525 research outputs found

    Intuition in business: Empirical base

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    In this article, the authors propose economic projection of the views of Daniel Kahneman on intuition. The authors believe intuition to act as an operative category in entrepreneurship. The results of given statistical experiment prove viability of the phenomenon of intuition when making investment decisions. Two independent mechanisms for investment decisions are being defined - the «rational» and the «intuitive» ones. The research leads to conclusion that entrepreneurs’ intuitive decisions possess a relatively high level of efficiency. © 2016 Fomin et al

    Methodology for comparative analysis of university rankings, with the Mediterranean and Black sea region countries taken as an example

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    The article develops quantitative methodology of comparative analysis of global university rankings for the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. In its frameworks three analytical procedures are proposed. They are used to build university and country matricesyesBelgorod State Universit

    Effect of intake of Vitrum vitamin-mineral complex in combination with adaptogens on immune status and physical work capacity in highly skilled student athletes

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    Purpose of the study: to study the effect of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens on immunological reactivity and physical performance in athletes under conditions of intense training.Materials and methods: 4 groups of athletes, 10 people in each, went through a cycle of intensive training according to a specially developed methodology. Group I took Vitrum, group II — Vitrum + Eleutherococcus extract, group III — Vitrum + ginseng tincture. Group IV — ascorbic acid and was used as a control. Blood for analysis was taken from the cubital vein before and after 28 days of drug administration. Indicators of immunological reactivity were determined by modern laboratory methods. Physical performance was determined by the index of the Harvard step test (IHST) and the PWC170 test.Results: the use of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens promotes a significant increase in the parameters of humoral (increase in IgA by 32–40 %, IgM by 28–43 %, IgG by 9–14 %) and cellular (increasing the completeness of phagocytosis by 9–37 % immunity.Conclusion: intake of Vitrum in combination with adaptogens was accompanied by a significant increase in nonspecific immunity and increased the level of fitness

    Modern requirements to preparation of professional and pedagogical personnel

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the need of providing the educational organizations of the system of professional education with specialists in projecting and implementation of educational programs of training of workers and specialists of a middle link, and formation of a personnel resource for innovative productions. The purpose of the presented article consists in consideration of the discrepancies arising while introduction of the professional standard "Teacher of Vocational Training, Vocational Education and Further Vocational Education" and changes revelation of a pedagogical personnel which are necessary for improvement of preparation quality. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the system-based approach which allows us to reveal the discrepancies arising by the comparison of the professional standard and educational programs that are developed taking into account requirements of the educational standard for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise). According to the analysis results, the option of adjustment of educational programs for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise) is offered; it promotes improvement of preparation quality of pedagogical personnel for the system of professional education and further vocational education, and also the corporate educational organizations and innovative productions. The materials of the publication can be useful to heads of educational organizations while forming the personnel potential in educational institutions. © 2016 Zyryanova et al

    Socio-professional well-being of teachers of The Ural State University USU and USTU their value orientation on the eve of URFU esteblishment

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    В данной статье решается задача выявления социального самочувствия (анализ социальных настроений, ценностных ориентаций и установок, уровня социальной напряжѐнности) различных категорий персонала двух вузов накануне их объединения.In this article we solve the task of identifying social well-being (analysis of social attitudes, value orientations and attitudes, the level of social tension) of various categories of the personnel of the two universities on the eve of their association

    Pathophysiological aspects of the interaction of hypoxia and physical load (experimental study)

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    Background. A typical extreme factor is hypoxia, which significantly affects the ability to perform tasks of professional activity, in particular, physical activity of various intensity. Physical and neuro-emotional stress under conditions of hypoxia can cause the breakdown of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms with the development of extreme and critical conditions.The aim of the study. Quantitative assessment of the effect of hypoxia on the physical performance of laboratory animals at different levels of their natural resistance.Research methods. Modeling of hypoxia was carried out by the methods of pressure chamber rise of laboratory animals and the administration of a methemoglobin former. Resistance to hypoxic hypoxia was assessed by the criterion of the threshold elevation, to hemic hypoxia – by the lifetime. The criterion for the functional state of laboratory animals was their ability to perform physical activity, which was created by treadmill run or swimming with a load.Results of the study. An altitude of 3500 m causes a decrease in the physical performance of male rats by a third of normoxia level; an altitude of 5000 m – decrease by two times; an altitude of 6500 m – decrease by four times, and at an altitude of 8000 m makes running physical activity by rats impossible. A mild degree of hemic hypoxia causes a decrease in swimming time by almost 2 times, which corresponds to the effect of an altitude of 5000 m on the working capacity; and a moderate degree of hemic hypoxia causes a decrease in swimming time by more than 3 times, which approximately corresponds to the effect of an altitude of 6000 m. The level of resistance to hypoxia has a moderate effect on physical performance, and the factor of a low level of physical performance has almost no effect on the resistance to hypoxia (28 % and 7 % of the trait variability respectively). In animals with an initially low level of resistance to hypoxia, there is also a decrease in working capacity by an average of 20 %.Conclusion. Hemic hypoxia is an adequate model in studies with a complex effect of various extreme factors. Simulation of mild hypoxia caused by the administration of 30 mg/kg of sodium nitrite is an optimal method

    Interpretation of the Veiling of the Photospheric Spectrum for T Tauri Stars in Terms of an Accretion Model

