218 research outputs found


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    This study aims to examine the development of the business management of KSPP Syari'ah BMT NU Randuagung, Lumajang Regency, plus an evaluation of the implementation of the Mudharabah and Wadiah contracts. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data was obtained from the KSPP Syari'ah BMT NU Randuagung document and the results of interviews with the Head of the Branch. KSPP Syari'ah BMT NU Randuagung implements a number of Syari'ah contracts, including Musyarakah contracts, Mudharabah contracts, Wadiah contracts, Al-Qardlul Hasan contracts, Murabahah contracts, Musyarakah contracts, Bai' Bitsamanil Ajil contracts, and Rahn contracts. In its implementation, Mudharabah contracts are applied to savings products with Mudharabah Muthlaqah contracts and financing products with all the required working capital through Mudharabah contracts. Meanwhile, Wadi'ah contracts only apply to savings products, namely time deposits with prizes with Wadi'ah Yad Al-Dhamanah contracts. The business strategy of developing cooperatives or BMT NU Randuagung combines focus and differentiation strategies. Meanwhile, the marketing strategy uses the "Marketing Mix", which is a marketing strategy that is implemented in an integrated manner. By applying a combination of 4 main variables, namely Product, Place, Price, and Promotion known as the 4Ps


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    Along with the significant growth of internet using, news site comes to society to give a lot of advantages such as news and information. News site gets a positive response from the society because of its ability to serve an up to date information and can be accessed easily compares with printed media such as newspaper, magazine, etc. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of internet self efficacy and news actuality towards attitude of news site and the impact to acceptence of using KOMPAS.com news site in Semarang. There are two independent variables in this research; internet self efficacy and news actuality; one intervening variable; attitude of news site; and one dependent variable, acceptance of using a news site. The function of these variables are to explain how big the attitude of society towards KOMPAS.com news site and how big the impact towards acceptance of using KOMPAS.com news site. Based on this research towards 100 respondents who use/read KOMPAS.com news site, shows that internet self efficacy and news actuality give a positive effect towards attitude of a news site. Adjusted R2 score is 0,438, shows that 43,8% attitude of news site can be explained by both of independent variables and the rest 56,2% expalained by another factors outside this research. Then, attitude of news site gives a positive effect to acceptance of using a news site with 56,7% adjusted R2 score and the rest 43,3% explained by another factors


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    There are many factors influence the quality of education, one of them is a curriculum. The curriculum contains a set of the plan and the arrangement of the subject content and the way to deliver and to assess it. The learning process in higher education refers to its curriculum. The curriculum can determine the expected graduate competency achievement. The competency includes the theoretical based competency, the practical based competency, and the general competency. In the curriculum development, the relation between the subjects has to be devised. This relation has a meaning that one subject is a prerequisite subject of another subject. The prerequisite subject is required to increase the learning effectiveness, but if there are too many and irrelevant prerequisite subjects for one subject it makes the students be inflexible in planning their study. This research uses the structural equation modeling technique to analyze the relation between the subjects. The result of this research shows that the relation between ETEK → AKB, P3 → SPROD, GTEK → P2P, PSIS → SSIS is not significant, the relation between MTEK → PMES, APK2 → P2P is at the low level, and the rest have the strong relationships.Keywords: a curriculum, a prerequisite subject, structural equation modeling

    Takhrij and Syarah Hadith of Chemistry: Shallots in the Perspective of Science and Hadith of the Prophet SAW

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    The purpose of research is to discuss the hadith prophet saw. About approaching the mosque after eating Onions. This method of research is qualitative through both the earlary approach and the gift shield with a chemical analysis. The results and discussions of this study are the properties and benefits of Onions. The conclusion of this study is the throne and the prophet saw's throne. Regarding the value of Onions to cure disease is seen from the compounds they contain based on chemical analysis

    The Responses of the Community to Gunung Padang as a Location for Religious Tourism

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    Penelitian ini berawal dari munculnya sebuah masyarakat lokal dalam menjalankan keagamaan dan kebudayaannya disandingkan dengan beradaan situs. Keberadaan situs Gunung Padang yang semakin dikenal luas, berdampak pada masyarakat seputar situs. Masyarakat yang memegang teguh pada agama dan adat istiadat mengalami perubahan, seiring dengan munculnya berbagai persepsi atas keberadaan situs, hingga muncul berbagai cerita mitos. Fokus penelitian mengungkap bagaimana keagamaan masyarakat yang berada di seputar situs Gunung Padang. Bagaimana persepsi masyarakat seputar Gunung Padang terhadap keberadaan situs Gunung Padang, serta bagaimana persepsi keagamaan masyarakat Gunung Padang terhadap keberadaan situs setelah dilakukan pemugaran situs Gunung Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan dua sumber data. Pertama, data primer yang diperoleh dari studi dokumen, observasi lapangan, in depth interview sebagai sampel penelitian, berupa wawancara langsung. Kedua, data sekunder adalah data pendukung yang diperoleh dari buku, jurnal, dan dokumen hasil penelitian lainnya. Untuk menganalisa hubungan persepsi keagamaan masyarakat dan kebudayaan terhadap situs purbakala digunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi keagamaan terhadap situs sangat dipengaruhi oleh proses perpaduan dari paham keagamaan dan kebudayaan setempat yang sudah turun temurun. Bentuknya melalui ungkapan keagamaan yaitu keyakinan, ritual dan komunitas. Bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap situs dan simbol yang ada di seputar situs ditanggapi beragam. Berdasarkan kemunculannya, persepsi dipahami masyarakat karena persamaan struktur, nama dan fungsi. Dari temuan penelitian di atas juga muncul konfigurasi persepsi keagamaan masyarakat seputar situs purbakala Gunung Padang yaitu adanya proses perpaduan antara keagamaan, kebudayaan dan kepercayaan yang bercirikan kearifan lokal

