282 research outputs found

    Postharvest quality of "Rama Forte" persimmon stored at passive modified atmosphere packaging.

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    "Rama Forte" persimmon presents a short shelf life after harvesting and during commercialization. The objective of this work was evaluate quality of "Rama Forte" persimmon conditioned under modified atmosphere and kept under refrigeration.Sessão de Pôste

    Avaliação pós-colheita de caquis "Rama Forte" acondicionados sob diferentes embalagens de atmosfera modificada passiva.

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    Caquis ?Rama Forte? apresentam curta vida útil após a colheita e durante a comercialização. Na bibliografia, encontram-se relatos de escurecimento na epiderme da variedade, quando acondicionados em refrigeração, impossibilitando sua comercialização. A atmosfera modificada, de embalagens passivas, ocorre por consequência da respiração dos frutos, vegetais ou atividade metabólica de microrganismos associados a alimentos

    Avaliação de caquis "Rama Forte" destanizados após armazenamento sob atmosfera modificada passiva.

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    A cultivar Rama Forte tem sabor agradável, mas possui adstringência e necessita de destanização antes da sua comercialização. O armazenamento refrigerado é a principal forma de conservação empregada pelos pequenos produtores da fruta e, aliada a essa técnica, pode-se empregar a atmosfera modificada passiva (AMP)

    Comportamento de caquis "Rama Forte" destanizados após armazenamento sob atmosfera modificada passiva.

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    A produção de caqui no Rio Grande do Sul destina-se quase que exclusivamente ao consumo in natura e a comercialização ocorre no período de safra, dado seu curto período de armazenamento

    Growth study of indium-catalyzed silicon nanowires by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition

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    Indium was used as a catalyst for the synthesis of silicon nanowires in a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactor. In order to foster the catalytic activity of indium, the indium droplets had to be exposed to a hydrogen plasma prior to nanowire growth in a silane plasma. The structure of the nanowires was investigated as a function of the growth conditions by electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The nanowires were found to crystallize along the , or growth direction. When growing on the and directions, they revealed a similar crystal quality and the presence of a high density of twins along the {111} planes. The high density and periodicity of these twins lead to the formation of hexagonal domains inside the cubic structure. The corresponding Raman signature was found to be a peak at 495 cm−1, in agreement with previous studies. Finally, electron energy loss spectroscopy indicates an occasional migration of indium during growt


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar e avaliar o potencial de dissolução óleos essenciais de Anis-estrelado (Illicium verum) e Cravo da Índia (Syzygium aromaticum) para servir na reciclagem do isopor. A extração dos óleos essenciais foi realizada através da hidrodestilação. Foram identificados, o Anetol (55%) e o Eugenol (90,7%), como componentes químicos majoritários dos óleos estudados. Dentre os óleos essenciais estudados, óleo de Cravo da Índia apresentou melhor eficiência no processo de reciclagem do isopor. Por fim, os resultados apontam que os óleos essenciais estudados, podem ser empregados como solventes alternativos para reciclagem do isopor, gerando maiores possibilidades de aplicação e permitindo sua utilização de forma sustentável

    Precision-based exercise as a new therapeutic option for children and adolescents with haematological malignancies

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    Children and adolescents with haematological malignancies (pedHM) are characterized by a severe loss of exercise ability during cancer treatment, lasting throughout their lives once healed and impacting their social inclusion prospects. The investigation of the effect of a precision-based exercise program on the connections between systems of the body in pedHM patients is the new frontier in clinical exercise physiology. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of 11 weeks (3 times weekly) of combined training (cardiorespiratory, resistance, balance and flexibility) on the exercise intolerance in PedHM patients. Two-hundred twenty-six PedHM patients were recruited (47% F). High or medium frequency participation (HAd and MAd) was considered when a participant joined; > 65% or between 30% and < 64% of training sessions, respectively. The \u201cup and down stairs\u2019\u2019 test (TUDS), \u201c6 min walking\u201d test (6MWT), the \u201c5 Repetition Maximum strength\u201d leg extension and arm lateral raise test (5RM-LE and 5RM-ALR), flexibility (stand and reach), and balance (stabilometry), were performed and evaluated before and after training. The TUDS, the 5RM-LE and 5RM-ALR, and the flexibility exercises showed an increase in HAd and MAd groups (P < 0.05), while the 6MWT and balance tests showed improvement only in HAd group (P < 0.0001). these results support the ever\u2010growing theory that, in the case of the treatment of PedHM, \u2018exercise is medicine\u2019 and it has the potential to increase the patient\u2019s chances of social inclusion

    Optical study of the band structure of wurtzite GaP nanowires

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    We investigated the optical properties of wurtzite (WZ) GaP nanowires by performing photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL measurements in the temperature range from 4 K to 300 K, together with atom probe tomography to identify residual impurities in the nanowires. At low temperature, the WZ GaP luminescence shows donor-acceptor pair emission at 2.115 eV and 2.088 eV, and Burstein-Moss band-filling continuum between 2.180 and 2.253 eV, resulting in a direct band gap above 2.170 eV. Sharp exciton α-β-γ lines are observed at 2.140-2.164-2.252 eV, respectively, showing clear differences in lifetime, presence of phonon replicas, and temperature- dependence. The excitonic nature of those peaks is critically discussed, leading to a direct band gap o

    Reversing HOXA9 oncogene activation by PI3K inhibition: epigenetic mechanism and prognostic significance in human glioblastoma

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    HOXA genes encode critical transcriptional regulators of embryonic development that have been implicated in cancer. In this study, we documented functional relevance and mechanism of activation of HOXA9 in glioblastoma (GBM), the most common malignant brain tumor. Expression of HOXA genes was investigated using reverse transcription-PCR in primary gliomas and glioblastoma cell lines and was validated in two sets of expression array data. In a subset of GBM, HOXA genes are aberrently activated within confined chromosomal domains. Transcriptional activation of the HOXA cluster was reversible by a phosphoinostide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor through an epigenetic mechanism involving histone H3K27 trimethylation. Functional studies of HOXA9 showed its capacity to decrease apoptosis and increase cellular proliferation along with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-including ligand resistance. Notably, aberrant expression of HOXA9 was independently predictive of shorter overall and progression-free survival in two GBM patient sets and improved survival prediction by MGMT promoter methylation. Thus, HOXA9 activation is a novel, independent, and negative prognostic marker in GBM that is reversible through a PI3K-associated epigenetic mechanism. Our findings suggest a transcriptional pathway through which PI3K activates oncogenic HOXA expression with implications for mTOR or PI3K targeted therapies.NIH grants NIH CA094971 (J.F. Costello) and NIH/NCI F32 CA113039-01 (J.S. Smith); Karen Osney Brownstein Endowed Chair (J.F. Costello); UC Discovery grant Bio05-10501 (J.F. Costello and H.S. Phillips); Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation SFRH/BD/15258/2004 (B.M. Costa); and Luso-American Development Foundation, Portugal 186/06 (B.M. Costa