400 research outputs found

    Topological Zero-Thickness Cosmic Strings

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    In this paper, based on the gauge potential decomposition and the ϕ\phi-mapping theories, we study the topological structures and properties of the cosmic strings that arise in the Abelian-Higgs gauge theory in the zero-thickness limit. After a detailed discussion, we conclude that the topological tensor current introduced in our model is a better and more basic starting point than the generally used Nambu-Goto effective action for studying cosmic strings.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Probing dark particles indirectly at the CEPC

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    When dark matter candidate and its parent particles are nearly degenerate, it would be difficult to probe them at the Large Hadron Collider directly. We propose to explore their quantum loop effects at the CEPC through the golden channel process e+eμ+μe^+e^-\to \mu^+\mu^-. We use a renormalizable toy model consisting of a new scalar and a fermion to describe new physics beyond the Standard Model. The new scalar and fermion are general multiplets of the SU(2)L×U(1)YSU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y symmetry, and couple to the muon lepton through Yukawa interaction. We calculate their loop contributions to anomalous γμ+μ\gamma\mu^+\mu^- and Zμ+μZ\mu^+\mu^- couplings which can be applied to many new physics models. The prospects of their effects at the CEPC are also examined assuming a 0.002 accuracy in the cross section measurement


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    In the title compound, C4H4N2O2, both imidazole N atoms are protonated and carboxyl­ate group is deprotonated, resulting in a zwitterion. The mol­ecule is essentially planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.012 (1) Å. In the crystal, N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.674 (2) Å] between the imidazole rings link the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional supra­molecular network

    Fermion Absorption Cross Section and Topology of Spherically Symmetric Black Holes

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    In 1997, Liberati and Pollifrone in Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 6458 (hep-th/9708014) achieved a new formulation of the Bekenstein-Hawking formula, where the entropy and the Euler characteristic are related by S=χA/8S=\chi A/8. In this work we present a relation between the low-energy absorption cross section for minimally coupled fermions and the Euler characteristic of (3+1)-dimensional spherically symmetric black holes, i.e. σ=χgh1A\sigma =\chi g_h^{-1}A. Based on the relation, using the Gauss--Bonnet--Chern theorem and the ϕ\phi-mapping method, an absorption cross section density is introduced to describe the topology of the absorption cross section. It is shown that the absorption cross section and its density are determined by the singularities of the timelike Killing vector field of the spacetime and these singularities carry the topological numbers, Hopf indices and Brouwer degrees, naturally.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, accepted by Phys. Lett.

    High expression of transcriptional coactivator p300 correlates with aggressive features and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been suggested that p300 participates in the regulation of a wide range of cell biological processes and mutation of p300 has been identified in certain types of human cancers. However, the expression dynamics of p300 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its clinical/prognostic significance are unclear.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, the methods of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IHC) were utilized to investigate protein/mRNA expression of p300 in HCCs. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, spearman's rank correlation, Kaplan-Meier plots and Cox proportional hazards regression model were used to analyze the data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Up-regulated expression of p300 mRNA and protein was observed in the majority of HCCs by RT-PCR and Western blotting, when compared with their adjacent non-malignant liver tissues. According to the ROC curves, the cutoff score for p300 high expression was defined when more than 60% of the tumor cells were positively stained. High expression of p300 was examined in 60/123 (48.8%) of HCCs and in 8/123 (6.5%) of adjacent non-malignant liver tissues. High expression of p300 was correlated with higher AFP level, larger tumor size, multiplicity, poorer differentiation and later stage (<it>P </it>< 0.05). In univariate survival analysis, a significant association between overexpression of p300 and shortened patients' survival was found (<it>P </it>= 0.001). In different subsets of HCC patients, p300 expression was also a prognostic indicator in patients with stage II (<it>P </it>= 0.007) and stage III (<it>P </it>= 0.011). Importantly, p300 expression was evaluated as an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis (<it>P </it>= 0.021). Consequently, a new clinicopathologic prognostic model with three poor prognostic factors (p300 expression, AFP level and vascular invasion) was constructed. The model could significantly stratify risk (low, intermediate and high) for overall survival (<it>P </it>< 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings provide a basis for the concept that high expression of p300 in HCC may be important in the acquisition of an aggressive phenotype, suggesting that p300 overexpression, as examined by IHC, is an independent biomarker for poor prognosis of patients with HCC. The combined clinicopathologic prognostic model may become a useful tool for identifying HCC patients with different clinical outcomes.</p

    Geometry and optics calibration of WFCTA prototype telescopes using star light

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    The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory project is proposed to study high energy gamma ray astronomy ( 40 GeV-1 PeV ) and cosmic ray physics ( 20 TeV-1 EeV ). The wide field of view Cherenkov telescope array, as a component of the LHAASO project, will be used to study energy spectrum and compositions of cosmic ray by measuring the total Cherenkov light generated by air showers and shower maximum depth. Two prototype telescopes have been in operation since 2008. The pointing accuracy of each telescope is crucial to the direction reconstruction of the primary particles. On the other hand the primary energy reconstruction relies on the shape of the Cherenkov image on the camera and the unrecorded photons due to the imperfect connections between photomultiplier tubes. UV bright stars are used as point-like objects to calibrate the pointing and to study the optical properties of the camera, the spot size and the fractions of unrecorded photons in the insensitive areas of the camera.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Chinese Physics