20 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance of Banks listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange

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    This study aims to examine the impact of Corporate Governance (CG) and Intellectual Capital (IC) on financial performance in banks listed in Pakistan stock exchange. Due to the different scope of business, the banks are dived into two groups - Commercial banks and Microfinance & investment banks, and analyzed their data separately. We have used Generalized Least Squared (GLS) model to examine the impact of Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital, and then impact of Intellectual capital on financial performance. The results show that Corporate Governance has significant impact on intellectual capital in both groups of banks. Board ownership has positive significant coefficient only in case of microfinance & investment banks, while Board size and Board independence significantly improve intellectual capital efficiency in case of both types of banks. Human capital efficiency significantly effects financial performance in Microfinance and investment banks, whereas commercial banks improve their financial performance through structural capital efficiency

    Enhancing hydrogen production from steam electrolysis in molten hydroxides via selection of non-precious metal electrodes

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    © 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC There are still gaps in the field of reference electrode that is needed to assist electrolysis in high temperature electrolytes (e.g. molten hydroxides) for H2 gas production. This research aims to fill the gaps by preparing Ni/Ni(OH)2 reference electrode and more importantly testing its effectiveness against important performance factors including; ion conducting membrane (e.g. mullite tubes), internal electrolyte composition, working temperature and electrochemical control (e.g. potential scan rate). Then, this reference electrode was used to study the electrocatalytic activity various cheaper working electrode materials including; stainless steel (St.st), Ni, Mo and Ag in comparison with Pt by the means of chronoamperometry and voltammetry. The effect of introducing steam into electrolyte (eutectic mixture of NaOH and KOH) on the electrocatalytic activity of these working electrodes was also studied. It was observed that the potential of hydrogen evolution with different working electrodes followed an order as; Pt > Ni > St. st > Ag > Mo (positive to negative). The performance of each working electrode was confirmed through chronoamperometry for hydrogen evolution at a constant potential of −0.7 V. It was also found in cyclic voltammetry and confirmed by chronoamperometry that the introduction of steam was apparent as increasing the current density at cathodic limit for hydrogen evolution. This study could help to develop non-precious metal electrodes for the production of hydrogen fuel. In future, there will be a potential in the threshold concentration of steam for H2 gas production

    Sleep Disturbances in Healthcare Professionals During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Objectives: To determine the incidence of sleep disturbances, including insomnia in healthcare professionals dealing with COVID-19 patients. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at inpatient infectious disease units, emergency department and ICU (for COVID-19 patients), at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) from February 2022 to April 2022. All the individuals participating in the study were healthcare professionals. Insomnia Severity Index was used for the questionnaire. The scores of the surveyed subjects were calculated and the characteristic demographics of the subjects were analyzed. Results: An upward trend in the incidence of poor sleep quality was noted among the healthcare professionals who participated in this study. Out of 160 healthcare professionals, 93(58.1%) of the population was females, while 67(41.9%) were males. The majority of participants (p<0.05) were between the ages of 20 and 30 years, followed by 31 to 40 years and 41 to 50 years. A significant proportion of the population (p<0.05) belonged to the unmarried group, followed by the married, separated, and divorced with a percentage of 60.6, 36.2, 2.5 and 0.6%, respectively. Moreover, 84.4% (135/160) of healthcare professionals (p<0.05) had a previous history of sleep disorders. Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) score system was used to analyze the intensity of sleep disorders and insomnia in the affected persons and it was found that most of the participants were diagnosed with subthreshold insomnia (38.8%). Conclusion: The study elucidated that there was a significantly higher incidence of sleep disturbances and insomnia, in healthcare professionals working in Covid-19 care units

    Screening of volatile organic compounds emitted from different packaging materials: case study on fresh-cut artichokes

