329 research outputs found

    Nationalism and internationalism : an address before the Rotary Club of Shanghai, November 26, 1926

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    10 pageshttps://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/moore/1061/thumbnail.jp

    The a-number of hyperelliptic curves

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    It is known that for a smooth hyperelliptic curve to have a large aa-number, the genus must be small relative to the characteristic of the field, p>0p>0, over which the curve is defined. It was proven by Elkin that for a genus gg hyperelliptic curve CC to have aC=g−1a_C=g-1, the genus is bounded by g<3p2g<\frac{3p}{2}. In this paper, we show that this bound can be lowered to g<pg <p. The method of proof is to force the Cartier-Manin matrix to have rank one and examine what restrictions that places on the affine equation defining the hyperelliptic curve. We then use this bound to summarize what is known about the existence of such curves when p=3,5p=3,5 and 77.Comment: 7 pages. v2: revised and improved the proof of the main theorem based on suggestions from the referee. To appear in the proceedings volume of Women in Numbers Europe-

    Plasmodium berghei Hsp90 contains a natural immunogenic I-A<sup>b</sup>-restricted antigen common to rodent and human Plasmodium species

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    Thorough understanding of the role of CD4 T cells in immunity can be greatly assisted by the study of responses to defined specificities. This requires knowledge of Plasmodium-derived immunogenic epitopes, of which only a few have been identified, especially for the mouse C57BL/6 background. We recently developed a TCR transgenic mouse line, termed PbT-II, that produces CD4+ T cells specific for an MHC class II (I-Ab)-restricted Plasmodium epitope and is responsive to both sporozoites and blood-stage P. berghei. Here, we identify a peptide within the P. berghei heat shock protein 90 as the cognate epitope recognised by PbT-II cells. We show that C57BL/6 mice infected with P. berghei blood-stage induce an endogenous CD4 T cell response specific for this epitope, indicating cells of similar specificity to PbT-II cells are present in the naïve repertoire. Adoptive transfer of in vitro activated TH1-, or particularly TH2-polarised PbT-II cells improved control of P. berghei parasitemia in C57BL/6 mice and drastically reduced the onset of experimental cerebral malaria. Our results identify a versatile, potentially protective MHC-II restricted epitope useful for exploration of CD4 T cell-mediated immunity and vaccination strategies against malaria

    Notch signaling during human T cell development

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    Notch signaling is critical during multiple stages of T cell development in both mouse and human. Evidence has emerged in recent years that this pathway might regulate T-lineage differentiation differently between both species. Here, we review our current understanding of how Notch signaling is activated and used during human T cell development. First, we set the stage by describing the developmental steps that make up human T cell development before describing the expression profiles of Notch receptors, ligands, and target genes during this process. To delineate stage-specific roles for Notch signaling during human T cell development, we subsequently try to interpret the functional Notch studies that have been performed in light of these expression profiles and compare this to its suggested role in the mouse

    TLR Tolerance Reduces IFN-Alpha Production Despite Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Expansion and Anti-Nuclear Antibodies in NZB Bicongenic Mice

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    Genetic loci on New Zealand Black (NZB) chromosomes 1 and 13 play a significant role in the development of lupus-like autoimmune disease. We have previously shown that C57BL/6 (B6) congenic mice with homozygous NZB chromosome 1 (B6.NZBc1) or 13 (B6.NZBc13) intervals develop anti-nuclear antibodies and mild glomerulonephritis (GN), together with increased T and B cell activation. Here, we produced B6.NZBc1c13 bicongenic mice with both intervals, and demonstrate several novel phenotypes including: marked plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cell expansion, and elevated IgA production. Despite these changes, only minor increases in anti-nuclear antibody production were seen, and the severity of GN was reduced as compared to B6.NZBc1 mice. Although bicongenic mice had increased levels of baff and tnf-α mRNA in their spleens, the levels of IFN-α-induced gene expression were reduced. Splenocytes from bicongenic mice also demonstrated reduced secretion of IFN-α following TLR stimulation in vitro. This reduction was not due to inhibition by TNF-α and IL-10, or regulation by other cellular populations. Because pDC in bicongenic mice are chronically exposed to nuclear antigen-containing immune complexes in vivo, we examined whether repeated stimulation of mouse pDC with TLR ligands leads to impaired IFN-α production, a phenomenon termed TLR tolerance. Bone marrow pDC from both B6 and bicongenic mice demonstrated markedly inhibited secretion of IFN-α following repeated stimulation with a TLR9 ligand. Our findings suggest that the expansion of pDC and production of anti-nuclear antibodies need not be associated with increased IFN-α production and severe kidney disease, revealing additional complexity in the regulation of autoimmunity in systemic lupus erythematosus

    Cooperative Effects in the Photoluminescence of (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dot Chain Structures

