789 research outputs found

    Critical decay index at the onset of solar eruptions

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    Magnetic flux ropes are topological structures consisting of twisted magnetic field lines that globally wrap around an axis. The torus instability model predicts that a magnetic flux rope of major radius RR undergoes an eruption when its axis reaches a location where the decay index d(lnBex)/d(lnR)-d(\ln B_{ex})/d(\ln R) of the ambient magnetic field BexB_{ex} is larger than a critical value. In the current-wire model, the critical value depends on the thickness and time-evolution of the current channel. We use magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to investigate if the critical value of the decay index at the onset of the eruption is affected by the magnetic flux rope's internal current profile and/or by the particular pre-eruptive photospheric dynamics. The evolution of an asymmetric, bipolar active region is driven by applying different classes of photospheric motions. We find that the critical value of the decay index at the onset of the eruption is not significantly affected by either the pre-eruptive photospheric evolution of the active region or by the resulting different magnetic flux ropes. As in the case of the current-wire model, we find that there is a `critical range' [1.31.5] [1.3-1.5], rather than a `critical value' for the onset of the torus instability. This range is in good agreement with the predictions of the current-wire model, despite the inclusion of line-tying effects and the occurrence of tether-cutting magnetic reconnection.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Expanding and Contracting Coronal Loops as Evidence of Vortex Flows Induced by Solar Eruptions

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    Eruptive solar flares were predicted to generate large-scale vortex flows at both sides of the erupting magnetic flux rope. This process is analogous to a well-known hydrodynamic process creating vortex rings. The vortices lead to advection of closed coronal loops located at peripheries of the flaring active region. Outward flows are expected in the upper part and returning flows in the lower part of the vortex. Here, we examine two eruptive solar flares, an X1.1-class flare SOL2012-03-05T03:20 and a C3.5-class SOL2013-06-19T07:29. In both flares, we find that the coronal loops observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in its 171\,\AA, 193\,\AA, or 211\,\AA~passbands show coexistence of expanding and contracting motions, in accordance with the model prediction. In the X-class flare, multiple expanding/contracting loops coexist for more than 35 minutes, while in the C-class flare, an expanding loop in 193\,\AA~appears to be close-by and co-temporal with an apparently imploding loop arcade seen in 171\,\AA. Later, the 193\,\AA~loop also switches to contraction. These observations are naturally explained by vortex flows present in a model of eruptive solar flares.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, accepte

    Plasma flows and magnetic field interplay during the formation of a pore

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    We studied the formation of a pore in AR NOAA 11462. We analysed data obtained with the IBIS at the DST on April 17, 2012, consisting of full Stokes measurements of the Fe I 617.3 nm lines. Furthermore, we analysed SDO/HMI observations in the continuum and vector magnetograms derived from the Fe I 617.3 nm line data taken from April 15 to 19, 2012. We estimated the magnetic field strength and vector components and the LOS and horizontal motions in the photospheric region hosting the pore formation. We discuss our results in light of other observational studies and recent advances of numerical simulations. The pore formation occurs in less than 1 hour in the leading region of the AR. The evolution of the flux patch in the leading part of the AR is faster (< 12 hour) than the evolution (20-30 hour) of the more diffuse and smaller scale flux patches in the trailing region. During the pore formation, the ratio between magnetic and dark area decreases from 5 to 2. We observe strong downflows at the forming pore boundary and diverging proper motions of plasma in the vicinity of the evolving feature that are directed towards the forming pore. The average values and trends of the various quantities estimated in the AR are in agreement with results of former observational studies of steady pores and with their modelled counterparts, as seen in recent numerical simulations of a rising-tube process. The agreement with the outcomes of the numerical studies holds for both the signatures of the flux emergence process (e.g. appearance of small-scale mixed polarity patterns and elongated granules) and the evolution of the region. The processes driving the formation of the pore are identified with the emergence of a magnetic flux concentration and the subsequent reorganization of the emerged flux, by the combined effect of velocity and magnetic field, in and around the evolving structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Satellite observations of reconnection between emerging and pre-existing small-scale magnetic fields

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    We report multi-wavelength ultraviolet observations taken with the IRIS satellite, concerning the emergence phase in the upper chromosphere and transition region of an emerging flux region (EFR) embedded in the unipolar plage of active region NOAA 12529. The photospheric configuration of the EFR is analyzed in detail benefitting from measurements taken with the spectropolarimeter aboard the Hinode satellite, when the EFR was fully developed. In addition, these data are complemented by full-disk, simultaneous observations of the SDO satellite, relevant to the photosphere and the corona. In the photosphere, magnetic flux emergence signatures are recognized in the fuzzy granulation, with dark alignments between the emerging polarities, cospatial with highly inclined fields. In the upper atmospheric layers, we identify recurrent brightenings that resemble UV bursts, with counterparts in all coronal passbands. These occur at the edges of the EFR and in the region of the arch filament system (AFS) cospatial to the EFR. Jet activity is also found at chromospheric and coronal levels, near the AFS and the observed brightness enhancement sites. The analysis of the IRIS line profiles reveals the heating of dense plasma in the low solar atmosphere and the driving of bi-directional high-velocity flows with speeds up to 100 km/s at the same locations. Furthermore, we detect a correlation between the Doppler velocity and line width of the Si IV 1394 and 1402 \AA{} line profiles in the UV burst pixels and their skewness. Comparing these findings with previous observations and numerical models, we suggest evidence of several long-lasting, small-scale magnetic reconnection episodes between the emerging bipole and the ambient field. This process leads to the cancellation of a pre-existing photospheric flux concentration of the plage with the opposite polarity flux patch of the EFR. [...]Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in "Nuovo Cimento C" as proceeding of the Third Meeting of the Italian Solar and Heliospheric Communit