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    In the present work, the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from plastic packaging materials and their migration to the packaged product was investigated. Fresh-cut artichokes were chosen as a case study owing to their nutritional profile, including phenolic compounds, antioxidants, inulin and fiber, and the high market demand. Artichokes were cut into quarters, packaged in active modified atmosphere (5% O2 and 10% CO2) in three different micro-perforated (MP) packages (polypropylene (PP), polypropylene/polyamide (PP/PA) and polylactic acid (PLA)) and stored for 10 days at 5° C. For the detection of VOCs on the packaging materials and in the packaged product, three approaches were considered. First, VOCs emitted from a piece of package were extracted by solid phase micro extraction (SPME), at 30°C, and analyzed by gas-chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Second, VOCs from the headspace of the empty closed bag were extracted by SPME, at 5°C, to understand if any packaging volatile compound was transferred into the package atmosphere in this temperature condition. Finally, packaged artichokes were also analyzed by SPME/GC–MS to detect any presence of packaging volatiles compared to the fresh product. Emitted VOCs were different according to the material; in particular PP/PA emitted the greatest number of VOCs, most of them belonging to the class of branched alkanes and alkenes, such as 4-methyl-heptane, 2,4-dimethyl-heptane, 4-methyl-octane and 2,4 dimethyl heptene; PP emitted octane, aldehydes, and 1-metoxy-2-propanol; PLA emitted aldehydes and propanoic acid. Some VOCs were found into the atmosphere of the empty bags as well as on packaged artichokes, while they were not found in the fresh samples before packaging, suggesting that a study on the emission of VOCs from different plastic materials in contact with food and on the effect of different storage conditions is very critical for a better understanding of this issue

    Risks of Surgery for Myelomeningocele in Children

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    Objective: To know about complications in Myelomeningocele (MMC) surgery.Material and Methods: Fifty five children underwent surgical repair of MMCs and represent our experience about complication in surgery for MMC. Retrospective observational study carried out in Neurosurgery ward, Lady reading hospital Peshawar, from 2013 to 2015. Patients suffering from MMC were admitted. The clinical, radiological and laboratory finding of patients were documented on a designed proforma. Moreover ventri-culoperitonial shunting (V/P) was performed for children who had or developed hydrocephalus. Eliptical incision in vertical plane was given in 45 cases and horizontal incision in 6 cases. Plastic surgery unit consulted for very large MMC in rest of 4 cases and transposition of gluteus maximus musculocutaneous unit performed. All patients with MMC of both gender and age range from 1 month to 10 years who were willing and fit for surgery were included in this study and all those who were not willing and fit for surgery were excluded. The study was approved by Institute of Research in Ethics and Biomedicine (IREB).This study will help to make recommen-dations.Results: Patients in this study were in the age range of 1 month to 10 years. Mean age was 1.8 years. Thirty seven patients (67%) were Paraparetic (MRC grade from 1 to 4) and 18 patients (32.72%) were completely paraplegic. Seventeen patients (30.9%) had ruptured MMC at presentation and underwent surgery in emergency. Fifteen patients (27.27%) had V/P shunting before surgery for MMC and 11 patients (20%) developed hydro-cephalus after excision and repair of MMC and V/P shunting carried out. Seven patients (12.72%) developed wound dehiscence and CSF leak and subjected to redo surgery. Three patients (5.45%) had wound infection followed by meningitis and two patients (3.63%) died after surgery.Conclusion: From this study we concluded that wound dehiscence and CSF leak are the most common complication after surgery for MMC and can be prevented by tensionless closure of the wound. In MMC patients with overt hydrocephalus prior to repair and excision of MMC V/P shunting should be performed. If patient develop hydrocephalus after surgery then immediate diversion of CSF should be carried out

    Development and testing of zinc sulfate and zinc oxide nanoparticle-coated urea fertilizer to improve N and Zn use efficiency