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    Multilayer In0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs quantum dot (QD) chain samples are investigated by means of cw and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy in order to study the peculiarities of interdot coupling in such nanostructures. The temperature dependence of the PL has revealed details of the confinement. Non-thermal carrier distribution through in-chain, interdot wave function coupling is found. The peculiar dependences of the PL decay time on the excitation and detection energies are ascribed to the electronic interdot coupling and the long-range coupling through the radiation field. It is shown that the dependence of the PL decay time on the excitation wavelength is a result of the superradiance effect

    B Cell Activating Factor (BAFF) and T Cells Cooperate to Breach B Cell Tolerance in Lupus-Prone New Zealand Black (NZB) Mice

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    The presence of autoantibodies in New Zealand Black (NZB) mice suggests a B cell tolerance defect however the nature of this defect is unknown. To determine whether defects in B cell anergy contribute to the autoimmune phenotype in NZB mice, soluble hen egg lysozyme (sHEL) and anti-HEL Ig transgenes were bred onto the NZB background to generate double transgenic (dTg) mice. NZB dTg mice had elevated levels of anti-HEL antibodies, despite apparently normal B cell functional anergy in-vitro. NZB dTg B cells also demonstrated increased survival and abnormal entry into the follicular compartment following transfer into sHEL mice. Since this process is dependent on BAFF, BAFF serum and mRNA levels were assessed and were found to be significantly elevated in NZB dTg mice. Treatment of NZB sHEL recipient mice with TACI-Ig reduced NZB dTg B cell survival following adoptive transfer, confirming the role of BAFF in this process. Although NZB mice had modestly elevated BAFF, the enhanced NZB B cell survival response appeared to result from an altered response to BAFF. In contrast, T cell blockade had a minimal effect on B cell survival, but inhibited anti-HEL antibody production. The findings suggest that the modest BAFF elevations in NZB mice are sufficient to perturb B cell tolerance, particularly when acting in concert with B cell functional abnormalities and T cell help

    Bcl11b sets pro-T cell fate by site-specific cofactor recruitment and by repressing Id2 and Zbtb16

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    Multipotent progenitor cells confirm their T cell–lineage identity in the CD4^–CD8^– double-negative (DN) pro-T cell DN2 stages, when expression of the essential transcription factor Bcl11b begins. In vivo and in vitro stage-specific deletions globally identified Bcl11b-controlled target genes in pro-T cells. Proteomics analysis revealed that Bcl11b associated with multiple cofactors and that its direct action was needed to recruit those cofactors to selective target sites. Regions near functionally regulated target genes showed enrichment for those sites of Bcl11b-dependent recruitment of cofactors, and deletion of individual cofactors relieved the repression of many genes normally repressed by Bcl11b. Runx1 collaborated with Bcl11b most frequently for both activation and repression. In parallel, Bcl11b indirectly regulated a subset of target genes by a gene network circuit via the transcription inhibitor Id2 (encoded by Id2) and transcription factor PLZF (encoded by Zbtb16); Id2 and Zbtb16 were directly repressed by Bcl11b, and Id2 and PLZF controlled distinct alternative programs. Thus, our study defines the molecular basis of direct and indirect Bcl11b actions that promote T cell identity and block alternative potentials

    Multi-line detection of O2 toward rho Oph A

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    Models of pure gas-phase chemistry in well-shielded regions of molecular clouds predict relatively high levels of molecular oxygen, O2, and water, H2O. Contrary to expectation, the space missions SWAS and Odin found only very small amounts of water vapour and essentially no O2 in the dense star-forming interstellar medium. Only toward rho Oph A did Odin detect a weak line of O2 at 119 GHz in a beam size of 10 arcmin. A larger telescope aperture such as that of the Herschel Space Observatory is required to resolve the O2 emission and to pinpoint its origin. We use the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared aboard Herschel to obtain high resolution O2 spectra toward selected positions in rho Oph A. These data are analysed using standard techniques for O2 excitation and compared to recent PDR-like chemical cloud models. The 487.2GHz line was clearly detected toward all three observed positions in rho Oph A. In addition, an oversampled map of the 773.8GHz transition revealed the detection of the line in only half of the observed area. Based on their ratios, the temperature of the O2 emitting gas appears to vary quite substantially, with warm gas (> 50 K) adjacent to a much colder region, where temperatures are below 30 K. The exploited models predict O2 column densities to be sensitive to the prevailing dust temperatures, but rather insensitive to the temperatures of the gas. In agreement with these model, the observationally determined O2 column densities seem not to depend strongly on the derived gas temperatures, but fall into the range N(O2) = (3 to >6)e15/cm^2. Beam averaged O2 abundances are about 5e-8 relative to H2. Combining the HIFI data with earlier Odin observations yields a source size at 119 GHz of about 4 - 5 arcmin, encompassing the entire rho Oph A core.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures intended for publication in A&
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