    The Idea of Moderate Islam in the Media Space for the Social Construction of Religious Moderation in Indonesia

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    Social media space can shape social construction, including being able to construct moderate Islamic ideas. However, the embodiment of the media space promoted by moderate Islam in shaping the social construction of religious moderation is still questionable. This study aims to discuss the idea of moderate Islam in the media space for the social construction of religious moderation in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying the descriptive-analytical method. The formal object of this research is the theory of social construction, while the material object is the idea of moderate Islam. The scope of research is the social media space. The rest of this research's context is the social construction of religious moderation in Indonesia. The results and discussion in this study indicate that the social construction of religious moderation in Indonesia is formed based on the social construction of digital media which is framed by moderate Islamic ideas in the social media space of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This study concludes that the idea of moderate Islam in the media has manifested in Indonesia's social construction of religious moderation. This study recommends that Islamic institutions and organizations manage the social media space creatively and innovatively as a solution to mainstreaming religious moderation in Indonesia

    Pengelolaan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor untuk Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Lumajang

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    The management of motor vehicle tax to increase PAD in Lumajang Regency Entering the era of regional autonomy (Otoda) as it is now, the Regional Government is given extensive authority to carry out development programs and at the same time to realize community welfare. Funding for development programs in the area comes from various regional revenues. Among the sources of income are taxes. The tax that is excellent because it has great potential, positive and significant impact on the PAD is motor vehicle tax. The purpose of this study was to determine the development and contribution of motor vehicle tax to PAD in Lumajang Regency over the past two years. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, the research method uses interview methods and documentation. Also supported by a literature review that is relevant to the subject matter. From the results of the study, it is known that the management of motor vehicle tax in Lumajang Regency runs well and successfully surpasses the target every year. This is very useful to contribute to the PAD of Lumajang Regency. The strategies and policies pursued by the government to increase motor vehicle tax, among others, by improving the management of motor vehicle tax, both Human Resources (HR) and bureaucracy. Improve services with the use of technology and so on

    Pemberdayaan Umat Melalaui Program Distribusi Zakat Produktif Pada Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Kabupaten Lumajang

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    This study aims to examine the distribution of zakat carried out by the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in productive zakat assistance programs for the empowerment of people, especially the poor in the Lumajang Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research will give a systematic and accurate description of the problems, circumstances and events related to the distribution of productive zakat carried out by the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) as it is. Of the several BAZNAS zakat distribution programs that are the focus of the research are productive zakat distribution, both in the provision of revolving productive business capital assistance for individuals and groups. Because zakat can be used for productive efforts in order to help improve the quality of life of the people, especially the poor. Furthermore, from the results of this study, it can be seen that the zakat, infaq and shadaqah (ZIS) distribution program carried out by the BAZNAS in Lumajang Regency proved to be very useful and gave a very positive contribution to the small entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. Revolving capital assistance provided in groups can be better developed, compared to those given individually

    Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Guru Serta Optimalisasi Program Kepengawasan Akademik Dan Manajerial Oleh Pengawas Sekolah Di SMK Negeri Wongsorejo Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Pada penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada Supervisi Akademik dan Manajerial. Penelitian ini sejalan dengan pelaksanaan pengawasan oleh pengawas sekolah yang harus dijalani oleh penulis adalah dalam kegiatan tatap muka dengan guru-guru pada sekolah yang menjadi binaannya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah ini adalah: 1) Melaksanakan dan membuat laporan upaya peningkatan kompetensi penelitian dan pengembangan oleh guru baik secara mandiri maupun terprogram; 2) Menyusun perangkat pembelajaran untuk satu mata pelajaran lengkap; 3) Menyusun laporan observasi pembelajaran di kelas terhadap beberapa guru dalam upaya mencapai standar kompetensi lulusan; 4) Mengembangkan model penilaian yang secara umum dapat dipandang lebih baik dari apa yang telah dikembangkan di sekolah, baik yang menyangkut mekanisme, prosedur, dan instrumen penilaiannya; 5) Melaksanakan pengkajian terhadap program kepengawasan di Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi (SMK Negeri Wongsorejo Kabupaten Banyuwangi) berkenaan dengan implementasi 8 standar nasional pendidikan (SI, SKL, Proses, Penilaian, Pengelolaan, Sarpras, Tendik, Pembiayaan). Setelah penulis sebagai pengawas sekolah melaksanakan kegiatan Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah mulai awal sampai akhir pelaksanaan kegiatan, maka kompetensi supervisi akademik penulis sebagai pengawas sekolah dapat meningkat, kompetensi guru dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran (silabus dan RPP) meningkat, dengan melaksanakan supervisi guru dan kepala sekolah, maka kompetensi supervisi akademik penulis semakin meningkat, meningkatnya kompetensi penulis dalam menyusun perangkat pembelajara
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