2,122 research outputs found

    Review of intrusion detection systems based on deep learning techniques: coherent taxonomy, challenges, motivations, recommendations, substantial analysis and future directions

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    This study reviews and analyses the research landscape for intrusion detection systems (IDSs) based on deep learning (DL) techniques into a coherent taxonomy and identifies the gap in this pivotal research area. The focus is on articles related to the keywords ‘deep learning’, ‘intrusion’ and ‘attack’ and their variations in four major databases, namely Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Xplore. These databases are sufficiently broad to cover the technical literature. The dataset comprises 68 articles. The largest proportion (72.06%; 49/68) relates to articles that develop an approach for evaluating or identifying intrusion detection techniques using the DL approach. The second largest proportion (22.06%; 15/68) relates to studying/applying articles to the DL area, IDSs or other related issues. The third largest proportion (5.88%; 4/68) discusses frameworks/models for running or adopting IDSs. The basic characteristics of this emerging field are identified from the aspects of motivations, open challenges that impede the technology’s utility, authors’ recommendations and substantial analysis. Then, a result analysis mapping for new directions is discussed. Three phases are designed to meet the demands of detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks with a high accuracy rate. This study provides an extensive resource background for researchers who are interested in IDSs based on DL

    Aplikasi Geomagnet Untuk Eksplorasi Bijih Besi Di Daerah Kacang Botor, Kabupaten Belitung Barat

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    Iron ore is one of commodity of metallic mineral that is located in Belitung Barat, Bangka Belitung Province. Existence of iron ore can be detected by applying a technology of geomagnet exploration using a magnetic characteristic of iron ore at study area. In this paper, it will be discussed about application of geomagnet for exploring iron ore at Kacang Botor area. Based on result of Geomagnet measurement and data processing, it can be interpretated that Kacang Botor area has prospect of iron ore (Fe) reserve, where contur of magnetic anomaly has a value of about 500 nT - 4000 nT. In a ddition, it can be predicted that iron ore at this area point to type of vein with direction of its distribution is west – east. This fact is suitable with commonly linement of iron ore deposit in belitung island

    Perbandingan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Sorgum yang Diratun Asal Varietas Bioguma 1

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    Harun, M.U., Sodikin, E., Zaidan, Z., Irmawati, I., & Yakup, Y. (2023). Comparison of growth and yield of ratooned sorghum from the bioguma 1 variety. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-11 Tahun 2023, Palembang 21 oktober 2023 (pp.129-134) Palembang : Penerbit &Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Sorghum plants have begun to be developed into a national food commodity in anticipation of climate change. It is necessary to know various basic agronomic information about sorghum, especially the growth and yield of ratoon so that a sustainable and profitable crop cultivation package can be prepared. This research aimed to assess the vegetative and generative potentital of the Bioguma 1 sorghum variety as ratoon. This research was conducted at the research garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya from February 2023 until August 2023. The methodology used was non-experimental.  Sampling was carried out randomly for 80 plants from a population of 1600 plants. The research results showed that there was a decrease in vegetative and generative growth of ratoon sorghum compared to its parent. Decreases occurred in stem length (21%), number of leaves (50%), shoot dry weight (59%), panicle weight (61%), and number of seeds (22%). The decrease in generative components was greater than vegetative in ratoon sorghum plants

    Surgical Training in Libya: The Way Forward

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    The General Surgical Training Programmes worldwide are designed to ensure that the advanced surgical trainee in surgery achieves competency in knowledge, skill and attitude, both operative and non-operative in a wide range of common surgical conditions, enabling the trainee to practice competently as a surgeon. Therefore, the goal of the surgical training is to train broad-based, highly qualified surgical specialists who can provide excellence in the care of patients with a wide range of surgical diseases. To this end we have to strive to a training programme that emphasizes education over service, training in all major surgical subspecialties, and strong academic affiliations

    Peran Indonesia dalam Penanggulangan Narkotika

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    Narcotics is an International problem faced by the nations of the world. Narcotic crime is a crime that is extra ordinary crime and has become transnational organized crime. Therefore its eradication must be carried out with the cooperation of each country while effecting the respective national laws in addition adopt a International conventions relating to counter-narcotics. Indonesia's role occupied a strategic place, especially in Southeast Asia and the world at large. Indonesia has shown firmness in the form of legislation that threatens the maximum punishment and they are proven to distribute narcotics have been partially executed. Indonesia is responsible at least in the region makes the drug as a common enemy


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, generasi gen Z dikatakan bahwa mereka sudah memasuki era teknologi dampak digital native yang dimana generasi Z mereka sudah terbiasa mengenal namanya teknologi dan mengikuti perkembangan jaman dalam sistem pembelajaran mereka. Seperti halnya pembelajaran mengeksplorasi sistem tata surya bagi anak remaja dimana banyaknya mereka masih belajar sistem tata surya itu hanya dari sebuah buku, sosial media, maupun video yang bertebaran dari internet, sehingga pembelajaran mereka terasa membosankan dan juga kurangnya media bersifat new media interaktif guna untuk memberikan reaksi pengalaman bagi mereka dalam mengenal sistem tata surya, sehingga dalam sistem pembelajaran mereka dibuatlah sebuah solusi dalam perancangan ini bahwa perlu adanya new media yang bersifat edukatif yaitu berupa Virtual Reality (VR) untuk memecahkan permasalahan pada target sasaran, dengan konsep berupa memberikan pengalaman dalam mengeskplorasi dengan pada virtual reality dengan nuansa ruang hampa menjelajahi planet-planet di tata surya. Dengan digunakannya metode perancangan Design Thingking alur perancangan ini lebih terarah dan untuk pengambilan data maupun menganalisa menggunakan bantuan metode 5w+1h. Hasil karya yang dirancangan dikategorikan ke tiga media, yaitu media isu diantaranya, poster, xbanner, konten sosial media, infografis, media utama adalah video VR, media pendukung diantaranya, note book, tote bag, lampu tidur, case HP, tumbler, t-shirt

    Place of Worship as Capital Space: The Relationship between Masjid Raya Bandung and Shopping Centers

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    The mosque is generally known as a place of worship for Muslims.  Besides being seen as a physical and spiritual space, a mosque is also a cultural space.  The culture is manifested through the everyday life of people who are connected to the mosque.  The economy is part of the everyday life that will connect the mosque with other economic sectors such as shopping centers.  This research will show the relationship between the mosque and shopping centers that contribute to the development or production of capital space in the city.  Masjid Raya Bandung (MRB) is the focus of research to uncover the formation of capital space and its relationship with shopping centers around the MRB.  The method used is observation and in-depth interviews with people visiting the mosque and shopping centers.  The theory used to look at this case is the production of space from Henri Lefebvre.  The results showed that the mosque was not only seen as a place of worship, but also a capital space.  The formation of this capital space can be seen from the relation of MRB with the shopping places around it and the relations of the activities of visitors who presuppose these two spaces: the mosque and the shopping centers.  That way, the mosque is used as a means of perpetuating the economic process or consumerism in the surrounding spaces, including in shopping centers
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