408 research outputs found

    Linguistic Expression with Referrence to Semiotic in Ulos of Wedding Ceremony of Batak Toba

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    This study was deal with linguistic expression, in semiotics of ulos in wedding ceremony of batak toba. This research used qualitative method which concerned with developing explanations of experience or on data. The source of the data was taken from the ulos in wedding ceremony of batak toba, and relevant with the transcript of interviewing by three informants with some criterias, that is the most dominant population in three different surename in Tarutung, at the age of 45 to 55 years old and have the recognition from each surename. The instruments that is used in this study was tape recorder, camera, and also the book which relevant to the data. In technique of analyzing data, descriptive qualitative data analysis stage is identifying the ornament, reducing the ornament which are not relevant, classifying, interpreting, analyzing and concluding the findings. There are three kinds of ulos used in wedding ceremony of Batak Toba, they are ulos ragidup, ulos ragihotang, and ulos sadum. Each ulos have topi sokkar which explain that everything in this world have the limit and the color depend to the ceremony that is performed. In ulos ragidup, there are hatir symbolized of wealth, sigumang symbolized the hope of the giver of this ulos for the receiver to works right and efficient also, batu ni ansimun symbolizing the health, sisik ni ikan symbolizing a good life, tidy life, even in a crowded of life, and also jungkit symbolizing in having an organized life well. In ulos ragihotang there are unok-unok, symbolized be a wise person like the humus, and jungkit. In ulos sadum, there is torna where this symbol to remind the people that Batak people come from mountain

    Translation Shift in the Translated Novel of “to Kill a Mockingbird” by Femmy Syahrianni

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    The aim of this study were to find out category shift types used in thetranslation of novel To Kill A Bird and to describe of how category shift is translatedin the novel from English into Indonesian. This study were conducted by usingdescriptive qualitative method. The data of the study were words, phrases, andclauses in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird which is translated into Indonesian byFemmy Syahrianni. It was found that there were 280 data in the novel from Englishinto Indonesian. The data analysis were taken by listing and bolding. Documentarysheets used as the instrument to collect the data. The data were analyzed based onMiles and Huberman (2014) by condensation which consists of selecting, focusing,simplifying, abstracting and transforming and then data display by using table inorder to get easy analyzing the data. The result of this study were (1) there were fourtypes of category shifts found in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird namely; structureshifts (36.78%), class shift (27.14%), unit shift (32.5%) and intra-system shift(3.27%). (2) The process of category shifts in the translation novel by havingmodifier-head in source language changed into head-modifier in target language,adverb in source language changed into verb in target language, one unit in sourcelanguage changed into some units in target language. and plural in source languagechanged into singular in target language

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Team Assisted Individualization Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas VI Sdn 12 Kubu

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    Improve learning outcomes using Team Assisted Individualization on the mathematics teaching sixth grade at SDN 12 Kubu. This study aims to describe the application of learning mathematics with Team Assisted Individualization that can improve student learning outcomes in mathematics teaching sixth grade at SDN 12 Kubu. The research method used is descriptive method to shape research in form of classroom action research. At the meeting the results I obtained 5556 %, 72,22 % to 83,33 % meeting II and III at the meeting.Based on the results obtained with use of Team Assisted Individualization on the mathematics learning can improve learning outcomes of sixth grade student of SDN 12 Kubu

    Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Sosiodrama terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V

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    : The purpose of this research is to analyze how much influence the application of methods sociodramas on learning outcomes of students in the learning of Social Sciences Public Elementary School fifth grade 26 Sungai Raya Southeast Pontianak. This research used experimental methods, and research is a quasi exsperimental shape design with a type of Non Equivalent Control Group. Based on the analysis of data, obtained an average post-test on the experimental class of 82.25 while the control class is 70,46. Results of hypothesis testing using t test with the formula polled variants, obtained of 5,319 and (α = 5% and dk = 33 + 32 - 2 = 63) of 1,668. Because (5.319) > (1,668), and thus Ha accepted. Furthermore, based on the analysis of levels of implementation sociodramas method in this study, obtained ES = 1,121 with a high category

    Peningkatan Aktivitas IPA melalui Media Konkrit di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri

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    Science teaching fourth grade Gammon River State 24 Kubu Raya. As a result, students lack the scientific attitude in the learning process of students only record activity and listen to the teacher\u27s explanation. Thing that shows learners\u27 learning activities are low and need ditingkatakan. one of the alternative solutions by applying instructional methods based on learner activity, one method is Concrete Media. Therefore a common problem in this study is "What\u27s with the concrete implementation of the media can increase the activity of Natural Sciences learning in fourth grade Gammon River State 24 Kubu Raya?". Common problems are translated into the formulation of the problem "How to increase the physical activity of students in the Natural Sciences learning by using media in class IV concrete Gammon River Elementary School 24 Kubu Raya?", How to increase mental activity of students in the Natural Sciences learning using concrete media class IV SDN 24 Gammon River Kubu Raya? ", How increase the emotional activity of students in the Natural Sciences learning using concrete media class IV Gammon River Elementary School 24 Kubu Raya?". Based on the formulation of the problem, the researchers aim to improve the learners\u27 learning activities

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Type Make a Match Sdn 10 Kendawangan

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    It follow from of background the problem. Study result of social knowledge material Physical Struggle in Maintaining Independence of learners class V elementary school negeri 10 Kendawangan, from 25 learners, that not to full KKM only 15 learners or as big as 60%. This case probalde, because the teacher not study with more direction style. Beside that performance is use of media not to vary. To mention in principle tendency, researchers hold, study inovation of social knowledge material Physical Struggle in Maintaining Independence through to apply style of study cooperative type by Make a Match to learners of class V elementary school negeri 10 Kendawangan. This Observation to purpose repair and to increase perfomance the teacher, activity of learners to study and study result

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik dengan Menggunakan Metode Bermain Peran Pembelajaran Tematik di SD

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    Ion: A common problem in this study is How the increase learners\u27 learning activities using thematic learning to play a role in the Grade 1 Elementary School 11 Tapang Sebeluh ? While the particular problem that is 1.Bagaimanakah Thematic lesson plan using methods play a role to improve the learners\u27 learning activities 1 Elementary School class 11 Tapang Sebeluh ? Thematic 2.Bagaimanakah implementation of learning by using role-play to improve learners\u27 learning activities 1 Elementary School class 11 Tapang Sebeluh ? 3.Apakah using role play can improve physical activity grade 1 learners Elementary School 11 Tapang Sebeluh ? 4.Apakah using role play can enhance mental activity grade 1 learners Elementary School 11 Tapang Sebeluh ? 5.Apakah using role play can improve learners\u27 emotional activity grade 1 Elementary School 11 Tapang Sebeluh ? The method used to play a role , whereas studies that form the institutional survey . Setting the research that is setting in the SDN classes I and II Tapang Sebeluh subjects were students numbering 24 people . Data collection techniques used are direct observation techniques , while the data collection tool that is used as a performance indicator for student observation material . The data obtained were analyzed by calculating the percentage . The procedure of the study include 2 cycles . At the initial observation prior to the study the percentage of student activity reached 42.5 % . In the first cycle, the percentage of student activity increased to 57.5 % . In the second cycle the percentage of student activity increased to 81.67 % The percentage of the initial observations of 42.5 % for the second cycle of 81.67 increased by 39.17 % . This increase is considered quite high and meet the standards set by the school that is 60 %

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika dengan Metode Demonstrasi di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of students in the learning of mathematics with the help of demonstration method in class IV SDN 01 Nanga Embaloh Kapuas Hulu . The method used is descriptive . Based on the results it can be concluded planning of learning math by using a demonstration on the fourth grade students of State Elementary School 01 Nanga Embaloh in cycle 1 the average score obtained 2,90. To 2 cycle average score of 3.68 was obtained. About learning mathematics using the multiplication operation demonstration at the fourth grade students of State Elementary School 01 Nanga Embaloh with an average value of 64.64 in cycle 1 and on 89,28. Second cycle of learning outcomes of students in cycle 1 and cycle 2 increased by 24.64

    Peningkatan Aktivitas dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Metode Inkuiri Kelas V SD

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    . The Improvement of Learners Activity in Math Learning by Applying Inquiry Method on the Fifth Grade of State Elementary School 01 Nanga Tebidah Sintang. The Purpose of this research is to find the improvement of the learners activity. The method used in this research is descriptive method with survey as the research form, which in the implementation there was collaboration between the researcher and the classroom teacher. The average score of physical activity before the inquiry method used was 37,86%, and it improved to be 51,46% in cycle I, and became 81,72% in cycle II. The average score of mentally activity before the inquiry method used was 26,34%, and it improved to be 51,77% in cycle I, and became 77,18% in cycle II. The average score of emotional activity before the inquiry method used was 33,30%, and it improved to be 74,17% in cycle I, and became 83,72% in cycle II. From this research, the math learning apparently is able to improve the learners activity by using the inquiry method on the fifth grade of state elementary school 01 Nanga Tebidah Sintang