68 research outputs found

    Structure du paysage et Ă©cologie comportementale des oiseaux forestiers en hiver

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    Les effets de la déforestation sur les effectifs des populations d’oiseaux ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études au cours des dernières décennies. Cependant, relativement peu d’entre elles ont été réalisées en dehors de la période de reproduction. Mon projet de recherche avait pour objectifs de décrire les effets de la déforestation sur les populations d’oiseaux forestiers dans un contexte hivernal et de mettre en évidence, à l’aide d’une approche expérimentale, d’éventuels mécanismes comportementaux pouvant affecter la dynamique des populations étudiées et leur répartition spatiale. Les travaux d’échantillonnage sur le terrain ont eu lieu pendant trois hivers au Kamouraska. La structure de 24 paysages (rayon de 500 m) a été décrite à partir d’une image satellite. Ces paysages représentaient un gradient complet de déforestation (8 à 88% de couvert forestier). Dans la moitié de ces paysages, de la nourriture a été fournie ad libitum pendant tout l’hiver. L’intégrité des peuplements forestiers (une composante principale incorporant les variables couvert forestier et densité des bordures) était positivement associée à l’abondance des Mésanges à tête noire et à la richesse spécifique pendant l’expérience d’approvisionnement en nourriture mais, seulement dans les paysages expérimentaux. Dans les paysages témoins, l’abondance des Mésanges à tête noire et la richesse spécifique ont au contraire légèrement diminué avec une augmentation de la valeur de l’intégrité des peuplements forestiers. Ces résultats suggèrent que les paysages témoins où la déforestation n’était pas marquée ont pu faciliter l’émigration d’oiseaux lorsque les conditions environnementales (froid, rendement énergétique lors de la quête alimentaire) se sont détériorées. En contrepartie, dans les paysages témoins où la déforestation était sévère, des oiseaux ont pu se trouver piégés. Néanmoins, la structure des paysages n’avait aucun effet sur la condition énergétique des mésanges. Seul l’approvisionnement en nourriture a eu un effet positif sur la condition des mésanges mais aussi, sur leur patron quotidien d’engraissement. Finalement, les mésanges des paysages témoins les plus sévèrement déboisés avaient une plus grande propension à s’exposer en milieu ouvert à d’éventuels prédateurs, tandis que celles bénéficiant de l’approvisionnement en nourriture demeuraient toujours en retrait, à proximité du couvert forestier.Over the last few decades, many researchers have addressed the impacts of forest loss on forest bird abundance. However, most of these works were conducted during the breeding season. The aim of my research was to document the effects of deforestation on bird populations during winter. Using an experimental approach, I also wanted to assess the effect of behavioral mechanisms potentially affecting population dynamics and spatial distribution of forest birds. Field work was conducted during three winters in Kamouraska County. The structure of 24 landscapes (500-m radius) was described from a satellite image. These landscapes represented a broad gradient of deforestation (forest cover 8–88 %). In half of these landscapes, we provided an unlimited source of food. I evaluated the effects of landscape structure 1) on the spatial distribution of the forest bird community, 2) on the fattening strategies, and 3) the anti-predator behavior of the Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). Forest integrity (a composite of forest cover and edge density) was positively associated with chickadee abundance and species richness in landscapes that were supplemented. However, in control landscapes, chickadee abundance and species richness tended to decrease with an increase in forest integrity. This suggests that the more forested control landscapes facilitated winter emigration when conditions deteriorated. Conversely in highly deforested and fragmented control landscapes, birds became “gap-locked”. Landscape structure did not affect chickadees’ energetic condition. However, food-supplementation improved it and affected the pattern of daily fattening as well. In the more deforested control landscapes, chickadees showed more willingness and ventured farther into the open despite a likely increase in the risk of predation. However, where ad libitum food was available prior to the experiment, chickadees always remained close to the forest edge, regardless of the level of deforestation

    Phénomènes d’influence sur la structuration de l’organisation communautaire au Québec

