2,280 research outputs found

    Organisasi Perempuan Dan Pembangunan Kesejahteraan

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    This paper would like to see how the women organizations have tried to build prosperity for women, especially women who live in the village. Interestingly , the women organization activists seek a way out of poverty by using their own ideas, perspectives and mindset, not guided by a uniform national policy. This means the ideas are built based on local emancipation where women live day-to- day. In the author's view, one way for women to achieve prosperity is to give them a chance to work. For women , the purpose of giving the opportunity to work not only to increase revenue but also to take care of a variety of social vulnerability , especially poverty and domestic violence. Women's access to work also means the opportunity to be involved in the socio - political relations more broadly. This means that women can contribute to the development of their neighbourhood because they no longer dwell in the domestic sphere, but have enough time to interact in the public sphere , especially through the involvement in an organization. By doing so, the involvement of women in the organization has a broad meaning, not just a mere social benefit. There is a transformation of social capital, in the form of involvement in the organization, into economic capital in the form of an opportunity to engage in economic activity. However, the effort to transform social capital into economic capital is not easy . There are still unfavourable views arguing that women capability is not commensurate with men which eventually limit women to access a livelihood. Therefore, it is necessary to find a perspective that places men and women in equal and fair positions, especially in acquiring , utilizing and developing assets and accesses to economic resources , social and political . It is time for the state to formulate public policies that put women as the main actors and not merely as objects or complementary policies. In sum , this paper believes that by involving in an organization, women will have a greater opportunity to be involved in economic activities, which in turn can lead women to welfare gates

    Estimation of Repeatability and Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) of Sapudi Sheep Based on Daily Body Weight Gain of Lambs from Birth to Pre-weaning and Weaning

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    This research aimed to estimate the repeatability and MPPA values of Sapudi ewes based on the lamb’s daily gain from birth to pre-weaning and weaning. Using recorded data in a pedigree of lamb, 53 data with half-sib relationship came from 14 ewes which included the record of body weight gain of Sapudi lambs from birth to pre-weaning and weaning. The data were analyzed by descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The study showed that the average daily gain of pre-weaning and weaning was 007 kg/day. The repeatability value of pre-weaning and weaning daily gain was 0.636 in the high category and 0.377 in the medium category. The MPPA daily gain values for pre-weaning and weaning ranged from -0.032 to 0.018 and -0.016 to 0.009. The research concluded that the Sapudi sheep ewes based on the MPPA daily gain pre-weaning were six heads with four rankings, while the daily weight gain weaning was ten heads with ranking of five. The highest rank of Sapudi ewes in pre-weaning and weaning daily gain was ear tag 094 with MPPA values of 0.018 and 0.009. It is recommended that further research can be conducted to estimate the repeatability value of quantitative periodically as the basis for the selection and culling of livestock

    Studi Kelayakan Finansial Pada Proyek Pembangunan Kawasan Pasar Terpadu Blimbing Kota Malang

