437 research outputs found

    Xylobionte Käferfauna alter Eichen, die von dem gefährdeten Bockkäfer Cerambyx cerdo besiedelt sind (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

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    In our present-day landscape in Central Europe major parts of the xylobiontic especially of the saproxylic beetle fauna belong to the group of endangered species assemblages (Speight 1989, Geiser 1994). Oaks, in Central Europe mainly Quercus robur and Q. petraea, are well known for their large number of associated insect species and harbour the highest beetle diversity, especially for dead wood inhabiting species, of all broadleaved tree species in this region (e.g. Palm 1959). A characteristic species associated with oaks in its life-cycle is the endangered Great Capricorn Cerambyx cerdo. C. cerdo is one of the protected species explicitly named in the Habitats Directive of the European Union with the goal of maintaining existing populations and establishing long-term survival (Council of the European Communities 1992). The last remaining colonised areas of this longhorn beetle in Central Europe are well known for the enormous number of very rare xylobiontic beetle species. Thus, we are interested in the following research questions: 1) Are there typical species associated with C. cerdo? 2) If so, what kind of relationship do these associated species have to C. cerdo from a nature conservation point of view?Der Große Eichenbock (Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, 1758) hat in Mitteleuropa in den letzten 100 Jahren einen dramatischen Rückgang in der Zahl der Vorkommen und in den Populationsgrößen erfahren. Als Frischholzbesiedler von Eichen beeinflusst die Art durch larvale Fraßtätigkeit die physiologischen Eigenschaften dieser Bäume sowie deren Beschaffenheit als Habitat für andere Organismen. Wir haben die Auswirkungen dieser Veränderungen auf die Zusammensetzung der holzbewohnenden Käferfauna bei verschiedenen taxonomischen und funktionalen Gruppen untersucht. Dabei vergleichen wir die mit Lufteklektoren erzielten Fänge an 10 besiedelten und 10 unbesiedelten Eichen aus einem Untersuchungsgebiet in Niedersachsen. Insbesondere viele seltene Bewohner von Baumhöhlen und Holzmulm profitieren von der Anwesenheit dieser Bockkäferart und den dadurch entstehenden Mikrohabitaten. Besiedelte Bäume beherbergen auch signifikant mehr Arten der Roten Liste. Wir diskutieren die Eigenschaft von C. cerdo als Substratbereiter sowie die davon partizipierenden Arten. Freilich lässt nur ein Teil des Artenspektrums engere Zusammenhänge mit Besiedlung durch den Großen Eichenbock erkennen. Allerdings gehören auch Arten mit loser Beziehung zu Cerambyx cerdo über weite Strecken einer hochgradig bedrohten Käfergemeinschaft alternder Eichen an. Vor diesem Hintergrund sehen wir die unverzichtbare Rolle des Großen Eichenbockes in von Eichen geprägten Ökosystemen, wenn es um die Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt holzbewohnender Insekten geht

    Numerical Solutions For Fluid Flow In Rectangular Cavities

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    Doing Dishes

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    Breaking Barriers or Selling Stereotypes?

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    This research explores the reception of diverse candidates' portrayal in the highly popular and long-running talent show Germany’s Next Topmodel (GNT). More specifically, it examines the reception of diverse women candidates’ neoliberal subjectification on GNT's 18th season, employing a textual analysis and focus group interviews. The findings reveal that the reception of diverse women's neoliberal subjectification in GNT varies: Certain neoliberal installations are being more problematized than others, an improved portrayal of diversity in comparison to earlier seasons is attested, and skepticism about GNT's authenticity beholds. In several instances, interviewees critically assessed the interplay of the show's economic interest, gender, and diversity. This research contributes to the evolving discourse on talent shows' neoliberal modalities and diverse women's representation

