303 research outputs found

    In vitro evaluation of veneering composites and fibers on the color of fiber-reinforced composite restorations.

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    OBJECTIVE Color match between fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) restorations and teeth is an imperative factor in esthetic dentistry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of veneering composites and fibers on the color change of FRC restorations. MATERIALS AND METHODS Glass and polyethylene fibers were used to reinforce a direct microhybrid composite (Z250, 3M ESPE) and a microfilled composite (Gradia Indirect, GC). There were eight experimental groups (n=5 disks per group). Four groups were used as the controls (non-FRC control) and the others were used as experimental groups. CIELAB parameters (L*, a* and b*) of specimens were evaluated against a white background using a spectrophotometer to assess the color change. The color difference (ΔE*) and color coordinates were (L*, a* and b*) analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. RESULTS Both types of composite and fiber influenced the color parameters (ΔL*, Δa*). The incorporation of fibers into the composite in the experimental groups made them darker than the control groups, except in the Gradia Indirect+ glass fibers group. Δb* is affected by types of fibers only in direct fiber reinforced composite. No statistically significant differences were recognized in ΔE* among the groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION The findings of the present study suggest that the tested FRC restorations exhibited no difference in color in comparison with non-FRC restoration. Hence, the types of veneering composites and fibers did not influence the color change (ΔE*) of FRC restorations

    Implementasi Komunikasi Persuasif Qurani Dalam Dakwah

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    The implementation of persuasive communication of the Qur'an in preaching is carried out by: 1. Use of polite language, 2. use of beautiful and attractive language, 3. Use of language that is straightforward, easy to understand or digest by the public, 4. Use of language that is concise and contains. 5. The language or choice of words used is able to accommodate every group. 6. Avoid using words or sentences that contain hate speech. In addition to the use of language, the way of presenting the message of da’wah also greatly determines the success of the da'wah. Every preacher is required to build good and intense relationships with the audience, including by maintaining an attitude not to monopolize the truth. The success rate of da'wah can be measured, among others, by the change in the attitude of the audience towards a better direction in accordance with the message of the message conveyed. In this study, the authors combined the concept of persuasive communication with preaching so that it gave to a persuasive da'wah model that could be applied in society. This research uses the thematic interpretation method by following the steps of contemporary interpretation where one of the points of difference with the previous method is that in the contemporary thematic interpretation method each commentator tries to answer the problems that arise by digging these answers into the Al-Qur'a

