30 research outputs found

    La compressi贸 amb p猫rdua en imatges destinades a la generaci贸 de cartografia tem脿tica : nous resultats

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    La compressi贸 d'imatge amb p猫rdua (e.g., JPEG i JPEG2000) permet elevades compressions (fins i tot reduint la imatge a menys d'un 10% de la seva grand脿ria original) tot mantenint una qualitat notable. Tanmateix, hi ha hagut poques an脿lisis quantitatives de les implicacions d'aquestes compressions quan s'utilitza classificaci贸 digital d'imatges per a generar cartografia tem脿tica. A fi d'avaluar i reflexionar sobre les implicacions de la compressi贸, s'han cartografiat dues 脿rees amb diferents nivells de fragmentaci贸 espacial i dos tipus de paisatge principals: conreus i zones forestals. Cada una d'aquestes 脿rees s'ha analitzat utilitzant quatre escenes d'imatges Landsat i algunes variables topo-clim脿tiques. Els resultats mostren la influ猫ncia de la compressi贸 en la qualitat de la cartografia tem脿tica generada usant par脿metres quantitatius habituals (encert global i 脿rea classificada), aix铆 com consideracions visuals (modificaci贸 de l'efecte sal i pebre en la cartografia resultant)

    Nou centre de dades d'observaci贸 de la Terra amb aplicacions innovadores

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    Els investigadors Alaitz Zabala i Xavier Pons, del Departament de Geografia de la UAB, i Joan Mas贸, del CREAF, participen en el projecte Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business (NextGEOSS) del programa Horizon 2020, per tal de posar en funcionament un centre de dades per a l'explotaci贸 de les dades d'observaci贸 de la Terra. En aquest article expliquen els principals objectius del projecte i com hi participa el grup de recerca GRUMETS.Los investigadores Alaitz Zabala y Xavier Pons, del Departamento de Geograf铆a de la UAB, y Joan Mas贸, del CREAF, participan en el proyecto Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business (NextGEOSS) del programa Horizon 2020, para poner en funcionamiento un centro de datos para la explotaci贸n de los datos de observaci贸n de la Tierra. En este art铆culo explican los principales objetivos del proyecto y c贸mo participa el grupo de investigaci贸n GRUMETS.Researchers Alaitz Zabala and Xavier Pons, from UAB Geography Department, and Joan Mas贸, from CREAF, participate in Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business (NextGEOSS) Horizon 2020 project, to develop a centralised hub for Earth Observation data. In this article they explain the main project objectives as well as how GRUMETS research group contribute to them

    New Model for Geospatial Coverages in JSON : Coverage Implementation Schema and Its Implementation With JavaScript

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    Map browsers currently in place present maps and geospatial information using common image formats such as JPEG or PNG, usually created from a service on demand. This is a clear approach for a simple visualization map browser but prevents the browser from modifying the visualization since the content of the image file represents the intensity of colors of each pixel. In a desktop GIS, a coverage dataset is an array of values quantifying a certain property in each pixel of a subdomain of the space. The standard used to describe and distribute coverages is called web coverage service (WCS). Traditionally, encoding of coverages was too complex for map browsers implemented in JavaScript, relegating the WCS to a data download, a process that creates a file that will be later used in a desktop GIS. The combination of a coverage implementation schema in JSON, binary arrays, and HTML5 canvas makes it possible that web map browsers can be directly implemented in JavaScript

    A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS : conceptual model and implementation

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    Nowadays, there are still some gaps in the description of provenance metadata. These gaps prevent the capture of comprehensive provenance, useful for reuse and reproducibility. In addition, the lack of automated tools for capturing provenance hinders the broad generation and compilation of provenance information. This work presents a provenance engine (PE) that captures and represents provenance information using a combination of the Web Processing Service (WPS) standard and the ISO 19115 geospatial lineage model. The PE, developed within the MiraMon GIS & RS software, automatically records detailed information about sources and processes. The PE also includes a metadata editor that shows a graphical representation of the provenance and allows users to complement provenance information by adding missing processes or deleting redundant process steps or sources, thus building a consistent geospatial workflow. One use case is presented to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the PE: the generation of a radiometric pseudo-invariant areas bench for the Iberian Peninsula. This remote-sensing use case shows how provenance can be automatically captured, also in a non-sequential complex flow, and its essential role in the automation and replication tasks in work with very large amounts of geospatial data

    Cartograf铆a de usos y cubiertas del suelo del sureste de la Pen铆nsula Ib茅rica a partir de la clasificaci贸n de im谩genes Landsat en el quinquenio 2000-2004

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    Se presenta la metodolog铆a utilizada en la obtenci贸n de la cartograf铆a de usos y cubiertas del suelo para la zona oriental de Andaluc铆a (谩mbito de 29.259 km虏) en el quinquenio 2000-2004, empleando el clasificador h铆brido y utilizando im谩genes Landsat junto con las variables auxiliares. Las 谩reas de entrenamiento se han obtenido de manera semiautom谩tica a partir del SIOSE y depuradas con umbrales de NDVI. Se han ejecutado bancos de pruebas en funci贸n de las variables incluidas en el clasificador. Los mejores resultados, en cuanto a porcentaje de acierto y 谩rea clasificada,se han obtenido excluyendo la radiaci贸n solar de invierno y la banda 1. El proceso se ha realizado por separado para cubiertas naturales y urbanas, con un grado de acierto global superior al 88%, y para cultivos, con un acierto superior al 86%

