67 research outputs found


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    Kepuasan pelanggan telah menjadi konsep sentral dalam wacana bisnis dan manajemen, beberapa faktor yang diyakini berkontribusi pada situasi tingginya komplen pelanggan dalam berbelanja online antara lain adalah mengenai jaminan keamanan transaksi, privasi dalam belanja online yang di persepsikan masih lemah. Keterbatasan waktu untuk mendatangi custumer service atau travel agent bagi pelanggan yang membutuhkan mendorong pihak adamair memberikan kemudahan kepada pelanggannya untuk mendapatkan tiket melalui internet atau login ke website www.adamair.co.id yang mulai dipublikasikan pada pertengahan bulan februari 2006


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    Tata letak fasilitas merupakan suatu landasan utama dalam dunia industri. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui proses produksi dan mengetahui tata letak proses produksi produk label Countainer Sticker GM5Z (IB) Strom di PT Shishoku Inti Kreasi. Proses produksi produk label Countainer Sticker GM5Z (IB) Strom di PT. Shishoku Inti Kreasi dimulai dari pengambilan bahan baku, proses printing dan laminating hingga proses set up mesin. Proses set up dilakukan sebelum proses printing dan laminating. Waktu rata-rata yang dibutuhkan adalah 30 menit. Waktu set up dapat berkurang tergantung jumlah unit warna, dan ukuran cetak untuk produknya. Proses checking atau pemeriksaan dilakukan untuk memastikan produk dalam sesuai dengan standar, dan tidak mengalami kecacatan. Tahap selanjutnya ke proses packing untuk dikemas, kemudian dibawa ke area finish good untuk disimpan sebagai stock. Tata letak fasilitas PT Shishoku Inti Kreasi memiliki 3 lantai. Lantai 1 terdapat area produksi, area warehouse, parkir, lobby, tempat pembuangan limbah produksi, musholla, toilet, dan fasilitas penunjang lainnya. Lantai 2 terdapat Ruang direktur dan komisaris, ruang staff, ruang rapat, area rolling, area finishing, area packing, area finish good, area NG (Not Good), taman, dapur, dan toilet. Lantai 3 terdapat meja staff warehouse, rak stock finish good, area finish good (tumpukkan), area finish good stock produk lama, area gudang kardus dan core, mesin sablon, mesin potong roll atau core, dan ruang mess

    Challenges and social support provisions in the treatment of HIV infected children in Indonesia

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    Latar belakang: Pengobatan pada anak yang terinfeksi HIV merupakan beban bagi para orang tua/pengasuh karena berbagai permasalahan menyangkut kesehatan mereka. Metode: Penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman dan dukungan sosial pada pengobatan anak terinfeksi HIV dilakukan di 5 provinsi di Indonesia dengan prevalensi HIV tertinggi. Total sampel anak sebanyak 239 orang dari sejumlah 267 orang yang direncanakan. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur dengan orang tua/pengasuhnya. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 16 anak berusia 2-14 tahun yang telah mendapatkan terapi obat antiretroviral. Hasil: Dari sejumlah 160 anak, sebanyak 62,5% anak mengkonsumsi  1-2 item obat dan 36,9% mengkonsumsi 3 5 item. Efek samping yang paling sering terjadi adalah kulit kemerahan, mual dan muntah. Kesulitan yang paling sering dihadapi adalah rasa bosan dan anak mempertanyakan minum obat. Orangtua/pengasuh berusaha melanjutkan pengobatan dengan mengingatkan jadwal minum obat, membujuk, memberikan penjelasan bahkan memaksa atau mengancam mereka untuk minum obat. Kesulitan tersebut makin bertambah seiring meningkatnya usia anak. Dukungan yang paling sering berasal dari orang tua dan keluarga besar seperti nenek atau paman, khususnya untuk anak yang sudah yatim. Kesimpulan: Pemahaman hambatan pengobatan pada anak terinfeksi HIV dapat membantu untuk menyediakan intervensi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan yang akan mendorong kesuksesan terapi mereka. Kata kunci: anak terinfeksi HIV, antiretroviral, dukungan social, pengobatan, kesulitan   Abstract Background: The treatment of HIV infected children is a burden to their caregiver due to many existing problems related with their health. Methods: A research to explore the experience and social support on the treatment of HIV infected children was conducted in 5 provinces in Indonesia with highest prevalence of HIV. Total children sample was 239 out of previous 267 planned. Data was collected through semi structured interview with caregivers of the children. Analysis was conducted to 160 children aged 2-14 years old who were on antiretroviral therapy. Results: Among those 160 children, 62.5% took 1-2 items of medicines and 36.9% took 3-5 items. The most frequent adverse events were skin rash followed by nausea and vomiting. Boredom and questioning were the most frequent difficulties. The caregivers attempted to continue the treatment by reminding the children on schedule to take medicines, wheedling, explaining, forcing or even threatening them. The difficulties appeared more as the children grew older. The most frequent supports mainly came from parents, and extended family such as grandmother or uncle especially for orphaned children. Conclusion: Understanding obstacles in HIV infected children will help to do proper interventions to improve adherence that will lead to successful therapy. Keywords: HIV infected children, antiretroviral, social support, treatment, difficultie

