19 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi tanah rawa pegunungan volkan berdasarkan Taksonomi Tanah di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survai deskriptif-kuantitaf. Terdapat tiga pedon yang diamati, yaitu rawa yang pernah ditanami padi, rawa yang ditanami cabai, dan rawa alami. Di lapangan diamati sifat-sifat morfologinya, kemudian diambil bahan tanahnya dari setiap horison dan dianalisis sifat fisika, kimia, dan mineralogi di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga pedon sama-sama memiliki sifat tanah andik. Epipedon masing-masing pedon adalah umbrik, molik dan okhrik. Semua pedon memiliki horison penciri bawah sombrik. Semua pedon tergolong ordo Andisol. Semua pedon tergolong subordo Aquand. Semua pedon tergolong great group Endoaquand. Subgrup masing- masing pedon adalah Lithic, Histic, dan Typic. Famili pedon P1 dan P3 adalah medial, campuran, isohipertermik; sedangkan pedon P2: medial, isohipertermik. Klasifikasi tanah setiap pedon: Lithic Endoaquand, medial, campuran, isohipertermik; Histic Endoaquand, medial, isohipertermik; dan Typic Endoaquand, medial, campuran, isohipertermik
Karakteristik Tanah Salin Krueng Raya Kecamatan Mesjid Raya Kabupaten Aceh Besar
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanah salin di Kemukiman Krueng Raya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tiga pedon yang dipilih berdasarkan perbedaan vegetasi yang tumbuh di atasnya (bakau, nipah dan semak halophyta). Di lapangan diamati sifat-sifat morfologinya, kemudian diambil bahan tanahnya dari setiap horison dan dianalisis sifat fisika, kimia, dan mineraloginya di laboratorium. Pada semua horison di pedon IR1 bertekstur liat, pada pedon IR2 tekstur di horison Bt lempung liat berpasir, sedangkan pada pedon IR3 horison Bt1 bertekstur lempung. Reaksi tanah (pH) berbanding lurus dengan kejenuhan basa (KB), pada semua horison mempunyai nilai yang tinggi KB dan pH kecuali pada pedon IR1 horison AB. Selain itu mempunyai pH, daya hantar listrik (DHL), nisbah Na terjerap (SAR) yang tinggi yang merupakan penciri daerah salin. Asam-asam dapat ditukar hanya terdapat pada pedon IR1 horison BA yaitu berupa kation hidrogen 1,76 cmol(+) kg-1 dan alumnium 1,44 cmol(+) kg_1, disebabkan horison tersebut pH-nya rendah (5.00) dan mengandung liat masam. Semua pedon mempunyai mineral mudah lapuk yang tinggi ( 10%), Hal ini menunjukkan tanah belum tua dan kesuburannya cukup baik, namun terdapat faktor-faktor penghambat yaitu kejenuhan Na, SAR, dan DHL yang tinggi. Setiap pedon didominasi oleh mineral smektit serta sedikit kaolinit, illit, kuarsa, dan klorit.Characteristics of Krueng Raya Salin soils at Subdistrict Mesjid Raya Aceh BesarAbstract. This research aimed to investigate the characteristics of saline soil in Kemukiman Krueng Raya. This research was conducted in three selected pedon based on difference of vegetation which is growing on it (mangroves, palm and halophyta shrub). Morphology properties observed in the field, then the soil material taken from each horizon and soil physical, chemical, and mineralogy were analyzed in the laboratory. In all IR1 pedon of horizons has clay texture, on IR2 pedon of Bt horizon has sandy clay loam texture, whereas on IR3 pedon of Bt1 horizon has clay texture. Soil reaction (pH) is proportional to the base saturation (BS), in all of horizons have high BS and pH values except on IR1 pedon of AB horizon. Besides, it has high value of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), which is the identifier of saline areas. The exchangeable acids only on pedon IR1 of BA horizon that is hydrogen cation 1.76 cmol (+) kg-1 and aluminium 1.44 cmol (+) kg-1, because of the horizon is low of pH (5.00) and contain of acid clay. All of pedon has high easily weathered minerals ( 10%). This is indicate that the soil has not aged yet and its fertility still quite well, but there are limiting factors that is high of Na saturation, SAR, and DHL. Each pedon dominated by smectite minerals and a little of kaolinite, illite, quartz, and chlorite
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah perekonomian Jepang terintegrasi dengan perekonomian Indonesia dan untuk mengetahui apakah perekonomian Indonesia terintegrasi dengan perekonomian Jepang. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dalam bentuk kuartalan dari tahun 1980.1 hingga 2012.1. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Vector Autoregression yang dikenal dengan model VAR untuk mengetahui hasil estimasi integrasi perekonomian antara Indonesia dan Jepang. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji stasioneritas, menentukan jumlah lag, menguji Wald Test. Berdasarkan pengolahan data diperoleh bahwa perekonomian Jepang terintegrasi dengan perekonomian Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada pengaruh GDP Jepang yang signifikan terhadap ekspor Indonesia lni bermakna bahwa peningkatan perekonomian Jcpang berpengaruh terhadap perekonomian Indonesia, demikian juga sebaliknya. Perekonomian Indonesia terintegrasi terhadap perekonomian Jepang. Hal ini terbukti dari pengaruh signifikan GDP Indonesia terhadap ekspor Jepang. Peningkatan perekonomian Indonesia akan berdampak pada peningkatan perekonomian Jepang dan sebaliknya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat menjaga stabilitas ekonomi Indonesia dan mempererat hubungan perdagangan dengan mitra dagang untuk meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia.Kata Kunci :Integrasi Ekonomi,Ekspor, VAR, Stabilitas Ekonomi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanah Typic Hapludand di University Farm Bener Meriah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengamati tiga pedon. Bahan tanah diambil dari tiap-tiap horison pada semua pedon, serta dianalisis sifat fisika, kimia, dan mineralogi. Warna tanah pada pedon P1 hitam–cokelat tua; P2 hitam keabu-abuan – cokelat tua kemerahan; sedangkan P3 hitam – cokelat. Pada pedon P1, P2, dan P3, horison Ap konsistensi lembabnya gembur, dan pada kondisi basah agak lekat – tidak lekat, sedangkan lapisan bawah berkonsistensi lembab sangat gembur – gembur & pada kondisi basah agak lekat – tidak lekat. Laju permeabilitas pada pedon P1, P2 dan P3 tidak berbeda berkisar 2,0-< 6,25 cm jam-1. Pada pedon P1 porositas di lapisan atas 66,41% lebih rendah dari lapisan bawah 67,08%. Pada pedon P1 kadar air di lapisan atas 34,63% lebih tinggi dari lapisan di bawahnya 32,84%, sama halnya dengan P2, sedangkan P3 terjadi sebaliknya. Stabilitas agregat pedon P1 dan P2 kurang stabil, sedangkan P3 stabil. Reaksi pH H2O 5.80 – 6.65, sedangkan pH KCl 4.68-5.45. Nilai K 0.15-0.38, Na 0.15-0.87, Ca 0.60-7.20 dan Mg 0.20-2.88 cmol(+) kg-1. Nilai H dd 0.08-0.32 & KTK 20.05-44.4 cmol(+) kg-1. Nisbah MSL/MML horison bawah lebih tinggi dari horison atas. Setiap pedon didominasi oleh mineral alofan & imogolit
Charge Characteristics and Cation Exchanges Properties of Hilly Dryland Soils Aceh Besar, Indonesia
Soil surface charge and cation exchange are important parameters of soil fertility in tropical soils. This study was conducted to investigate characteristics of surface charges and cation exchanges on four soil orders of the dryland in  Aceh Besar district. The soil order includes Entisols Jantho (05o16’58.41” N; 95o37’51.82” E), Andisols Saree (05o27'15.6" N; 95o44'09,1" E), Inceptisols Cucum (05º18’18,37” N; 95º32’48,04” E), dan Oxisols Lembah Seulawah (05o27’19,4” N; 95o46’19,2” E). The charge characteristics of surface charge are evaluated from the parameter of DpH (pHH2O-pHKCl), variable charge (Vc), permanent charge (Pc), and point of zero charges (PZC). In contrast, cation exchange properties are evaluated from several soil chemical properties, such as soil organic matter (SOM), base saturation (BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and effective CEC (ECEC). The results show that the four pedons of soil in the hilly dryland of Aceh Besar include a variable charge because it has a PZC, which is characterized by a negative surface charge with a PZC of pHH2O and has CEC dependent soil pH. PZC value varies from 3.21 – 5.26 and sequentially PZC Andisols Oxisols Entisols Inceptisols. The total CEC value differs considerably from ECEC and the sum of cations. CEC total of the soils varies from 12.8 – 34.4 cmol kg-1, whereas the ECEC values vary from 2.72 – 8.66 cmol kg-1. The highest variable charge percentage is found in Andisols Saree. In contrast, the highest permanent charge is found in Inceptisols Cucum and is positively correlated with pHH20, PZC, CEC, and sums of cations or ECEC. Improving soil quality in hilly dryland soils in Aceh Besar District can be done by decreasing the PZC status of soils with organic amendments and fertilizers or increasing the pH by using liming
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan mengenai pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan Disiplin terhadap kinerja Guru SD Negeri di Kota Depok. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SD Negeri di Kota Depok dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 116 guru SD. Metode Pengumpulan data dengan metode survey dan korelasional. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Jalur. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian adalah: (1) lingkungan kerja berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap kinerja guru (2) Disiplin berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap kinerja guru (3) lingkungan kerja berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap disiplin guru. Kesimpulan yang bisa diperoleh dari hasil penelitian bahwa Kinerja seorang guru akan meningkat jika didukung oleh lingkungan kerja yang memadai. Adapun disiplin berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap Kapasitas guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di daerah Depok. Artinya semakin meningkat disiplin, maka semakin baik kinerja guru. Displin guru SDN Depok juga dipengaruhi oleh Lingkungan kerja. Artinya lingkungan kerja yang memadai, membuat peningkatan terhadap disiplin guru.
