495 research outputs found

    Effects of pre-stretch, compressibility and material constitution on the period-doubling secondary bifurcation of a film/substrate bilayer

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    We refine a previously proposed semi-analytical method, and use it to study the effects of pre-stretch, compressibility and material constitution on the period-doubling secondary bifurcation of a uni-axially compressed film/substrate bilayer structure. It is found that compared with the case of incompressible neo-Hookean materials for which the critical strain is approximately 0.17 when the thin layer is much stiffer than the substrate, the critical strain when the Gent materials are used is a monotonically increasing function of the constant Jm that characterizes material extensibility, becoming as small as 0.12 when Jm is equal to 1, whereas for compressible neo-Hookean materials the critical strain is a monotonically decreasing function of Poisson’s ratio; the period-doubling secondary bifurcation seems to become impossible when Poisson’s ratio is approximately equal to 0.307. The latter result may indicate that when Poisson’s ratio is small enough there are other preferred secondary bifurcations — an example is given where a secondary bifurcation mode with times the original period occurs at a lower strain value. The effect of a pre-stretch (compression or extension) in the substrate is not monotonic, giving rise to a critical strain that varies between 0.15 and 0.22

    On the near-critical behavior of cavitation in elastic plane membranes

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    Abstract Material cavitation under tensile loading is often studied by assuming the pre-existence of a small void. In this case the void would initially grow but without significant change in its size, and cavitation is said to take place if this slow growth is followed by rapid growth at higher load values. In the limit when the original void radius δ tends to zero, there will be no growth until a load or stretch measure, λ say, reaches a well-defined critical value λ cr at which a cavity appears suddenly. In this paper we study the near-critical asymptotic behavior of cavitation in plane membranes when δ is not zero but small, and show that the near-critical behavior is governed by a scaling law in the form λ − λ cr = C ( δ / L ) m , where L is the undeformed outer radius of the plane membrane, and C and m are non-dimensional constants. The positive power m in general depends on the material model used, but for the three classes of material models considered, it happens to be equal to 2 ( 1 + ν ) / ( 3 + ν ) in each case, where ν is Poisson’s ratio for infinitesimal deformations. If a pre-existing void is viewed as an imperfection, then this scaling law describes the imperfection sensitivity of cavitation: it states that in the presence of imperfections significant void growth would occur when λ were increased to within an order ( δ / L ) m interval around λ cr

    Wide Area Measuring System Signals Based Nonlinear Robust Adaptive DC Power Modulation Controller in AC/DC Interconnected Power System

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    The robust adaptive control law is proposed for a HVDC power modulation controller of the interconnected AC/DC power system. Based on the design idea of driving the center of inertia (COI) of different areas to a stable equilibrium point, the proposed controller is applied to damp inter-area oscillation of interconnected AC/ DC system using global signals of a wide area measuring system (WAMS). Designed by the back-stepping method, the robust adaptive control law is adaptive to the unknown parameters and is robust to model error, disturbances and different equilibrium points. Computer results show that the controller proposed is obviously superior to the conventional DC power modulation controller in damping inter-area oscillation and enhancing the power transfer limit. In addition, its performance can well adapt to the change of the equilibrium point. 設計了應用于交直流互聯電力系統的直流功率調制的非線性魯棒自適應控制器。該控制器基于驅動各互聯區域電網的慣量中心至統一平衡點的設計思想,采用廣域測量系統的全局信號,用以阻尼交直流互聯系統的區域間功率振蕩。采用反步法設計的自適應魯棒控制規律使控制器對未知參數具有自適應性,對模型誤差、擾動和平衡點變化具有較強的魯棒性。仿真結果表明,與傳統的線性直流功率調制控制器相比,該控制器對聯絡線的功率振蕩具有優良的阻尼性能,可顯著提高輸電極限,而且能很好地適應運行點的變化。link_to_OA_fulltex

    Undrained cyclic response of K-0-consolidated stiff cretaceous clay under wheel loading conditions

