it serves as a basis for following examinations for eye pathologies.ontact lenses usually serve for vision correction. Other possibilities of contact lenses use are in therapeutic as well as in diagnostic areas. Important factors for comfortable and safe use of contact lenses are correct application and correctly chosen type of contact lenses. However, a system of care plays also a very important role. The care does not include only the lens itself but also a contact lens case that is used to store contact lenses when they are not in use

    Partial pressures of CO2 in epikarstic zone deduced from hydrogeochemistry of permanent drips, the Moravian Karst, Czech Republic

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    Permanent drips from straw stalactites of selected caves of the Moravian Karst were studied during one-year period. A hypothetical partial pressure of CO2 that has participated in limestone dissolution, PCO2(H)=10-1.53±0.04, was calculated from the dripwater chemistry. The value significantly exceeds the partial pressures generally measured in relevant shallow karst soils, PCO2(soil)=10-2.72±0.02. This finding may have important implications for karst/cave conservation and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.Keywords: cave, carbon dioxide, dripwater, hydrogeochemistry,hypothetical partial pressure, karst processes, karstification model


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    A spontaneous destruction (a corrosion followed by falling) of fine speleothems was studied in the Punkevní Cave (the Moravian Karst) from geochemical point of view. During eight months of the year 2000, the cave atmosphere and dripping waters were monitored. All inner waters (waters from limestone fissures as far as to "mouth of hollow sinters") were found to be close to equilibrium with calcite (SI ~ 0.08 to 0.15). Not being undersaturated, these waters cannot dissolve calcite sinters. The same waters become supersaturated with respect to calcite (SI ~ 0.85 to 2.20) at a contact with cave atmosphere (pCO2 ~ 3,0.10-4 to 4,1.10-3 atm). Thus, during the monitored period, there was not proved any corrosion of the sinters by dripping waters

    Invertebrates of the Macocha Abyss (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic)

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    The invertebrates of the Macocha Abyss, Moravian Karst, Czech Republic, were collected in 2007–2008 and 222 species were identified in total. The relative abundance of individual taxa of land snails, harvestmen, pseudoscorpions, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, terrestrial isopods, beetles, and ants was evaluated. The cold-adapted mountain and subterranean species inhabit the bottom and lower part of the abyss, whereas the sun-exposed rocky margins were inhabited by thermophilous species. Macocha harbors several threatened species that are absent or very rare in the surrounding habitats. In the forest landscape, the Macocha Abyss represents a natural habitat with a distinct microclimatic gradient, and is an excellent refuge area for psychrophilous as well as thermophilous species, which significantly contributes to maintenance of landscape biodiversity.Key words: Ants, centipedes, beetles, biodiversity, harvestmen, land snails, light hole, millipedes, pseudoscorpions, terrestrial ispods, spiders.Nevretenčarji brezna Macoha (Moravski kras, Republika Češka)Med vzorčenjem v letih 2007 in 2008 smo v jami Macoha določili 222 vrst nevretenčarjev. Ovrednotili smo relativno pogostost posameznih taksonov polžev, suhih južin, paščipalcev, pajkov, stonog, kopenskih enakonožcev, hroščev in mravelj. Na mraz prilagojene gorske in podzemeljske vrste naseljujejo dno in spodnji del brezna, toploljubne vrste pa naseljujejo kamnite površine soncu izpostavljenega roba. V Macohi je več ogroženih vrst, ki jih sicer v okoliški pokrajini ne najdemo. Kot habitat s specifično mikroklimo je Macoha izjemno zatočišče za vlagoljubne in toploljubne vrste, ki pomembno prispevajo k vzdrževanju biotske raznovrstnosti v pokrajini.Ključne besede: Mravlje, stonoge, hrošči, suhe južine, kopenski polži, stonoge, psevdoškorpijoni, kopenski enakonožci, pajki, biotska raznovrstnost


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    Two sites with a different type of vegetation (coniferous and deciduous) were chosen in the Moravian Karst for a soil sampling. Twelve complete vertical soil profiles were removed, divided into individual samples (each about 10 cm in length of the soil profile, i.e., about 25 g of weight) and leached by distilled water and KCl solution (25 %). pHs of the leachates was measured to found the actual distribution of pH-values within the profile. The pH was generally low near surface (A-horizon); the mean pH-values were 3.72 (KCl solutions) and 4.67 (distilled water) in the leachates from the soils under coniferous, and 3.71 (KCl solutions) and 5.05 (distilled water) in the leachates from the soils under deciduous. Such low values suggest the presence of humic species (fulvic acids). The pHvalues of the leachates from the soils under deciduous vegetation stagnate to the depth of approximately 25 cm and steeply increase to the values of 7.02 (KCl solution) and 8.25 (distilled water) in the depth of 55-65 cm. In the soils under coniferous vegetation, pH gradually increase to the values of 5.61 (KCl solution) and 6.81 (distilled water) in the profile depth of 7585 cm. The systematically lower pH-values and deeper soil profiles under coniferous indicate that the soil solutions under this type of vegetation are more aggressive. However, the solution acidity has been neutralized right in the soil profile

    Effect of income policy of his expenses

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je analýza hospodaření měst, jejich zadlužení a možnosti financování. V první kapitole se zaměřuji na teorii hospodaření měst, příjmy, výdaje a informace o porovnávaných městech. V rámci druhé kapitoly detailně analyzuji rozpočty vybraných měst za roky 2009 až 2011. Ve třetí kapitole se zaměřuji na největší rozdíly ve financování a hospodaření měst. Ve čtvrté kapitole vyhodnocuji aktuální problematiku hospodaření a upozorňuji na inovativní možnosti šetření finančních prostředků.The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the management of cities, their debt and funding options. The first chapter focuses on the theory of management of cities, income, expenses and information about the compared cities. The second chapter analyzes in detail the budgets of the selected cities from years 2009 to 2011. The third section deals with the largest differences in the funding and management of cities. There are evaluated the current management issues and drawn attention to the innovative possibilities of saving money in the fourth chapter

    Nesymetrie při připojení jednofázové vozby

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. Katedra (451) elektroenergetik