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    Sebagai kota terbesar kedua setelah Surabaya, banyak pembangunan terjadi di Kota Malang seperti pembangunan hotel, apartemen, mall, dsb. Akan tetapi permasalahan yang timbul adalah apakah pembangunan yang ada tersebut sudah sesuai dengan analisa kelayakan yang ada. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya penelitian dan pengkajian yang seksama dan sistematis untuk menghindari keterlanjuran dalam menanam modal. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan finansial pada proyek pembangunan Kawasan Pasar Terpadu Blimbing Kota Malang. Studi kelayakan finansial adalah penelitian tentang layak atau tidaknya suatu proyek (biasanya merupakan proyek investasi) dilaksanakan. Pertama-tama dilakukan penyusunan rencana cash flow proyek dari data-data yang ada. Kemudian dilakukan analisa kelayakan proyek dari segi finansialnya menggunakan metode Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), dan Payback Period (PP). Lalu, dilakukan analisis sensitivitas jika terjadi kenaikan biaya dan kenaikan manfaat masing-masing sebesar 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, dan 30%. Dari hasil analisa uji kelayakan finansial dengan metode NPV, BCR, IRR, dan PP menggunakan suku bunga 7.5% pada kondisi normal, maka proyek Pembangunan Kawasan Pasar Terpadu Blimbing Kota Malang layak untuk beroperasi. Diperoleh nilai positif dari NPV sebesar Rp. 65,345,570,925, nilai >1 dari BCR sebesar 1.3791, dan nilai IRR > suku bunga 7.5% (MARR) yaitu sebesar 11,96218%. Dari uji sensitivitas suku bunga 7.5% dengan metode NPV, BCR, IRR proyek Pembangunan Kawasan Pasar Terpadu Blimbing Kota Malang layak untuk beroperasi. Diperoleh nilai positif dari NPV sebesar Rp. 109,666,153,926 jika terjadi kenaikan biaya dan kenaikan manfaat sebesar 10%, begitu juga nilai BCR > 1 sebesar 1,3734, dan nilai IRR > suku bunga 7.5% (MARR) sebesar 13,68678%. Untuk perhitungan yang selanjutnya dengan sensitivitas sebesar 15%, 20%, 25%, dan 30% juga didapatkan hasil yang sama yaitu proyek Pembangunan Kawasan Pasar Terpadu Blimbing Kota Malang layak untuk dilaksanakan. Waktu pengembalian investasi (Payback Period) dengan menggunakan metode Simple Payback Period yaitu selama 7 tahun 1 bulan 7 hari terjadi pada tahun 2017. Dengan menggunakan metode Discounted Payback Period waktu yang diperlukan adalah 10 tahun 8 bulan 1 hari pada tahun 202

    Saudi SCD patients’ symptoms and quality of life relative to the number of ED visits

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    Background Individuals living with sickle cell disease (SCD) have significantly increased emergency department (ED) use compared to the general population. In Saudi Arabia, health care is free for all individuals and therefore has no bearing on increased ED visits. However, little is known about the relationship between quality of life (QoL) and frequency of acute care utilization in this patient population. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 366 patients with SCD who attended the outpatient department at King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected through self-administered surveys, which included: demographics, SCD-related ED visits, clinical issues, and QoL levels. We assessed the ED use by asking for the number of SCD-related ED visits within a 6-month period. Results The self-report survey of ED visits was completed by 308 SCD patients. The median number of SCD-related ED visits within a 6-month time period (IQR) was four (2-7 visits). According to the unadjusted negative binomial model, the rate of SCD-related ED visits increased by (46, 39.3, 40, and 53.5 %) for patients with fever, skin redness with itching, swelling, and blood transfusion, respectively. Poor QoL tends to increase the rate of SCD-related ED visits. Well education and poor general health positively influenced the rate of SCD-related ED visits. Well education tends to increase the rate of SCD-related ED visits by 50.2 %. The rate of SCD-related ED visits decreased by 1.4 % for every point increase in general health. Conclusion Saudi patients with sickle cell disease reported a wide range of SCD-related ED visits. It was estimated that six of 10 SCD patients had at least three ED visits within a 6-month period. Well education and poor general health resulted in an increase in the rate of SCD-related ED visits

    A robust control design approach for altitude control and trajectory tracking of a quadrotor

