75 research outputs found

    Kebutuhan Nutrisi Crustacea Dan Potensi Cacing Lur (Nereis, Polychaeta) Untuk Pakan Udang Nutrition Requirement of Crustacean and the Potential of Ragworm (Nereis, Polychaeta) for Feed of Shrimp

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    Knowledge on nutrition aspect is essential in aquacultural development. Information on crustacean nutritional requirement have been substantially abundance and needed to be critically reviewed. The potency in term of nutritional content of ragworm Nereis and it's use for feed of shrimp have been reported in many papers. The worm contains different macromolecule and amino acid as well as fatty acid required for optimum growth and reproduction of shrimp. Therefore, the worm is nutritionally appropriate for feed of shrimp


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    The Gunung Sewu karst in the Southern Mountains of Java Island has specific characteristics from a geoarchaeological viewpoint. Cross disciplinary approaches utilising Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and geographical and geological information, are very useful for examining correlations between site distributions and geophysical processes. The geographical and geological aspects of the region contribute information for understanding prehistoric interactions between coastal and inland communities. GIS technology was applied in an examination of terrain, the karst landscape, and the distributions of cave sites

    Compensatory Growth and Feed Utilization of Humpback Grouper, Cromileptes altivelis Receiving Preset Period of Unfed-Fed Cycle

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    The effect of preset periods of unfed-fed cycle on growth, feed efficiency and body condition indices of humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis was studied. The fish receiving non-feeding/feeding cycle of 1/2 day (T1); 1/2 and 3 days alternately (T2); 1/3 day (T3); were compared to that fed daily as a control (C). Each feeding treatment was assigned to five fiberglass tanks according to a completely randomized design. All fish was weighed to obtain final weight gain at the end of the experiment. Feeding rate (FR) was calculated during feeding period throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment all fish was weighed to obtain final fish weight. Absolute growth rate (AGR); survival; consumption; cumulative feed consumption, and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) were calculated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and Tukey test (P<0.05). The results showed that humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis receiving preset unfed-fed cycle elicited compensatory growth and the fish showed hyperphagia and greater feed conversion efficiency


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    The Gunung Sewu karst in the Southern Mountains of Java Island has specific characteristics from a geoarchaeological viewpoint. Cross disciplinary approaches utilising Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and geographical and geological information, are very useful for examining correlations between site distributions and geophysical processes. The geographical and geological aspects of the region contribute information for understanding prehistoric interactions between coastal and inland communities. GIS technology was applied in an examination of terrain, the karst landscape, and the distributions of cave sites

    Efektivitas Konseling Self Management dalam Mereduksi Problematic Smartphone Use

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    The purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of self management counseling in reducing students' problematic smartphone use. A quantitative experimental method with a pretest posttest design using repeated actions is applied in this study. There are 6 students who perform as test subject, which was taken from their characteristic of highest problematic smartphone use that analyzed by using mixed ancova repeated measures. The instrument is Problematic Smartphone Use Scale (PSUS) (Kwon et al., 2013). Self management Counseling is conducted in 7 sessions for each counselee in the form of individual counseling. The results showed the average T1 value of 56,17 (SD = 3,37) which then arrived at the T4 measurement obtained with an average of 42,50 (SD = 32,27). As in general, the self management counseling is effective in reducing students' problematic smartphone use. Based on the results of this study, a self management approach can be recommended for guidance and counseling teachers to be able to apply this method as an effort to reduce students' problematic smartphone use at school

    Kontribusi Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Dalam Berbagai Skala Kajian Arkeologi Lansekap

