288 research outputs found

    The effect of distractors on starting-delay, missed opportunities and unsafe crossings of children and adults in a simulated pedestrian crossing task

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    The aims of the research were to investigate the effect of distractors on the pedestrian skills of children and adults. The pedestrian skill of deciding when it is safe to cross a road (decision-making skill) was assessed by a computer-presented simulated pedestrian task. It was predicted that distractors would reduce the performance of all age groups, with the reduction being greater for younger children. The pedestrian skills of Grade 2, Grade 4 and Grade 6 children and adults were assessed in three conditions, without distractors, with on-screen distractors and with off-screen distractors. The results showed that off-road distractors, whether visual or auditory, increased the starting-delay of all age groups. There was no significant difference between off-road-visual and off-road-auditory distractors for any age group except for Grade 6 children. Off-road-auditory distractors increased starting-delay more than off-road-visual distractors for Grade 6 children. Furthermore, off-road and on-road distractors increased the number of missed opportunities for Grade 2 children. On-road distractors increased the number of missed opportunities of Grade 4 and Grade 6 children. The increase was greater for Grade 6 children. The number of unsafe crossings was higher in the condition without distractors. Overall, decision-making skills were vulnerable to distractors. The degree of vulnerability differed depending on age and the specific measures of pedestrian skill

    In-depth proteomics identifies a role for autophagy in controlling reactive oxygen species mediated endothelial permeability

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    Endothelial cells (ECs) form the inner layer of blood vessels and physically separate the blood from the surrounding tissue. To support tissues with nutrients and oxygen, the endothelial monolayer is semipermeable. When EC permeability is altered, blood vessels are not functional, and this is associated with disease. A comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms regulating EC permeability is key in developing strategies to target this mechanism in pathologies. Here we have used an in vitro model of human umbilical vein endothelial cells mimicking the formation of a physiologically permeable vessel and performed time-resolved in-depth molecular profiling using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture mass spectrometry (MS)-proteomics. Autophagy is induced when ECs are assembled into a physiologically permeable monolayer. By using siRNA and drug treatment to block autophagy in combination with functional assays and MS proteomics, we show that ECs require autophagy flux to maintain intracellular reactive oxygen species levels, and this is required to maintain the physiological permeability of the cells

    Youth Knowledge on the Law of Youth Development in Malaysia

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    Preparation of synthesis nanoparticles Fe3O4 based on iron sand Sumbawa

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    Iron sand generally contains minerals such as ilmenite, magnetite, and hematite. Based on the results of previous tests, the main composition of iron sand in Rhee, Sumbawa regency, is magnetite. One method to increase the Fe content in iron sand is by pre-treatment with NaOH. NaOH is also used to precipitate heavy metals in a mineral. In this study, three variations were carried out with the ratio of NaOH: iron sand, namely: 1: 4, 2: 4, and 3: 4 at a temperature of 300 C. Furthermore, the calcination results were followed by the synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using the coprecipitation method. The results of the XRF characterization showed an increase in Fe levels after being processed by the alkalization treatment. The highest concentration was obtained in 1:4, with a Fe percentage of 91.1%. The results of the XRD characterization showed that the synthesis of Fe3O4 was successfully carried out with single phase Fe3O4 amlording to the data reference 96-9005839 forms and the space group F d -3 m. Crystal size analysis Using the Debey-Scherrer equation, the respective sizes were 12.7 nm, 8.71 nm, and 9.76 nm, respectively

    Expression of RUNX1 correlates with poor patient prognosis in triple negative breast cancer

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    The RUNX1 transcription factor is widely recognised for its tumour suppressor effects in leukaemia. Recently a putative link to breast cancer has started to emerge, however the function of RUNX1 in breast cancer is still unknown. To investigate if RUNX1 expression was important to clinical outcome in primary breast tumours a tissue microarray (TMA) containing biopsies from 483 patients with primary operable invasive ductal breast cancer was stained by immunohistochemistry. RUNX1 was associated with progesterone receptor (PR)-positive tumours (P<0.05), more tumour CD4+(P<0.05) and CD8+(P<0.01) T-lymphocytic infiltrate, increased tumour CD138+plasma cell (P<0.01) and more CD68+macrophage infiltrate (P<0.001). RUNX1 expression did not influence outcome of oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive or HER2-positive disease, however on univariate analysis a high RUNX1 protein was significantly associated with poorer cancer-specific survival in patients with ER-negative (P<0.05) and with triple negative (TN) invasive breast cancer (P<0.05). Furthermore, multivariate Cox regression analysis of cancer-specific survival showed a trend towards significance in ER-negative patients (P<0.1) and was significant in triple negative patients (P<0.05). Of relevance, triple negative breast cancer currently lacks good biomarkers and patients with this subtype do not benefit from the option of targeted therapy unlike patients with ER-positive or HER2-positive disease. Using multivariate analysis RUNX1 was identified as an independent prognostic marker in the triple negative subgroup. Overall, our study identifies RUNX1 as a new prognostic indicator correlating with poor prognosis specifically in the triple negative subtype of human breast cancer

