69 research outputs found

    Emotional creativity and real-life involvement in different types of creative leisure activities

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    The role of emotional creativity in practicing creative leisure activities and in the preference of college majors remains unknown. The present study aims to explore how emotional creativity measured by the Emotional Creativity Inventory (ECI; Averill, 1999) is interrelated with the real-life involvement in different types of specific creative leisure activities and with four categories of college majors. Data were collected from 251 university students, university graduates and young adults (156 women and 95 men). Art students and graduates scored significantly higher on the ECI than other majors. Humanities scored significantly higher than technical/economic majors. Five creative leisure activities were significantly correlated with the ECI, specifically, writing, painting, composing music, performing drama, and do-it-yourself home improvement. Keywords: Creativity, Emotional Creativity, Emotions, Creativeness, Affect, Feelings, Leisure Activities, Creative Ability, Artistic Creativity, Creative Thinking, Creativeness, Aging, Cognitive Deficits, Performance. MeSH Headings: Emotions, Creativity, Leisure, Leisure Activities, Hobbies, Recreation, Affect Affective Symptoms, Creativenes


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    The maximal rate of energy absorption of the knee joint represents a risk factor in noncontact knee injuries. The aim of the study is to compare the absorbed net knee peak power during a bilateral landing after a block in a stick, balance, step back and run back landing strategies. Twelve male professional volleyball players of the highest caliber in the Czech Republic (aged 24.5 ± 4.6 years; height 196.8 ± 0.1 cm; mass 90.1 ± 8.3 kg) participated in this study. From the aspect of the absorbed net knee joint peak power, the landing strategy step back and stick landing appears to be the best option. The balance landing may be in greater risk of non-contact knee injuries

    A Contour Method on Cayley tree

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    We consider a finite range lattice models on Cayley tree with two basic properties: the existence of only a finite number of ground states and with Peierls type condition. We define notion of a contour for the model on the Cayley tree. By a contour argument we show the existence of ss different (where ss is the number of ground states) Gibbs measures.Comment: 12 page

    Band structure of CuMnAs probed by optical and photoemission spectroscopy

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    5 pages, 5 figures + Supplementary InformationTetragonal phase of CuMnAs progressively appears as one of the key materials for antiferromagnetic spintronics due to efficient current-induced spin-orbit torques whose existence can be directly inferred from crystal symmetry. Theoretical understanding of spintronic phenomena in this material, however, relies on the detailed knowledge of electronic structure (band structure and corresponding wave functions) which has so far been tested only to a limited extent. We show that AC permittivity (obtained from ellipsometry) and UV photoelectron spectra agree with density functional calculations. Together with the x-ray diffraction and precession electron diffraction tomography, our analysis confirms recent theoretical claim [Phys.Rev.B 96, 094406 (2017)] that copper atoms occupy lattice positions in the basal plane of the tetragonal unit cell.We acknowledge support from National Grid Infrastructure MetaCentrum provided under the programme “Projects of Large Research, Development, and Innovations Infrastructures” (CESNET LM2015042); Grant Agency of the Czech Republic under Grant No. 15-13436S; CEDAMNF (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000358) of the Czech ministry of education (MŠMT) as well as its LM2015087 and LNSMLNSpin grants; Cariplo Foundation, Grant No. 2013-0726 (MAGISTER); Spanish MINECO under MAT2015-67593-P project and the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme (SEV-2015-0496); EU FET Open RIA Grant No. 766566; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Grant No. EP/P019749/1. P.W. acknowledges support from the Royal Society through a University Research Fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Innovationsindikatoren und Innovation Leader-Strategie

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    Die Position Österreichs in internationalen Rankings der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit wie etwa dem Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) der Europäischen Union ist die eines Innovation Followers. Trotz beträchtlicher Anstrengungen wie etwa einer deutlichen Zunahme der F&E-Ausgaben im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sich Österreichs Position wenig verändert. Es ist auch der Ab-stand zu den Innovation Leaders – Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Schweden und die Schweiz, die allesamt eine besonders gute Position in diesen Rankings haben – nicht kleiner geworden. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Studie mit der Position Österreichs in ver-schiedenen Vergleichen der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit von Ländern

    A pectin-rich, baobab fruit pulp powder exerts prebiotic potential on the human gut microbiome in vitro

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    Increasing insight into the impact of the gut microbiota on human health has sustained the development of novel prebiotic ingredients. This exploratory study evaluated the prebiotic potential of baobab fruit pulp powder, which consists of pectic polysaccharides with unique composition as compared to other dietary sources, given that it is rich in low methoxylated homogalacturonan (HG). After applying dialysis procedures to remove simple sugars from the product (simulating their absorption along the upper gastrointestinal tract), 48 h fecal batch incubations were performed. Baobab fruit pulp powder boosted colonic acidification across three simulated human adult donors due to the significant stimulation of health-related metabolites acetate (+18.4 mM at 48 h), propionate (+5.5 mM at 48 h), and to a lesser extent butyrate (0.9 mM at 48 h). Further, there was a trend of increased lactate levels (+2.7 mM at 6h) and reduced branched chain fatty acid (bCFA) levels (-0.4 mM at 48 h). While Bacteroidetes levels increased for all donors, donor-dependent increases in Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, and Firmicutes were observed, stressing the potential interindividual differences in microbial composition modulation upon Baobab fruit pulp powder treatment. Overall, Baobab fruit pulp powder fermentation displayed features of selective utilization by host microorganisms and, thus, has promising prebiotic potential (also in comparison with the 'gold standard' prebiotic inulin). Further research will be required to better characterize this prebiotic potential, accounting for the interindividual differences, while aiming to unravel the potential resulting health benefits