158 research outputs found

    Laryngocele a propos de 9 cas

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    La laryngocĂšle est une pathologie rare. elle est dĂ©finit par la dilatation progressive du saccule laryngĂ©. Le diagnostic est suspectĂ© par l’examen clinique, sa prise en charge est encore discutĂ©e. nous rapportons une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective portant sur 9 patients ayant Ă©tĂ© suivis et traitĂ©s pour une laryngocĂšle. La sĂ©rie a Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©e sur une pĂ©riode de 14 ans, allant de 1998 Ă  2011. Six de nos patients avaient une laryngocĂšle externe, deux patients avaient une laryngocĂšle mixte et un patient avait une laryngocĂšle interne. Une surinfection a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e chez trois patients rĂ©alisant ainsi le tableau de pyolaryngocĂšle. Tous les patients ont eu un examen clinique complet comportant un examen OrL et cervico-facial ainsi qu’un examen laryngĂ© au nasofibroscope. La tomodensitomĂ©trie cervicale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e de façon systĂ©matique. Huit de nos malades ont Ă©tĂ© abordĂ©s par voie cervicale permettant une exĂ©rĂšse complĂšte du sac. Le recul moyen Ă©tait de 38 mois sans rĂ©cidive. Toute laryngocĂšle dĂ©couverte, doit ĂȘtre traitĂ©e afin d’éviter les complications essentiellement locales pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Les modalitĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques dĂ©pendent du type de la laryngocĂšle.Mots-clĂ©s : laryngocĂšle, nasofibroscopie laryngĂ©e, traitement endoscopique, thyrotomie.A laryngocele is a rare affection which consists in an abnormal dilatation of the laryngeal saccule. The diagnosis is suspected after clinical exam. The management of this pathology remains a subject of debating. We report a retrospective review including nine patients with laryngocele treated over a 14 years-period. Six patients had external laryngoceles; two had combined laryngocele; another one had an internal laryngocele. Preoperative diagnosis of each patient was made on flexible nasolaryngoscopy following routine otorhinolaryngologic exam. CT scan was systematically done. mrI was realized in case of a diagnostic doubt. eight of our patients were treated via external approach. no recurrences were encountered during the following-up. Laryngoceles must be treated to provide different complications. Some of these complications can cause death. The modalities of the treatment depend on the type of laryngocele.Keywords : laryngocele, nasolaryngoscopy, endoscopic treatment, thyrotomy

    Valeur de l’examen extemporane en pathologie thyroïdienne

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    OBJECTIF : Etudier la valeur de l’examen extemporanĂ© dans la pathologie thyroidienne et identifier ses limitesMATERIELS ET METHODES : Notre Ă©tude est rĂ©trospective incluant 800 examens extemporanĂ©s rĂ©alisĂ©s sur des piĂšces de rĂ©sectionthyroĂŻdienne colligĂ©s dans notre service sur une pĂ©riode de 12 ans (2000-2011).Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s Ă  ceux del’examen anatomopathologique dĂ©finitif.RESULTATS : Les rĂ©sultats Ă©taient concordants dans 96,5%, discordants dans 3,5 %. La sensibilitĂ© de l’examen extemporanĂ© toustypes confondus Ă©tait de 78 % et la spĂ©cificitĂ© de 100 %CONCLUSION : Notre Ă©tude a montrĂ© une spĂ©cificitĂ© parfaite de l’examen extemporanĂ© cependant l’interprĂ©tation difficile des lĂ©sionsthyroĂŻdiennes d’architecture vĂ©siculaire expliquent une sensibilitĂ© de 78 %.Mots ClĂ©s : ThyroĂŻdectomie, examen extemporanOBJECTIVE: To assess the value of frozen-section examination in thyroid surgery and evaluate its limitationsPATIENTS AND METHODES: This retrospective study examined the results of 800 frozen-sections of thyroid specimens analysedover the 12 –year period (2000-2011). Their results were compared with definitive anatomo-pathological examinationRESULTS :Frozen-section diagnosis was concordant with subsequent histopathological examination in 96,5% ,discordant in 3,5%.The global specificity of frozen section analysis for all histological subtypes was 100 % and its sensitivity was 78 %.CONCLUSION: This study shows the good specificity of frozen section .Discordances between frozen-section and definitive diagnosiswas associated with microfllicular lesions wich explain the sensibility of 78%Key Words: Thyroid surgery, frozen section examinatio

    Organisational barriers to the facilitation of overseas volunteering and training placements in the NHS

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    Background Undertaking a period of voluntary work or a professional placement overseas has long been a feature of medical training in the UK. There are now a number of high profile National Health Service (NHS) initiatives aimed at increasing access to such opportunities for staff at all levels. We present findings from a qualitative study involving a range of NHS staff and other stakeholders which explored barriers to participation in these activities. Methods A grounded theory methodology was drawn upon to conduct thematic based analysis. Our data included in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a range of returned volunteers, non-volunteers and other stakeholders (n=51) who were, or had been, employed by the NHS. Results There are significant barriers to placement and volunteering activity stemming from structural and organisational shortcomings within the NHS. Difficulties in filling clinical roles has a significant impact on the ability of staff to plan and undertake independent placements. There is currently no clearly defined pathway within the NHS by which the majority of grades can apply for, or organise, a period of overseas voluntary or professional placement activity. There were divergent views on the relevance and usefulness of overseas professional placements. Conclusions We argue that in the context of current UK policy initiatives aimed at facilitating overseas volunteer and professional placement activity, urgent attention needs to be given to the structural and organisational framework within which such initiatives will be required to work

    New trends in peptide-based anti-biofilm strategies : a review of recent achievements and bioinformatics approaches

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have a broad spectrum of activity and unspecific mechanisms of action. Therefore, they are seen as valid alternatives to overcome clinically relevant biofilms and reduce the chance of acquired resistance. This paper reviews AMPs and anti-biofilm AMP-based strategies and discusses ongoing and future work. Recent studies report successful AMP-based prophylactic and therapeutic strategies, several databases catalogue AMP information and analysis tools, and novel bioinformatics tools are supporting AMP discovery and design. However, most AMP studies are performed with planktonic cultures, and most studies on sessile cells test AMPs on growing rather than mature biofilms. Promising preliminary synergistic studies have to be consubstantiated and the study of functionalized coatings with AMPs must be further explored. Standardized operating protocols, to enforce the repeatability and reproducibility of AMP anti-biofilm tests, and automated means of screening and processing the ever-expanding literature are still missing.Financial support from IBB-CEB and Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and European Community fund FEDER, through Program COMPETE, in the ambit of the FCT project 'PTDC/SAU-SAP/113196/2009/ FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-016012' is gratefully acknowledged

    Antimicrobial Peptides and Skin: A Paradigm of Translational Medicine

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are small, cationic, amphiphilic peptides with broad-spectrum microbicidal activity against both bacteria and fungi. In mammals, AMPs form the first line of host defense against infections and generally play an important role as effector agents of the innate immune system. The AMP era was born more than 6 decades ago when the first cationic cyclic peptide antibiotics, namely polymyxins and tyrothricin, found their way into clinical use. Due to the good clinical experience in the treatment of, for example, infections of mucus membranes as well as the subsequent understanding of mode of action, AMPs are now considered for treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and for improving healing of infected wounds. Based on the preclinical findings, including pathobiochemistry and molecular medicine, targeted therapy strategies are developed and first results indicate that AMPs influence processes of diseased skin. Importantly, in contrast to other antibiotics, AMPs do not seem to propagate the development of antibiotic-resistant micro-organisms. Therefore, AMPs should be tested in clinical trials for their efficacy and tolerability in inflammatory skin diseases and chronic wounds. Apart from possible fields of application, these peptides appear suited as an example of the paradigm of translational medicine for skin diseases which is today seen as a `two-way road' - from bench to bedside and backwards from bedside to bench. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Cultura de Inovação: Conceitos e Modelos Teóricos

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    This study portrays the state of the art in scientific literature on the culture of innovation, with the objective of characterizing its meaning and especially describing different theoretical models that seek to understand how it occurs in an organizational environment. To enrich the analysis, research results show the relationship between organizational culture and innovation. The literature review was carried out in 2011 using the following databases: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Proquest and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The keywords used were the expression culture of innovation and the joint terms culture and innovation, only full articles were included in the research. Culture of innovation articles that were cited in the papers identified in the literature search were also considered. The analysis consisted of 40 articles, based on the predefined criteria, and showed that this is a topic of interest for researchers in different world regions. It is a complex theme determined by factors with a systemic character. There is a predominance of quantitative research and strong evidence of a relationship between organizational culture and innovation, which requires further research to test the theoretical models proposed by these different authors

    Human resources for health policies: a critical component in health policies

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    In the last few years, increasing attention has been paid to the development of health policies. But side by side with the presumed benefits of policy, many analysts share the opinion that a major drawback of health policies is their failure to make room for issues of human resources. Current approaches in human resources suggest a number of weaknesses: a reactive, ad hoc attitude towards problems of human resources; dispersal of accountability within human resources management (HRM); a limited notion of personnel administration that fails to encompass all aspects of HRM; and finally the short-term perspective of HRM. There are three broad arguments for modernizing the ways in which human resources for health are managed: ‱ the central role of the workforce in the health sector; ‱ the various challenges thrown up by health system reforms; ‱ the need to anticipate the effect on the health workforce (and consequently on service provision) arising from various macroscopic social trends impinging on health systems. The absence of appropriate human resources policies is responsible, in many countries, for a chronic imbalance with multifaceted effects on the health workforce: quantitative mismatch, qualitative disparity, unequal distribution and a lack of coordination between HRM actions and health policy needs. Four proposals have been put forward to modernize how the policy process is conducted in the development of human resources for health (HRH): ‱ to move beyond the traditional approach of personnel administration to a more global concept of HRM; ‱ to give more weight to the integrated, interdependent and systemic nature of the different components of HRM when preparing and implementing policy; ‱ to foster a more proactive attitude among human resources (HR) policy-makers and managers; ‱ to promote the full commitment of all professionals and sectors in all phases of the process. The development of explicit human resources policies is a crucial link in health policies and is needed both to address the imbalances of the health workforce and to foster implementation of the health services reforms

    Green process innovation: Where we are and where we are going

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    Environmental pollution has worsened in the past few decades, and increasing pressure is being put on firms by different regulatory bodies, customer groups, NGOs and other media outlets to adopt green process innovations (GPcIs), which include clean technologies and end-of-pipe solutions. Although considerable studies have been published on GPcI, the literature is disjointed, and as such, a comprehensive understanding of the issues, challenges and gaps is lacking. A systematic literature review (SLR) involving 80 relevant studies was conducted to extract seven themes: strategic response, organisational learning, institutional pressures, structural issues, outcomes, barriers and methodological choices. The review thus highlights the various gaps in the GPcI literature and illuminates the pathways for future research by proposing a series of potential research questions. This study is of vital importance to business strategy as it provides a comprehensive framework to help firms understand the various contours of GPcI. Likewise, policymakers can use the findings of this study to fill in the loopholes in the existing regulations that firms are exploiting to circumvent taxes and other penalties by locating their operations to emerging economies with less stringent environmental regulations.publishedVersio
