770 research outputs found

    Hybrid data intelligent models and applications for water level prediction

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) models have been successfully applied in modeling engineering problems, including civil, water resources, electrical, and structure. The originality of the presented chapter is to investigate a non-tuned machine learning algorithm, called self-adaptive evolutionary extreme learning machine (SaE-ELM), to formulate an expert prediction model. The targeted application of the SaE-ELM is the prediction of river water level. Developing such water level prediction and monitoring models are crucial optimization tasks in water resources management and flood prediction. The aims of this chapter are (1) to conduct a comprehensive survey for AI models in water level modeling, (2) to apply a relatively new ML algorithm (i.e., SaE-ELM) for modeling water level, (3) to examine two different time scales (e.g., daily and monthly), and (4) to compare the inspected model with the extreme learning machine (ELM) model for validation. In conclusion, the contribution of the current chapter produced an expert and highly optimized predictive model that can yield a high-performance accuracy

    Content & Watkins's account of natural axiomatizations

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    This paper briefly recounts the importance of the notion of natural axiomatizations for explicating hypothetico-deductivism, empirical significance, theoretical reduction, and organic fertility. Problems for the account of natural axiomatizations developed by John Watkins in Science and Scepticism and the revised account developed by Elie Zahar are demonstrated. It is then shown that Watkins's account can be salvaged from various counter-examples in a principled way by adding the demand that every axiom of a natural axiomatization should be part of the content of the theory being axiomatized. The crucial point here is that content cannot simply be identified with the set of logical consequences of a theory, but must be restricted to a proper subset of the consequence set. It is concluded that the revised Watkins account has certain advantages over the account of natural axiomatizations offered in Gemes (1993)

    Identification of Therapeutic Targets of Inflammatory Monocyte Recruitment to Modulate the Allogeneic Injury to Donor Cornea

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    Purpose: We sought to test the hypothesis that monocytes contribute to the immunopathogenesis of corneal allograft rejection and identify therapeutic targets to inhibit monocyte recruitment. Methods: Monocytes and proinflammatory mediators within anterior chamber samples during corneal graft rejection were quantified by flow cytometry and multiplex protein assays. Lipopolysaccharide or IFN-γ stimulation of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) was used to generate inflammatory conditioned media (CoM). Corneal endothelial viability was tested by nuclear counting, connexin 43, and propidium iodide staining. Chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in monocytes and MDMs was assessed in microarray transcriptomic data. The role of chemokine pathways in monocyte migration across microvascular endothelium was tested in vitro by chemokine depletion or chemokine receptor inhibitors. Results: Inflammatory monocytes were significantly enriched in anterior chamber samples within 1 week of the onset of symptoms of corneal graft rejection. The MDM inflammatory CoM was cytopathic to transformed human corneal endothelia. This effect was also evident in endothelium of excised human cornea and increased in the presence of monocytes. Gene expression microarrays identified monocyte chemokine receptors and cognate chemokines in MDM inflammatory responses, which were also enriched in anterior chamber samples. Depletion of selected chemokines in MDM inflammatory CoM had no effect on monocyte transmigration across an endothelial blood–eye barrier, but selective chemokine receptor inhibition reduced monocyte recruitment significantly. Conclusions: We propose a role for inflammatory monocytes in endothelial cytotoxicity in corneal graft rejection. Therefore, targeting monocyte recruitment offers a putative novel strategy to reduce donor endothelial cell injury in survival of human corneal allografts

    A qualitative and quantitative macroscopic and microscopic study

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    The transition to using dual-purpose chickens is an alternative to killing male hatchlings of high performance egg-laying chickens. This study aimed to compare the gastrointestinal tract of a recently developed genetic line of dual purpose male chicken, Lohmann Dual (LD), with that of a broiler line, Ross 308. Eighty birds from each line were grown until they reached an average body weight 2000 g (5 weeks for Ross and 9 for LD birds). Six birds of each line were sampled weekly. Body weight (BW), normalized mass of gastrointestinal segments and relative length of intestine were determined. Histologically the villus height, epithelium height, crypt depth, mucosal enlargement factor and the tunica muscularis thickness were measured in jejunum and ileum. Data were regressed against body weight and genetic line. Jejunal enterocyte microvilli and junctional complexes length were measured. Normalized mass and relative length of the gastrointestinal segments were greater in LD birds than in Ross birds at all ages. After day 7 these decreased steadily over the lifetime of the birds in both genetic lines. The growth curves of the gastrointestinal segments of the LD birds were similar to those of the Ross birds. In birds of the same BW, LD birds had a significantly heavier gizzard, shorter intestine, higher jejunal villi, thicker ileal tunica muscularis and smaller ileal mucosal enlargement factor than were found in Ross birds. The large gizzard in LD chickens presumably increases the degree of food processing and enhances availability of nutrients in the orad part of the intestine leading to a lower nutrient concentration and a smaller absorption surface area in the ileum of the LD compared to the Ross chickens. The anatomical differences between the two lines are important criteria for further selection and should be considered in their feeding management

