20 research outputs found

    Fish Assemblage Relationships with Physical Habitat in Wadeable Iowa Streams

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    Fish assemblages play a key role in stream ecosystems and are influenced by physical habitat. We analyzed fish assemblages and physical habitat at 93 randomly selected sites on second- through fifth-order wadeable Iowa streams to explore fish assemblage relationships with reach-scale physical habitat in this agriculturally dominated landscape. Sites were sampled using DC electrofishing and the wadeable streams physical habitat protocol of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency\u27s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. In all, 82 species were collected, with species richness at sites averaging 14. Over 80% of the sites had fish assemblages rated as fair (53%) or poor (32%) based on a fish index of biotic integrity (FIBI). Ordination separated sites from the two major river drainages along an axis of impairment, with sites in the Missouri River drainage exhibiting lower FIBI scores than sites in the Mississippi River drainage. Physical habitat at most sites exhibited fine substrates, eroding banks, and low-gradient, nonmeandering channel and was dominated by glides. Thirty physical habitat variables describing channel morphology, channel cross section and bank morphology, fish cover, human disturbance, large woody debris, relative bed stability, residual pool, riparian vegetation, and substrate differed significantly between sites with FIBI scores rated as poor and those with FIBI scores rated as good or excellent. Eighteen physical habitat variables were significant predictors of fish assemblage metrics and FIBI in multiple linear regression models, with adjusted R 2 values ranging from 0.12 to 0.58. Seventy percent of the model coefficients reflected substrate (40%), residual pool (21%), and fish cover (9%) variables. Fish assemblages in wadeable Iowa streams are strongly associated with the quality of physical habitat. Thus, understanding and addressing the determinants of physical habitat are crucial for managing streams in Iowa and other agricultural regions

    Physical Habitat and Fish Assemblage Relationships with Landscape Variables at Multiple Spatial Scales in Wadeable Iowa Streams

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    Landscapes in Iowa and other midwestern states have been profoundly altered by conversion of native prairies to agriculture. We analyzed landscape data collected at multiple spatial scales to explore relationships with reach-scale physical habitat and fish assemblage data from 93 randomly selected sites on second- through fifth-order wadeable Iowa streams. Ordination of sites by physical habitat showed significant gradients of channel shape, habitat complexity, substrate composition, and stream size. Several landscape variables were significantly associated with the physical habitat ordination. Row crop land use was associated with fine substrates and steep bank angles, whereas wetland land cover and greater sinuosity and catchment land area were associated with complex channel and bank morphology and greater residual pool volume, woody debris, and canopy cover. Thirteen landscape variables were significant predictors of physical habitat variables in multiple linear regressions, with adjusted R 2 values ranging from 0.07 to 0.74. Inclusion of landscape variables with physical habitat variables in multiple regression models predicting fish assemblage metrics and a fish index of biotic integrity resulted in negligible improvements over models based on only physical habitat variables. Physical habitat in wadeable Iowa streams is strongly associated with landscape characteristics. Results of this study and previous studies suggest that (1) landscape factors directly influence physical habitat, (2) physical habitat directly influences fish assemblages, and (3) the influence of landscape factors on fish assemblages is primarily indirect. Understanding how landscape factors, such as human land use, influence physical habitat and fish assemblages will help managers make more informed decisions for improving Iowa\u27s wadeable streams

    Crise de abastecimento de água em São Paulo e falta de planejamento estratégico

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    Embora a crise no abastecimento de água na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) tenha se manifestado de maneira mais intensa no verão de 2013-2014, ela revela um problema crônico que vem afetando toda a Região nos últimos dez anos. Esse problema foi gerado pela falta de um planejamento estratégico que considere questões climatológicas que podem indicar, com meses de antecedência, problemas de recomposição dos níveis dos mananciais, permitindo que ações sejam empreendidas com razoável antecedência, reduzindo os impactos para a população. Este estudo mostra como é possível utilizar informações climáticas na gestão estratégica do sistema de abastecimento da RMSP.Though the crisis in the water supplying system in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP) was more intensively felt in the 2013-2014 summer, it reveals a chronic problem that has been affecting the whole RMSP for the past ten years. This problem is originated from the lack of a strategic planning that takes into consideration climate issues that could, months before, foresee problems to restore the levels of water resources, allowing measures to be implemented within a reasonable anticipation, therefore reducing the impacts on the population. This study shows how it is possible to use climate information in the strategic management of the water supply in the RMSP

    Conservación de los ecosistemas riparios y deltaicos y mejora de las oportunidades de ecoturismo

