479 research outputs found

    The effect of different AC current density on the magnetoimpedance of CoFeMoSiB amorphous ribbons in the presence of iron oxide nanoparticles water based ferrofluid

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    Selected measurements were performed at SGIker services of UPV-EHU. This work was supported by Spanish ACTIMAT grant. We thank A.P. Safronov, I.V. Beketov and Yu. P. Novoselova for special support

    Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for W+W+jj production at the LHC

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    Because the LHC is a proton-proton collider, sizable production of two positively charged W-bosons in association with two jets is possible. This process leads to a distinct signature of same sign high-pt leptons, missing energy and jets. We compute the NLO QCD corrections to the QCD-mediated part of pp -> W+W+jj. These corrections reduce the dependence of the production cross-section on the renormalization and factorization scale to about +- 10 percent. We find that a large number of W+W+jj events contain a relatively hard third jet. The presence of this jet should help to either pick up the W+W+jj signal or to reject it as an unwanted background.Comment: 15 pages, 5 (lovely) figures, v3 accepted for publication in JHEP, corrects tables in appendi

    Discrete chaotic states of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We find the different spatial chaos in a one-dimensional attractive Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with a Gaussian-like laser barrier and perturbed by a weak optical lattice. For the low laser barrier the chaotic regions of parameters are demonstrated and the chaotic and regular states are illustrated numerically. In the high barrier case, the bounded perturbed solutions which describe a set of discrete chaotic states are constructed for the discrete barrier heights and magic numbers of condensed atoms. The chaotic density profiles are exhibited numerically for the lowest quantum number, and the analytically bounded but numerically unbounded Gaussian-like configurations are confirmed. It is shown that the chaotic wave packets can be controlled experimentally by adjusting the laser barrier potential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Full one-loop amplitudes from tree amplitudes

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    We establish an efficient polynomial-complexity algorithm for one-loop calculations, based on generalized DD-dimensional unitarity. It allows automated computations of both cut-constructible {\it and} rational parts of one-loop scattering amplitudes from on-shell tree amplitudes. We illustrate the method by (re)-computing all four-, five- and six-gluon scattering amplitudes in QCD at one-loop.Comment: 27 pages, revte

    Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes through Laurent series expansion

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    We present a semi-analytic method for the integrand reduction of one-loop amplitudes, based on the systematic application of the Laurent expansions to the integrand-decomposition. In the asymptotic limit, the coefficients of the master integrals are the solutions of a diagonal system of equations, properly corrected by counterterms whose parametric form is konwn a priori. The Laurent expansion of the integrand is implemented through polynomial division. The extension of the integrand-reduction to the case of numerators with rank larger than the number of propagators is discussed as well.Comment: v2: Published version: references and two appendices added. v3: Eq.(6.11) corrected, Appendix B updated accordingl

    Combining Monte Carlo generators with next-to-next-to-leading order calculations: event reweighting for Higgs boson production at the LHC

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    We study a phenomenological ansatz for merging next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculations with Monte Carlo event generators. We reweight them to match bin-integrated NNLO differential distributions. To test this procedure, we study the Higgs boson production cross-section at the LHC, for which a fully differential partonic NNLO calculation is available. We normalize PYTHIA and MC@NLO Monte Carlo events for Higgs production in the gluon fusion channel to reproduce the bin integrated NNLO double differential distribution in the transverse momentum and rapidity of the Higgs boson. These events are used to compute differential distributions for the photons in the pp \to H \to \gamma \gamma decay channel, and are compared to predictions from fixed-order perturbation theory at NNLO. We find agreement between the reweighted generators and the NNLO result in kinematic regions where we expect a good description using fixed-order perturbation theory. Kinematic boundaries where resummation is required are also modeled correctly using this procedure. We then use these events to compute distributions in the pp \to H \to W^+W^- \to l^+l^- \nu\bar{\nu} channel, for which an accurate description is needed for measurements at the LHC. We find that the final state lepton distributions obtained from PYTHIA are not significantly changed by the reweighting procedure.Comment: 18 pages, 14 fig

    Tensorial Reconstruction at the Integrand Level

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    We present a new approach to the reduction of one-loop amplitudes obtained by reconstructing the tensorial expression of the scattering amplitudes. The reconstruction is performed at the integrand level by means of a sampling in the integration momentum. There are several interesting applications of this novel method within existing techniques for the reduction of one-loop multi-leg amplitudes: to deal with numerically unstable points, such as in the vicinity of a vanishing Gram determinant; to allow for a sampling of the numerator function based on real values of the integration momentum; to optimize the numerical reduction in the case of long expressions for the numerator functions.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Towards W b bbar + j at NLO with an automatized approach to one-loop computations

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    We present results for the O(alpha_s) virtual corrections to q g -> W b bbar q' obtained with a new automatized approach to the evaluation of one-loop amplitudes in terms of Feynman diagrams. Together with the O(alpha_s) corrections to q q' -> W b bbar g, which can be obtained from our results by crossing symmetry, this represents the bulk of the next-to-leading order virtual QCD corrections to W b bbar + j and W b + j hadronic production, calculated in a fixed-flavor scheme with four light flavors. Furthermore, these corrections represent a well defined and independent subset of the 1-loop amplitudes needed for the NNLO calculation of W b bbar. Our approach was tested against several existing results for NLO amplitudes including selected O(alpha_s) one-loop corrections to W + 3 j hadronic production. We discuss the efficiency of our method both with respect to evaluation time and numerical stability.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    On the Numerical Evaluation of Loop Integrals With Mellin-Barnes Representations

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    An improved method is presented for the numerical evaluation of multi-loop integrals in dimensional regularization. The technique is based on Mellin-Barnes representations, which have been used earlier to develop algorithms for the extraction of ultraviolet and infrared divergencies. The coefficients of these singularities and the non-singular part can be integrated numerically. However, the numerical integration often does not converge for diagrams with massive propagators and physical branch cuts. In this work, several steps are proposed which substantially improve the behavior of the numerical integrals. The efficacy of the method is demonstrated by calculating several two-loop examples, some of which have not been known before.Comment: 13 pp. LaTe