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    The problem on heating the atmospheres of T Tauri stars by radiation from an accretion shock has been solved. The structure and radiation spectrum of the emerging so-called hot spot have been calculated in the LTE approximation. The emission not only in continuum but also in lines has been taken into account for the first time when calculating the spot spectrum. Comparison with observations has shown that the strongest of these lines manifest themselves as narrow components of helium and metal emission lines, while the weaker ones decrease significantly the depth of photospheric absorption lines, although until now, this effect has been thought to be due to the emission continuum alone. The veiling by lines changes the depth of different photospheric lines to a very different degree even within a narrow spectral range. Therefore, the nonmonotonic wavelength dependence of the degree of veiling r found for some CTTS does not suggest a nontrivial spectral energy distribution of the veiling continuum. In general, it makes sense to specify the degree of veiling r only by providing the set of photospheric lines from which this quantity was determined. We show that taking into account the contribution of lines to the veiling of the photospheric spectrum can cause the existing estimates of the accretion rate onto T Tauri stars to decrease by several times, with this being also true for stars with a comparatively weakly veiled spectrum. Neglecting the contribution of lines to the veiling can also lead to appreciable errors in determining the effective temperature, interstellar extinction, radial velocity, and vsin(i)

    Current Ultrasonography Potential in the Diagnosis of Juvenile Recurrent Parotitis

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    Objective: To determine the diagnostic significance of sonographic signs indicating the parotid glands’ condition in children with juvenile recurrent parotitis (JRP).   Materials and methods: We examined 42 patients with JRP and 30 children aged 3-17 years from the control group. Both groups underwent B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonography of parotid glands to assess linear dimensions, contours, structures, echogenicity, pronouncement of the stromal component, parenchymal vascularization, and condition of intraglandular lymph nodes. The diagnostic significance of the sonographic signs was assessed by ROC analysis.   Results and discussion: We found significant differences between the study and control groups in terms of such sonographic signs as gland enlargement, decreased parenchymal echogenicity, change in the echotexture, increased stromal component, increased parenchymal vascularization, and reactive parotid lymph nodes (P < .05). With the high-frequency probe we were able to study the structure of JRP-associated hypoechoic foci in the parenchyma and prove that they are not cystic dilatation of the ducts but foci of infiltration around the peripheral ducts with structurally altered walls.   Conclusions: Ultrasonography plays a pivotal role in the JRP diagnosis and can identify its most significant sonographic signs, such as increased size, distinctive changes in the parenchymal echotexture, decreased echogenicity, and increased parenchymal vascularization

    Virtual reality in foreign language training at higher educational institutions

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    The paper deals with the urgent problem of application of virtual reality in foreign language training. Statistical data confirms that the number of smartphone users, Internet users, including wireless Internet users, has been increasing for recent years in Ukraine and tends to grow. The coherence of quick mobile Internet access and presence of supplementary equipment enables to get trained or to self-dependently advance due to usage of virtual reality possibilities for education in the stationary classrooms, at home and in motion. Several important features of virtual reality, its advantages for education are discussed. It is noted that virtual reality is remaining a relatively new technology in language learning. Benefits from virtual reality implementation into foreign language learning and teaching are given. The aspects of immersion and gamification in foreign language learning are considered. It is emphasized that virtual reality creates necessary preconditions for motivation increasing. The results of the survey at two higher education institution as to personal experience in using VR applications for learning foreign languages are presented. Most students at both universities have indicated quite a low virtual reality application usage. Six popular virtual reality applications for foreign language learning (Mondly, VRSpeech, VR Learn English, Gold Lotus, AltSpaceVR and VirtualSpeech) are analyzed. It is stated that the most preferred VR application for foreign language learning includes detailed virtual environment for maximal immersion, highlevel visual effects similar to video games, simple avatar control, thorough material selection and complete complicity level accordance of every element and aspect, affordability, helpful and unobtrusive following up

    NRF2-driven miR-125B1 and miR-29B1 transcriptional regulation controls a novel anti-apoptotic miRNA regulatory network for AML survival

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    Transcription factor NRF2 is an important regulator of oxidative stress. It is involved in cancer progression, and has abnormal constitutive expression in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Posttranscriptional regulation by microRNAs (miRNAs) can affect the malignant phenotype of AML cells. In this study, we identified and characterised NRF2-regulated miRNAs in AML. An miRNA array identified miRNA expression level changes in response to NRF2 knockdown in AML cells. Further analysis of miRNAs concomitantly regulated by knockdown of the NRF2 inhibitor KEAP1 revealed the major candidate NRF2-mediated miRNAs in AML. We identified miR-125B to be upregulated and miR-29B to be downregulated by NRF2 in AML. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis identified putative NRF2 binding sites upstream of the miR-125B1 coding region and downstream of the mir-29B1 coding region. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses showed that NRF2 binds to these antioxidant response elements (AREs) located in the 5′ untranslated regions of miR-125B and miR-29B. Finally, primary AML samples transfected with anti-miR-125B antagomiR or miR-29B mimic showed increased cell death responsiveness either alone or co-treated with standard AML chemotherapy. In summary, we find that NRF2 regulation of miR-125B and miR-29B acts to promote leukaemic cell survival, and their manipulation enhances AML responsiveness towards cytotoxic chemotherapeutics