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    Nitrogen (N) losses from conventional fertilizers in agricultural systems are very high, which can lead to serious environmental pollution with economic loss. In this study, innovative slow-release fertilizers were prepared using zinc (Zn) [nanoparticles (NPs) or in bulk], using molasses as an environmentally friendly coating. Several treatments were prepared using Zn in different concentrations (i.e., 0.25%, 0.5%, and 4% elemental Zn). The zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) were prepared from zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZnSO4·7H2O), and were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Furthermore, the Zn-loaded urea samples were tested for urea N release rate, leaching of water from soil, and crushing strength to assess the impact of coating on the final finished product. Pot experiments were conducted simultaneously to check the agronomic effects of Zn-coated slow-release urea on the growth and development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The laboratory and pot results confirmed that the ZnO-NP treatments boost wheat growth and yield as a result of reduced N and Zn release. UZnNPs2 (urea coated with 0.5% ZnO-NPs and 5% molasses) demonstrated the best results among all the treatments in terms of slow nutrient release, N and Zn uptake, and grain yield. The UZnNPs2 treatment increased plant yield by 34% (i.e., 4,515 vs. 3,345 kg ha–1) relative to the uncoated prill-treated crop because of the slower release of Zn and N

    Torrefied biomass fuels as a renewable alternative to coal in co-firing for power generation

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    This study aims to assess the torrefaction of biomass as alternative renewable energy fuel to coal during co-firing. It was evaluated that torrefaction improves biomass grindability to such an extent that it can be used in coal mills with coal in co-firing without capital intensive modification. Torrefaction of beech wood was performed on a batch scale reactor at three different temperatures (200, 250 and 300 °C) with 30 min of residence time. The chemical structural changes in torrefied biomass were investigated with binding energies and FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) analysis. Monocombustion and co-combustion tests were performed to examine the combustion behaviour regarding flue gas emissions (CO, NOx and SO2) at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 m distance from the burner opening along with fly ash analysis. The FTIR and binding energies showed that lignin hardly affected during light torrefaction while hemicellulosic material was significantly depleted. The Hardgrove grindability index (HGI) was calculated with three methods (DIN51742, IFK and ISO). The medium temperature torrefied biomass (MTTB) yields HGI value in the range of 32–37 that was comparable with HGI of El Cerrejon coal (36–41). A slight change in temperature enabled the torrefied beech wood to be co-milled with coal without capital intensive modification and improved grindability. Comparing the combustion behaviour of single fuels, low temperature torrefied biomass (LTTB) produces less amount of NOx (426 mg/m3), CO (0.002 mg/m3) and SO2 (2 mg/m3) as compared MTTB and raw beech wood. In the case of co-combustion, it was found that blending of coal with raw biomass does not show a stable behaviour. However, premixing of 50% of coal with 50% of torrefied biomasses (MTTB and LTTB) gives most stable behaviour and reduces NOx almost 30% and SOx up to almost 50% compared to coal. The fly ash contents analysis proved that K2O contents much decreased during co-firing of coal and torrefied fuels that could cause ash related issues during combustion of raw biomass

    Transcoding of MPEG-4 compressed video over error-prone channels

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    grantor: University of TorontoThis thesis considers the performance of MPEG-4 compressed video over noisy channels. This is a design project that proposes a synchronization technique for improving the resilience of MPEG-4 video to transmission errors, without the addition of any extra redundancy into the bitstream. The errors on noisy transmission channels cause the loss of synchronization between encoder and decoder. The proposed scheme transcodes the MPEG-4 compressed video bitstream into an error resilient structure for transmission over noisy channels. The Resynchronization Markers, traditionally used in MPEG-4 for resynchronization are quite long and hence cause considerable overhead. Furthermore, in the event of a transmission error all the data between two consecutive Resynchronization markers needs to be discarded. The transcoding scheme proposed in this thesis avoids the use of these long Resynchronization Markers and instead achieves resynchronization with minimal overhead using a technique called Error Resilient Entropy Coding (EREC) that also provides enhanced resilience to transmission errors. The proposed scheme is standard compatible and can be implemented without any change in current codecs.M.A.Sc