820 research outputs found

    Teores de enxofre em solos dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo.

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    Algumas controvérsias sobre a origem da vida

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    In the present paper some controversies on the origin of life are discussed. Did the first living beings on Earth have an autotrophic or heterotrophic origin? What did come first, genetic code or metabolism? Were cells invented early? What was the role of minerals regarding the origin of life

    Da geração espontânea à química prebiótica

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    Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis Of Microorganisms In Root-filled Teeth With Persistent Infection: Monitoring Of The Endodontic Retreatment.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate in vivo microorganisms detected in root-filled teeth with post-treatment apical periodontitis and quantify colony-forming units (CFU) during endodontic retreatment. Fifteen root-filled teeth had their previous gutta-percha removed and were randomly instrumented before being divided into three groups and medicated with either [Ca(OH)2 + 2% CHX gel], [Ca(OH)2 + 0.9% NaCl] or 2% CHX gel. Samples were taken after removal of gutta-percha (S1), after chemomechanical preparation using 2% CHX gel (S2), and after inter-appointment dressing (S3) for 7 or 14 days later. Cultivable bacteria recovered from infected root canals at the three stages were counted and identified by means of culture and PCR assay (16S rDNA). Quantitative data were statistically analyzed by using Mann-Whitney test in which pairs of groups were compared (P < 0.05). CFU counts decreased significantly from S1 to S2 (P < 0.05). No significant difference was found between S2 and S3 (P = 0.3093) for all three experimental groups. Chemomechanical preparation and intra-canal dressing promoted significant median reductions of 99.61% and 99.57%, respectively, in the number of bacteria compared to S1 samples. A total of 110 cultivable isolates were recovered by culture technique from 32 different species and 7 different genera. Out of the 13 target species-specific primer of bacteria analyzed, 11 were detected during endodontic retreatment. The great majority of taxa found in post-treatment samples were Gram-positive bacteria, although Gram-negative bacteria were found by molecular methods. Moreover, our results showed that gutta-percha removal and chemomechanical preparation are effective for root canal disinfection, whereas additional intra-canal dressing did not improve disinfection.7302-

    GAGrank: Software for Glycosaminoglycan Sequence Ranking using a Bipartite Graph Model

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    The Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) Are Long, Linear Polysaccharide Chains that Are Typically Found as the Glycan Portion of Proteoglycans. These GAGs Are Characterized by Repeating Disaccharide Units with Variable Sulfation and Acetylation Patterns Along the Chain. GAG Length and Modification Patterns Have Profound Impacts on Growth Factor Signaling Mechanisms Central to Numerous Physiological Processes. Electron Activated Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectrometry is a Very Effective Technique for Assigning the Structures of GAG Saccharides; However, Manual Interpretation of the Resulting Complex Tandem Mass Spectra is a Difficult and Time-Consuming Process that Drives the Development of Computational Methods for Accurate and Efficient Sequencing. We Have Recently Published GAGfinder, the First Peak Picking and Elemental Composition Assignment Algorithm Specifically Designed for GAG Tandem Mass Spectra. Here, We Present GAGrank, a Novel Network-Based Method for Determining GAG Structure using Information Extracted from Tandem Mass Spectra using GAGfinder. GAGrank is based on Google\u27s PageRank Algorithm for Ranking Websites for Search Engine Output. in Particular, It is an Implementation of BiRank, an Extension of PageRank for Bipartite Networks. in Our Implementation, the Two Partitions Comprise Every Possible Sequence for a Given GAG Composition and the Tandem MS Fragments Found using GAGfinder. Sequences Are Given a Higher Ranking If They Link to Many Important Fragments. using the Simulated Annealing Probabilistic Optimization Technique, We Optimized GAGrank\u27s Parameters on Ten Training Sequences. We Then Validated GAGrank\u27s Performance on Three Validation Sequences. We Also Demonstrated GAGrank\u27s Ability to Sequence Isomeric Mixtures using Two Mixtures at Five Different Ratios