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    Les auteurs rendent compte des principaux résultats d’une enquête permettant de comprendre deux modalités de structuration de l’organisation communautaire : d’une part, sa transformation dans le réseau public entre 1988 et 2004, et, d’autre part, sa différenciation dans des établissements-employeurs aussi différents que ceux des réseaux public et communautaire. Pour chacune de ces modalités de structuration, la comparaison des réponses à un même questionnaire de type sondage permet aux auteurs d’établir plusieurs différences statistiques entre les groupes de répondants. De plus, l’analyse des résultats révèle l’influence des phénomènes structurels (reconfiguration des politiques sociales, action des mouvements sociaux, caractéristiques des établissements-employeurs, profil des organisateurs communautaires et offre de formation) et stratégiques (accroissement des capacités réflexives des organisateurs communautaires et mobilisation autour du regroupement professionnel) sur la transformation et la différenciation de l’organisation communautaire.The authors present main results of a survey, aiming to understand the influence of various phenomena on community organization, as it can be observed in Quebec, in the 1990’s and at the beginning of the 2000’s. They focus on two aspects of structuration: transformation of community organization between 1988 and 2004, and its differentiation in the public and in the third sectors. Data were collected through a survey, and statistical analysis show many differences between groups of respondents. The discussion reveals that structural phenomena (such as social policy, social movements’ actions, characteristics of workplace, community organizers’ profile, and offer of continuous training) and reflexive phenomena (improved knowledge of community organizers and mobilization in professional association) explain how community organization is transformed and differentiated

    Public health and degrowth working synergistically: what leverage for public health?

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    The climate crisis represents the biggest public health threat of our time. It interacts with the rising inequalities, chronic diseases and mental illness widely associated with our dominant economic system. Though degrowth and public health approaches differ, both share common values. The former proposes a new paradigm intended to halt the destruction of life-supporting systems by infinite economic growth, while improving social justice and cohesion. The latter aims to maximize health and well-being while reducing health inequities, using strategies ranging from health protection to health promotion.   In various jurisdictions, public health is legally mandated to act when population health is threatened. Some have also adopted a “Health in all Policies” approach. Though public health has leadership for climate change and health adaptation planning, decisions and efforts on mitigation strategies are often left to other sectors; several tools such as health impact assessments, healthy public policy development, socio-economic and ecological determinants of health frameworks, and theories of behavior and social change, are often ignored.   Using theoretical analysis and practical examples from Canada, including Indigenous jurisdictions, we discuss barriers and facilitators to achieving synergy between public health and degrowth goals. We argue that public health has an ethical and legal duty to lead debates around sustainable living, and to unequivocally use its leverage to support the degrowth movement. However, as long as public health networks are embedded in governmental bodies, it may be difficult to fully support transition towards degrowth to the extent required by the biggest challenge of our time

    A wireless electro-optic platform for multimodal electrophysiology and optogenetics in freely moving rodents

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    This paper presents the design and the utilization of a wireless electro-optic platform to perform simultaneous multimodal electrophysiological recordings and optogenetic stimulation in freely moving rodents. The developed system can capture neural action potentials (AP), local field potentials (LFP) and electromyography (EMG) signals with up to 32 channels in parallel while providing four optical stimulation channels. The platform is using commercial off-the-shelf components (COTS) and a low-power digital field-programmable gate array (FPGA), to perform digital signal processing to digitally separate in real time the AP, LFP and EMG while performing signal detection and compression for mitigating wireless bandwidth and power consumption limitations. The different signal modalities collected on the 32 channels are time-multiplexed into a single data stream to decrease power consumption and optimize resource utilization. The data reduction strategy is based on signal processing and real-time data compression. Digital filtering, signal detection, and wavelet data compression are used inside the platform to separate the different electrophysiological signal modalities, namely the local field potentials (1–500 Hz), EMG (30–500 Hz), and the action potentials (300–5,000 Hz) and perform data reduction before transmitting the data. The platform achieves a measured data reduction ratio of 7.77 (for a firing rate of 50 AP/second) and weights 4.7 g with a 100-mAh battery, an on/off switch and a protective plastic enclosure. To validate the performance of the platform, we measured distinct electrophysiology signals and performed optogenetics stimulation in vivo in freely moving rondents. We recorded AP and LFP signals with the platform using a 16-microelectrode array implanted in the primary motor cortex of a Long Evans rat, both in anesthetized and freely moving conditions. EMG responses to optogenetic Channelrhodopsin-2 induced activation of motor cortex via optical fiber were also recorded in freely moving rodents

