123 research outputs found

    The Effects of Channa Striatus Extract Administration on Wound Healing Markers (il-6, Mmp-9 and Vegf) in Post Lower Segment Caesarean Section (lscs) Women

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    Channa Striatus (Haruan) digunakan secara meluas di Malaysia untuk menggalakkan penyembuhan luka. Sejak turun temurun, C.striatus telah dipercayai mempunyai sifat anti-radang, anti-oksida dan anti sakit untuk penyembuhan luka yang lebih baik. Penyembuhan luka adalah satu proses dinamik yang melibatkan empat fasa yang berbeza namun berlaku secara serentak dan bertindih iaitu hemostasis, keradangan, percambahan dan pembentukan semula tisu. Proses yang sangat rumit ini bermula dengan serta-merta selepas kecederaan dan melibatkan tindakbalas yang tersusun antara pelbagai jenis tisu-tisu dan sel-sel. Di dalam proses penyembuhan ini, leukosit, makrophaj dan sel endothelial akan mengeluarkan pelbagai faktor-faktor pertumbuhan dan sitokin seperti Interleukin 6 (IL-6), Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) dan Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). IL- 6 mengawal penghasilan leukosit ke kawasan inflammasi. Channa striatus (ikan haruan) is widely consumed in Malaysia to promote wound healing. For centuries, C.striatus has been proposed to have antiinflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-nociceptive properties for better healing of the wound. Wound healing is a dynamic process that involves four disticnt yet an overlapping phases; haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodeling. It starts immediately after injury and proceeds with a complicated but well-organized interaction among various types of tissues and cells. During wound healing process, leukocytes, macrophages and endothelial cell release various growth factors and cytokines such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). IL-6 regulates leukocytes recruitment to the inflammatory sites

    Antioxidants in the Diet of Madinan Society in 622-632 A.D.

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze antioxidant foods in the diet of Madinan society in 622-632 A.D. which is believed to be the time when the Prophet Muhammad dwelled in Madinah. Recently, Madinan society and other societies of the world were reported to have a depraved and unhealthy diet. This paper focuses on the Madinan diet to obtain a deeper understanding of a well-balanced diet as an exemplary dietary model for societies worldwide. This study is a qualitative study and the approach is content analysis. Data collected through the methods of content and document analysis are thematically analyzed using descriptive and analytical methods. Findings demonstrate that the variety of foods in the Madinan diet represents a complete and well-balanced diet. The implication of this study establishes that the foods in their diet contain beneficial antioxidant compounds. Thus, the dietary model of Madinan society can be recommended and served as one of the dietary models owing to its health benefits and its palatability

    Preliminary study on supercritical fluid extraction of microalgae Nannochloropsis salina

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    Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) is an emerging extraction method because it is clean, selective and efficient compared to the chemical extraction methods that use toxic solvent. Microalgae Nannochloropsis salina was selected as the feedstock in this study due to its high content of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA). The use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a solvent in SFE makes the process as one of the green extraction technologies. This study aims to observe the effect of co-solvent (5% ethanol) and different types of microalgae holder (cotton and steam bun cloth) on the yield of lipid. The holder is required during the process due to the fine particle of microalgae that has potential to clog the instrument. The study was conducted for 4 hours at 60°C, 30 MPa and flow rate of 4 ml/min. The obtained lipid was then transesterified and analyzed for fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profile. The results showed that high yield of lipid (16 wt.%) obtained when co-solvent was added during the SFE. The microalgae holder used in this study also affected the yield of lipid. The used of cotton cloth as microalgae holder for SFE with co-solvent gave high lipid yield compared to steam bun cloth. It was found that the yield of lipid from SFE was double the amount of lipid obtained using Soxhlet extraction. This preliminary findings can be further researched by optimizing the co-solvent concentration with suitable microalgae holder for high lipid yields

    Penerapan Teori Graf pada Topologi Matriks Jaringan Distribusi Radial dalam Menentukan Losses

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    Losses in distribution network of electrical power system with radial system topology can be calculated using Graf Theory. Graf Theory uses nodes and branches that are exist in radial network and convert them in matrices equations. This method is used to determine injection current in losses calculation in every single network branch

    Preliminary study on lipid extraction from Nannochloropsis salina using supercritical carbon dioxide method

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    The issues involved with conventional lipid extraction methods, such as the usage of toxic solvents and accumulation of chemical waste, has motivated researchers to find an alternative approach to the extraction technology. One of the alternatives is via the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2) method. This extraction method is considered as green as it provides a clean, selective and efficient process. Although the SC-CO2 method has been successfully used to extract lipids from microalgae, there are still some issues related to sample preparation and process parameters that need to be resolved. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of adding a modifier (ethanol) and using different types of holders (cotton and steam bun cloth) has on the yield of lipid from Nannochloropsis salina. The usage of a holder is required during the process due to the fine particles of the microalgae which have the potential to clog the instrument used. The SC-CO2 extraction without the modifier was conducted for 4 hours at 60°C, 30 MPa and CO2 flow rate of 4 ml/min, while the extraction with the modifier was conducted using 3.8 ml/min CO2 and 0.2 ml/min ethanol. It was found that the highest lipid yield of 0.16 g lipid / g dried microalgae was achieved using cotton cloth as a holder with the addition of the modifier. Lower amount of lipids were obtained when using the Soxhlet method (0.08 g lipid / g dried microalgae) and SC-CO2 without modification (0.02 g lipid / g dried microalgae). These preliminary findings show that the SC-CO2 process requires modifications to enhance the lipids yield from microalgae

