
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Type Make a Match Sdn 10 Kendawangan


It follow from of background the problem. Study result of social knowledge material Physical Struggle in Maintaining Independence of learners class V elementary school negeri 10 Kendawangan, from 25 learners, that not to full KKM only 15 learners or as big as 60%. This case probalde, because the teacher not study with more direction style. Beside that performance is use of media not to vary. To mention in principle tendency, researchers hold, study inovation of social knowledge material Physical Struggle in Maintaining Independence through to apply style of study cooperative type by Make a Match to learners of class V elementary school negeri 10 Kendawangan. This Observation to purpose repair and to increase perfomance the teacher, activity of learners to study and study result

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