1,548 research outputs found

    What holes in the gas distribution of nearly face-on galaxies can tell us about the host disk parameters: the case of the NGC 628 South-East superbubble

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    Here we explore the impact of all major factors, such as the non-homogeneous gas distribution, galactic rotation and gravity, on the observational appearance of superbubbles in nearly face-on spiral galaxies. The results of our 3D numerical simulations are confronted to the observed gas column density distribution in the largest South-East superbubble in the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 628. We make use of the star formation history inside the bubble derived from the resolved stellar population seen in the HST images to obtain its energy and demonstrate that the results of numerical simulations are in good agreement with the observed gas surface density distribution. We also show that the observed gas column density distribution constraints the gaseous disk scale height and the midplane gas density if the energy input rate could be obtained from observations. This implies that observations of large holes in the interstellar gas distribution and their stellar populations have the potential power to solve the midplane gas density - gaseous disk scale-height degeneracy problem in nearly face-on galaxies. The possible role of superbubbles in driving the secondary star formation in galaxies is also briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    CALIDAD DE SEMILLAS DE PRIMAVERA (Roseodendron donnell-smithii Miranda syn Tabebuia donnell-smithii Rose)

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    Primavera (Roseodendron donnell-smithii syn Tabebuia donnell-smithii) is one of the species most frequently exploited in the tropical zone of Chiapas, México, and research about it is required to ensure itsconservation and use. Forest seeds are the main source of germplasm and the material most frequentlyused in commercial plantations, for which seeds with minimum characteristics of physiological, genetic,physical and sanitary quality are required. The objective of this study was to analyze some quality tests of seeds from trees that are candidates to be parent trees through viability, germination, weight and storage tests. The variables were evaluated at 15, 45, 75 and 105 days after collection. The conditions of storage were at room temperature and refrigeration at 8 °C in resealable plastic containers. The physical purity was 85.5%, the number of seeds kg-1 was 248,200. The greatest percentage of viability (61 %) was found during the first fifteen days, although germination increased as time went by until reaching the maximum at 75 days after their collectionLa primavera (Roseodendron donnell-smithii syn Tabebuia donnell-smithii) es una de las especies más aprovechadas del trópico en Chiapas, México, y de las que se requiere investigación para asegurar su conservación y aprovechamiento. Las semillas forestales son la fuente principal de germoplasma y el material más utilizado en plantaciones comerciales, para ello se requiere semilla con características mínimas de calidad fisiológica, genética, física y sanitaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar algunas pruebas de calidad de semilla procedente de árboles candidatos a árboles padre mediante pruebas de viabilidad, germinación, peso y almacenamiento. Las variables se evaluaron a 15, 45, 75 y 105 días después de recolecta. Las condiciones de almacenamiento fueron a temperatura ambiente y refrigeración a 8 °C en envases resellables de plástico. La pureza física fue de 85.5%, el número de semillas kg-1 fue de 248,200. El mayor porcentaje de viabilidad (61%) registrado en los primeros quince días, sin embargo, la germinación aumentó al paso del tiempo hasta llegar a su máximo a los 75 días después de su recolecta

    195 Pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis children younger than 3 years old

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    PRODUCCIÓN DE PRIMAVERA (Roseodendron donell-smithii syn Tabebuia donell-smithii), MADERA FINA DEL TRÓPICO

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    Activities and costs to establish commercial primavera (Roseodendron donell-smithii syn Tabebuia donell-smithii) forest plantations in Soconusco, Chiapas, México, are described, with the objective of identifying the economic and commercial advantages to invest in plantations, taking into account a financial analysis. The information obtained indicated that technical consulting has the highest cost, and its effect is reduced as the surface increases. The plantations begin with 1100 trees ha-1 and clearings are performed after six years by felling 300 trees and another 400 trees on year 12. During the development of the plantation, USD 953.60arerequiredannuallyperhectare,andjustintheyears6and12,USD953.60 are required annually per hectare, and just in the years 6 and 12, USD 3,318.40 are required, although in year 12 the sale of wood allows the financial support of the plantation; and on year 16, the total exploitation of the plantation takes place, with an income of USD 60,900.00ha1,consolidatingthecashflowtotheamountofUSD60,900.00 ha-1, consolidating the cash flow to the amount of USD 75,062.40. The extraction cost per final board foot is USD 0.12.Sedescribenactividadesycostosparaestablecerplantacionesforestalescomercialesdeprimavera(RoseodendrondonellsmithiisynTabebuiadonellsmithii)enelSoconusco,Chiapas,Meˊxico,conelfindeidentificarlasventajaseconoˊmicasycomercialesparainvertirenplantacionesconsiderandounanaˊlisisfinanciero.Lainformacioˊnobtenidaindicoˊquelaasesorıˊateˊcnicaeselcostomaˊsalto,ysuefectosereduceconformelasuperficieseincrementa.Lasplantacionesiniciancon1100aˊrbolesha1yserealizanaclareosalosseisan~osderribando300aˊrboles,yotros400aˊrbolesenelan~o12.DuranteeldesarrollodelaplantacioˊnserequiereanualmenteporhectaˊreaUSD0.12.Se describen actividades y costos para establecer plantaciones forestales comerciales de primavera (Roseodendron donell-smithii syn Tabebuia donell-smithii) en el Soconusco, Chiapas, México, con el fin de identificar las ventajas económicas y comerciales para invertir en plantaciones considerando un análisis financiero. La información obtenida indicó que la asesoría técnica es el costo más alto, y su efecto se reduce conforme la superficie se incrementa. Las plantaciones inician con 1100 árboles ha-1 y se realizan aclareos a los seis años derribando 300 árboles, y otros 400 árboles en el año 12. Durante el desarrollo de la plantación se requiere anualmente por hectárea USD 953.60, y sólo en los años 6 y 12 se requieren USD 3,318.40,aunqueenelan~o12,laventademaderafacilitaelsosteˊnfinancierodelaplantacioˊn;yenelan~o16sehaceelaprovechamientototaldelaplantacioˊnconingresosdeUSD3,318.40, aunque en el año 12, la venta de madera facilita el sostén financiero de la plantación; y en el año 16 se hace el aprovechamiento total de la plantación con ingresos de USD 60,900.00 ha-1, consolidando el flujo de efectivo en USD 75,062.40.ElcostodeextraccioˊnporpietablarfinalesdeUSD75,062.40. El costo de extracción por pie tablar final es de USD 0.12

