12 research outputs found

    LD Motif Recognition by Talin: Structure of the Talin-DLC1 Complex

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    Cell migration requires coordination between integrin-mediated cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix and force applied to adhesion sites. Talin plays a key role in coupling integrin receptors to the actomyosin contractile machinery, while deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) is a Rho GAP that binds talin and regulates Rho, and therefore actomyosin contractility. We show that the LD motif of DLC1 forms a helix that binds to the four-helix bundle of the talin R8 domain in a canonical triple-helix arrangement. We demonstrate that the same R8 surface interacts with the paxillin LD1 and LD2 motifs. We identify key charged residues that stabilize the R8 interactions with LD motifs and demonstrate their importance in vitro and in cells. Our results suggest a network of competitive interactions in adhesion complexes that involve LD motifs, and identify mutations that can be used to analyze the biological roles of specific protein-protein interactions in cell migration

    The structural basis of the Talin-KANK1 interaction that coordinates the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons at focal adhesions

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    Adhesion between cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) is mediated by heterodimeric (alphabeta) integrin receptors that are intracellularly linked to the contractile actomyosin machinery. One of the proteins that control this link is talin, which organises cytosolic signalling proteins into discrete complexes on beta-integrin tails referred to as focal adhesions (FAs). The adapter protein KANK1 binds to talin in the region of FAs known as the adhesion belt. Here, we developed a novel crystallographic method to resolve the talin-KANK1 complex. This structure revealed that the talin binding KN motif of KANK1 has a novel fold, where a beta-turn stabilises the alpha-helical region, explaining its specific interaction with talin R7 and high affinity. Single point mutants in KANK1 identified from the structure abolished the interaction and enabled us to examine KANK1 enrichment in the adhesion belt. Strikingly, in cells expressing a constitutively active form of vinculin that keeps the FA structure intact even in the presence of myosin inhibitors, KANK1 localises throughout the entire FA structure even when actomyosin tension is released. We propose a model whereby actomyosin forces on talin eliminate KANK1 from talin binding in the centre of FAs while retaining it at the adhesion periphery

    Scalable, Non-denaturing Purification of Phosphoproteins Using Ga³⁺-IMAC: N2A and M1M2 Titin Components as Study case

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    The purification of phosphorylated proteins in a folded state and in large enough quantity for biochemical or biophysical analysis remains a challenging task. Here, we develop a new implementation of the method of gallium immobilized metal chromatography (Ga3+-IMAC) as to permit the selective enrichment of phosphoproteins in the milligram scale and under native conditions using automated FPLC instrumentation. We apply this method to the purification of the UN2A and M1M2 components of the muscle protein titin upon being monophosphorylated in vitro by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). We found that UN2A is phosphorylated by PKA at its C-terminus in residue S9578 and M1M2 is phosphorylated in its interdomain linker sequence at position T32607. We demonstrate that the Ga3+-IMAC method is efficient, economical and suitable for implementation in automated purification pipelines for recombinant proteins. The procedure can be applied both to the selective enrichment and to the removal of phosphoproteins from biochemical samples

    Talin mechanosensitivity is modulated by a direct interaction with cyclin-dependent kinase-1

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    AbstractTalin (TLN1) is a mechanosensitive component of adhesion complexes that directly couples integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. In response to force, talin undergoes switch-like behavior of its multiple rod domains that modulate interactions with its binding partners. Cyclin-dependent kinase-1 (CDK1) is a key regulator of the cell cycle, exerting its effects through synchronized phosphorylation of a large number of protein targets. CDK1 activity maintains adhesion during interphase, and its inhibition is a prerequisite for the tightly choreographed changes in cell shape and adhesion that are required for successful mitosis. Using a combination of biochemical, structural, and cell biological approaches, we demonstrate a direct interaction between talin and CDK1 that occurs at sites of integrin-mediated adhesion. Mutagenesis demonstrated that CDK1 contains a functional talin-binding LD motif, and the binding site within talin was pinpointed to helical bundle R8. Talin also contains a consensus CDK1 phosphorylation motif centered on S1589, a site shown to be phosphorylated by CDK1 in vitro. A phosphomimetic mutant of this site within talin lowered the binding affinity of the cytoskeletal adaptor KANK and weakened the response of this region to force as measured by single molecule stretching, potentially altering downstream mechanotransduction pathways. The direct binding of the master cell cycle regulator CDK1 to the primary integrin effector talin represents a coupling of cell proliferation and cell adhesion machineries and thereby indicates a mechanism by which the microenvironment can control cell division in multicellular organisms.</p