    Conjunto mínimo de parâmetros para avaliação da microbiota do solo e da fixação biológica do nitrogênio pela soja.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e validar um conjunto mínimo de parâmetros para o monitoramento, em campo, da microbiota do solo e da fixação biológica do N2 (FBN) pela soja. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em áreas de plantios comerciais (safra 2002/2003) e experimentais (safra 2004/2005), em blocos ao acaso. O C e o N da biomassa microbiana (CBM e NBM) mostraram-se adequados para a avaliação quantitativa da microbiota do solo e ambos os parâmetros foram correlacionados significativamente, portanto, apenas um deles precisa ser determinado. Foram obtidas correlações positivas e significativas entre a massa da parte aérea seca das plantas (MPAS) e o CBM e o NBM. A análise do DNA total do solo por eletroforese em géis desnaturantes (DGGE) detectou alterações qualitativas na microbiota do solo, relacionadas à homogeneidade da área e a diferenças entre tratamentos, áreas e coletas. A massa de nódulos secos (MNS) foi o melhor parâmetro para a avaliação da nodulação. Correlações significativas foram constatadas entre a MPAS e o N total acumulado na parte aérea (NTPA). Resultados semelhantes foram observados entre a MPAS e o N de ureídos (NTU). O monitoramento da FBN pela soja pode ser realizado apenas pela determinação da MNS e da MPAS

    Staying alive on an active volcano. 80 years population dynamics of Cytisus aeolicus (Fabaceae) from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

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    Cytisus aeolicus is a narrow endemic species restricted to the Aeolian archipelago (SE Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) and it is one of the most evolutionarily isolated plants in the Mediterranean flora. Historical and literature&nbsp;data suggest that both metapopulations and isolated individuals of C. aeolicus are gradually shrinking. Field investigations and drone images demonstrate that the C. aeolicus metapopulation from Stromboli experienced a strikingly fast increase during the last decades. As of 2019, more than 7000 ± 3000 mature individuals occur on Stromboli, i.e. 14 to 20 times more than those counted during the last census, 25 years ago. The diachronic analysis of aerial photos concerning last 80 years and the analysis of the growth rings of some selected plants pointed out that the surface occupied, the demographic structure and the distribution pattern of the subpopulations of Stromboli has been highly fluctuating during last decades. Moreover, data issuing from field observations in permanent plots placed in a transect between two isolated mature individuals showed that, under natural conditions, the germination rate of the seedlings of C. aeolicus can be very high and their establishment rate may exceed 40%. By contrast, seedlings mortality is subject to strong annual fluctuations. Additionally, the pollen morphology of the Strombolian metapopulation of this rare and isolated species is studied here for the first time. Contrary to what is stated in recent literature, the C. aeolicus metapopulation from Stromboli is healthy and very dynamic, albeit frequently damaged by the volcanic activity. Regular and repeated field surveys carried out during 3 years (2017–2019) allowed improving our knowledge on the life cycle of C. aeolicus and a new extinction risk assessment of the species, according to IUCN criteria, is presented

    Evaluation of the biocompatibility of root canal sealers using subcutaneous implants

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vivo the biocompatibility of Endométhasone, Pulp Canal Sealer EWT and AH-Plus root canal sealers after implantation in rat connective tissue. Twenty-four Wistar-Furth rats were used. Polyethylene tubes were filled with the sealers and implanted into specific dorsal subdermal tissue sites of the rats. Implants were removed after 3, 7 and 30 days, fixed and processed for glycol methacrylate-embedding technique to be examined microscopically. On the 3rd day, there was a mild inflammatory reaction to Pulp Canal Sealer EWT implants, but a severe response to the other sealers with presence of acute inflammatory cells. On the 7th day, tissue organization was more evident with attenuation of the inflammatory reaction, especially for the AH-Plus implants. On the 30th day, connective tissue with few inflammatory cells was observed in contact with all sealer implants. In this time interval, the tissue in contact with Pulp Canal Sealer EWT implants was more organized, while the tissue close to Endométhasone and AH-Plus implants showed a mild persistent inflammatory reaction and had similar results to each other. In conclusion, the sealers had a similar pattern of irritation, which was more severe in the beginning and milder with time, in such a way that all sealers showed a persistent mild reaction. Pulp Canal Sealer EWT yielded better tissue organization than Endométhasone and AH-Plus, which, in turn, showed similar results to each other