1,241 research outputs found

    Sex and Gender Differences in Heart Failure

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    Heart failure (HF) phenotypes differ according to sex. HF preserved ejection fraction (EF) has a greater prevalence in women and HF reduced EF (HFrEF) in men. Women with HF survive longer than men and have a lower risk of sudden death. Ischemia is the most prominent cause in men, whereas hypertension and diabetes contribute to a greater extent in women. Women with HF have a greater stiffness of the smaller left ventricle and a higher EF than men. This higher stiffness of women's hearts may be based on an increase in fibrosis at old age. In younger women estrogen reduces collagen production in female cardiac fibroblasts, but stimulates it in males. Lipid and energy metabolism is better maintained in female than in male stressed hearts. Pulse pressure is a key determinant of outcome in HF women but not in men. Takotsubo and peripartum cardiomyopathy are rare diseases affecting predominantly or exclusively women. Sudden cardiac arrest affects more men than women, but women are less adequately treated. New findings in HF therapy indicate that women with HFrEF need lower doses of beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors than men for optimal effects. The combined neprilysin inhibitor/angiotensin II receptor blockers sacubitril-valsartan led to a significant reduction in event rate versus valsartan in women, which was not observed in men. Unfortunately, only less than 10% of recent randomized controlled trial report effects and adverse drug reactions for women and men separately. More research on sex differences in pathophysiology and therapy of HF is needed

    Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis on Sex and Gender in Preparatory Material for National Medical Examination in Germany and the United States

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    Background: Sex- and gender-based medicine (SGBM) should be a mandatory part of medical education. We compared the quantity and quality of sex- and gender-related content of e-learning materials commonly used by German and American medical students while preparing for national medical examinations. Methods: Quantitative, line-by-line analysis of the preparatory materials AMBOSS 2017 and USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes (2017) by KAPLAN MEDICAL was performed between April and October 2017. Subjects were allocated to one of the three main fields: clinical subjects, behavioral and social science, and pharmacology. Qualitative analysis comprised binary categorization into sex- and gender-based aspects and qualification with respect to the presence of a pathophysiological explanation for the sex or gender difference. Results: In relation to the total content of AMBOSS and KAPLAN, the sex- and gender-based share of the clinical subjects content was 26.8% (±8.2) in AMBOSS and 21.1% (±10.2) in KAPLAN. The number of sex- and gender-based aspects in the behavioral and social science learning material differed significantly for AMBOSS and KAPLAN (4.4% ± 3.1% vs 10.7% ± 7.5%; P = .044). Most of the sex- and gender-related content covered sex differences. Most learning cards and texts did not include a detailed pathophysiological explanation for sex- or gender-based aspects. The knowledge provided in the preparatory documents represents only a small part of facts that are already known about sex and gender differences. Conclusions: The preparatory materials focused almost exclusively on biological sex differences and the sociocultural dimension in particular is underrepresented. A lot more evidence-based facts are known and should be integrated into the materials to reflect the importance of SGBM as an integral component of patient-centered medicine

    Determinants of career development in cardiology – results from a Swiss national survey

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the rising proportion of female medical students and specialised female doctors in Switzerland, the field of cardiology remains one of the most male-dominated. OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to identify determinants of and obstacles to career development for cardiologists with special regard to an academic and interventional career. METHODS: Under the direction of the Swiss working group Women in Cardiology (IG-WIC), an online survey was conducted among Swiss cardiologists and cardiologists in training. RESULTS: 140 participants (43.6% female, 56.4% male; median age 45.0) were included. Women were more often single (27.9% vs 10.1%, p = 0.013) and less likely to have children (52.5% vs 70.9%, p = 0.034). If they had children, they were more likely to provide childcare themselves (37.5% vs 10.7%, p = 0.006) or to have interrupted their work in favour of parenting (40.6% vs 8.9%, p <0.001). A majority of women indicated a negative impact of their gender on their career development (78.7%), and 36.3% reported sexual harassment at their workplace. Women felt less supported in their professional training, especially concerning research activities. As a hindrance for pursuit of a career in academic medicine, both sexes stated lack of compatibility of work and family (44.6%) and the competitive work environment (55.4%) being most important. Women also identified gender-specific disadvantages as one of the main reasons for not choosing an academic or interventional career. CONCLUSIONS: The overall satisfaction among Swiss cardiologists is high regarding training in health care and the working atmosphere. However, women and men plead for better compatibility of work and family and better structured training curricula. Several gender-specific aspects hindering women from advancing in cardiology training should be addressed