    The effect of local steroid injection on prevertebral soft tissue swelling after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Airway obstruction is a lethal complication of anterior cervical discectomy and prevertebral soft tissue swelling after surgery is one the important causes of this complication. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of local steroid injection on prevertebral soft tissue swelling after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). METHODS: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 40 patients hospitalized in Qazvin educational & clinical Rajaee hospital who were candidates for ACDF in one to three segments because of myelopathy or radiculopathy. Patients were randomly divided into case and control groups. In case group (20 patients), 80 mg methylprednisolone was injected locally on the site of the operation. No injection was performed in control group (20 patients). Lateral neck radiography was performed one day before surgery and on the second and tenth day after surgery. The ratio of prevertebral soft tissue thickness to mid anteroposterior vertebral body (S/V) was calculated for C3-C7. In addition, pain and dysphagia after surgery were recorded on the second and tenth day after surgery (IRCT:201507212327N1). FINDINGS: S/V ratio in C3-C7 revealed no significant difference in both groups. On the second day after surgery, increase in S/V ratio in all cervical vertebrae revealed a significant difference between the two groups compared with the day before surgery (p<0.001). However, this level of increase on the tenth day was only significant in C5 (control group=0.10±0.07, case group=0.02±0.08) and C7 (control group=0.11±0.05, case group=0.02±0.1) (p=0.004 and p=0.002, respectively). There was also a significant difference between the two groups on the second and tenth day regarding intensity of pain and dysphagia after surgery (p=0.001). CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, local methylprednisolone injection reduces prevertebral soft tissue swelling, pain and dysphagia after surgery. © 2016, Babol University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    A pin in appendix within Amyand's hernia in a six-years-old boy: case report and review of literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Presence of vermiform appendix (non-inflamed or inflamed) in inguinal hernia is called Amyand's hernia in honor to surgeon C. Amyand who published the first case of perforated appendicitis within inguinal hernia in a boy caused by ingested pin. This presentation of foreign body Amyand's hernia appendicitis is very rare, and here we present such a case.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 6-year-old boy, white Kosovar ethnicity, presented with right groin pain, swelling and redness. Two days before admission the patient was injured by football during a children game in the right lower abdomen and the next day he complained of pain in the right inguinal area.</p> <p>On admission patient had a painful non-reducible mass in the right inguinal region and cellulitis. Plain abdominal x-ray showed no fluid-air levels, but a metallic foreign body (pin) under right superior pubic ramus was apparent. With preoperative diagnosis of suspect incarcerated inguinal hernia with cellulitis the patient was operated on under general anaesthesia in December 2, 2006. Intraoperatively we found the inflamed vermiform appendix perforated by a pin in the hernial sac. Appendectomy and herniotomy were performed. The wound was primary closed, without any post-operative complications and follow up for the patient is three years long.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Foreign body (pin) Amyand's hernia appendicitis seems to be extremely rare, maybe once in a century (Amyand 1735, Hall 1886, and our case in 2006). In patients with clinical signs of incarcerated inguinal hernia, with locally inflammatory signs, but without signs of intestinal obstruction Amyand's hernia appendicitis in differential diagnosis must be considered. In our case, it is possible that the injury during the football game might have induced perforation of the vermiform appendix with the foreign body in it.</p

    Uterus dysplasia associated with cervico-vaginal agenesis

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    Müllerian ducts can form upper parts of normal female reproductive system and any failure in ductal fusion may result in to müllerian duct anomalies (MDA). We present a case of MDA and a uterus dysplasia with no evidence of cervical or upper vaginal tissue. This case showes the role of magnetic resonace imaging (MRI) on MDA diagnosis and urges the need for a unified reliable and practical classification more compatible with clinical practice. © 2017, Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

    Uterus dysplasia associated with cervico-vaginal agenesis

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    Müllerian ducts can form upper parts of normal female reproductive system and any failure in ductal fusion may result in to müllerian duct anomalies (MDA). We present a case of MDA and a uterus dysplasia with no evidence of cervical or upper vaginal tissue. This case showes the role of magnetic resonace imaging (MRI) on MDA diagnosis and urges the need for a unified reliable and practical classification more compatible with clinical practice. © 2017, Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

    Diet-induced gene expression of isolated pancreatic islets from a polygenic mouse model of the metabolic syndrome

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Numerous new genes have recently been identified in genome-wide association studies for type 2 diabetes. Most are highly expressed in beta cells and presumably play important roles in their function. However, these genes account for only a small proportion of total risk and there are likely to be additional candidate genes not detected by current methodology. We therefore investigated islets from the polygenic New Zealand mouse (NZL) model of diet-induced beta cell dysfunction to identify novel genes and pathways that may play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes. METHODS: NZL mice were fed a diabetogenic high-fat diet (HF) or a diabetes-protective carbohydrate-free HF diet (CHF). Pancreatic islets were isolated by laser capture microdissection (LCM) and subjected to genome-wide transcriptome analyses. RESULTS: In the prediabetic state, 2,109 islet transcripts were differentially regulated (>1.5-fold) between HF and CHF diets. Of the genes identified, 39 (e.g. Cacna1d, Chd2, Clip2, Igf2bp2, Dach1, Tspan8) correlated with data from the Diabetes Genetics Initiative and Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium genome-wide scans for type 2 diabetes, thus validating our approach. HF diet induced early changes in gene expression associated with increased cell-cycle progression, proliferation and differentiation of islet cells, and oxidative stress (e.g. Cdkn1b, Tmem27, Pax6, Cat, Prdx4 and Txnip). In addition, pathway analysis identified oxidative phosphorylation as the predominant gene-set that was significantly upregulated in response to the diabetogenic HF diet. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: We demonstrated that LCM of pancreatic islet cells in combination with transcriptional profiling can be successfully used to identify novel candidate genes for diabetes. Our data strongly implicate glucose-induced oxidative stress in disease progression

