3,235 research outputs found

    Effect of Activated Charcoal and Composition Activator Acid Sulphate on Palm Oil Waste Water Treatment

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    Purpose of this research is to exploit the shell and palm fiber become the active charcoal, by looking at the influence of the ratio mixture composition and effect of activator. this Active charcoal application as adsorbent to the liquid waste of crude palm oil. Initial treatment, shells and palm fiber dried first at a temperature of 1200C and carbonized. charcoal mix shell and palm fiber activation chemically with a solution of H2SO4 by way of immersed in the solution for 24 hours. The best quality activated charcoal obtained from the comparison of the 75% shell, 25% palm fiber with activator H2SO4 that has a yield of 95.94%, 4.9% moisture content, ash content 6.13%, iodine number 916.594 mg / g. Activated charcoal mixture palm shell and palm fiber can be used as adsorbent liquid waste CPO, which is indicated by a decline in these parameters in the waste water contaminants in CPO, which is a 7.49 pH of 9, TSS of 660 ppm to 325 ppm,COD becomes 237,12 mg/L from1577.60 mg/L

    Macroscopic network circulation for planar graphs

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    The analysis of networks, aimed at suitably defined functionality, often focuses on partitions into subnetworks that capture desired features. Chief among the relevant concepts is a 2-partition, that underlies the classical Cheeger inequality, and highlights a constriction (bottleneck) that limits accessibility between the respective parts of the network. In a similar spirit, the purpose of the present work is to introduce a new concept of maximal global circulation and to explore 3-partitions that expose this type of macroscopic feature of networks. Herein, graph circulation is motivated by transportation networks and probabilistic flows (Markov chains) on graphs. Our goal is to quantify the large-scale imbalance of network flows and delineate key parts that mediate such global features. While we introduce and propose these notions in a general setting, in this paper, we only work out the case of planar graphs. We explain that a scalar potential can be identified to encapsulate the concept of circulation, quite similarly as in the case of the curl of planar vector fields. Beyond planar graphs, in the general case, the problem to determine global circulation remains at present a combinatorial problem

    Pemindahan Pencari Suaka (Transfer of Asylum Seeker) Dalam Hukum Internasional (Studi Kasus Pemindahan Pencari Suaka Dari Australia Ke Malaysia Dan Papua Nugini)

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    Australia dianggap sebagai negara maju dengan masa depan menjanjikan hingga kemudian dijadikan tempat tujuan favorit para pencari suaka dari segala penjuru dunia. Banyaknya pencari suaka yang datang ke Australia membuka celah bagi para imigran gelap dan hal ini membuat pemerintah Australia kewalahan. Pemerintah Australia pun membuat kebijakan baru yaitu memindahkan para pencari suaka ke Malaysia dan Papua Nugini. Permasalahan muncul ketika kebijakan ini dianggap melanggar prinsip dalam Hukum Internasional, khususnya prinsip non-refoulement. Terlebih lagi belum ada sumber hukum yang mengatur mengenai pemindahan pencari suaka dalam Hukum Internasional. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang pemindahan pencari suaka dalam Hukum Internasional serta tanggung jawab dari negara yang melakukan pemindahan pencari suaka

    Equity crowdfunding and governance : Toward an integrative model and research agenda

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Academy of Management via the DOI in this recordEquity crowdfunding markets have grown exponentially over the last few years. Despite this impressive growth, significant informational asymmetry problems may plague these markets, making them susceptible to difficulties and even market failure. In this paper, we depart from current equity crowdfunding research that focuses almost exclusively on the funding success and funding dynamics on platforms to study the effective governance of equity-crowdfunded (ECF) firms and how it relates to these firms’ success. We propose a conceptual model that identifies a multitude of governance mechanisms (e.g., internal or external and formal or informal) that potentially operate in equity crowdfunding markets to reduce adverse selection and moral hazard problems. Further, building on this framework, we offer a roadmap for future research that examines how different governance mechanisms may help in the selection and development of successful ECF firms.Research Foundation—Flander

    Slack resources, firm performance, and the institutional context: Evidence from privately held European firms