    Reduction of apoptosis and preservation of mitochondrial integrity under ischemia/reperfusion injury is mediated by estrogen receptor β

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    Background Estrogen improves cardiac recovery after ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) by yet incompletely understood mechanisms. Mitochondria play a crucial role in I/R injury through cytochrome c-dependent apoptosis activation. We tested the hypothesis that 17β-estradiol (E2) as well as a specific ERβ agonist improve cardiac recovery through estrogen receptor (ER)β-mediated mechanisms by reducing mitochondria-induced apoptosis and preserving mitochondrial integrity. Methods We randomized ovariectomized C57BL/6N mice 24h before I/R to pre-treatment with E2 or a specific ERβ agonist (ERβA). Isolated hearts were perfused for 20min prior to 30min global ischemia followed by 40min reperfusion. Results Compared with controls, ERβA and E2 treated groups showed a significant improvement in cardiac recovery, i.e. an increase in left ventricular developed pressure, dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin. ERβA and E2 pre- treatment led to a significant reduction in apoptosis with decreased cytochrome c release from the mitochondria and increased mitochondrial levels of anti-apoptotic Bcl2 and ACAA2. Protein levels of mitochondrial translocase inner membrane (TIM23) and mitochondrial complex I of respiratory chain were increased by ERβA and E2 pre-treatment. Furthermore, we found a significant increase of myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) phosphorylation together with ERK1/2 activation in E2, but not in ERβA treated groups. Conclusions Activation of ERβ is essential for the improvement of cardiac recovery after I/R through the inhibition of apoptosis and preservation of mitochondrial integrity and can be a achieved by a specific ERβ agonist. Furthermore, E2 modulates MLC2 activation after I/R independent of ERβ

    Impact of sex and gender on COVID-19 outcomes in Europe

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    Emerging evidence from China suggests that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is deadlier forinfected men than women with a 2.8% fatality rate being reported in Chinese men versus 1.7% in women. Further,sex-disaggregated data for COVID-19 in several European countries show a similar number of cases between thesexes, but more severe outcomes in aged men. Case fatality is highest in men with pre-existing cardiovascularconditions. The mechanisms accounting for the reduced case fatality rate in women are currently unclear but mayoffer potential to develop novel risk stratification tools and therapeutic options for women and men.Peer Reviewe

    Eine deutsche Adaptation des ENRICHD Social Support Inventory (ESSI) - Teststatistische Überprüfung an kardialen Patienten

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    Zur Erfassung der wahrgenommenen emotionalen sozialen Unterstützung bei kardialen Patienten wird das ESSI-D (ENRICHD Social Support Inventory – Deutsch), eine deutsche Adaptation des englischen ESSI, vorgestellt. Mit einer Stichprobe von N = 1597 Patienten (22.7% Frauen), die sich einer Bypass-Operation unterzogen, wurden die psychometrischen Eigenschaften des ESSI-D überprüft. Cronbachs Alpha der Gesamtskala lag bei α = .89. Eine konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse bestätigte die einfaktorielle Struktur der Skala. Korrelationen mit unterschiedlichen Kriteriumsvariablen wie Partnerstatus, soziale Funktionsfähigkeit, körperliche Funktion und Depressivität lieferten Hinweise für eine zufriedenstellende Konstruktvalidität. Das ESSI-D erweist sich für diese Patientengruppe als ein ökonomisches Instrument zur Erfassung der emotionalen sozialen Unterstützung mit guten psychometrischen Eigenschaften