    Molecular and morphological data reveal three new cryptic species of \u3cem\u3eChiasmocleis\u3c/em\u3e (Mehely 1904) (Anura, Microhylidae) endemic to the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Three new cryptic species of Chiasmocleis from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil are described. Two of these species occur in the northeastern states of Sergipe and Bahia, whereas the third species is found in the southeastern state of São Paulo. The new species can be distinguished from other congeneric species by the molecular data, as evidenced in the phylogeny, and by a combination of morphological characters including: size, foot webbing, dermal spines, and coloration patterns. Chiasmocleis species differ in osteological traits, therefore we also provide an osteological description of each new species and comparisons with data reported for other species in the genus

    Basic morphometry, microcomputed tomography and mechanical evaluation of the tibiotarsal bone of a dual-purpose and a broiler chicken line

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    Continuous loading of the skeleton by the body’s weight is an important factor in establishing and maintaining bone morphology, architecture and strength. However, in fast-growing chickens the appendicular skeleton growth is suboptimal making these chickens predisposed to skeletal mineralization disorders and fractures. This study compared the macro- and microstructure as well as the mechanical properties of the tibiotarsus of a novel dual-purpose, Lohmann Dual (LD) and a highly developed broiler, Ross (Ross 308) chicken line. Eighty one-day-old male chicks of each line were grown until their body weight (BW) reached 2000g. Starting at the day of hatching, six birds of each line were sampled weekly. The weight, length and width of the tibiotarsus were measured and its mechanical properties (rigidity, M-Max and the M-fracture) were evaluated using the three-point bending test. Additionally, the mineral density of both, trabecular and cortical bone, the bone volume fraction, the trabecular number, thickness and separation plus cortical thickness of both chicken lines were analyzed using microcomputed tomography. The growth of the tibiotarsus in both chicken lines followed a similar pattern. At the same age, the lighter LD chickens had shorter, thinner and lighter tibiotarsi than those of Ross chickens. However, the LD chickens had a similar cortical thickness, bone volume fraction and similar mineral density of both trabecular and cortical bone to that of Ross chickens. Furthermore, the tibiotarsus of LD chickens was longer, heavier and wider than those of Ross chickens of the same BW. In addition the rigidity of the LD tibiotarsus was greater than that of Ross chickens. This suggests that the tibiotarsus of LD chickens had more bending resistance than those of Ross chickens of the same BW. Consequently, fattening LD chickens to the marketable weight should not affect their leg skeleton stability

    Role of the Cadaver Lab in Lymphatic Microsurgery Education:Validation of a New Training Model

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    Microsurgical transplantation of vascularized lymph nodes (VLNT) or lymphatic vessels (VLVT) alongside derivative lymphaticovenous procedures are promising approaches for treatment of lymphedema. However, clinically relevant training models for mastering these techniques are still lacking. Here we describe a new training model in human cadaver and validate its use as training tool for microsurgical lymphatic reconstruction

    Validation des procédures de maillage pour l'étude des écoulements sanguins dans une fistule artério-veineuse réelle

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    Une fistule artério-veineuse permet chez les insuffisants rénaux d'accéder à un débit sanguin suffisant lors des séances d'hémodialyse. Nous avons établi, à partir d'images d'angio-scanner, un protocole d'investigation pour simuler l'écoulement sanguin dans ce vaisseau atypique. Dans cette étude, nous nous focalisons sur la fiabilité des simulations pour des réseaux réels et complexes. Nous avons comparé et optimisé plusieurs types de maillage (hexaédrique, hybride), en tenant compte de différents critères (qualité des mailles, profil de vitesse, cisaillement) sur une géométrie simplifiée. Nous appliquons ensuite le protocole de maillage hybride au cas réel pour relier les paramètres mécaniques obtenus par les simulations aux caractéristiques physiopathologiques issues de l'imagerie