99 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on the Fear of Negative Evaluation and Automatic Thoughtsin Female Students

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    Introduction: Mindfulness training is an effective method for lowering stress and negative thoughts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training on fear of negative evaluation and automatic thoughts in female students.Method: This research was conducted as a semi-experimental research using pre-test post-test design with a control group. The sample consisted of 30 students (15 participants for each of the experimental and control groups). At first, 120 individuals were selected by purposive sampling and then 30 subjects were selected among the students who scored higher than the average score in the pre-test (fear of negative evaluation and automatic thoughts scales). Participants in the experimental groups received mindfulness training for eight sessions, while the control group did not receive any training. At the end of the training a post-test was taken from both groups. Multivariate covariance analysis was used to investigate the research hypotheses.Results: The results indicated that mindfulness training decreased significantly both fear of negative evaluation (p<0.05) and automatic thoughts (p<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, mindfulness training is effective in reducing the fear of negative evaluation and automatic thoughts, so providing this training for students can prevent the negative effects of these variables in the educational environment

    Structural and functional differences between state-owned and private banks in Iran

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    Banks, as financial institutions, play the role of financial intermediaries: savings, investments, production, employment and growth in the national economy are affected by operations of banks. State-owned and private banks have a relatively similar role and function and the rules and regulations governing them are not very different, because the non-usury banking act was adopted at a time when there was no private bank in the banking system of the country and all acts and regulations governing banking operations were approved by the government’s banking vision. At the moment, banks are moving within the samelegal atmosphere. Hence, the question is whether private banks are taking the path that the government banking system has taken. Despite the similarities, these banks are sometimes subject to different rules and regulations in terms of how to establish, operate and dissolve. This structural difference has led to a functional difference and has often differentiated the ways in which resources are attracted and allocated and made the private banking system somewhat offset the deficiencies of the government banking system.Banki jako instytucje finansowe pełnią rolę pośredników finansowych. Banki wpływają na oszczędności, inwestycje, produkcję, zatrudnienie i wzrost w gospodarce narodowej. Banki państwowe i prywatne pełnią podobną rolę i funkcję, a rządzące nimi zasady i przepisy nie różnią się bardzo. Irańska ustawa o bankowości bez lichwy została przyjęta w czasie, gdy w systemie bankowym kraju nie było prywatnego banku, a wszystkie ustawy i regulacje dotyczące operacji bankowych zostały podporządkowane państwowej wizji działalności bankowej. Stąd pytanie brzmi, czy banki prywatne podążają drogą rządowego systemu bankowego. Pomimo podobieństw banki te podlegają czasem różnym zasadom i regulacjom dotyczącym zakładania, prowadzenia i rozwiązywania. Ta różnica strukturalna doprowadziła do różnicy funkcjonalnej i często różnicowała sposób przyciągania i alokacji zasobów a także sprawiała, że system bankowości prywatnej nieco zrównoważył niedociągnięcia rządowego systemu bankowego

    Investigation of Performance Management Behaviors in Educational Managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences

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    Performance management supports the power of knowledge in the academic system and makes this knowledge a comparative advantage. The amount of performance management behavior expressed by managers affects their assessment and ability to improve. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the performance management behaviors expressed by the educational managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences. This is a descriptive-analytic study. The population under study includes the educational managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences. A census was applied as the sampling method. Performance Management Behavior Questionnaire (PMBQ) was applied as the data collection instrument. After evaluating the validity and reliability of this instrument, data would be analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical tests. Of all distributed questionnaires, 144 were filled and recollected. The obtained means were average or higher for all aspects. The average score of male and female managers was respectively equal to 89.58 and 86.77. The total average score was 83.58 with the standard deviation of 6.4224. In no aspect, the difference between average scores of male and female managers was statistically significant. As to the performance expectations, there was a significant difference in behavior of managers with different management experiences (p=0.014). According to the results, the educational managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences have all evaluated their performance management behaviors to be generally desirable

    Ljubav je imperij: Kognitivna analiza metafora imperija u ljubavnoj poeziji Johna Donnea