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    The many ecosystem services offered by riparian areas and deltas have led to their intense utilization and degradation by humans. The areas maintain high biodiversity thus providing habitat for animal and fish, reduce nonpoint sources pollutant, erosion and floods, recharge aquifers, increase agricultural production and provide ecotourism opportunities. These have led to a prioritization, worldwide, of the conservation and protection of these ecosystems. This importance was also recognized by UNESCO that establishment the Chair Con-E-Ect in 2016 in Drama Greece that focuses on the conservation, protection and implementation of ecotourism in riparian areas and deltas. Specific activities of the Chair include the development of behavior codes, monitoring tool and ecotourism examples. The behavior codes provide guidelines on what activities should be done in riparian areas and deltas and what activities should be avoided. To enhance conservation a monitoring tool for riparian areas and deltas suited for stakeholders has been modified to meet the environmental conditions of the Mediterranean region. Finally, successful examples of ecotourism have been identified as case studies that could be utilized by local business of rural areas. Overall, these actions along with future ones will lead to the sustainable management of the ecosystems in Mediterranean that have been over-utilized due to the human presence for thousands of years.Las áreas ribereñas y los deltas ofrecen muchos servicios ecosistémicos que han llevado a su intensa utilización y degradación por parte de los humanos. Estos variados y únicos servicios han llevado a una priorización mundial de la conservación y protección de estos ecosistemas. Esta cuestión fue reconocida por la UNESCO al establecer la Cátedra Con-E-Ect en 2016 en la ciudad de Drama, Grecia, centrada en la conservación, protección e implementación del ecoturismo en áreas ribereñas y deltas. Las actividades específicas de la Cátedra incluyen el desarrollo de códigos de conducta, herramientas de monitoreo y ejemplos exitosos de ecoturismo. Los códigos de conducta brindan pautas sobre qué actividades se deben realizar en áreas ribereñas y deltas. Para mejorar la conservación, se recomienda que las herramientas de monitoreo para áreas ribereñas y deltas adecuadas para las partes interesadas cumplan con las condiciones ambientales de la región mediterránea

    Improving Soil Erosion Prevention in Greece with New Tools

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    Unsustainable anthropogenic activities such as agriculture and urbanization have caused excessive erosion rates that exceed soil formation rates. The Mediterranean region has and continues to experience severe erosion because of the inappropriate agricultural management, overgrazing, deforestation, wildfires, land abandonment, intense road construction and other construction activities. The forecasted increase of intensive rainfall events and prolonged drought periods due to climate change, will enhance surface runoff and sediment transport capacity. The objective of this study was to develop new tools to help land managers mitigate erosion in the country of Greece. One of the tools was a new sensor (ASEMS) that is based on the physical properties of ultrasound to detect erosion locally with great accuracy (1 mm), while simultaneously measuring precipitation, soil moisture, and soil and air temperature. The other tool was the development of the Soil Erosion Integrated Information System (SE-I2S) that enables land managers through a series of questions to understand if they are facing erosion problems and what type of erosion. This tool can be applied to large areas. Overall, both new tools are user friendly and help land managers mitigate soil erosion cost-effectively.This proceeding was published as Zaimes, G.N., K. Ioannou, V. Iakovoglou, I. Kosmadakis, P. Koutalakis, G. Ranis, D. Emmanouloudis, & R.C. Schultz. 2016. Improving soil erosion prevention in Greece with new tools. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 9 (2): 66-71. Posted with permission.</p

    Improving Soil Erosion Prevention in Greece with New Tools

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    Unsustainable anthropogenic activities such as agriculture and urbanization have caused excessive erosion rates that exceed soil formation rates. The Mediterranean region has and continues to experience severe erosion because of the inappropriate agricultural management, overgrazing, deforestation, wildfires, land abandonment, intense road construction and other construction activities. The forecasted increase of intensive rainfall events and prolonged drought periods due to climate change, will enhance surface runoff and sediment transport capacity. The objective of this study was to develop new tools to help land managers mitigate erosion in the country of Greece. One of the tools was a new sensor (ASEMS) that is based on the physical properties of ultrasound to detect erosion locally with great accuracy (1 mm), while simultaneously measuring precipitation, soil moisture, and soil and air temperature. The other tool was the development of the Soil Erosion Integrated Information System (SE-I2S) that enables land managers through a series of questions to understand if they are facing erosion problems and what type of erosion. This tool can be applied to large areas. Overall, both new tools are user friendly and help land managers mitigate soil erosion cost-effectively

    Transboundary Collaborations to Enhance Wildfire Suppression in Protected Areas of the Black Sea Region

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    For the most effective and efficient management of certain natural resources (e.g. protected areas) and disasters (e.g. wildfires) transboundary approaches are needed. In addition in the management of protected areas, the role of wildfire should be incorporated, something that was ignored in the past and led to catastrophic wildfires. The Black Sea is a region that wildfires in the protected areas are expected to increase. This has to do with the abandonment of rural areas and the higher temperatures, especially during summer, due to climate change. Interesting is also the fact that some countries of the region have extensive experience while other do not have neither the experience nor the necessary infrastructures to face large wildfires. A transboundary collaboration would be very beneficial to the countries with limited experiences and capacities to suppress wildfires. The objective of this study is to be proactive by developing innovative tools to help suppress wildfires and enhancing the knowledge on wildfires and protected areas. The innovative tools included 4 different research activities and products. Firstly, an online Digital Geodatabase for the six pilot areas was developed. Next forest fire fuels and maps were developed while a forest fire behavior model was run to create the overall fire risk maps for the pilot areas. To estimate water resources and watershed streamflows the hydrologic model SWAT was validated and calibrated for the pilot areas. The final activities included a multi-criteria decision analysis to select the optimal location of the water reservoirs and the use of spatial analyst to provide the optimal routes to reach reservoirs by the fire vehicles. To enhance the responsible agency personnel along with stakeholders knowledge of the region, a Neighborhood Network with regular quarterly meetings was established. Participants for all six project countries were present in the meetings. Overall, new tool that will enhance wildfire suppression in protected area were developed while the awareness of wildfire danger and the importance of protected areas increased

    Understanding and Enhancing Ecotourism Opportunities through Education

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    A new fast growing trend in tourism is ecotourism, in which tourists visit natural ecosystems under low impact, nonconsumptive and locally oriented activities. Through these activities species and habitats are maintained and typically, underdeveloped regions are emphasized. Ecotourism provides a great alternative, especially for rural and undeveloped area. At the same time, despite its many benefits, it also poses many risks for the naturally protected areas