    Predictive value of transcutaneous bilirubinometry on third day of birth in diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia in term and near-term neonates

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    Introduction: Severe hyperbilirubinemia may cause side effects such as hearing impairment or bilirubin encephalopathy. In this way, transcutaneous bilirubinometry (TCB) is a non-invasive screening method, which is performed using BiliCheck and does not require frequent blood sampling, time and cost. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of TCB on third day of birth in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia diagnosis in term and near-term neonates. Materials and Methods: A test assessment method was chosen with continuous sampling in 388 neonates 35 weeks and more at AkabarAbadi hospital in Tehran in 2011. On the third day of birth, cutaneous bilirubin levels (TCB) in the forehead by using BiliCheck and serum bilirubin (TSB) was measured from the heel capillary sample and consequently were compared with each other. Results: In neonatal hyperbilirubinemia diagnosis on the third day of birth, cutaneous bilirubin measurement had the sensitivity of 82 with the confidence interval (78.2, 85.7), specificity of 99.3 with the confidence interval (98.7, 99.9), positive predictive value of 92.9 with the confidence interval (88.0, 96.2) and negative predictive value of 94.8 with the confidence interval (92.8, 96.8). Generally, the third day measurement of cutaneous bilirubin had a predictive value of 94.5 in detecting high-risk neonates for hyperbilirubinemia. Conclusion: Third day TCB, in addition to being non-invasive and convenient use, has a high predictive value to detecting the risk of hyperbilirubinemia in neonate and it is recommended to use hyperbilirubinemia screening. © 2019, Semnan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Baghdad’s thirdspace: Between liminality, anti-structures and territorial mappings

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    Wedged in-between the dense urban grain of Baghdad, blast walls of t-shaped concrete have littered the streets and neighbourhoods since 2003, after the US led invasion. The idiosyncrasy of these walls lies in their exaggerated spatial liminality. They appear, change location and disappear overnight, and on a daily basis, leaving Iraqis to navigate through labyrinths of in-between spaces. This article critically reveals the new social and power structures that have emerged in the context of the city in response to the condition resulting from this unique urban intervention. This uncanny spatial and social condition of permanent liminality will be analysed through Victor Turner’s critical theories of liminality and anti-structure coupled with Edward Soja’s theory of Thirdspace, interpreting, through a series of territorial mappings, a complex liminal condition in a contested and disrupted city

    Flexible Near-Field Wireless Optoelectronics as Subdermal Implants for Broad Applications in Optogenetics

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    In vivo optogenetics provides unique, powerful capabilities in the dissection of neural circuits implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders. Conventional hardware for such studies, however, physically tethers the experimental animal to an external light source, limiting the range of possible experiments. Emerging wireless options offer important capabilities that avoid some of these limitations, but the current size, bulk, weight, and wireless area of coverage is often disadvantageous. Here, we present a simple but powerful setup based on wireless, near-field power transfer and miniaturized, thin, flexible optoelectronic implants, for complete optical control in a variety of behavioral paradigms. The devices combine subdermal magnetic coil antennas connected to microscale, injectable light-emitting diodes (LEDs), with the ability to operate at wavelengths ranging from UV to blue, green-yellow, and red. An external loop antenna allows robust, straightforward application in a multitude of behavioral apparatuses. The result is a readily mass-producible, user-friendly technology with broad potential for optogenetics applications.114419Ysciescopu