408 research outputs found

    Finite Ball Intersection Property of the Urysohn Universal Space

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    In a paper published posthumously, P.S. Urysohn constructed a complete, separable metric space that contains an isometric copy of every complete separable metric space, nowadays referred to as the Urysohn universal space. Here we study various convexity properties of the Urysohn universal space and show that it has a finite ball intersection property. We also note that Urysohn universal space is not hyperconvex

    Parallel Algorithms for the Maximum Flow

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    The problem of finding the maximal flow through a given network has been intensively studied over the years. The classic algorithm for this problem given by Ford and Fulkerson has been developed and improved by a number of authors including Edmonds and Karp. With the advent of parallel computers, it is of great interest to see whether more efficient algorithms can be designed and implemented. The networks which we will consider will be both capacitated and bounded. Compared with a capacitated network, the problem of finding a flow through a bounded network is much more complicated in that a transformation into an auxiliary network is required before a feasible flow can be found. In this thesis, we review the algorithms of Ford and Fulkerson and Edmonds and Karp and implement them in a standard sequential way. We also implement the transformation required to handle the case of a bounded network. We then develop two parallel algorithms, the first being a parallel version of the Edmonds and Karp algorithm while the second applies the Breadth-First search technique to extract as much parallelism as possible from the problem. Both these algorithms have been written in the Occam programming language and implemented on a transputer system consisting of an IBM PC host, a B004 single transputer board and a network of four transputers contained on a B003 board supplied by Inmos Ltd. This is an example of a multiprocessor machine with independent memory. The relative efficiency of the algorithms has been studied and we present tables of the execution times taken over a variety of test networks. The transformation of the original network into an auxiliary network has also been implemented using parallel techniques and the problems encountered in the development of the algorithm are described. We have also investigated in detail one of the few parallel algorithms for this problem described in the literature due to Shiloach and Vishkin. This algorithm is described in the thesis. It has not been possible to implement this algorithm because it is specifically designed to run on a multiprocessor machine with shared memory

    Methodology for Convergence of the Training Program with the Professional Activities of Aviation Specialists

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    The method of developing curricula for training aviation specialists for civil aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is analyzed. It is substantiated that it does not sufficiently take into account the labor market requirements for the composition and content of academic disciplines. An overview of foreign experience in bridging the gap between educational programs and the workplace is given. A method based on a statistical analysis of civil aviation regulations is recommended

    Measuring and mitigating AS-level adversaries against Tor

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    The popularity of Tor as an anonymity system has made it a popular target for a variety of attacks. We focus on traffic correlation attacks, which are no longer solely in the realm of academic research with recent revelations about the NSA and GCHQ actively working to implement them in practice. Our first contribution is an empirical study that allows us to gain a high fidelity snapshot of the threat of traffic correlation attacks in the wild. We find that up to 40% of all circuits created by Tor are vulnerable to attacks by traffic correlation from Autonomous System (AS)-level adversaries, 42% from colluding AS-level adversaries, and 85% from state-level adversaries. In addition, we find that in some regions (notably, China and Iran) there exist many cases where over 95% of all possible circuits are vulnerable to correlation attacks, emphasizing the need for AS-aware relay-selection. To mitigate the threat of such attacks, we build Astoria--an AS-aware Tor client. Astoria leverages recent developments in network measurement to perform path-prediction and intelligent relay selection. Astoria reduces the number of vulnerable circuits to 2% against AS-level adversaries, under 5% against colluding AS-level adversaries, and 25% against state-level adversaries. In addition, Astoria load balances across the Tor network so as to not overload any set of relays.Comment: Appearing at NDSS 201

    A Study of Management of Risk Management for B2b Online Business

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    The present pattern of web based shopping demonstrates the imperative job web based business plays in our everyday life. On the web exchanges require solid systems, and solid systems rely upon secure data innovation. These systems have numerous preferences, however they have hindrances too—prominently, the requirement for hazard the executives. The developing significance of online business, with its related need to guarantee trust in online exchanges, has driven the creators to contemplate and propose hazard the executives in web based business from an all-encompassing point of view, in this manner empowering the usage of continuous inspecting of web based business exchanges utilizing the computerized specialists' innovation. In this paper, the creators talk about web based business' dangers and present a philosophy that can be utilized to deal with those dangers. It presumes that web based business dangers are a high need for online organizations, and that a large number of the imperative controls are expansions of controls for overseeing hazard in other information systems

    Collision warning design in automotive head-up displays

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    Abstract. In the last few years, the automotive industry has experienced a large growth in the hardware and the underlying electronics. The industry benefits from both Human Machine Interface (HMI) research and modern technology. There are many applications of the Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS) and their positive impact on drivers is even more. Forward Collision Warning (FCW) is one of many applications of ADAS. In the last decades, different approaches and tools are used to implement FCW systems. Current Augmented Reality (AR) applications are feasible to integrate in modern cars. In this thesis work, we introduce three different FCW designs: static, animated and 3D animated warnings. We test the proposed designs in three different environments: day, night and rain. The designs static and animated achieve a minimum response time 0.486 s whereas the 3D animated warning achieves 1.153 s

    Digitalization of Educational and Methodological Support for the Training of Aviation Dispatchers

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    The tasks of improving the educational process of training civil aviation dispatchers on the basis of the development and implementation of digital teaching aids are considered. Legislative and regulatory documents are accepted as an object of digitalization. The end result of the research is expressed in the provision of the educational process with a special electronic educational complex, which has the functions of providing the necessary information and conducting practical exercises to deepen, consolidate and control knowledge in the field of aviation documents

    An Analysis on Safety Management Techniques in Business Strategies and Online Business

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    Online business is something beyond another approach to upgrade the business policies. Online business is change in perspective affecting both the purchaser and provider. Online business demonstrating tremendous business development in our nation. The huge increment in advanced innovation has included development of business and separating plan of action. This examination portrays the present situation of online business, depict the business entry and investigation the evolving patterns. The investigation further looks at the quality and shortcoming of business to business web based business and analysis the opportunity and threat of online business. This paper describe the risk management technique for online business