4,648 research outputs found

    Decision-making in a fuzzy environment

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    Decision making where goals or constraints are not sharply defined boundaries and fuzzy using dynamic programmin

    Advanced theoretical and experimental studies in automatic control and information systems

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    A series of research projects is briefly summarized which includes investigations in the following areas: (1) mathematical programming problems for large system and infinite-dimensional spaces, (2) bounded-input bounded-output stability, (3) non-parametric approximations, and (4) differential games. A list of reports and papers which were published over the ten year period of research is included

    Stability of Resonant Opto-Mechanical Oscillators

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    We theoretically study the frequency stability of an opto-mechanical radio frequency oscillator based on resonant interaction of two optical and one mechanical modes of the same optical microcavity. A generalized expression for the phase noise of the oscillator is derived using Langevin formalism and compared to the phase noise of existing electronic oscillators.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Superconducting Instability in the Periodic Anderson Model

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    Employing a quantum Monte Carlo simulation we find a pairing instability in the normal state of the infinite dimensional periodic Anderson model. Superconductivity arises from a normal state in which the screening is protracted and which is clearly not a Fermi liquid. The phase diagram is reentrant reflecting competition between superconductivity and Fermi liquid formation. The estimated superconducting order parameter is even, but has nodes as a function of frequency. This opens the possibility of a temporal node and an effective order parameter composed of charge pairs and spin excitations.Comment: one postscript file, 6 pages including 6 figures. To appear in Phil. Mag.

    Decomposition of time-covariant operations on quantum systems with continuous and/or discrete energy spectrum

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    Every completely positive map G that commutes which the Hamiltonian time evolution is an integral or sum over (densely defined) CP-maps G_\sigma where \sigma is the energy that is transferred to or taken from the environment. If the spectrum is non-degenerated each G_\sigma is a dephasing channel followed by an energy shift. The dephasing is given by the Hadamard product of the density operator with a (formally defined) positive operator. The Kraus operator of the energy shift is a partial isometry which defines a translation on R with respect to a non-translation-invariant measure. As an example, I calculate this decomposition explicitly for the rotation invariant gaussian channel on a single mode. I address the question under what conditions a covariant channel destroys superpositions between mutually orthogonal states on the same orbit. For channels which allow mutually orthogonal output states on the same orbit, a lower bound on the quantum capacity is derived using the Fourier transform of the CP-map-valued measure (G_\sigma).Comment: latex, 33 pages, domains of unbounded operators are now explicitly specified. Presentation more detailed. Implementing the shift after the dephasing is sometimes more convenien

    Concurrent π\pi-vector fields and energy beta-change

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    The present paper deals with an \emph{intrinsic} investigation of the notion of a concurrent π\pi-vector field on the pullback bundle of a Finsler manifold (M,L)(M,L). The effect of the existence of a concurrent π\pi-vector field on some important special Finsler spaces is studied. An intrinsic investigation of a particular β\beta-change, namely the energy β\beta-change ($\widetilde{L}^{2}(x,y)=L^{2}(x,y)+ B^{2}(x,y) with \ B:=g(\bar{\zeta},\bar{\eta});; \bar{\zeta} beingaconcurrent being a concurrent \pi−vectorfield),isestablished.TherelationbetweenthetwoBarthelconnections-vector field), is established. The relation between the two Barthel connections \Gammaand and \widetilde{\Gamma},correspondingtothischange,isfound.Thisrelation,togetherwiththefactthattheCartanandtheBarthelconnectionshavethesamehorizontalandverticalprojectors,enableustostudytheenergy, corresponding to this change, is found. This relation, together with the fact that the Cartan and the Barthel connections have the same horizontal and vertical projectors, enable us to study the energy \beta$-change of the fundamental linear connection in Finsler geometry: the Cartan connection, the Berwald connection, the Chern connection and the Hashiguchi connection. Moreover, the change of their curvature tensors is concluded. It should be pointed out that the present work is formulated in a prospective modern coordinate-free form.Comment: 27 pages, LaTex file, Some typographical errors corrected, Some formulas simpifie

    Scenario-based earthquake hazard and risk assessment for Baku (Azerbaijan)

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    A rapid growth of population, intensive civil and industrial building, land and water instabilities (e.g. landslides, significant underground water level fluctuations), and the lack of public awareness regarding seismic hazard contribute to the increase of vulnerability of Baku (the capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan) to earthquakes. In this study, we assess an earthquake risk in the city determined as a convolution of seismic hazard (in terms of the surface peak ground acceleration, PGA), vulnerability (due to building construction fragility, population features, the gross domestic product per capita, and landslide's occurrence), and exposure of infrastructure and critical facilities. The earthquake risk assessment provides useful information to identify the factors influencing the risk. A deterministic seismic hazard for Baku is analysed for four earthquake scenarios: near, far, local, and extreme events. The seismic hazard models demonstrate the level of ground shaking in the city: PGA high values are predicted in the southern coastal and north-eastern parts of the city and in some parts of the downtown. The PGA attains its maximal values for the local and extreme earthquake scenarios. We show that the quality of buildings and the probability of their damage, the distribution of urban population, exposure, and the pattern of peak ground acceleration contribute to the seismic risk, meanwhile the vulnerability factors play a more prominent role for all earthquake scenarios. Our results can allow elaborating strategic countermeasure plans for the earthquake risk mitigation in the Baku city

    Scenario-based earthquake hazard and risk assessment for Baku (Azerbaijan)

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    A rapid growth of population, intensive civil and industrial building, land and water instabilities (e.g. landslides, significant underground water level fluctuations), and the lack of public awareness regarding seismic hazard contribute to the increase of vulnerability of Baku (the capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan) to earthquakes. In this study, we assess an earthquake risk in the city determined as a convolution of seismic hazard (in terms of the surface peak ground acceleration, PGA), vulnerability (due to building construction fragility, population features, the gross domestic product per capita, and landslide’s occurrence), and exposure of infrastructure and critical facilities. The earthquake risk assessment provides useful information to identify the factors influencing the risk. A deterministic seismic hazard for Baku is analysed for four earthquake scenarios: near, far, local, and extreme events. The seismic hazard models demonstrate the level of ground shaking in the city: PGA high values are predicted in the southern coastal and northeastern parts of the city and in some parts of the downtown. The PGA attains its maximal values for the local and extreme earthquake scenarios. We show that the quality of buildings and the probability of their damage, the distribution of urban population, exposure, and the pattern of peak ground acceleration contribute to the seismic risk, meanwhile the vulnerability factors play a more prominent role for all earthquake scenarios. Our results can allow elaborating strategic countermeasure plans for the earthquake risk mitigation in the Baku city
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