    Analisis belanja daerah pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Garut tahun anggaran 2013-2017

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    INDONESIA: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis kinerja belanja, (2) mengetahui selisih belanja daerah dan (3) tingkat efisiensi belanja daerah pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Garut Tahun Anggaran 2013-2017. Belanja Daerah yaitu kewajiban pemerintah daerah yang diakui sebagai pengurangan nilai kekayaan bersih teori dari Halim (2014). Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu (1) observasi, (2)wawancara dan (3) dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Reduksi Data, (2) Penyajian data, dan (3) Penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tingkat belaja daerah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, hasil analisis (1) Varians belanja secara rata-rata dari tahun 2013-2017 menunjukan adanya penghematan belanja dan dapat dikategorikan kinerja yang cukup baik. (2) pertumbuhan belanja tahun 2013-2017 dapat dikatakan cukup fluktuatif. Pertumbuhan belanja dari tahun 2013-2014 sebesar 3,7%, emningkat pada tahun 2015 sebesar 16,6%, lalu menurun kembali pada tahun 2016 sebesar 4,0% dan meningkat kembali pada tahun 2017 sebesar 18,37%. Dan (3) Rasio Efisiensi Belanja, tingkat efisiensi belanja pada tahun 2013-2017 rata-rata sebesar 93,92% dimana tingkat efisiensi Kabupaten Garut masih dikatakan kurang efisien. ENGLISH: This study aims to (1) analyze the performance of spending, (2) find out the difference in regional expenditure and (3) the level of efficiency of regional spending on the Government of Garut Regency for 2013-2017 Budget Year. Regional Expenditures are the obligations of local governments which are recognized as a reduction in the net worth of theory from Halim (2014). The method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. While the data collection techniques carried out were (1) observation, (2) interviews and (3) documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are (1) Data Reduction, (2) Presentation of data, and (3) Conclusion / verification. To find out and analyze the level of the region. Based on the results of this study indicate that, the results of the analysis (1) Shopping variance on average from 2013-2017 shows that there is a savings in spending and can be categorized as a fairly good performance. (2) expenditure growth in 2013-2017 can be said to be quite volatile. Expenditure growth from 2013-2014 was 3.7%, increasing in 2015 by 16.6%, then decreasing again in 2016 by 4.0% and increasing again in 2017 by 18.37%. And (3) Shopping Efficiency Ratio, the level of expenditure efficiency in 2013-2017 averaged 93.92% where the efficiency level of Garut Regency was still said to be less efficient

    Mengungkap realitas penghapusan piutang kedaluwarsa terhadap pajak bumi dan bangunan perdesaan dan perkotaan di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu

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    This research aims to analyze the mechanism for writing off expired rural and urban land and building tax receivables in relation to available regulations, and the factors behind writing off expired rural and urban land and building tax receivables. The research method uses descriptive qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The research object was the Regional Work Unit, namely the Tanah Bumbu Regency Regional Revenue Agency, while the sample used a purposive sampling technique of 20 informants who came from the government's internal Regional and External Revenue Agency as well as elements of the village and community. The results of the research show that the Regional Revenue Agency of Tanah Bumbu Regency implemented the write-off of expired receivables for Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax to update receivables data aimed at fulfilling the accurate presentation of tax receivables data in reliable financial reports. The implication of the research is that regulations related to the mechanism for writing off expired receivables against PBB P2 will be used as a basis for guidance for other regional governments in implementing procedures for writing off expired receivables against PBB P2 to improve regional tax receivables data which is still considered waste data