    Effects of JPEG and JPEG2000 lossy compression on remote sensing image classification for mapping crops and forest areas

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    This study measures the effect of lossy image compression on the digital classification of crops and forest areas. A hybrid classification method using satellite images and other variables has been used. The results contribute interesting new data on the influence of compression on the quality of the produced cartography, both from a "by pixel" perspective and regarding the homogeneity of the obtained polygons. The classified area in classifications only carried out with radiometric variables or with NDVI and humidity (for crops) increases as image compression increases, although the increase is smaller for JPEG2000 formats and for crops. On the other hand, the classified area decreases in classifications which also take into account topoclimatic variables (for forests). Overall image accuracy diminishes at high compression ratios (CR), although the point of inflection occurs at different CR depending on the compression format. As a rule, the JPEG2000 format gives better results quantitatively for forests (accuracy and classified area) and visually (images with less "salt and pepper" effect) for both land covers

    Efectes de la compressi贸 d'imatges en la generaci贸 de cartografia tem脿tica : avaluaci贸 en alguns casos de classificaci贸 digital

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    Els formats de compressi贸 amb p猫rdua permeten elevades raons de compressi贸 amb una qualitat de la imatge notable per a raons de compressi贸 moderades. Aquesta mem貌ria de recerca pret茅n valorar la influ猫ncia de la compressi贸 amb p猫rdua sobre la classificaci贸 digital sobre dos tipus d'usos del s貌l (forestal i agr铆cola) i en dues 脿rees de diferents nivells de fragmentaci贸 per a cada us del s貌l. L'脿rea classificada augmenta a nivells de compressi贸 elevats, especialment usant el format JPEG. L'encert de la classificaci贸 disminueix a nivells de compressi贸 elevades. En general el format JPEG2000 d贸na millors resultats que JPEG

    Environmental and socioeconomic factors of abandonment of rainfed and irrigated crops in northeast Spain

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    Changes over the last century in the economic model of European countries and the development of the market economy have led to intense shifts in land occupation patterns. Agricultural abandonment is an important consequence of these processes and has modified natural and cultural landscapes, involving side-effects for society. Understanding how environmental and socio-economic factors influence the abandonment process can provide useful insights for managing investments, whether from the public or the private sector. In Spain, the Pyrenees and the Ebro Depression are two differentiated areas in terms of land-use dynamics, particularly in terms of the agricultural model carried out. In this paper we have analyzed the agricultural abandonment in these areas during the 1987-2012 period in relation to several potential explanatory factors. The analysis focuses on the abandonment of rainfed and irrigated herbaceous crops in order to derive specific explanations according to the crop type and geographical region. Crop covers were classified from four Landsat scenes, and conditions were described by topographic variables, human factors and drought occurrence. Boosted regression trees (BRT) were used to identify the most important variables and to describe the relationships between agricultural abandonment and key factors. Topography derived variables were found to be the main determinants, except for irrigated crops in the Ebro Basin, where locational factors play a more important role. BRT models allowed us to identify other significant patterns such as: the vulnerability of irrigated crops to drought; the higher dependence of agricultural activity in the Pyrenees on internal networks; pattern shifts of land abandonment in the analyzed sub-periods, and; evidence of the importance of economic diversification for maintaining cropland

    Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012 : the role of topography and drought

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    In southern Europe, climate trends are expected to be characterized by an increase in temperatures and less water availability. Analyzing the role of structural factors and the influence of a changing climate provides insights into the evolution of forest ecosystems in regions with similar environmental conditions. The Mediterranean fringe of the Iberian Peninsula is of particular interest due to its diverse topo climatic conditions and the increase in drought episodes during the last decades. This work studies forest dynamics in large areas of this geographical region by analyzing nine forest transitions. Vegetation covers were classified from three Landsat scenes for the period 1987-2012, and sub-periods 1987-2002 and 2002-2012. Conditions were described by topography derived variables, human factors and drought-occurrence variables. Boosted regression trees were used to identify the most important variables and describe the relationships between the forest dynamics and key factors. Variables such as solar radiation, topographic wetness index and tolerance to drought have been shown to be key factors in forest succession and when comparisons are made between vegetation groups. Main findings: The transition rate to Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean broadleaf forests has increased during the analyzed period, while the transition rate to coniferous forests has decreased; Transitions to Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean broadleaf forests are positively associated with drought occurrence while transitions to conifers are negatively affected by drought; Transitions from shrublands to forest stages are more vulnerable to factors controlling water availability; Important interactions between topography derived variables and drought have been found. The study provides robust evidence that drought occurrence plays an important role in the decline of conifers and the expansion of broadleaves, which could become the dominant species in many areas of the Mediterranean if climate model forecasts are met