    SHANK proteins limit integrin activation by directly interacting with Rap1 and R-Ras

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    SHANK3, a synaptic scaffold protein and actin regulator, is widely expressed outside of the central nervous system with predominantly unknown function. Solving the structure of the SHANK3 N-terminal region revealed that the SPN domain is an unexpected Ras-association domain with high affinity for GTP-bound Ras and Rap G-proteins. The role of Rap1 in integrin activation is well established but the mechanisms to antagonize it remain largely unknown. Here, we show that SHANK1 and SHANK3 act as integrin activation inhibitors by sequestering active Rap1 and R-Ras via the SPN domain and thus limiting their bioavailability at the plasma membrane. Consistently, SHANK3 silencing triggers increased plasma membrane Rap1 activity, cell spreading, migration and invasion. Autism-related mutations within the SHANK3 SPN domain (R12C and L68P) disrupt G-protein interaction and fail to counteract integrin activation along the Rap1-RIAM-talin axis in cancer cells and neurons. Altogether, we establish SHANKs as critical regulators of G-protein signalling and integrin-dependent processes

    Talin as a mechanosensitive signaling hub

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    Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM), mediated by transmembrane receptors of the integrin family, is exquisitely sensitive to biochemical, structural, and mechanical features of the ECM. Talin is a cytoplasmic protein consisting of a globular head domain and a series of ?-helical bundles that form its long rod domain. Talin binds to the cytoplasmic domain of integrin ?-subunits, activates integrins, couples them to the actin cytoskeleton, and regulates integrin signaling. Recent evidence suggests switch-like behavior of the helix bundles that make up the talin rod domains, where individual domains open at different tension levels, exerting positive or negative effects on different protein interactions. These results lead us to propose that talin functions as a mechanosensitive signaling hub that integrates multiple extracellular and intracellular inputs to define a major axis of adhesion signaling

    Functionalization of the BCL6 BTB domain into a noncovalent crystallization chaperone

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    The production of diffraction-quality protein crystals is challenging and often requires bespoke, time-consuming and expensive strategies. A system has been developed in which the BCL6 BTB domain acts as a crystallization chaperone and promiscuous assembly block that may form the basis for affinity-capture crystallography. The protein of interest is expressed with a C-terminal tag that interacts with the BTB domain, and co-crystallization leads to its incorporation within a BTB-domain lattice. This strategy was used to solve the structure of the SH3 domain of human nebulin, a structure previously solved by NMR, at 1.56 Å resolution. This approach is simple and effective, requiring only routine protein complexation and crystallization screening, and should be applicable to a range of proteins

    Structural basis of Apt48 inhibition of the BCL6 BTB domain

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    B cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6) is a transcriptional repressor that is deregulated in diffuse large B cell lymphoma, and the peptide aptamer, Apt48, inhibits BCL6 by an unknown mechanism. We report the crystal structure of BCL6 in complex with an Apt48 peptide, and show that Apt48 binds to a therapeutically uncharacterized region at the bottom of the BCL6 BTB domain. We show that the corepressor binding site of the BTB domain may be divided conceptually into two low-affinity, peptide-binding regions. An upper region, the lateral groove, binds peptides in robust three-dimensional conformations, whereas a lower binding site is permissive to less-specific interactions. We show that, even with little sequence specificity, the interactions of the lower region are required for the high-affinity binding of the SMRT corepressor and other peptides to the BTB domain. This has relevance for the design of new BCL6 inhibitors and for understanding the evolution of corepressor interactions with the BTB domain

    Pressure-Dependent Chemical Shifts in the R3 Domain of Talin Show that It Is Thermodynamically Poised for Binding to Either Vinculin or RIAM

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    Talin mediates attachment of the cell to the extracellular matrix. It is targeted by the Rap1 effector RIAM to focal adhesion sites and subsequently undergoes force-induced conformational opening to recruit the actin-interacting protein vinculin. The conformational switch involves the talin R3 domain, which binds RIAM when closed and vinculin when open. Here, we apply pressure to R3 and measure ¹H, ¹⁵N, and ¹³C chemical shift changes, which are fitted using a simple model, and indicate that R3 is only 50% closed: the closed form is a four-helix bundle, while in the open state helix 1 is twisted out. Strikingly, a mutant of R3 that binds RIAM with an affinity similar to wild-type but more weakly to vinculin is shown to be 0.84 kJ mol‾¹ more stable when closed. These results demonstrate that R3 is thermodynamically poised to bind either RIAM or vinculin, and thus constitutes a good mechanosensitive switch