    Loss of hepatic DEPTOR alters the metabolic transition to fasting

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    Objective The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a serine/threonine kinase that functions into distinct protein complexes (mTORC1 and mTORC2) that regulates growth and metabolism. DEP-domain containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) is part of these complexes and is known to reduce their activity. Whether DEPTOR loss affects metabolism and organismal growth in vivo has never been tested. Methods We have generated a conditional transgenic mouse allowing the tissue-specific deletion of DEPTOR. This model was crossed with CMV-cre mice or Albumin-cre mice to generate either whole-body or liver-specific DEPTOR knockout (KO) mice. Results Whole-body DEPTOR KO mice are viable, fertile, normal in size, and do not display any gross physical and metabolic abnormalities. To circumvent possible compensatory mechanisms linked to the early and systemic loss of DEPTOR, we have deleted DEPTOR specifically in the liver, a tissue in which DEPTOR protein is expressed and affected in response to mTOR activation. Liver-specific DEPTOR null mice showed a reduction in circulating glucose upon fasting versus control mice. This effect was not associated with change in hepatic gluconeogenesis potential but was linked to a sustained reduction in circulating glucose during insulin tolerance tests. In addition to the reduction in glycemia, liver-specific DEPTOR KO mice had reduced hepatic glycogen content when fasted. We showed that loss of DEPTOR cell-autonomously increased oxidative metabolism in hepatocytes, an effect associated with increased cytochrome c expression but independent of changes in mitochondrial content or in the expression of genes controlling oxidative metabolism. We found that liver-specific DEPTOR KO mice showed sustained mTORC1 activation upon fasting, and that acute treatment with rapamycin was sufficient to normalize glycemia in these mice. Conclusion We propose a model in which hepatic DEPTOR accelerates the inhibition of mTORC1 during the transition to fasting to adjust metabolism to the nutritional status. Keywords: DEPTOR; mTOR; Liver; Glucose; Fastin

    Attentes du personnel infirmier de la relève envers l’employeur pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel : un premier jalon pour la conception d’interventions organisationnelles au Québec (Canada)

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    Introduction : Les conditions de travail difficiles compromettent la qualité des emplois infirmiers, accentuent le roulement ainsi que l’attrition, et ce, particulièrement pour le personnel infirmier de la relève. La compréhension des perspectives du personnel infirmier sur l’engagement professionnel est essentielle pour élaborer des interventions organisationnelles innovantes et adaptées en ce sens. Objectifs : L’étude vise à 1- définir les attentes du personnel infirmier de la relève face à l’employeur pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel et 2- identifier les actions organisationnelles prioritaires pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel. Méthodes : Suivant un devis de recherche mixte selon une démarche de cartographie conceptuelle, des infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires de la relève (N=14) dans un centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) semi-urbain du Québec (Canada) ont été invitées à répondre à la question : « Que peut faire l’employeur pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel? ». Des analyses statistiques d’échelonnement multidimensionnel et en grappe ont permis d’organiser les 49 énoncés formulés par le personnel infirmier. Parallèlement, les participantes ont établi les actions prioritaires en cotant « l’importance » et « la probabilité de succès d’implantation » de chaque énoncé. Résultats : Les attentes du personnel infirmier envers leur employeur sont : des conditions de travail attractives, un leadership positif, des conditions de pratique sécuritaires, le soutien au développement professionnel et un cheminement personnalisé. Plus précisément, les actions prioritaires pour l’employeur consistent à : démontrer du respect, offrir un environnement sain et éviter les déplacements dans des départements non souhaités. Discussion et conclusion : Les résultats suggèrent plusieurs pistes d’actions pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel du personnel infirmier de la relève, en contexte semi-urbain au Québec, notamment : l’offre de ressources humaines et matérielles, l’implantation d’une culture organisationnelle positive et l’exercice d’un leadership bienveillant.  

