379 research outputs found

    Digital-Literacy as the Predictor of Political-Participation a Survey of University Graduates in DIKhan, KP, Pakistan

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    This study examines the impact of digital literacy on student s participation in Political Activism The computer internet and cell phone has given rise to the interactive and participatory role of youth in active politics Survey approach was adopted for data collection Data was collected through Structured-Questionnaire constructed using the variables extracted from literature Questionnaire included 6 Demographic and 6 Research variables 4 Predictors and 2 Criterion expressed through 43 questions First hypothesis was examined through Correlation-Procedure 2nd and 3rd hypotheses were answered by using Regression-Analysis This study will be a role model guideline for researchers working in same line of issues It will provide a local version of the problem thereby helping to design and plan their research projects accordingl

    Analytical view of Pakistan-United States Relations: Past and Present

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    Relations between Pakistan and United States are like the swing of pendulum Pakistan from the very first day is playing catalyst role for the interests of the United States in the region But the relations between two countries remained difficult and widen the trust deficit with the span of time Despite aids from the US Pakistan also suffered irreparable loss for her pleasure and to get financial support from unequal ally History reveals that United States always used Pakistan for self-purposes The aim of this paper is to analyze the Pak- US relations in the current scenario Methodology This is a descriptive study which consists of secondary source of data collection based on reports books periodic journals web-based article

    Guillian-Barre syndrome after COVID-19 infection: a case report

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    Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an auto-immune disorder characterized by ascending motor weakness with hypo-reflexia or areflexia. In GBS molecular mimicry leads to the targeting of peripheral nerves. The treatment of GBS is mainly supportive, however, the definitive management of GBS includes IVIGs (intravenous immunoglobulins) and plasma exchange (plasmapheresis). We reported a case of 42 year old man who presented with weakness of both lower limbs associated with pain and numbness after recovering from COVID-19 infection. Clinical examination, radiological findings and lab results confirmed the diagnosis of GBS. He was admitted in the hospital and treated with intravenous immunoglobulins along with periodic cardiac, respiratory and neurological assessment. The patient showed a substantial response to intravenous immunoglobulins and resulted in a remarkable recovery with no residual motor or sensory deficit

    Vortex induced vibrations of long flexible cylinders with and without wake interference

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    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat la caracterització de la resposta de les bandes en els números de manera d'alta. Tres experiments separats van ser executats per crear un conjunt de dades de resposta model per a matiners relació de massa realista baixes, i la determinació de les característiques deixant de bandes flexibles sotmesos a vibracions multimode. Es van utilitzar un conjunt de models verticals. Dues bandes llargues 3m van ser fabricats per a aquesta finalitat. Les bandes es classifiquen d'acord a la relació de massa, un model tenia una relació de massa de 2,7, i l'altre tenia relació de massa menor de 1,1. Els models van ser provats en un flux uniforme, amb una velocitat de fins a 2 m / s. Respostes tant en línia i de flux creuat es van mesurar utilitzant calibradors de tensió, i les dades es converteixen en desplaçaments. L'alta relació de pujada massiva indica oscil·lacions fins a quart manera. La resposta de baixa proporció de pujada massiva es va limitar a segon mode de flux creuat. Les contribucions modals es van determinar i es va observar la presència simultània de múltiples maneres en múltiples freqüències. Coeficients de resistència obtinguts van indicar similitud amb l'oscil·lació de flux transversal, amb valors d'arribar a 2,5 per al cilindre de relació de massa baixa. La resposta d'un tub vertical flexible en el deixant d'un cilindre rígid es va determinar utilitzant diferent distància de la cilindros.El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido la caracterización de la respuesta de las bandas en los números de modo de alta. Tres experimentos separados fueron ejecutados para crear un conjunto de datos de respuesta modelo para madrugadores relación de masa realista bajas, y la determinación de las características estela de bandas flexibles sometidos a vibraciones multimodo. Se utilizaron un conjunto de modelos verticales. Dos bandas largas 3m fueron fabricados. Las bandas se clasifican de acuerdo a la relación de masa, un modelo tenía una relación de masa de 2,7, y el otro tenía relación de masa menor de 1,1. Los modelos fueron probados en un flujo uniforme, con una velocidad de hasta 2 m / s. Respuestas tanto en línea y de flujo cruzado se midieron usando calibradores de tensión, y los datos se convierten en desplazamientos. La alta relación de subida masiva indica oscilaciones hasta cuarto modo. La respuesta de baja proporción de subida masiva se limitó a segundo modo de flujo cruzado. Las contribuciones modales se determinaron y se observó la presencia simultánea de múltiples modos en múltiples frecuencias. Coeficientes de resistencia obtenidos indicaron similitud con la oscilación de flujo transversal, con valores de llegar a 2,5 para el cilindro de relación de masa baja. La respuesta de un tubo vertical flexible en la estela de un cilindro rígido se determinó usando diferente distancias.The objective of this thesis was the characterization of the response of risers at high mode numbers. Three separate experiments were executed to create a set of model response data for realistically low mass ratio risers, and the determination of wake characteristics of flexible risers undergoing multi-mode vibrations. A set of riser models were used. Two 3m long risers were fabricated for this purpose. The risers were categorized according to the mass ratio, one model had a mass ratio of 2.7, and the other had lower mass ratio of 1.1. The models were tested in a uniform flow, with speeds up to 2m/s. Both in-line and cross-flow responses were measured using strain gages, and data was converted to displacements. The high mass ratio riser indicated oscillations up to 4th mode. The low mass ratio riser response was limited to 2nd mode in cross-flow. The modal contributions were determined and simultaneous presence of multiple modes at multiple frequencies were observed. Drag coefficients obtained indicated similarity with the cross-flow oscillation, with values reaching 2.5 for the low mass ratio cylinder. The response of a flexible riser in the wake of a rigid cylinder was determined using different separation distance from the leading cylinder. Significant similarities to those of an isolated flexible cylinder were observed, in form of response regimes at each structural mode of oscillation, with contribution from adjacent modes