    LITERASI LINGKUNGAN SISWA SD MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN RADEC PADA TOPIK AIR : Studi Kasus Siswa Kelas V SDN 141 Lokajaya Kecamatan Arcamanik Kota Bandung

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    LITERASI LINGKUNGAN SISWA SD MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN RADEC PADA TOPIK AIR (STUDI KASUS SISWA KELAS V SDN 141 LOKAJAYA KECAMATAN ARCAMANIK KOTA BANDUNG) Yuyun Yuniar 1906612 ABSTRAK Literasi lingkungan, diimplementasikan dengan penerapan gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) di sekolah dasar merupakan program yang diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran IPA. Literasi lingkungan merupakan elemen penting dalam kehidupan yang harus ditanamkan sejak dini namun literasi siswa di Indonesia masih berada pada level yang rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat kemunculan literasi lingkungan siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-Create (RADEC). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Partisipan penelitian terdiri dari 57 siswa kelas V sekolah dasar di SDN 141 Lokajaya Kecamatan Arcamanik Kota Bandung, pada pelaksanaannya, siswa mengikuti pembelajaran dengan pendekatan model pembelajaran RADEC. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen penelitian berupa soal tes pilihan ganda dan uraian untuk mengukur literasi lingkungan domain pengetahuan, soal esai untuk mengukur literasi lingkungan domain keterampilan kognitif, instumen skala sikap disposisi berpikir kritis dan instumen skala sikap kesadaran keberlanjutan untuk mengukur domain sikap dan perilaku. Instrument observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara, dan angket untuk mengukur keterlaksanaan model RADEC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran RADEC terlaksana dengan efektif serta meningkatkan kemampuan literasi lingkungan siswa pada semua domain terutama domain keterampilan kognitif, walaupun sedikit peningkatan pada domain sikap. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran juga memberikan kesempatan untuk siswa dalam menciptakan kondisi untuk lebih gemar membaca dari berbagai sumber dan berbagai kesempatan. Kata kunci: RADEC, Literasi Lingkungan, Model Pembelajaran, Siklus Air, Krisis Air, pencemaran Air. ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH RADEC LEARNING MODEL ON THE WATER TOPIC (CASE STUDY IN CLASS V SDN 141 LOKAJAYA ARCAMANIK BANDUNG) Yuyun Yuniar 1906612 ABSTRACT Environmental literacy is a program that is integrated in science learning which is implemented by implementing the School Literacy movement (GLS) in elementary schools. Environmental literacy is an important element in life that must be instilled from an early age, but student literacy in Indonesia is still at a low level.The purpose of this study was to see the emergence of student environmental literacy through the application of the Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-Create (RADEC) learning model. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research participants consisted of 57 grade V elementary school students at SDN 141 Lokajaya, Arcamanik District, Bandung City, in its implementation, students took part in learning with the RADEC learning model approach. The research data were collected using research instruments in the form of multiple choice test questions and descriptions to measure environmental literacy in the knowledge domain, essay questions to measure environmental literacy in the cognitive skill domain, attitude scale instrument for critical thinking disposition and attitude scale instrument for sustainability awareness to measure the domain of attitudes and behavior. Instruments of observation, documentation, interviews, and questionnaires to measure the implementation of the RADEC model. The results showed that the application of the RADEC learning model could be carried out effectively and could improve students' environmental literacy skills in all domains, especially the cognitive skills domain, although there was a slight increase in the attitude domain. This research has implications for the activeness of students in participating in the learning process as well as providing opportunities for students to create conditions to be more fond of reading from various sources and various opportunities. Keywords: RADEC, Ecoliteracy, Learning Model, Water Cycle, Water Crisis, Water Pollution

    Ketersediaan Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan pada Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama dalam Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Delapan Kabupaten-Kota di Indonesia