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    The poetry of John Donne is replete with elaborate metaphors. As the products of an age of nascent imperialism and colonization, the metaphors he uses to describe the concept of love demonstrate his deep preoccupation with the question of imperial domain. These metaphors have mostly been studied in the light of his political and religious tendencies. However, according to cognitive poetics as a recent literary discipline, these metaphors are windows across the way the poet understands different concepts. Lakoff and Johnson argue that the metaphor is not merely a linguistic matter, but our very conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical, and we understand the world metaphorically. A cognitive poetic approach will help us reveal how the poet constructs his metaphors cognitively, what are the internal structures of his metaphors, and what are the interrelations between these metaphors and the ideologies of the time. By combining insights from cognitive poetics and Edward Said’s views about culture and imperialism, we can better understand the world of love Donne creates in his poetry and its relations with the world outside.Poezija Johna Donnea obiluje raskošnim metaforama. Kao proizvod razdoblja ranog imperijalizma i kolonizacije, metafore koje rabi za opisivanje koncepta ljubavi pokazuju Donneovu duboku preokupaciju pitanjem imperijalne vladavine. Te su metafore uglavnom proučavane u svjetlu Donneovih političkih i religijskih sklonosti. Međutim, sukladno postavkama nove discipline kognitivne poetike, te metafore pružaju uvid u način na koji pjesnik razumije različite pojmove. Lakoff i Johnson tvrde da metafora nije samo lingvistički fenomen, već da je naš konceptualni sustav u osnovi metaforičan te da svijet shvaćamo metaforički. Kognitivnopoetički pristup pomaže nam otkriti kako pjesnik kognitivno oblikuje svoje metafore, koje su unutarnje strukture njegovih metafora te koji su međusobni odnosi između tih metafora i ideologija određenog razdoblja. Kombiniranjem saznanja kognitivne poetike i postavki Edwarda Saida o kulturi i imperijalizmu možemo bolje razumjeti svijet ljubavi koji Donne stvara u svojoj poeziji i njegov odnos prema svijetu koji ga okružuje

    Analiza ekonomiczna reform systemu sądownictwa w Iranie z 2017 roku: sposoby wprowadzenia długoterminowych efektów poprawy opóźnień w procesach sądowych

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    Litigation delay is a serious concern for judicial systems. In 2017, Iran enacted regulations for digitizing the judicial system in order to address this problem. This article shows whether this new policy has been an efficient move and shows solutions with more long-term results for overcoming the litigation delay. To analyze the recent reforms' efficiency, I review Iran's dispute resolution performance using secondary data from Doing Business research and the Research Center of the Iranian parliament reports in measuring the doing business environmentfrom 2016, before adopting those regulations, and then until 2019. Finally, it is concluded that Law & Economics methodology is a suitable methodology for analyzing the efficiency of 2017 Iran’s policy, which also provides ways to achieve more sustainable results to overcome the litigation delay. The main finding of this study is that according to the Kaldor-Hicks efficiency, Iran's recent reforms related to digitizing the judicial system have been an efficient move; however, due to the nature of these reforms, this efficiency does not last permanently.Opóźnienia w procesach sądowych są poważnym problemem dla systemów sądowniczych.W 2017 roku Iran wprowadził przepisy dotyczące cyfryzacji systemu sądownictwaw celu rozwiązania tego problemu. Artykuł pokazuje, czy nowa polityka była skutecznymruchem i przedstawia rozwiązania o długoterminowych skutkach dla przezwyciężenia opóźnieńw procesach sądowych. Aby zbadać efektywność niedawnych reform, autor analizujewydajność rozwiązywania sporów w Iranie, korzystając z danych wtórnych z badań DoingBusiness oraz raportów Centrum Badań parlamentu irańskiego, w celu pomiaru środowiskabiznesowego od 2016 roku, przed wprowadzeniem tych przepisów, a następnie do 2019 roku.Dochodzi się do wniosku, że metodologia Prawa i Ekonomii jest odpowiednią metodologiądo analizowania efektywności polityki Iranu z 2017 roku, która również przedstawia sposobyosiągnięcia bardziej trwałych wyników w przezwyciężaniu opóźnień w procesach sądowych.Głównym wynikiem tego badania jest to, że według efektywności Kaldora-Hicksa niedawnereformy Iranu związane z cyfryzacją systemu sądownictwa były skutecznym ruchem, jednakże,ze względu na charakter tych reform, ta skuteczność nie jest trwała

    Autologous Plasma rich platelet versus Low Molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid in Knee Osteoarthritis: a Non-placebo Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: This study aimed to compare the effect of autologous plasma rich platelet (PRP) versus Low molecular weight Hyaluronic acid (HA) on pain, function and stiffness in knee osteoarthritis during six months follow-up. Design: Through a non-placebo blocked randomized controlled trial with parallel design on 77 patients with knee osteoarthritis; 50 in intervention group, treated by PRP; 27 in control group, treated by HA.  They received three injections and assessed before, after two and six months. Pain, stiffness and function were assessed using WOMAC and VAS. Descriptive statistics, chi-square, and ANOVA were used when appropriate. Results: Pain reduced in both groups compared to their respective baseline (P<0.007); the reduction rates were similar in both groups (P>0.1). WOMAC and VAS scores were different between before injection and both two and six months follow-ups in both groups (P<0.001); although increasing of VAS score between two and six months follow-ups was more considerable in PRP but not statistically significant (P=0.08). Considering Kellgren-lawrence classification of knee osteoarthritis, WOMAC scores were different in patients with grade 2 and 3 in both groups (P<0.01); but VAS scores were different with grade 3 only in PRP group (P=0.009). Conclusions: There was no difference between PRP and HA in reducing symptoms of knee osteoarthritis compare to their baseline but sustainability of the effect may be more with HA

    The evaluation of breakfast intake pattern and short-term memory status in junior secondary school students in Shiraz 2007