    Socio-economic and environmental impacts of industrialism: Qur'anic Prophetic Wisdom For Contemporary and Future Solutions

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    It has generally been a strong belief that industrialization is necessary to eliminate poverty, unemployment, inequality in the distribution of income and wealth, and above all, to bring an accelerated growth of economic development. This belief which has been deep rooted for decades in Muslims’ hearts assumes that the third world countries must follow the footsteps of the first-world nations if they aim for tremendous growth of economic development. However, the findings of various studies on industrializing countries have revealed that industrialization and modernization have been accompanied not just by attributes of economic development but also by abject poverty, greater unemployment, wider inequalities, and horrifying numbers on crimes, drug addiction, moral collapse, fatherless households, and the list goes on. In other words, the concept of industrialization and industrialism which are merely concerned about material and physical development have failed in realising the socio-economic well-being of the third world nations which Muslim countries are part of. In fact, the current situation of industrialised first-world nations should also be a lesson for Muslims, that is to avoid from repeating the same mistakes. If industrialization is examined from a purely Qur’anic Prophetic perspective, obviously, Islam perceives the process of industrialization as a source of sustenance and livelihood, as well as economic growth of a nation. Furthermore, industrialization and civilization in Islam encompass not merely economic growth but all other dimensions of the human life including social, spiritual, political, cultural, and psychological well-being. This study is essentially textual and document analysis. The historical information about the impact of industrialism is very important to be explored to understand the present tensions around the world especially after facing unpredictable situations like Covid-19 pandemic. This study also enlightens the current generations about the reality of present chaos and offers a gift of wisdom from Qur’anic Prophetic guidance for contemporary and future solutions

    An Analysis on Antioxidant Drinks during the Prophet’s Time in Makkiyah Context

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    The purpose of this paper was to analyze antioxidant drinks during the prophet’s Muhammad time in makkiyah context. Prophet Muhammad lived in Makkah for 13 years with its society and these years known as makkiyah context. In recent times, the Makkan society and other societies of the world were reported to have an unhealthy diet. This paper focuses on the diet in makkiyah context during the prophet’s time  to understand a well-balanced diet as an exemplary dietary model for societies worldwide. The method used in this qualitative study is content analysis. Data collected through content and document analysis are thematically analyzed using descriptive and analytical methods. Findings demonstrate that milk and honey were among Makkah’s familiar drinks and the Quranic ayāhs on them represent specific themes. The implication of this study establishes that the drinks during the prophet’s time in makkiyah context contain beneficial antioxidant compounds. The intake of milk and honey is recommended in the daily diet because they serve as the best types of drinks owing to their health benefits and palatability

    Date Palms In The Quran: The Descriptions

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    Dates have been recorded as part of human diet since antiquity and throughout major human civilizations including the biblical traditions. Dates are a robust, flexible and long lasting plant that can survive in a harsh environment. In Arabic, it is known as al-nakhl, which etymologically means “good, nourishing and nice smelling”. Dates are mentioned in the Qur’an for 27 times as nakhl, nakhla, alnakhlah, nakhil, and others; ascertaining its significance. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the interpretations of the verses according to significant books of commentary. By applying textual analysis method, the study found that Allah has revealed that the date palm has soft spadix producing clusters of dates hanging low and near; being arranged and layered one above another. It also has tough trunk; most suitable for crucifixion and to be attached to during childbirth. Allah uses the hollow and uprooted trunks as parables and proclaims that some of the date palms come from a single stem root. Allah conveys that the date palm produces sheathed fruit-stalks; enclosing dates as well as fruits of different taste. He also admits that strong drink i.e. liquor could be derived from dates i.e. before its prohibition and describes the date palm stone in three different places. Simultaneously, He sets forth parables with three small parts hidden in the nucleus of dates known as al-fatil, al-naqir and al-qitmir. Allah has also described the date palm using different terms known as shajarah tayyibah, kull hin and min linah

    Likelihood of using online banking services among consumers: application of logit model

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    Research on the area of internet banking has been extensively studied in developing countries since internet banking resumed from the new millennium. Most studies on this topic were conducted in Asian countries. Most methods adopted are attempted to analyze the ‘perception' among respondents or consumers on this technology. Very limited studies were using logit or probit regression to explore the ‘probability’ or ‘likelihood’ of consumers using internet banking, in particular among Malaysian consumers. The current study aims to analyze the probability of using digital banking services among consumers in Malaysia using survey data collected in the area of Klang Valley. Responses from the survey are analyzed empirically using logistic regression and the study finds that regardless of the choice of consumers on banks whether it is local or foreign, Islamic or conventional and regardless of how often they visit the bank(s), the likelihood of using online banking is significantly determined by the level of education they have, gender and category of employment. There is a higher probability of choosing online banking services among those who are highly educated, females and those who are not working in the government sector

    The Elderly-Friendly Housing Design Features Preferences by Generations in Malaysia

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    The continual increase of the elderly population will render Malaysia with an ageing nation status by 2030. However, less emphasise was taken to accommodate the needs and preferences. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Elderly-Friendly Housing Design Features Preferences among Malaysians by using the mixed-method research strategy. Six (6) identified elderly-friendly housing design features preferences were; (1) Bathroom; (2) Bedroom; (3) Kitchen; (4) Floor; (5) Living Room; and (6) Staircase. The revealed findings will assist the industry in understanding the elderly housing needs and preferences better to enhance the quality of life of the Malaysian generations. Keyword: Elderly (Senior) Generation, Elderly-friendly housing, Elderly-Friendly Housing Design Features eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5i15.251