    Sex differences in constitutive autophagy

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    Sex bias has been described nowadays in biomedical research on animal models, although sexual dimorphism has been confirmed widely under pathological and physiological conditions. The main objective of our work was to study the sex differences in constitutive autophagy in spinal cord and skeletalmuscle tissue fromwild type mice. To examine the influence of sex on autophagy, mRNA and proteins were extracted from male and female mice tissues.The expressions of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) and sequestosome 1 (p62), markers to monitor autophagy, were analyzed at 40, 60, 90, and 120 days of age.We found significant sex differences in the expression of LC3 and p62 in both tissues at these ages. The results indicated that sex and tissue specific differences exist in constitutive autophagy.These data underlined the need to include both sexes in the experimental groups to minimize any sex bias

    A DFT study of addition reaction between fragment ion (CH2) units and fullerene (C60) molecule

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    The theoretical study of the interaction between CH2 and fullerene (C60) suggests the existence of an addition reaction mechanism; this feature is studied by applying an analysis of electronic properties. Several different effects are evident in this interaction as a consequence of the particular electronic transfer which occurs during the procedure. The addition or insertion of the methylene group results in a process, where the inclusion of CH2 into a fullerene bond produces the formation of several geometric deformations. A simulation of these procedures was carried out, taking advantage of the dynamic semi-classical Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Dynamic aspects were analyzed at different speeds, for the interaction between the CH2 group and the two bonds: CC (6, 6) and CC (6, 5) respectively on the fullerene (C60) rings. All calculations which involved electrons employed DFT as well as exchange and functional correlation. The results indicate a tendency for the CH2 fragment to attack the CC (6, 5) bond

    EPICOG-SCH: A brief battery to screen cognitive impact of schizophrenia in stable outpatients

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    Brief batteries in schizophrenia, are needed to screen for the cognitive impact of schizophrenia. We aimed to validate and co-norm the Epidemiological Study of Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia (EPICOG-SCH) derived brief cognitive battery. A cross-sectional outpatient evaluation was conducted of six-hundred-seventy-two patients recruited from 234 centers. The brief battery included well-known subtests available worldwide that cover cognitive domains related to functional outcomes: WAIS-III-Letter-Number-Sequencing-LNS, Category Fluency Test-CFT, Logical-Memory Immediate Recall-LM, and Digit-Symbol-Coding-DSC. CGI-SCH Severity and WHO-DAS-S were used to assess clinical severity and functional impairment, respectively. Unit Composite Score (UCS) and functional regression-weighted Composite Scores (FWCS) were obtained; discriminant properties of FWCS to identify patients with different levels of functional disability were analyzed using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) technique. The battery showed good internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha = 0.78. The differences between cognitive performance across CGI-SCH severity level subscales ranged from 0.5 to 1 SD. Discriminant capacity of the battery in identifying patients with up to moderate disability levels showed fair discriminant accuracy with areas under the curve (AUC) > 0.70, p < 0.0001. An FWCS mean cut-off score ≥ 100 showed likelihood ratios (LR) up to 4.7, with an LR+ of 2.3 and a LR− of 0.5. An FWCS cut-off ≥ 96 provided the best balance between sensitivity (0.74) and specificity (0.62). The EPICOG-SCH proved to be a useful brief tool to screen for the cognitive impact of schizophrenia, and its regression-weighted Composite Score was an efficient complement to clinical interviews for confirming patients' potential functional outcomes and can be useful for monitoring cognition during routine outpatient follow-up visits