113 research outputs found

    Aislamiento e identificación de bacterias vinculadas a mastitis bovina en leche cruda comercializada por el tambo Complejo Agropecuario Casilda

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    La mastitis es una patología habitual en los rodeos lecheros y constituye una importante causa de pérdidas productivas y de rentabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue aislar e identificar por pruebas fenotípicas microorganismos asociados a mastitis subclínica y clínica en leche cruda. El trabajo fue realizado en un tambo de 40 vacas Holando Argentino en ordeñe y con una producción promedio anual de entre 18 y 22 litros por vaca por día. El muestreo se realizó por treinta días consecutivos tomando una muestra diaria. Las mismas fueron sembradas en agar sangre, manitol salado, agar Levine Eosina-Azul de Metileno, TKT y agar Tripticasa Soya. Primero se hizo una clasificación por medio de la coloración de Gram, luego para las primeras se usaron pruebas de catalasa, coagulasa y CAMP; y para las Gram negativas las pruebas fueron UREA, Sulfide-Indole-Motility, Triple SugarIron Agar, Citrato de Simmons, LisynIron Agar, Rojo de Metilo-VogesProskauer. Los resultados revelaron que las bacterias aisladas que aparecieron con mayor frecuencia (100%, totalidad de los muestreos) fueron Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp. (uberis o disgalactiae) y agalactiae, Escherichia coli y Enterobacter cloacae; medianamente frecuente Hafnia alvei; poco frecuente Citrobacter spp y no se identificó en ningún muestreo el género Pseudomonae. Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus agalactiae son considerados patógenos causantes de mastitis contagiosa evidenciando que en el rodeo en estudio había vacas infectadas. Deberá trabajarse en la implementación de un control bacteriológico periódico de leche cruda sumado al recuento de células somáticas para utilizarlo como control de vacas infectadas y que pueden generar mastitis clínicas y subclínicas, patologías que ocasionan pérdidas económicas importantes. Además, debe también ponerse especial atención en hacer conocer el impacto de la higiene sobre esta enfermedad, práctica que permite tener controlada una mastitis de tipo medio ambiental.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV

    Investigating PhDs’ early career occupational outcomes in Italy: individual motivations, role of supervisor and gender differences

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    The paper examines how individual motivations, the role of the supervisor and gender influence the early career path of doctorate holders. We investigate PhD graduates' occupational outcomes beyond academia in the framework of current literature on the oversupply of PhD holders and labor market constraints. Our analysis relies on two unique datasets. The first, at the national level, includes microdata from the Italian National Institute of Statistics regarding about 41,000 graduates who account for over 70% of the population of 6 cohorts surveyed for the period 2004-2014. The other dataset is from a single university, and resulted from an original survey of 760 PhD holders who earned their doctorates from the University of Turin in 2007-2017. We find that PhD holders' motivation towards science is associated with their subsequent employment in academia or in other research and non-research jobs. Sponsoring support in early career and the supervisor's propensity for basic research also play a role in the future academic career path. Gender differences in type of occupation, however, continue to persist even taking motivations and the supervisor's role into account

    A novel RNA polymerase III transcription factor fraction that is not required for template commitment.

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    Abstract We have identified and partially characterized a novel class III transcription factor fraction (TFIIIE) from yeast nuclear extracts. TFIIIE is functionally distinct from the standard yeast transcription factor fractions, TFIIIB and TFIIIC. It is also different from either of the TFIIIB subfractions, B' and B". TFIIIE is essential for specific transcription of both tRNA and 5 S RNA genes, its activity is sensitive to proteinase K, and it exhibits an apparent sedimentation coefficient of 4.0 S when analyzed on glycerol gradients. In the case of a tRNA gene, TFIIIE does not play a role in the formation of stable preinitiation complexes containing TFIIIB and TFIIIC. It is required for single as well as multiple rounds of transcription, however. Thus, TFIIIE is involved in the utilization of stable transcription complexes, but its action is not restricted to reinitiation events

    Aislamiento e identificación de bacterias vinculadas a mastitis bovina en leche cruda comercializada por el tambo Complejo Agropecuario Casilda