    Distribution of O-Acetylated Sialic Acids among Target Host Tissues for Influenza Virus.

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    Sialic acids (Sias) are important glycans displayed on the cells and tissues of many different animals and are frequent targets for binding and modification by pathogens, including influenza viruses. Influenza virus hemagglutinins bind Sias during the infection of their normal hosts, while the encoded neuraminidases and/or esterases remove or modify the Sia to allow virion release or to prevent rebinding. Sias naturally occur in a variety of modified forms, and modified Sias can alter influenza virus host tropisms through their altered interactions with the viral glycoproteins. However, the distribution of modified Sia forms and their effects on pathogen-host interactions are still poorly understood. Here we used probes developed from viral Sia-binding proteins to detect O-acetylated (4-O-acetyl, 9-O-acetyl, and 7,9-O-acetyl) Sias displayed on the tissues of some natural or experimental hosts for influenza viruses. These modified Sias showed highly variable displays between the hosts and tissues examined. The 9-O-acetyl (and 7,9-) modified Sia forms were found on cells and tissues of many hosts, including mice, humans, ferrets, guinea pigs, pigs, horses, dogs, as well as in those of ducks and embryonated chicken egg tissues and membranes, although in variable amounts. The 4-O-acetyl Sias were found in the respiratory tissues of fewer animals, being primarily displayed in the horse and guinea pig, but were not detected in humans or pigs. The results suggest that these Sia variants may influence virus tropisms by altering and selecting their cell interactions. IMPORTANCE Sialic acids (Sias) are key glycans that control or modulate many normal cell and tissue functions while also interacting with a variety of pathogens, including many different viruses. Sias are naturally displayed in a variety of different forms, with modifications at several positions that can alter their functional interactions with pathogens. In addition, Sias are often modified or removed by enzymes such as host or pathogen esterases or sialidases (neuraminidases), and Sia modifications can alter those enzymatic activities to impact pathogen infections. Sia chemical diversity in different hosts and tissues likely alters the pathogen-host interactions and influences the outcome of infection. Here we explored the display of 4-O-acetyl, 9-O-acetyl, and 7,9-O-acetyl modified Sia forms in some target tissues for influenza virus infection in mice, humans, birds, guinea pigs, ferrets, swine, horses, and dogs, which encompass many natural and laboratory hosts of those viruses

    Put you in the problem:effects of self-pronouns on mathematical problem solving

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    Self-cues such as personal pronouns are known to elicit processing biases, such as attention capture and prioritisation in working memory. This may impact the performance of tasks that have a high attentional load like mathematical problem-solving. Here, we compared the speed and accuracy with which children solved numerical problems that included either the self-cue “you,” or a different character name. First, we piloted a self-referencing manipulation with N = 52, 7 to 11 year-olds, testing performance on addition and subtraction problems that had either a single referent (“You”/“Sam”) or more than one referent. We took into account operation and positioning of the pronoun and also measured performance on attention and working memory tasks. We found a robust accuracy advantage for problems that included “you,” regardless of how many characters were included. The accuracy advantage for problems with a self-pronoun was not statistically associated with individual differences in attention or working memory. In our main study (9 to 11 year-olds, N = 144), we manipulated problem difficulty by creating consistently and inconsistently worded addition and subtraction problems. We found significantly higher speed and accuracy for problems that included “you.” However, this effect varied by task difficulty, with the self-pronoun effect being strongest in the most difficult inconsistently worded, subtraction problems. The advantage of problems with a self-pronoun was not associated with individual differences in working memory. These findings suggest that self-cues like the pronoun “you” can be usefully applied in numerical processing tasks, an effect that may be attributable to the effects of self-cues on attention.</p
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