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    زمینه و هدف: یادگیری، حافظه و پیشرفت تحصیلی کودکان در مدرسه تحت تاثیر عوامل مختلف تغذیه ای و از جمله صبحانه قرار دارند. مواد مغذی اعم از ویتامین های نیاسین (B3)، فولیک اسید (B9)، کوبالامین (B12)، آهن، ید و غیره بر حافظه کوتاه مدت موثرند. از آنجا که صبحانه از عادات مطلوبی است که بر حافظه کودکان موثراست. لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی الگوی صبحانه دریافتی و وضعیت حافظه کوتاه مدت دختران دانش آموزان مدارس راهنمایی شهر شیراز صورت گرفت. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی 150 نفر از دختران دانش آموز مدارس راهنمایی شیراز به روش تصادفی چند مرحله ای انتخاب شدند. اطلاعات دموگرافیک اجتماعی-اقتصادی با پرسشنامه والگوی صبحانه با پرسشنامه بسامد و یادآمد صبحانه 3 روزه جمع آوری و از هر فرد یک تست حافظه وکسلر به عمل آمد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری همبستگی پیرسون و ANOVA تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: بین شغل و تحصیلات والدین، وضعیت تحصیلی، سن و حافظه‌ رابطه‌ معنی داری وجود نداشت. طی بررسی تغذیه ای بین مصرف پیریدوکسین (ویتامینB6 )، B12، ید، کالری، پروتیین، چربی یا کلسترول و نمره ی حافظه رابطه‌ی معنی داری وجود نداشت (05/0P>)، اما بین مصرف ویتامین B3، کربوهیدرات و آهن در صبحانه و نمره ی حافظه رابطه ی معنی دار و همبستگی از نوع مستقیم وجود داشت (05/0

    Classification Sport managers through communication skills and cultural intelligence in sports organizations

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was Structural equation modeling of relation between communication skills with cultural intelligence and classifies sport managers in Isfahan Province.Methodology: Descriptive study was conducted through a survey. The study population consisted of Isfahan’s Sport Managers. In this research 550 sport manager’s as a population was considered. 207 As the population was selected from Statistical population. Measuring instrumentsconsisted ofdemographicquestions, BartonG.Thereliability ofcommunication skills(0.81), cultural intelligence questionnairewas (0.88) and reliability of classify sport managers questioner was (0.84). Statisticalmethodsincludedanalysisofbothdescriptive and inferential statisticsusingSPSSsoftwareandsoftwareLISRELand structural equation modelingwas performedto assess therelationshipsbetween variables.Results: The results show that the communication skills and cultural intelligence and classify sport managers, there are significant relationship, the output shows the application of structural equation model is appropriate (RMSEA=0.037 ، GFI=912.، AGFI=0.902).Conclusion: Hence the required proper planning in order to improve their communication skills and cultural intelligence organizations for sports managers in these organizations is effective as ever. Because of the significant aims of the athletic directors, managers tend to imitate and Ambassador Therefore, the authorities have the right people in the suitable strategy for post  management have, Because it seems intuitive managers and analysts can better brighter prospects for the exercise of the imagination.  The general conclusion of the present study is that the variables of communication skills, cultural intelligence and classification of sports managers showed that the rate of all these variables in sports organizations is moderate. These cases indicate a weakness in communication skills and cultural intelligence of sports managers. In other words, because managers do not have good communication and interpersonal skills, they ignore the role of employees in decisions, do not encourage people to communicate in the organization, do not organize well in line with the goals of the organization and thus Measures have lowered the level of job satisfaction among employees. Since a significant percentage of sports managers tend to imitate managers and ambassadors, it should be noted that officials should adopt appropriate management strategies in order to achieve the optimal level of communication indicators and cultural intelligence in the selection. Suitable people to pay special attention to different levels of management positions, because it seems that with the presence of analytical and intuitive managers, a clearer vision for sports can be imagined

    Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection among healthy individuals referred to the medical center laboratories in Tehran City, Capital of Iran

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    Background: Toxocarosis is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution. Humans’ infection occurred by incidental ingestion of eggs shed in feces of dogs or cats. Studies on general population are rare in Iran. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated seroprevalence, and risk factors associated with toxocariasis among the healthy individuals in Tehran, capital if Iran.Materials and Methods: In total, 374 sera samples were investigated for the presence of anti-Toxocara IgG. We applied ELISA as screening test using available commercial kit. In addition, demographic data were obtained from participant’s questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using SPSS16.Results: The overall seroprevalence of toxocariasis was found 5.6% (21/374). Regarding the socio-demographic variables, age (P<0.001) and eating unwashed vegetables (P=0.049) were significantly associated to toxocariasis in univariate analysis. In the logistic regression analysis, only age (P<0.001) was identified as potential risk factor associated with Toxocara infection.Conclusion: This study revealed that seroprevalence of toxocariasis is relatively low in the healthy individuals in Tehran. We suggest carrying out further studies in the different part of Iran and investigate on the prevalence of toxocariasis in high-risk groups such as asthma, hyper-eosinophilic, epilepsy, rheumatism and schizophrenia patients