2,053 research outputs found

    Scalable quantum computation with fast gates in two-dimensional microtrap arrays of trapped ions

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    We theoretically investigate the use of fast pulsed two-qubit gates for trapped ion quantum computing in a two-dimensional microtrap architecture. In one dimension, such fast gates are optimal when employed between nearest neighbours, and we examine the generalisation to a two-dimensional geometry. We demonstrate that fast pulsed gates are capable of implementing high-fidelity entangling operations between ions in neighbouring traps faster than the trapping period, with experimentally demonstrated laser repetition rates. Notably, we find that without increasing the gate duration, high-fidelity gates are achievable even in large arrays with hundreds of ions. To demonstrate the usefulness of this proposal, we investigate the application of these gates to the digital simulation of a 40-mode Fermi-Hubbard model. This also demonstrates why shorter chains of gates required to connect arbitrary pairs of ions makes this geometry well suited for large-scale computation

    Studi Kebutuhan Jenis dan Kapasitas Fasilitas Tempat Pendaratan Ikan Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau

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    The research was conducted in Junli 2016. The aim of the research os to determine type and dimension/facilities and capacity suppose must be available on fish landing place in Subdistrict of Bukitbatu. The method of the research was survey. The data collected was fisherman activities data, type and dimension of vessels, kind and total provisions bought by the fisherman, and landed fish catching. The result showed that the type and dimension of facilities required by the fisherman are wharf 58 m in long, area of port basin 1661 m2, height of port basin 1,2 m, area of fish auction 15,4 m2, fuel oil tank capacity 1140 l, drinking water tank capacity 500 l, fresh water tank capacity 5815 l, freezer capacity 2,3 ton, management room area 6 m2, store area 6 m2, provision stall 6 m2, canteen 6 m2, praying room 6 m2, toilet 3 m2, parking area 144 m2. To build these facilities, it is need land area about 209,4 m2

    Komparasiefisiensi Waktu Bongkardan Waktu Pengisian Perbekalan Melautkapal Perikanan Sondong Di PPI Dumai Provinsi Riau

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    Penelitian dilakukan melalui studi literatur hasil penelitian Sumitri (2013) dan Safrizal (2013) terhadap sembilan unit kapal sondong yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui komparasi efisiensi waktu bongkar dan waktu pengisian perbekalan melautnya. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis efisiensi, analisis regresi berganda dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi waktu bongkar lebih kecil dari pada efisiensi waktu pengisian perbekalan. Besarnya efisiensi waktu bongkar kapal sondong dipengaruhi secara bersama-sama oleh jumlah ikan didaratkan (x1), ukuran armada (x2), jarak jetti ke TPI (x3) dan umur pelaku bongkar (x4). Hubungan tersebut dalam bentuk persamaan y = 45,116 + 85,069 x1 – 21,278 x2 – 0,013 x3 + 0,951 x4.Sedangkan efisiensi waktu pengisian perbekalan dipengaruhi secara bersama-sama oleh jumlah perbekalan yang dibawa yakni es (x1), bbm (x2), air tawar (x3), ukuran armada (x4), jarak tempuh pengisian bekal (x5) dan umur pelaku pengisian (x6). Hubungan tersebut dalam bentuk persamaan y = 140,115 – 0,250 x1 + 0,078 x2 – 0,081 x3 – 10,236 x4 – 0,019 x5 – 0,041 x6

    Oral Cancer Awareness and its Determinants among a Selected Malaysian Population

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    Objective: To assess oral cancer awareness, its associated factors and related sources of information among a selected group of Malaysians. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on all Malaysian ethnic groups aged >= 15 years old at eight strategically chosen shopping malls within a two week time period. Data were analysed using chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression. Significance level was set at alpha<0.05. Results: Most (84.2%) respondents had heard of oral cancer. Smoking was the most (92.4%) recognized high risk habit. Similar levels of awareness were seen for unhealed ulcers (57.3%) and red/white patches (58.0%) as signs of oral cancer. Age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education, occupation and income were significantly associated with oral cancer awareness (p<0.05). Conclusions: There was a general lack of awareness regarding the risk habits, early signs and symptoms, and the benefits of detecting this disease at an early stage. Mass media and health campaigns were the main sources of information about oral cancer. In our Malaysian population, gender and age were significantly associated with the awareness of early signs and symptoms and prevention of oral cancer, respectively.Article Link: http://koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=POCPA9_2013_v14n3_195

    Kernel Logistic Regression-linear for Leukemia Classification Using High Dimensional Data