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordResearch summary: Integrating the behavioral and institutional perspectives, we propose that a country's formal institutions, particularly its legal frameworks, affect managers' deployment of slack resources. Specifically, we explore the moderating effects of creditor and employee rights on the performance effects of slack. Using longitudinal data from 162,633 European private firms in 26 countries, we find that financial slack enhances firm performance at diminishing rates, whereas human resource (HR) slack lowers performance at diminishing rates. However, financial slack has a more positive effect on firm performance in countries with weaker creditor rights, whereas HR slack has a more negative effect on performance in countries with stronger employee rights. The results provide a richer view of the relationship between slack and firm performance than currently assumed in the literature. Managerial summary: A key dilemma managers often encounter is whether, on the one hand, they should build in excess resources to buffer their firms from internal and external shocks and to pursue new opportunities or whether, on the other hand, they should develop “lean” firms. Our study suggests that excess cash resources—which are usually viewed as easy to redeploy—benefit firm performance, especially when firms operate in countries with weaker creditor rights. However, excess human resources—which are usually viewed as more difficult to redeploy—hamper firm performance, particularly when firms operate in countries with stronger labor protection laws. Thus, the management of slack resources critically depends on the characteristics of these resources (e.g., redeployability) and the institutional context in which managers operate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Research Foundation—FlandersNational Bank of BelgiumHercules FoundationKU Leuve

    Perancangan Kampanye Peningkatan Kesadaran Berwirausaha Sosial “Generasi Pengubah”

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    Di tengah maraknya tren wirausaha, angka kemiskinan dan pengangguran malah semakin meningkat di Kota Bandung. Hal ini disebabkan karenageliat kewirausahaan yang kurang memiliki kebermanfaatan dan nilai sosial bagi masyarakat disekitarnya. Suatu bentuk kewirausahaan bernamakewirausahaan sosial dinilai mampu menjadi solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. Mahasiswa merupakan golongan yang cocok untuk memulaiberwirausaha sosial karena dinilai mampu menghasilkan ide-ide kreatif dalam berwirausaha. Kampanye sosial “Generasi Pengubah” dirancang untukmengajak para mahasiswa di Kota Bandung untuk mencoba menjadi seorang wirausahawan sosial dengan menyumbangkan ide solusi daripermasalahan sosial yang terjadi di sekitar mereka

    Electron doping evolution of the magnetic excitations in BaFe2-xNixAs2

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    We use inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy to study the magnetic excitations spectra throughout the Brioullion zone in electron-doped iron pnictide superconductors BaFe2x_{2-x}Nix_{x}As2_{2} with x=0.096,0.15,0.18x=0.096,0.15,0.18. While the x=0.096x=0.096 sample is near optimal superconductivity with Tc=20T_c=20 K and has coexisting static incommensurate magnetic order, the x=0.15,0.18x=0.15,0.18 samples are electron-overdoped with reduced TcT_c of 14 K and 8 K, respectively, and have no static antiferromagnetic (AF) order. In previous INS work on undoped (x=0x=0) and electron optimally doped (x=0.1x=0.1) samples, the effect of electron-doping was found to modify spin waves in the parent compound BaFe2_2As2_2 below \sim100 meV and induce a neutron spin resonance at the commensurate AF ordering wave vector that couples with superconductivity. While the new data collected on the x=0.096x=0.096 sample confirms the overall features of the earlier work, our careful temperature dependent study of the resonance reveals that the resonance suddenly changes its QQ-width below TcT_c similar to that of the optimally hole-doped iron pnictides Ba0.67_{0.67}K0.33_{0.33}Fe2_2As2_2. In addition, we establish the dispersion of the resonance and find it to change from commensurate to transversely incommensurate with increasing energy. Upon further electron-doping to overdoped iron pnictides with x=0.15x=0.15 and 0.18, the resonance becomes weaker and transversely incommensurate at all energies, while spin excitations above \sim100 meV are still not much affected. Our absolute spin excitation intensity measurements throughout the Brillouin zone for x=0.096,0.15,0.18x=0.096,0.15,0.18 confirm the notion that the low-energy spin excitation coupling with itinerant electron is important for superconductivity in these materials, even though the high-energy spin excitations are weakly doping dependent.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure