129 research outputs found

    Combined Small Interfering RNA Therapy and In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Islet Transplantation

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    OBJECTIVE Recent advances in human islet transplantation are hampered by significant graft loss shortly after transplantation and inability to follow islet fate directly. Both issues were addressed by utilizing a dual-purpose therapy/imaging small interfering RNA (siRNA)-nanoparticle probe targeting apoptotic-related gene caspase-3. We expect that treatment with the probe would result in significantly better survival of transplanted islets, which could be monitored by in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We synthesized a probe consisting of therapeutic (siRNA to human caspase-3) and imaging (magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, MN) moieties. In vitro testing of the probe included serum starvation of the islets followed by treatment with the probe. Caspase-3 gene silencing and protein expression were determined by RT-PCR and Western blot, respectively. In vivo studies included serial MRI of NOD-SCID mice transplanted with MN-small interfering (si)Caspase-3–labeled human islets under the left kidney capsule and MN-treated islets under the right kidney capsule. RESULTS Treatment with MN-siCaspase-3 probe resulted in decrease of mRNA and protein expression in serum-starved islets compared with controls. In vivo MRI showed that there were significant differences in the relative volume change between MN-siCaspase-3–treated grafts and MN-labeled grafts. Histology revealed decreased caspase-3 expression and cell apoptosis in MN-siCaspase-3–treated grafts compared with the control side. CONCLUSIONS Our data show the feasibility of combining siRNA therapy and in vivo monitoring of transplanted islets in mice. We observed a protective effect of MN-siCaspase-3 in treated islets both in vitro and in vivo. This study could potentially aid in increasing the success of clinical islet transplantation

    Systemic delivery of E6/7 siRNA using novel lipidic particles and its application with cisplatin in cervical cancer mouse models

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    Small interfering RNA (siRNA) shows great promise in cancer therapy, but its effectiveness in vivo still remains a crucial issue for its transition into the clinics. Although the successful use of polyethylene glycol (PEG)ylated lipidic delivery systems have already been reported, most of the formulation procedures used are labour intensive and also result in unstable end products. We have previously developed a simple yet efficient hydration-of-freeze-dried- matrix (HFDM) method to entrap siRNA within lipid particles, in which the products exhibited superior stability. Here, we show that these HFDM-formulated particles are stable in the presence of serum and can deliver siRNA efficiently to tumours after intravenous administration. Using these particles, around 50% knockdown of the target gene expression was observed in tumours. With the use of siRNA targeting the E6/7 oncogenes expressed in cervical cancer, we showed a 50% reduction in tumour size. This level of tumour growth suppression was comparable to that achieved from cisplatin at the clinically used dose. Overall, our results demonstrate the feasibility of using HFDM-formulated particles to systematically administer E6/7-targeted siRNA for cervical cancer treatment. The simplicity of preparation procedure along with superior product stability obtained from our method offers an innovative approach for the in vivo delivery of siRNA

    Obstacles on the way to the clinical visualisation of beta cells: looking for the Aeneas of molecular imaging to navigate between Scylla and Charybdis

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    For more than a decade, researchers have been trying to develop non-invasive imaging techniques for the in vivo measurement of viable pancreatic beta cells. However, in spite of intense research efforts, only one tracer for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is currently under clinical evaluation. To many diabetologists it may remain unclear why the imaging world struggles to develop an effective method for non-invasive beta cell imaging (BCI), which could be useful for both research and clinical purposes. Here, we provide a concise overview of the obstacles and challenges encountered on the way to such BCI, in both native and transplanted islets. We discuss the major difficulties posed by the anatomical and cell biological features of pancreatic islets, as well as the chemical and physical limits of the main imaging modalities, with special focus on PET, SPECT and MRI. We conclude by indicating new avenues for future research in the field, based on several remarkable recent results

    Phosphatidylserine targeting for diagnosis and treatment of human diseases

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    Cells are able to execute apoptosis by activating series of specific biochemical reactions. One of the most prominent characteristics of cell death is the externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS), which in healthy cells resides predominantly in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. These features have made PS-externalization a well-explored phenomenon to image cell death for diagnostic purposes. In addition, it was demonstrated that under certain conditions viable cells express PS at their surface such as endothelial cells of tumor blood vessels, stressed tumor cells and hypoxic cardiomyocytes. Hence, PS has become a potential target for therapeutic strategies aiming at Targeted Drug Delivery. In this review we highlight the biomarker PS and various PS-binding compounds that have been employed to target PS for diagnostic purposes. We emphasize the 35 kD human protein annexin A5, that has been developed as a Molecular Imaging agent to measure cell death in vitro, and non-invasively in vivo in animal models and in patients with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Recently focus has shifted from diagnostic towards therapeutic applications employing annexin A5 in strategies to deliver drugs to cells that express PS at their surface

    Resistance, susceptibility, and immunity to cecal coccidiosis: Effects of B complex and alloantigen system L

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    This study examined alloantigen system L effects on resistance to initial infection and acquired immunity to Eimeria tenella infection in three B complex genotypes. Experimental progeny segregating for B and L genotypes were produced from pedigree matings of (BB5)-B-2 (LL2)-L-1 sires and dams. Chicks were weighed and inoculated with 30,000 E. tenella oocysts at 6 wk of age to evaluate resistance in four trials (n = 262). Immunity was studied in four additional trials (n = 244) by immunizing progeny with 500 E. tenella oocysts per day for 5 d beginning at 5 wk of age. Two weeks after the last immunization dose, the birds were weighed and challenged with 30,000 E. tenella oocysts. All birds were weighed again and scored for cecal lesion 6 d after the 30,000 oocyst dose challenge. Weight gain and cecal lesion scores were evaluated by ANOVA. Major histocompatibility (B) complex genotypes (BB2)-B-2 and (BB5)-B-5 did not affect resistance to initial challenge with E. tenella based on lesion score and weight gain. However, after immunization, the (BB5)-B-5 and (BB5)-B-2 genotypes had significantly lower cecal scores than the (BB2)-B-2 genotype when the birds were rechallenged. Weight gain was not affected among immunized birds. No significant L system effects with or without immunization were detected. These results are consistent with previous research demonstrating B complex effects on immunity to cecal coccidiosis