    Attentes du personnel infirmier de la relève envers l’employeur pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel : un premier jalon pour la conception d’interventions organisationnelles au Québec (Canada)

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    Introduction: Poor work conditions jeopardize the quality of nursing jobs and increase turnover and attrition rates, especially for early career nurses and licensed practical nurses. Understanding perspectives of the nursing staff on work engagement is essential to develop innovative and responsive organizational interventions. Objectives: 1- Define the expectations of early career nursing staff with respect to their workplace in order to support work engagement 2- Identify priority actions to support work engagement at organizational level. Methods: A mixed-methods research design based on a conceptual mapping approach was used. Early career nurses and licensed practical nurses (N=14) working in a semi-urban integrated health and social services center in Quebec (Canada) were asked the following question: “What can the workplace do to promote work engagement?” Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis were used to organize the 49 statements provided by the nursing staff. At the same time, participants prioritized actions by rating the “importance” and “probability of a successful implementation” of each statement. Results: Nursing staffs’ expectations toward their workplace in order to support work engagement were: attractive working conditions, positive leadership, safe working conditions, professional development opportunities, and personalized career path. More specifically, the priority actions identified were: showing respect, providing a healthy environment and avoiding transfer to unwanted departments. Discussion and conclusion: The results suggest several actions to promote work engagement of early career nursing staff working in semi-urban settings in Quebec, including providing human and material resources, implementing a positive organizational culture, and exercising benevolent leadership. Introduction : Les conditions de travail difficiles compromettent la qualitĂ© des emplois infirmiers, accentuent le roulement ainsi que l’attrition, et ce, particulièrement pour le personnel infirmier de la relève. La comprĂ©hension des perspectives du personnel infirmier sur l’engagement professionnel est essentielle pour Ă©laborer des interventions organisationnelles innovantes et adaptĂ©es en ce sens. Objectifs : L’étude vise Ă  1- dĂ©finir les attentes du personnel infirmier de la relève face Ă  l’employeur pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel et 2- identifier les actions organisationnelles prioritaires pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel. MĂ©thodes : Suivant un devis de recherche mixte selon une dĂ©marche de cartographie conceptuelle, des infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires de la relève (N=14) dans un centre intĂ©grĂ© de santĂ© et de services sociaux (CISSS) semi-urbain du QuĂ©bec (Canada) ont Ă©tĂ© invitĂ©es Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  la question : « Que peut faire l’employeur pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel? ». Des analyses statistiques d’échelonnement multidimensionnel et en grappe ont permis d’organiser les 49 Ă©noncĂ©s formulĂ©s par le personnel infirmier. Parallèlement, les participantes ont Ă©tabli les actions prioritaires en cotant « l’importance » et « la probabilitĂ© de succès d’implantation » de chaque Ă©noncĂ©. RĂ©sultats : Les attentes du personnel infirmier envers leur employeur sont : des conditions de travail attractives, un leadership positif, des conditions de pratique sĂ©curitaires, le soutien au dĂ©veloppement professionnel et un cheminement personnalisĂ©. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, les actions prioritaires pour l’employeur consistent Ă  : dĂ©montrer du respect, offrir un environnement sain et Ă©viter les dĂ©placements dans des dĂ©partements non souhaitĂ©s. Discussion et conclusion : Les rĂ©sultats suggèrent plusieurs pistes d’actions pour favoriser l’engagement professionnel du personnel infirmier de la relève, en contexte semi-urbain au QuĂ©bec, notamment : l’offre de ressources humaines et matĂ©rielles, l’implantation d’une culture organisationnelle positive et l’exercice d’un leadership bienveillant.  &nbsp