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    Implementation of the National Health Insurance program causes various effects, including an increased number of visits to primary health facilities, so it takes an adequate distribution of human resources.The aims of this study is to describe the availability of human resources for health in primary health centers in the era of National Health Insurance. Type of research is quantitative-qualitative method withcross sectional approach. Data collecting has done by interviews and round table discussion. Researchlocations were selected purposively in eight districts/cities, namely Bekasi City and Bogor District (WestJava), South Tangerang City and Serang District (Banten), Yogyakarta City and Bantul District (DIY),Surakarta City and Sragen District (Central Java). Informants are leaders/representatives of primaryhealth centers, clinics, physicians and the district/city health office. The quantitative data were analyzed descriptively and qualitative data using content analysis. Health centers in eight districts/cities do notall have the human resources for health in accordance of Permenkes RI No. 75/2014, but general practitioners, midwives and nurses have been available in all health centers though the amount isstill lacking. With the exception of Bogor, the number of medical personnel throughout the clinic is inconformity with Permenkes RI No. 9/2014, but other types of human resources for health is still a lot that has not been available. Meanwhile, throughout the medical practitioners, the most human resources widely available are general practitioners and nurses. There are changes in procurement planning ofhuman resources in the era of National Health Insurance, increased workload and working hours, sothat it is needed planning and procurement of human resources based on needs


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    Material handling becomes an important activity in handling material, first a loading material in the company until unloading material, company X use forklift for material handling in production operation. Overall effectiveness Equipment (OEE) is one method used for measuring the performance of equipment in industries by considering availability, performance, and rate of quality of used equipment. This research purpose was to analyze the performance of forklifts using the OEE method. Based on the results of the study, it is known that during the 6 months of forklift damage varies with the longest breakdown time in June reaching 360 minutes or equivalent to 6 hours. The average value of forklift availability for 6 months period is 97.85% where the operating time is 6000 minutes or equivalent to 20 hours per month. The average value of forklift performance is 97.60% with the number of pianos being transported an average of 1152 units per month. The average value of forklift availability for 6 months is 97.85% where the operating time is 6000 minutes or equivalent to 20 hours per month. The average value of forklift performance is 97.60% with the number of pianos being transported on average per month being 1152 units. The average value of the rate of quality forklift is 98.71% with the number of piano products transported being 1152 units per month, while the number of defective products that fail to be transported only reaches 14.67 or equivalent to 15 products per month. The overall effectiveness method of equipment is obtained at 98.14% where according to Nakajima (1988) the chairman of the Japanese maintenance institute (JIPM) sets the ideal limit of the OEE value index for world-class companies that have implemented TPM, which is 85% and the value of the company's forklift performance is above the standard value. which is set at 98.14%

    Drug Management Reviews in District Drug Management Unit and General Hospital

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    Drug is one of the essential elements in healthcare that should be effectively and efficiently managed. Following the decentralization in 2001 in Indonesia, drug management has changed in district drug management units and also in District General Hospitals. Certainly this condition influences the sustainability of drug access in primary health care such as in Community Health Center and District General Hospital, especially in drug financing policy. A cross sectional descriptive study to obtain information on drug management in public healthcare in district had been carried out between July and December 2006 in 10 District Public Drug Management Units from 10 district health offices and 9 district general hospitals as samples. Data were collected by interviewing heads of Drug Section in District Health Offices and heads of Hospital Pharmacies using structured questionnaires and observing drug storage in District Drug Management Units, Community Health Centers, and Hospital Pharmacies. Results of the study show that drug planning in District Health Offices and General Hospitals did not meet the basic real need in some districts nor District Hospitals. The minimum health service standards had not been achieved yet. Furthermore, drug procurement, storage and recording as well as reporting was not good enough either, such as shown by the existence of expired drugs. Lead time for drug delivery to community health centers in some districts was longer than the average of lead time in the past 3 years

    Modeling Dan Clustering Data Maining Pemeliharaan Mesin Dengan Menggunakan Rapid Mainer

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    Salah satu potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada penerapan data mining di perusahaan adalah mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut pemeliharaan mesin. RapidMiner merupakan sebuah solusi untuk melakukan analisis data mining, text mining dan analisis prediksi. RapidMiner menggunakan berbagai teknik deskriptif dan prediksi dalam memberikan wawasan kepada pengguna sehingga dapat membuat keputusan yang paling baik Berdasarkan data tersebut. Salah satu potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada penerapan data mining di perusahaan adalah mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut pemeliharaan mesin. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi data menggunakan data maining pemelihraan mesin untuk mengetahui model operator yang mungkin bisa dilakukan dari pemeliharaan avaibility, performance dan quality mesin. Dilakukan juga cluster model k-means clustering untuk pengelompokkan data pemeliharaan mesin dalam cluster. Tujuannya di sini bukan untuk memprediksi nilai-nilai satu kolom, tetapi untuk menemukan set titik data yang berdekata
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