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    Optimal whole life design for railways, highways, runways, and metro lines requires an accurate assessment of how their underlying geomaterials respond to large numbers of wheel-loading cycles. This paper presents an experimental study on a natural UK stiff clay with a cyclic triaxial (CT) and hollow cylinder apparatus (CHCA) that imposed K0 and wheel-loading stress conditions. The focus is on Gault clay, a high overconsolidation ratio (OCR) marine clay deposited in the Cretaceous, whose mechanical behavior is significantly anisotropic and in situ K0 values exceed unity. The clay outcrops under sections of most major highways radiating out of London, as well as the HS1 and new HS2 high-speed railways. The experimental investigation explored how the principal stress rotation implicit in wheel loading increases the magnitudes and changes the sign of vertical strain accumulation, as well as accelerating resilient modulus degradation and accentuating stress–strain hysteresis, all of which affect pavement or rail-track serviceability. The clay’s deformation and pore pressure responses are categorized into stable, metastable, and unstable patterns. Comparisons with related studies on low OCR, low K0 soft clay from Wenzhou in southeastern China, confirm the Gault clay’s generally stiffer prefailure behavior and different cyclic response. The stiff clay’s greater brittleness is also emphasized; particle reorientation occurs readily along distinct shear bands, leading to dramatic shear strength reductions that have a major impact on slope and foundation stability and call for appropriate caution in practical design

    Macro deformation and micro structure of 3D granular assemblies subjected to rotation of principal stress axes

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    This paper presents a numerical investigation on the behavior of three dimensional granular materials during continuous rotation of principal stress axes using the discrete element method. A dense specimen has been prepared as a representative element using the deposition method and subjected to stress rotation at different deviatoric stress levels. Significant plastic deformation has been observed despite that the principal stresses are kept constant. This contradicts the classical plasticity theory, but is in agreement with previous laboratory observations on sand and glass beads. Typical deformation characteristics, including volume contraction, deformation non-coaxiality, have been successfully reproduced. After a larger number of rotational cycles, the sample approaches the ultimate state with constant void ratio and follows a periodic strain path. The internal structure anisotropy has been quantified in terms of the contact-based fabric tensor. Rotation of principal stress axes densifies the packing, and leads to the increase in coordination numbers. A cyclic rotation in material anisotropy has been observed. The larger the stress ratio, the structure becomes more anisotropic. A larger fabric trajectory suggests more significant structure re-organization when rotating and explains the occurrence of more significant strain rate. The trajectory of the contact-normal based fabric is not centered in the origin, due to the anisotropy in particle orientation generated during sample generation which is persistent throughout the shearing process. The sample sheared at a lower intermediate principal stress ratio (b=0.0) (b=0.0) has been observed to approach a smaller strain trajectory as compared to the case b=0.5 b=0.5 , consistent with a smaller fabric trajectory and less significant structural re-organisation. It also experiences less volume contraction with the out-of plane strain component being dilative

    Understanding the dynamics of Toll-like Receptor 5 response to flagellin and its regulation by estradiol

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are major players of the innate immune system. Once activated, they trigger a signalling cascade that leads to NF-ΰ B translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Single cell analysis shows that NF-ΰ B signalling dynamics are a critical determinant of transcriptional regulation. Moreover, the outcome of innate immune response is also affected by the cross-talk between TLRs and estrogen signalling. Here, we characterized the dynamics of TLR5 signalling, responsible for the recognition of flagellated bacteria, and those changes induced by estradiol in its signalling at the single cell level. TLR5 activation in MCF7 cells induced a single and sustained NF-k B translocation into the nucleus that resulted in high NF-k B transcription activity. The overall magnitude of NF-k B transcription activity was not influenced by the duration of the stimulus. No significant changes are observed in the dynamics of NF-k B translocation to the nucleus when MCF7 cells are incubated with estradiol. However, estradiol significantly decreased NF-k B transcriptional activity while increasing TLR5-mediated AP-1 transcription. The effect of estradiol on transcriptional activity was dependent on the estrogen receptor activated. This fine tuning seems to occur mainly in the nucleus at the transcription level rather than affecting the translocation of the NF-k B transcription factor

    Accurate Prediction of Protein Structural Class

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    Because of the increasing gap between the data from sequencing and structural genomics, the accurate prediction of the structural class of a protein domain solely from the primary sequence has remained a challenging problem in structural biology. Traditional sequence-based predictors generally select several sequence features and then feed them directly into a classification program to identify the structural class. The current best sequence-based predictor achieved an overall accuracy of 74.1% when tested on a widely used, non-homologous benchmark dataset 25PDB. In the present work, we built a multiple linear regression (MLR) model to convert the 440-dimensional (440D) sequence feature vector extracted from the Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) of a protein domain to a 4-dimensinal (4D) structural feature vector, which could then be used to predict the four major structural classes. We performed 10-fold cross-validation and jackknife tests of the method on a large non-homologous dataset containing 8,244 domains distributed among the four major classes. The performance of our approach outperformed all of the existing sequence-based methods and had an overall accuracy of 83.1%, which is even higher than the results of those predicted secondary structure-based methods