Kata kunci : Lingkungan Kerja, Disiplin, Kinerja Guru
Abstract :
This research aims to determine the influence of work environment and discipline to the performance of public elementary school teacher in the city of Depok. Data is collected using survey and correlation method to 116 teacher as respondents, and afterward the data is analysed using path analysis. The result of the research are: (1) Work environment provides direct positive influence the teacher’s performance; (2) Discipline gives direct positive influence the teacher’s performance, and (3) Work environment directly influence the teacher’s discipline. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are positive relationships between work environment and discipline to the performance of public elementary school teacher in the city of Depok. Teacher’s performance will improve if supported by appropriate work environment and discipline attitude. Moreover, discipline is influenced by work environment. The more appropriate the work environment is, the higher level of discipline a teacher has.
Keywords: work environment, discipline, teacher’s performanc
Tanjong Selamat is one of the villages directly adjacent to Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Its strategic location makes Tanjong Selamat Village a priority to be developed into an assisted village of Universitas Syiah Kuala. The main occupations of local Tanjong Selamat villagers are farmers and breeders. Efforts to increase the community income can be done through the cultivation of laying ducks and post-harvest management in the form of making salted eggs. This community service activity was carried out in the form of extension, demonstration, and training. The activity materials are knowledge about the prospects for laying ducks cultivation, prevention and treatment of diseases that often attack ducks, good cage systems, management of breeding, and the making of salted eggs. The cage system and breeding management were carried out by making a pilot cage consisting of the main cage of 15 m2 and a breeding area of 50 m2. The cage was filled with 50 domestic ducks (peking ducks and tegal ducks) aged 4 months. During the community service activity, the participants were very enthusiastic and able to implement the technology package that had been given. Based on the activity that has been conducted, the villagers of Tanjong Selamat Village, especially the members of the livestock group, can understand well the extension material and have high enthusiasm in improving the management of laying ducks as observed during the demonstration of the cage plot as well as better understand the making of salted eggs that are in accordance with consumer desires and have a long shelf life
Perbaikan pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga dan sampah kebun di Gampong Meunasah Papeun Kabupaten Aceh Besar [Improving household and garden waste management in Meunasah Papeun Village, Aceh Besar District]
The waste problem in Aceh Besar District has been going on for quite some time now, which root cause can be tracked back to the lack of waste collection and treatment facilities compared to its residents’ waste growth. Therefore, the amount of untreated waste continues to increase. Meunasah Papeun Village as one of the villages in Aceh Besar District also faces the same problem, where the facilities and capacity of the Village Waste Management Unit (VWM) cannot keep up with the growth of residents' waste. Untreated waste ends up in illegal dumps or is burned by residents. This has reduced the comfort and quality of the village environment. In this Community Development Program (CDP), an approach was taken to reduce the waste that ended up in landfills through education and training on recycling and composting. The process sorted waste into three categories: organic, non-organic and residual waste. Some organic waste was composted and the rest became residue. Non-organic waste was sorted into recyclable and residual groups. This CDP was carried out in collaboration with Bank Sampah USK (BSU) to collect residents' recyclable waste. The residual was collected by VWM to be sent into the landfill. The residents who participated in these activities were able to cut their waste from a third to more than half. The extra money from recycling that was deposited into BSU was an additional advantage
Rencana Pengembangan Wilayah Zonasi Mangrove untuk Rehabilitasi Lahan Pasca Tsunami di Kecamatan Baitussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar
Plant Development of Region of Zoning Mangrove to Rehabilitate Land of Post Tsunami in District of Baitussalam Sub-Province of Aceh BesarABSTRACT. The research aim to rehabilitate land of mangrove as buffer zone in order to development of region of zoning mangrove in District of Baitussalam Sub-Province Aceh Besar. Method which is used in this research is descriptive method with technique of survey. Survey and intake of sample in field done/conducted by representative and perceive the condition of field physical. Analyzed to be land; ground sample to be taken until deepness 0 – 20 cm at the (time) of ebb sea water, each; every land; ground sample and water taken is then done/conducted by intake of coordinate point. Nature of water and land; ground in Laboratory is pH, DHL, SAR, and texture land ground. Result of Perception and research in field indicate that value of pH (6.82 – 8.02), DHL (2.40 – 7.50), SAR (1.37 – 3.00), and texture (sand, sandy loam, and sandy clay loam). Forest of Mangrove can grow and expand better as prop (buffer zone) between coastal region with continent. Development of mangrove in District of Baitussalam divided to the 3 zonings is coastal periphery zone (A) for the width of 1,091 ha (29.87%) located in countryside of Kajhu, Countryside of Cadek and Countryside of Lambada Lhok cultivated type mangrove of Rhizhospora spp. Middle zone (B) for the width of 1,289 ha (35.30%) located in countryside of Baet, Countryside of Cadek, Countryside of Kajhu, Countryside of Lambada Lhok, and Countryside of Cot Swamp cultivated type mangrove of Rhizospora mucronata, Bruguiera spp, and Ceriops spp. Hinterland zone or zone behind (C) from position go out to sea Ujong cultivated by type mangrove of Rhizospora apiculata, Mucronata Rhizopora, Avicennia spp (fires), and Nypa fructicans