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    The recent development of the Geographical Information System (GIS) has had an impact on archaeological interests, both at the level of estimation and site exploration, presentation of site distribution, various types of spatial analysis and modeling, to the level of archaeological resource management especially for decision making. On the side of archaeological studies, the demands and tough task ahead, is how this discipline is able to access, process and structurize, present, and update all geo-cultural information in the dimensions of form, time and space which are increasingly unlimited in complexity. All forms of geo-cultural information and their dynamics, which are the substance of a landscape condition, require archaeology to "take action" in various scales of multidisciplinary studies. The existence of a comprehensive and structured landscape database, as well as the ability to analyze and evaluate the forms of interrelation between geosphere phenomena, are the basic assets for the success of such studies.Perkembangan Sistem lnformasi Geografis (SIG) akhir-akhir ini telah berimbas pada kepentingan arkeologi, baik di tingkat pendugaan dan eksplorasi situs, presentasi distribusi situs, beragam jenis analisis dan pemodelan spasial, hingga ke tingkat pengelolaan sumberdaya arkeologi (PSA) khususnya untuk pengambilan keputusan. Di sisi kajian arkeologi, tuntutan dan tugas berat ke depan, adalah bagaimana disiplin ini mampu mengakses, mengolah dan menstrukturkan, menyajikan, dan meng-update terus-menerus semua informasi geo-kultural dalam dimensi bentuk, waktu, dan ruang yang semakin tak terbatas kompleksitasnya. Semua bentuk informasi geo-kultural beserta dinamikanya, yang menjadi substansi dari suatu kondisi lansekap, menuntut arkeologi untuk "berkiprah" dalam berbagai skala kajian secara multidisipliner. Keberadaan basisdata lansekap yang komprehensif dan terstruktur, serta kemampuan menganalisis dan mengevaluasi bentuk-bentuk interrelasi antar fenomena geosfera, adalah modal dasar bagi keberhasilan kajian seperti ini


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the patterns of scaffolding contingency in teaching and learning mathematics carried out by three teachers. Contingency patterns are obtained by examining the transcription from video recording of conversation fragments between teachers and students during the provision of scaffolding. The contingency patterns are drawn in three strategies: diagnostic strategy, intervention strategy, and checking diagnosis. The result shows that the three teachers expressed different interaction contingencies in their scaffolding activities: contingent dominant, non-contingent dominant, and pseudo-contingent. It is also found that the learning interaction performed by experienced teachers tends to be contingent dominant compared to novice teachers.Keywords: Contingency, Contingent Dominant, Non-Contingent Dominant, Pseudo Contingent, Scaffolding DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.8.1.3410.65-7

    Penentuan Koordinat Definitif Epoch 2013 Stasiun Cors Geodesi Undip Dengan Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Gamit 10.04

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    Perkembangan teknologi penentuan posisi dengan satelit Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) memunculkan sistem pengadaan titik kontrol dasar modern sebagai referensi penentuan posisi untuk pengukuran dan pemetaan yang bersifat aktif, terus menerus dan dapat diakses secara real time. Sistem titik kontrol modern tersebut adalah Continuosly Operating Reference Stations (CORS). CORS adalah salah satu teknologi berbasis GNSS yang dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai aplikasi terkait penentuan posisi. Stasiun CORS merupakan jaring kerangka geodetik aktif berupa stasiun permanen (base station) dilengkapi dengan receiver dan dapat menerima sinyal-sinyal dari satelit GNSS yang beroperasi secara kontinyu setiap hari.Stasiun CORS UDIP sudah beroperasi sejak desember 2012 di Program Studi Teknik Geodesi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro. Stasiun ini dapat berfungsi sebagai titik kontrol geodetik, sehingga perlu dilakukan pendefenisian koordinat definitif terhadap stasiun ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pengamatan GNSS pada bulan Februari dan Maret 2013. Pengolahan data menggunakan perangkat ilmiah GAMIT 10.04.Penelitian ini menghasilkan 2 koordinat yaitu koordinat yang bersifat statis dan dinamis. Koordinat statis yang mengikat ke DGN-95/Orde 1 Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) yaitu (X = 438136.37470; Y = 9220592.00180; Z = 243.05050). Koordinat dinamis yang mengikat ke ITRF2008 (X = 438135.0896; Y = 9220593.4225; Z = 243.2853). Hasil uji statistik menggunakan distribusi fisher dengan selang kepercayaan 95% bahwa antara 4 stasiun IGS dan 6 stasiun IGS merupakan suatu sistem dimana nilai Perubahan koordinatnya hampir sama. Selisih koordinat stasiun CORS UDIP antara ITRF2008 dan DGN-95 adalah ± 90 cm