    The 2013 February 17 sunquake in the context of the active region's magnetic field configuration

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    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Sunquakes are created by the hydrodynamic response of the lower atmosphere to a sudden deposition of energy and momentum. In this study, we investigate a sunquake that occurred in NOAA active region 11675 on 2013 February 17. Observations of the corona, chromosphere, and photosphere are brought together for the first time with a nonlinear force-free model of the active region's magnetic field in order to probe the magnetic environment in which the sunquake was initiated. We find that the sunquake was associated with the destabilization of a flux rope and an associated M-class GOES flare. Active region 11675 was in its emergence phase at the time of the sunquake and photospheric motions caused by the emergence heavily modified the flux rope and its associated quasi-separatrix layers, eventually triggering the flux rope's instability. The flux rope was surrounded by an extended envelope of field lines rooted in a small area at the approximate position of the sunquake. We argue that the configuration of the envelope, by interacting with the expanding flux rope, created a “magnetic lens” that may have focussed energy on one particular location of the photosphere, creating the necessary conditions for the initiation of the sunquake

    Height dependence of the penumbral fine-scale structure in the inner solar atmosphere

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    We studied the physical parameters of the penumbra in a large and fully-developed sunspot, one of the largest over the last two solar cycles, by using full-Stokes measurements taken at the photospheric Fe I 617.3 nm and chromospheric Ca II 854.2 nm lines with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer. Inverting measurements with the NICOLE code, we obtained the three-dimensional structure of the magnetic field in the penumbra from the bottom of the photosphere up to the middle chromosphere. We analyzed the azimuthal and vertical gradient of the magnetic field strength and inclination. Our results provide new insights on the properties of the penumbral magnetic fields in the chromosphere at atmospheric heights unexplored in previous studies. We found signatures of the small-scale spine and intra-spine structure of both the magnetic field strength and inclination at all investigated atmospheric heights. In particular, we report typical peak-to-peak variations of the field strength and inclination of 300\approx 300 G and 20\approx 20^{\circ}, respectively, in the photosphere, and of 200\approx 200 G and 10\approx 10^{\circ} in the chromosphere. Besides, we estimated the vertical gradient of the magnetic field strength in the studied penumbra: we find a value of 0.3\approx 0.3 G km1^{-1} between the photosphere and the middle chromosphere. Interestingly, the photospheric magnetic field gradient changes sign from negative in the inner to positive in the outer penumbra.Comment: 14 page, 9 figures, accepted for Ap

    Magma transport and storage at Mt. Etna (Italy): a review of geodetic and petrological data for the 2002-03, 2004 and 2006 eruptions

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    A detailed reconstruction of magma movements within the plumbing system of Mt. Etna volcano has been made by reviewing the eruptions occurring during the October 2002–December 2006 period. The availability of continuous GPS data allowed detecting at least ten different ground deformation stages, highlighting deflationary and inflationary episodes as well as the occurrence of a shallow dike intrusion. These data have been coupled with the available petrological datasets including major/trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions for the volcanic rocks erupted in the 2002–2006 period. We identified two main magmatic reservoirs located at different depths along the plumbing system of the volcano. The former is located at a depth of ~ 7 km bsl and fed the 2001 and 2002–03 eruptions, while the latter, located from 3.5 to 5.5 km bsl, fed the 2004–05 and 2006 eruptions. Petrological characteristics of emitted products have been correlated with the inflation vs. deflation cycles related to the identified sources, providing evidence for changes through time of the evolutionary degree of the erupted magmas along with variations in their geochemical feature. Finally, we suggest that a modification of the deep plumbing system of the volcano might have occurred during the 2002–03 eruption, as a consequence of the major seaward motion of the eastern flank of the volcano

    Modeling environmental responses of plantassociations by fuzzy set theory

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    A method for studying the response of vegetation to environmental gradients, based on the community niche and fuzzy set theory, is presented. The approach is illustrated using an example from perennial halophilous vegetation along the Northern Adriatic coast of Italy. Compatibility curves are obtained by fuzzy set theoretical methods, and are used tomodel the response functions of plant associations to environmental gradients, including soil and ground water salinity, soil pH, soil and ground water temperature, percentage of sand, and variations in the ground water level. The compatibility curves summarize the similarity of a given plant community, with a particular value of an environmental variable, to the species combination of a given plant association. Compatibility curves offer an alternative approach to non-linear regression and best fit analyses normally used to model single species responses to environmental gradients. The approach is particularly useful given there is no singlemechanisticmodel that can capture the exact shape of the functional response along environmental gradients, and given that environmental data are commonly affected by high levels of noise