    The Hepatokine TSK does not affect brown fat thermogenic capacity, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis

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    Objectives Hepatokines are proteins secreted by the liver that impact the functions of the liver and various tissues through autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine signaling. Recently, Tsukushi (TSK) was identified as a new hepatokine that is induced by obesity and cold exposure. It was proposed that TSK controls sympathetic innervation and thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and that loss of TSK protects against diet-induced obesity and improves glucose homeostasis. Here we report the impact of deleting and/or overexpressing TSK on BAT thermogenic capacity, body weight regulation, and glucose homeostasis. Methods We measured the expression of thermogenic genes and markers of BAT innervation and activation in TSK-null and TSK-overexpressing mice. Body weight, body temperature, and parameters of glucose homeostasis were also assessed in the context of TSK loss and overexpression. Results The loss of TSK did not affect the thermogenic activation of BAT. We found that TSK-null mice were not protected against the development of obesity and did not show improvement in glucose tolerance. The overexpression of TSK also failed to modulate thermogenesis, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis in mice

    Long-distance migratory shorebirds travel faster towards their breeding grounds, but fly faster post-breeding

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    Long-distance migrants are assumed to be more time-limited during the pre-breeding season compared to the post-breeding season. Although breeding-related time constraints may be absent post-breeding, additional factors such as predation risk could lead to time constraints that were previously underestimated. By using an automated radio telemetry system, we compared pre- and post-breeding movements of long-distance migrant shorebirds on a continent-wide scale. From 2014 to 2016, we deployed radio transmitters on 1,937 individuals of 4 shorebird species at 13 sites distributed across North America. Following theoretical predictions, all species migrated faster during the pre-breeding season, compared to the post-breeding season. These differences in migration speed between seasons were attributable primarily to longer stopover durations in the post-breeding season. In contrast, and counter to our expectations, all species had higher airspeeds during the post-breeding season, even after accounting for seasonal differences in wind. Arriving at the breeding grounds in good body condition is beneficial for survival and reproductive success and this energetic constraint might explain why airspeeds are not maximised in the pre-breeding season. We show that the higher airspeeds in the post-breeding season precede a wave of avian predators, which could suggest that migrant shorebirds show predation-minimizing behaviour during the post-breeding season. Our results reaffirm the important role of time constraints during northward migration and suggest that both energy and predation-risk constrain migratory behaviour during the post-breeding season

    L'utilisation du Web par les grandes entreprises canadiennes une étude descriptive du contenu des sites Web et la création d'une typologie

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    La présente étude traite de l'utilisation des sites Web par les grandes entreprises canadiennes. D'abord, elle présente le profil des entreprises possédant un site Web et elle décrit le contenu de ces sites. Par la suite, elle propose une typologie des sites Web des entreprises à partir de l'examen de leur contenu. Enfin, elle examine le type de site Web utilisé par les entreprises en fonction de leur secteur d'activités, de leur chiffre d'affaires et de leur nombre d'employés. Il en résulte la création d'une typologie formée de cinq (5) groupes soit : (1) les sites complexes caractérisant les sites utilisant toutes les possibilités du Web de façon intensive, (2) les sites promotionnels évolués faisant la présentation et la promotion des produits par l'utilisation du marketing à valeur ajoutée, (3) les sites de présence présentant l'entreprise et ses produits de façon rudimentaire, (4) les sites relationnels créés dans le but d'informer les investisseurs et les medias et (5) les sites hybrides qui utilisent à la fois les caractéristiques des sites relationnels et promotionnels. De plus, il est démontré que le type de site Web utilisé par les entreprises varie en fonction du secteur d'activités et de la taille de l'entreprise."--Résumé abrégé par UMI
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