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    Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR) is one of the statistical models that has been proposed for classification in the machine learning and data mining communities, and also one of the effective methodologies in the kernel–machine techniques. Basely, KLR is kernelized version of linear Logistic Regression (LR). Unlike LR, KLR has ability to classify data with non linear boundary and also can accommodate data with very high dimensional and very few instances. In this research, we proposed to study the use of Linear Kernel on KLR in order to increase the accuracy of Leukemia Classification. Leukemia is one of the cancer types that causes mortality in medical diagnosis problem. Improving the accuracy of Leukemia Classification is essential for more effective diagnosis and treatment of Leukemia disease. The Leukemia data sets consists of 7120 (very high dimensional) DNA micro arrays data of 72 (very few instances) patient samples on the state of Leukemia types. In Leukemia classification based upon gene expression, monitoring data using DNA micro array offer hope to achieve an objective and highly accurate classification. It can be demonstrated that the use of Linear Kernel on Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR–Linear) can improve the performance in classifying Leukemia patient samples and also can be shown that KLR–Linear has better accuracy than KLR–Polynomial and Penalized Logistic Regression

    The Influence of Distance on Radiant Exposure and Degree of Conversion Using Different Light-Emitting-Diode Curing Units

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    Objectives: To investigate the influence of curing distance on the degree of conversion (DC) of a resin-based composite (RBC) when similar radiant exposure was achieved using six different light-curing units (LCUs) and to explore the correlation among irradiance, radiant exposure, and DC. Methods and Materials: A managing accurate resin curing-resin calibrator system was used to collect irradiance data for both top and bottom specimen surfaces with a curing distance of 2 mm and 8 mm while targeting a consistent top surface radiant exposure. Square nanohybrid-dual-photoinitiator RBC specimens (5 × 5 × 2 mm) were cured at each distance (n=6/LCU/distance). Irradiance and DC (micro-Raman spectroscopy) were determined for the top and bottom surfaces. The effect of distance and LCU on irradiance, radiant exposure, and DC as well as their linear associations were analyzed using analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficients, respectively (α=0.05). Results: While maintaining a similar radiant exposure, each LCU exhibited distinctive patterns in decreased irradiance and increased curing time. No significant differences in DC values (63.21%-70.28%) were observed between the 2- and 8-mm distances, except for a multiple-emission peak LCU. Significant differences in DC were detected among the LCUs. As expected, irradiance and radiant exposure were significantly lower on the bottom surfaces. However, a strong correlation between irradiance and radiant exposure did not necessarily result in a strong correlation with DC. Conclusions: The RBC exhibited DC values >63% when the top surface radiant exposure was maintained, although the same values were not reached for all lights. A moderate-strong correlation existed among irradiance, radiant exposure, and DC

    Efisiensi Waktu Pengisian Perbekalan Terhadap Waktu Tambat Kapal Perikanan Pukat Cincin Di Tangkahan PT. Agung Sumatera Samudera Sibolga Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The research was conducted in March 2013 in PT. ASSA Sibolga, NorthSumatra Province. The method used in this study is a survey of 15 purse seinevessels were chosen by purposive sampling. This study aims to determine thelevel of efficiency of the charging provisions. The result of this research can beinformation for who needthis file.The results showed that the efficiency of the charging provisions obtainedsix independent variables that affect the efficiency of the charging time is timewasted supplies, ice cubes, fresh water, the size of the vessel, the fishing trip andfuel. Based on the multiple linear regression analysis obtained values of r = 0.678and R2 = 67.8% (independent variable that diversity contributes to the diversity inthe values of supplies charging efficiency of 67.8%)

    Location Selection Study For Building Fish Landing Place In Districts Bukit Batubengkalisdistrict Riauprovince

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    The survey was conducted in July 2015, in the village Bukitbatu, Api-api andTenggayun, Bukitbatu district in Riau Province.The purpose of this study was to find thebest location suitable for fish landing building. The method used is the method review /revise the field. Can be seen from the survey data in the technical aspects, fisheries, socioeconomicand infrastructural purpose of the examination of the three villages.The location in the village Tenggayun have advantages, including the opportunity forfishing based on factors such as the number of fishing gear, fishing, the fishing fleet and thenumber of population, which is more than Bukitbatu villages and Api-api. Waters in thevillage Tenggayun fishery potential confounding factors and population factors get thehighest score compared to two other villages, with 55 points and 30 points. The final score ofthe third evaluation village consists of 187 points for Bukitbatu village, 173 points for thevillage burning and 195 points for Tenggayun village. The results of the research using thescoring method showed that the location in the village Tenggayun is the best place to build afish landing site