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    Introduction. Unmanned aerial vehicles as quadcopters, twin rotors, fixed-wing crafts, and helicopters are being used in many applications these days. Control approaches applied on the quadrotor after decoupling the model or separate altitude control and trajectory tracking have been reported in the literature. A robust linear H∞ controller has been designed for both altitude control and circular trajectory tracking at the desired altitude. Problem. The ability of the quadrotor system to hover at a certain height and track any desired trajectory makes their use in many industrial applications in both military and civil applications. Once a controller has been designed, it may not be able to maintain the desired performance in practical scenarios, i.e. in presence of wind gusts. Originality. This work presents the control strategy to ensure both altitude control and trajectory tracking using a single controller. Purpose. However, there is a need for a single controller that ensures both altitude control and trajectory tracking. Novelty. This paper presents a robust H∞ control for altitude control and trajectory tracking for a six degree of freedom of unmanned aerial vehicles quadrotor. Methodology. Multi input multi output robust H∞ controller has been proposed for the quadrotor for altitude control and tracking the desired reference. For the controller validation, a simulation environment is developed in which a 3D trajectory is tracked by the proposed control methodology. Results. Simulation results depict that the controller is efficient enough to achieve the desired objective at minimal control efforts. Practical value. To verify that the proposed approach is able to ensure stability, altitude control, and trajectory tracking under practical situations, the performance of the proposed control is tested in presence of wind gusts. The ability of the controller to cater to the disturbances within fractions of seconds and maintaining both transient and steady-state performance proves the effectiveness of the controller.Вступ. Безпілотні літальні апарати, такі як квадрокоптери, двороторні апарати, апарати з нерухомими крилами та гелікоптери сьогодні використовуються у багатьох сферах застосування. У літературі повідомляється про підходи до керування, застосовані на квадрокоптері після від’єднання моделі або окремого контролю висоти та відстеження траєкторії. Надійний лінійний регулятор H∞ був розроблений як для контролю висоти, так і для відстеження кругової траєкторії на потрібній висоті. Проблема. Здатність квадрокоптерної системи зависати на певній висоті та відстежувати будь-яку бажану траєкторію робить їх застосування можливим у багатьох сферах як у військових, так і в цивільних цілях. Розроблений контролер може не підтримувати бажані характеристики у реальних умовах, тобто за наявності поривів вітру. Оригінальність. У цій роботі представлена стратегія керування, яка забезпечує як контроль висоти, так і відстеження траєкторії за допомогою одного контролера. Мета. Однак існує потреба в єдиному контролері, який забезпечує як контроль висоти, так і відстеження траєкторії. Новизна. У цій статті представлено надійний регулятор H∞ для контролю висоти та відстеження траєкторії для шести ступенів свободи безпілотних літальних апаратів. Методологія. Для квадрокоптера запропоновано багатовхідний багатовихідний надійний контролер H∞ для контролю висоти та відстеження бажаного курсу. Для перевірки контролера розробляється середовище моделювання, в якому тривимірна траєкторія відстежується за запропонованою методологією керування. Результати. Результати моделювання показують, що контролер є досить ефективним для досягнення бажаної мети при мінімальних зусиллях контролю. Практична цінність. Щоб переконатися, що запропонований підхід здатний забезпечити стабільність, контроль висоти та відстеження траєкторії в реальних ситуаціях, параметри запропонованого контролю перевіряються за наявності поривів вітру. Здатність контролера усувати порушення протягом кількох секунд і підтримувати як перехідні, так і стабільні показники доводить ефективність контролера

    Pengaruh Purun Tikus (Eleocharis dulcis L.) dan Fosfat Alam Terhadap Reaksi Tanah Serta Erapan Fosfat Gambut

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan kompos purun tikus dan fosfat alam terhadap reaksi tanah dan erapan fosfat tanah gambut.  Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua factor dan tiga ulangan.  Faktor pertama adalah kompos purun tikus (0, 10 dan 20 ton/ha) dan factor kedua adalah fosfat alam (0, 45, 90 dan 135 kg/ha).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan kompos purun tikus meningkatkan konstanta Langmuir dan jumlah tapak erapan fosfat tanah gambut, sebaliknya fosfat alam menurunkan jumlah tapak erapan fosfat.  Interaksi kompos purun tikus dan fosfat alam nyata menurunkan kemasaman tanah.Kata Kunci : Erapan P, Fosfat Alam, Gambut, Puru