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    La mastitis es una patología habitual en los rodeos lecheros y constituye una importante causa de pérdidas productivas y de rentabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue aislar e identificar por pruebas fenotípicas microorganismos asociados a mastitis subclínica y clínica en leche cruda. El trabajo fue realizado en un tambo de 40 vacas Holando Argentino en ordeñe y con una producción promedio anual de entre 18 y 22 litros por vaca por día. El muestreo se realizó por treinta días consecutivos tomando una muestra diaria. Las mismas fueron sembradas en agar sangre, manitol salado, agar Levine Eosina-Azul de Metileno, TKT y agar Tripticasa Soya. Primero se hizo una clasificación por medio de la coloración de Gram, luego para las primeras se usaron pruebas de catalasa, coagulasa y CAMP; y para las Gram negativas las pruebas fueron UREA, Sulfide-Indole-Motility, Triple SugarIron Agar, Citrato de Simmons, LisynIron Agar, Rojo de Metilo-VogesProskauer. Los resultados revelaron que las bacterias aisladas que aparecieron con mayor frecuencia (100%, totalidad de los muestreos) fueron Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp. (uberis o disgalactiae) y agalactiae, Escherichia coli y Enterobacter cloacae; medianamente frecuente Hafnia alvei; poco frecuente Citrobacter spp y no se identificó en ningún muestreo el género Pseudomonae. Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus agalactiae son considerados patógenos causantes de mastitis contagiosa evidenciando que en el rodeo en estudio había vacas infectadas. Deberá trabajarse en la implementación de un control bacteriológico periódico de leche cruda sumado al recuento de células somáticas para utilizarlo como control de vacas infectadas y que pueden generar mastitis clínicas y subclínicas, patologías que ocasionan pérdidas económicas importantes. Además, debe también ponerse especial atención en hacer conocer el impacto de la higiene sobre esta enfermedad, práctica que permite tener controlada una mastitis de tipo medio ambiental.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV

    New Collaborations and Novel Innovations: The Role of Regional Brokerage and Collaboration Intensity

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    In this paper we investigate the role of brokers in the regional innovation network and its influence on innovative and collaborative outcomes. For this purpose, we make use of data from the European Patent Office and Eurostat in the period 1986-2015. We first build the regional collaboration network based on co-inventorship ties, then we identify the brokerage roles played by each region, using the original taxonomy proposed by Gould and Fernandez (1989), to disentangle their impact on innovation and collaboration. Finally, we investigate regional collaboration intensity and how it interacts with brokerage roles, highlighting its mediating effect. Our findings indicate that brokerage roles contribute to the extension of collaboration networks, but also that they are not efficient for the creation of innovation. Collaboration intensity, on the other hand, enhances both innovation and collaborative outcomes, and shows how a region can benefit from being a broker.European Commission Horizon 2020Science Foundation Irelan

    Screening methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia:benefits, limitations, requirements, and novel developments

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    Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH) is a serious condition that occurs worldwide. Timely recognition with bilirubin determination is key in the management of SNH. Visual assessment of jaundice is unreliable. Fortunately, transcutaneous bilirubin measurement for screening newborn infants is routinely available in many hospitals and outpatient settings. Despite a few limitations, the use of transcutaneous devices facilitates early recognition and appropriate management of neonatal jaundice. Unfortunately, however, advanced and often costly screening modalities are not accessible to everyone, while there is an urgent need for inexpensive yet accurate instruments to assess total serum bilirubin (TSB). In the near future, novel icterometers, and in particular optical bilirubin estimates obtained with a smartphone camera and processed with a smartphone application (app), seem promising methods for screening for SNH. If proven reliable, these methods may empower outpatient health workers as well as parents at home to detect jaundice using a simple portable device. Successful implementation of ubiquitous bilirubin screening may contribute substantially to the reduction of the worldwide burden of SNH. The benefits of non-invasive bilirubin screening notwithstanding, any bilirubin determination obtained through non-invasive screening must be confirmed by a diagnostic method before treatment. ImpactKey message: Screening methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia facilitate early recognition and timely treatment of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH). Any bilirubin screening result obtained must be confirmed by a diagnostic method. What does this article add to the existing literature? Data on optical bilirubin estimation are summarized. Niche research strategies for prevention of SNH are presented. Impact: Transcutaneous screening for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia contributes to the prevention of SNH. A smartphone application with optical bilirubin estimation seems a promising low-cost screening method, especially in low-resource settings or at home.Afdeling Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (AKCL

    Diagnostic methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia:benefits, limitations, requirements, and novel developments

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    Invasive bilirubin measurements remain the gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. The present paper describes different methods currently available to assess hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infants. Novel point-of-care bilirubin measurement methods, such as the BiliSpec and the Bilistick, would benefit many newborn infants, especially in low-income and middle-income countries where the access to costly multi-analyzer in vitro diagnostic instruments is limited. Total serum bilirubin test results should be accurate within permissible limits of measurement uncertainty to be fit for clinical purposes. This implies correct implementation of internationally endorsed reference measurement systems as well as participation in external quality assessment programs. Novel analytic methods may, apart from bilirubin, include the determination of bilirubin photoisomers and bilirubin oxidation products in blood and even in other biological matrices. ImpactKey message: Bilirubin measurements in blood remain the gold standard for diagnosis and treatment of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH). External quality assessment (EQA) plays an important role in revealing inaccuracies in diagnostic bilirubin measurements. What does this article add to the existing literature? We provide analytic performance data on total serum bilirubin (TSB) as measured during recent EQA surveys. We review novel diagnostic point-of-care (POC) bilirubin measurement methods and analytic methods for determining bilirubin levels in biological matrices other than blood. Impact: Manufacturers should make TSB test results traceable to the internationally endorsed total bilirubin reference measurement system and should ensure permissible limits of measurement uncertainty.Afdeling Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (AKCL

    Caratterizzazione in microscopia SEM-EDS del cemento endodontico MTA: un confronto tra diversi prodotti

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    RiassuntoObiettiviValutare le caratteristiche microscopiche dei cementi endodontici MTA disponibili in commercio e di un cemento di Portland.Materiali e metodiAnalisi su quattro varietà di MTA: Ogna Aureoseal®, Proroot white MTA®, Angelus white e gray MTA® e un cemento di Portland. I campioni, previo esame in diffrazione X, sono stati consolidati; i provini a cemento solidificato sono stati inglobati in una resina epossidica e lucidati in superficie: questo ha permesso un'osservazione SEM-EDS per evidenziarne la struttura e la natura chimica e mineralogica.RisultatiLe analisi mostrano significative differenze tra i vari tipi di MTA presi in esame e tra questi e il cemento di Portland usato come riferimento.I cementi utilizzati a scopo odontoiatrico hanno granuli di minori dimensioni, una maggiore idratazione e un minor contenuto di ferro e zolfo. Tra i costituenti mineralogici caratteristici del MTA si riscontrano agenti radio-opacizzanti (Bi2O3 e CaWO4). Una sostanziale differenza tra i cementi MTA è la quantità variabile nel contenuto di magnesio e alluminio che, dopo il consolidamento, presentano una granulometria inferiore nei campioni Ogna Aureoseal® e Proroot white MTA®; la presenza di apatite e tungstato di calcio (CaWO4) è invece caratteristica del cemento MTA Ogna Aureoseal®.ConclusioniLe differenze tra i campioni MTA e tra questi e il cemento di Portland sono significative sia a livello di tessitura microscopica sia di composizione chimica.AbstractObjectivesTo determine the mineralogical, chemical, and microtextural differences between commercially available MTA products, clarifying common differences with Portland and between each other.Materials and methodsThe study was done on four commercially available MTA cements, that is Ogna Aureoseal®, Proroot white MTA®, Angelus white and gray MTA® and on a commercial Portland cement. After preliminary X-ray diffraction characterization of the powder, the samples were consolidated following the same procedure used in clinical practice. The consolidated material was embedded in epoxy and polished, and subsequently investigated, by means of SEM-EDS analysis of back-scattered electron images on all samples and of quantitative compositional mapping on MTA.ResultsThe MTA and Portland cements differ for the grain size, the hydration rate, and homogeneity of the set products, and for lower Fe and S content in MTA. Previously reported presence of opacizing agents (Bi2O3 and CaWO4) was confirmed in all samples, whereas low Al content was not observed in all MTA. Although the MTA products are all mainly composed by di-calcium and tri-calcium silicates, the post-setting texture and the chemical and mineralogical constitution differ. Finer texture was observed in Ogna Aureoseal® and Proroot white MTA®; in Ogna Aureoseal® the presence of apatite and Ca-tungstate was reported; Mg and Al content changed in samples, following the clinker composition.ConclusionsSignificant differences exist between Portland cement and MTA, but also among different MTA formulations. MTA products can be classified as a form of Portland cement, specifically modified for dentistry purposes

    The missing link: international migration in global clusters of innovation

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    This is an extended version of the book chapter forthcoming in: Castellani D., A. Perri, V. Scalera, A. Zanfei (eds), Cross-border Innovation in a Changing World. Players, Places and Policies, Oxford University Press, due for publication in 2021In this chapter we look at the global network of innovative agglomerations, with a focus on their degree of internationalization and on the actors behind it – particularly high-skilled migrants. Using worldwide patent and publication geo-localized data, we identify all Global Hotspots of Innovation (GIHs) and Niche Clusters (NCs) worldwide, and study their success as a function of their international connections. In particular, we compare organizational ones, such as international collaborations orchestrated by multinational firms’ collaborations, to personal ones, which may derive from migration to/from the GIHs and NCs. We find a strong role of the latter, always comparable and sometimes larger than the former