    Minor Oral Surgery with Out Stopping the Daily Low Dose of Aspirin Therapy

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    OBJECTIVES Patients with the low-dose long-term aspirin regime have a severe risk of excessive bleeding during surgery, placing them at risk of "adverse thrombotic events". This study aims to evaluate the bleeding in patients undergoing minor oral surgery procedures without stopping daily low-dose aspirin therapy. METHODOLOGY A descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based investigation involved the patient with minor oral surgery at "Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine, Karachi, Pakistan" from mid-April 2021 to mid-June 2021, who were between the age group 30 to 75 with a low-dose aspirin regime. The data was collected via a questionnaire to record the variables, i.e. duration of aspirin, postoperative medications, platelets count, clotting time, normal bleeding time, and intraoperative bleeding time.  RESULTS 51 patients, of which 32 were males while 19, were females. The normal bleeding time was comparatively analyzed with the intraoperative bleeding time using SPSS statistical software version 22. The results revealed that the mean bleeding time for the patients with a low-dose aspirin regime during minor oral surgery was 5.49 ± 1.07, while for the patients with a stopped aspirin dose was 4.57 ± 1.07. The comparative analysis using a t-test doesn't reveal significant statistical differences of p<0.05 between both groups. CONCLUSION We concluded that minor oral surgical procedures could safely be done without altering or stopping the low-dose, long-term aspirin regime.


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    ABSTRACT Objectives: To determine the frequency of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and its genotypic distribution in a rural area of Sindh, Pakistan. Methodology: Retrospective study of patients attending the Free Liver Clinic (FLC), and investigated for detectable HCV antibodies (n=1638), and those screened for HCV infection prior to voluntary blood donation (n=804) at a teaching hospital, located in rural Sindh. All patients had HCV antibodies tested by ELISA. A total of 1022 patients, who tested 'reactive' to HCV antibodies, and who could financially afford to have HCV RNA tested by PCR, had their results analysed. A total of 200 patients also had their HCV genotyped and analysed. Results: Patients at FLC had a higher chance of being reactive for HCV antibodies, compared to voluntary blood donors (20% VS 14% -p = 0.004). HCV RNA was detectable in 904/1022 (88%) patients. Among typeable genotypes, 125/166 (75%) had a single genotype, and 7 patients (4%) were infected with genotype 1, either alone (n=4) or in combination with 3a. Conclusions: One out of every five people tested in our FLC, and 14% of "healthy" voluntary blood donors were seropositive for HCV antibodies. Genotype 1 is very rare in our region