    Cortisol und Gesichtsmorphologie bei männlichen Homo Sapiens

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    Gesichter verleihen Individuen Identität. Durch die Notwendigkeit Artgenossen wiederzuerkennen und sie als potentielle Partner, Verbündete oder Bedrohungen zu kategorisieren, nimmt das Gesicht einen hohen Stellenwert in der menschlichen Evolution ein. Dadurch werden auch alle Faktoren relevant, welche die Gesichtsmorphologie beeinflussen. Cortisol ist ein biologischer Marker von Langzeitstress. Das Clucocorticoidgleichgewicht wirkt sich auf Verhalten, Metabolismus, Gesundheit und Wachstum aus. Daher sollte sich dieses Gleichgewicht auch im Gesicht widerspiegeln. Unter der Annahme, dass sich die individuelle Stressreaktion stabil verhält, prüft diese Studie, ob sich Cortisol in Form von Lipideinlagerungen und fluktuierenden Asymmetrien im Gesicht manifestiert. Gesichter von 34 Probanden wurden standardisiert aufgenommen, deren Gestalt durch 85 homologe Landmarks erfasst und mit der geometric morphometrics Methode ausgewertet. In der Regressionsanalyse der Gestalt zeigte sich unter hohem Cotisoleinfluss eine Zentrierung der Gesichtsmerkmale sowie eine Zunahme der Gesichtsbreite. Dieses Ergebnis ist mit einer Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit von 3,23% signifikant. Ebenso korreliert die fluktuierende Asymmetrie mit dem individuellen Cortisollevel signifikant (r=0,415) nach Spearman. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein verhaltensmodulierendes Hormon die Gesichtsmorphologie beeinflusst. Möglicherweise erklären die Ergebnisse dieser Studie den Zusammenhang zwischen Attraktivität bzw. wahrgenommener Gesundheit mit Cotisol, der bereits von Moor et al. (2011) beschrieben wurde

    HER2 missense mutations have distinct effects on oncogenic signaling and migration

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    Recurrent HER2 missense mutations have been reported in human cancers. These mutations occur primarily in the absence of HER2 gene amplification such that most HER2 mutant tumors are classified as “negative” by FISH or immunohistochemistry assays. It remains unclear whether non-amplified HER2 missense mutations are oncogenic, and whether they are targets for HER2-directed therapies that are currently approved for the treatment of HER2 gene-amplified breast cancers. Here we functionally characterize HER2 kinase and extracellular domain mutations through gene editing of the endogenous loci in HER2 non-amplified human breast epithelial cells. In in vitro and in vivo assays, the majority of HER2 missense mutations do not impart detectable oncogenic changes. However, the HER2 V777L mutation increased biochemical pathway activation and, in the context of a PIK3CA mutation, enhanced migratory features in vitro. However, the V777L mutation did not alter in vivo tumorigenicity or sensitivity to HER2-directed therapies in proliferation assays. Our results suggest the oncogenicity and potential targeting of HER2 missense mutations should be considered in the context of cooperating genetic alterations and provide new insights into functional analysis of HER2 mutations and strategies to target them

    Home Manufacture of Drugs: An Online Investigation and a Toxicological Reality Check of Online Discussions on Drug Chemistry

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    Emerging trends in market dynamics and the use of new psychoactive substances are both a public health concern and a complex regulatory issue. One novel area of investigation is the availability of homemade opioids, amphetamines and dissociatives, and the potential fueling of interest in clandestine home manufacture of drugs via the Internet. We illustrate here how online communal folk pharmacology of homemade drugs on drug website forums may actually inform home manufacture practices or contribute to the reduction of harms associated with this practice. Discrepancies between online information around purification and making homemade drugs safer, and the synthesis of the same substances in a proper laboratory environment, exist. Moderation and shutdown of synthesis queries and discussions online are grounded in drug websites adhering to harm-reduction principles by facilitating discussions around purification of homemade drugs only. Drug discussion forums should consider reevaluating their policies on chemistry discussions in aiming to reach people who cannot or will not refrain from cooking their own drugs with credible information that may contribute to reductions in the harms associated with this practice. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LL


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    Healthy and strong individuals are fundamental in every cattle breeding. The aim of this study was to find out which of these given supplement had the best influence on calf weight gain in the early period after weaning to milk nutrition. This research was carried out in cooperation with the farm in. Calves were studied from March 2012 to February 2013. They were weaned into outdoor individual box after birth. There were added supplements into their ration in the first two weeks of life. Calves were partitioned according to the added supplement into three experimental groups and one control group. The first weight control of calves was after birth and the second weight control was at the age of thirty days. The average weight gain was calculated from the differences in these values. The best demonstrable effect was in the experimental groups with the average increment of 26.9 kilograms, then in the experimental group with the average increment of 26.1 kilograms. The last group was the Control one, there was not any change in the ration and their average increment was 23.5 kilograms. The results of the statistical evaluation was p = 0.0572 in the group, p = 0.2570 in the group and p = 0.2124 in the group versus the Control group. It can be concluded from the results of this study that calves had a positive reaction on the supplements added in the first days of life and these had a favourable effect on diarrhoea prevention. drugs and beneficially stimulate system and, in general, they have a positive effect on the physiological condition
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