36 research outputs found

    Fermentasi Ampas Sagu (FAS) sebagai Pakan Alternatif Untuk Meningkatan Pertumbuhan Bobot Ayam Kampung

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    Sagu (Metroxylon sagu) merupakan tanaman kelompok palm yang mengandung zat pati tinggi, dan telah dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan pokok bagi masyarakat Papua. Semua bagian dari tanaman ini dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan manusia. Namun, ampas sebagai bagian dari sisa produk zat pati belum dimanfaatkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fermentasi ampas sagu (FAS) sebagai pakan alternatif untuk pertumbuhan ayam kampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan, yaitu : P0 =Kontrol (PB 100% dan FAS 0%), P1 =PB 96% dan FAS 4%, P2 =PB 92% dan FAS 8%, dan P3 =PB 88% dan FAS 12%. Parameter yang diukur antara lain adalah tinggi badan dan bobot ayam. Analisis dilakukan pada ampas sagu baik sebelum fermentasi maupun setelah proses fermentasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa FAS mengandung protein kasar, serat kasar, dan lemak kasar mengalami peningkatan masing-masing sebesar 66,5%, 21,1%, 54,5% dibandingkan sebelum dilakukan fermentasi. Perlakuan FAS tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan tinggi tubuh ayam kampung. Perlakuan signifikan nampak pada parameter bobot tubuh ayam     kampung. Peningkatan terbaik bobot ayam terjadi pada perlakuan P1 (PB 96% dan FAS 4%). Perlakuan P1 mampu meningkatkan bobot ayam hingga mencapai 17,8%, sedangkan P2 mencapai 10%. FAS dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan alternatif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bobot ayam kampung. Kata kunci : sagu, fermentasi, pertumbuhan, ayam kampun

    Kajian naskah kuno perbendaraan ilmu jilid I bilangan 9&10

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    Naskah kuno Melayu kebanyakan menggunakan huruf ArabMelayu yang dikenal pula sebagai huruf Jawi. Dengan huruf yang demikian hanya orang-orang tertentu yang dapat "menyentuhnya" dan orang yang tidak "mengetahui" huruf itu tidak berminat menyentuhnya. Perbandingan antara orang yang "mengetahui" dan "Tidak mengetahui" di zaman sekarang lebih banyak yang tidak mengetahui. Bahkan ada sementara orang yang menganggap dengan melihat fisiknya dari naskah kuno akan merusak kesehatan. Untuk memindahkan sebuah naskah kuno harus dilakukan dengan sangat hati-hati

    Microanatomical and biochemical changes of the cerebellum following ethanol gavage in adult Wistar rats

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    Ethanol consumption has been linked with social and medical problems, coupled with damage of multiple organs including the cerebellum. The present study is aimed at investigating the histological and biochemical changes in the cerebellum of Wistar rats associated with ethanol exposure. The experimental animals were grouped into five groups designated as Group 1 which served as the control group and was given distilled water, Groups 2,3,4 and 5were given 40%, 25%, 12% and 5% v/v of ethanol respectively. Each of the experimental animals was administered 10mls/kg body weight of the stock solution for 42days after which the animals were sacrificed humanely. The cerebellum was removed, fixed in Bouins fluid for histological study while brain homogenates were prepared and used for the biochemical studies. Data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD Post-Hoc comparison test was used to determine where the difference lies. Oxidative stress studies showed significant increase and decrease in some oxidative stress markers when compared to the control group (p<0.05). The sialic acid studies showed a dose dependent decrease in the mean sialic acid concentration of the cerebellum across the groups when compared to the control (p<0.05). The histological studies showed the following changes; necrotic Purkinje cells with reduced linear distribution of Purkinje cells, in section of the cerebellar tissue of rats in Groups 2 and 3 with sections from Groups 4 and 5 remaining relatively normal when compared to the slide from the control group. Exposure to ethanol from the present studies showed a dose dependent effect on the cerebellum, as manifested in the histological and biochemical studies.Keywords: Ethanol gavage, Histological, Biochemical changes, Cerebellu

    CD4-T Cells as a Predictor of Immune Status and Its Outcomes Following Second-Line Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Adult HIV-1 Infected Patients Attending Apin/Juth HIV Clinic in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Deficiency in immune cell number or activity is a cardinal feature of HIV.  Second line antiretroviral therapy is geared towards improving immune cell activity and improving treatment outcomes. More people are now accessing free combination antiretroviral therapy through public health programmes in resource limited settings. There is currently no third line therapy for patients failing second line therapy in most of these programmes and data on effectiveness of second line antiretroviral therapy are limited. To adequately address and prepare for this scenario, critical assessments of the outcomes of second-line cART are needed. This is a retrospective cohort study of patients accessing second line cART at the APIN/ JUTH, Jos adult HIV clinic from 2004 to 2018, to determine the proportion of patients failing second line cART, to evaluate time to immunologic failure, time to lost to follow up and time to death using Kaplan Meier estimates. Immunological failure occurs when there is a fall of CD4 counts to pre-therapy baseline (or below) or 50% fall from the on-treatment peak value (if known) or persistent CD4 levels below 100 cells/mm3 6 months after ART initiation. A total of 285 patients were included in the study, with a mean age of 45±9.5 years. Females where 194 (68.1%) All the patients were on boosted protease inhibitor, the predominant combination antiretroviral therapy for second line regimen was Lopinavir boosted with ritonavir in combination with Tenofovir, Lamivudine and Zidovudine (43.9%). The baseline CD4 count was 134 (IQR 54-272). The CD4 count increased to 339 (IQR213-498) at 72 weeks.   In conclusion, Second line cART immunologic failure rates are low in our cohort and patient stay longer on cART before failure. Keywords: CD4 cells, Immunologic failure, Antiretroviral therapy DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/107-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Adat Lampung Pepadun dalam tinjauan Filsafat Hukum Alam

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    Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan Kasus Lesti Dan Billar pada Media Massa Daring 2022: Pendekatan Teun A. Van Dijk

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wacana kritis pemberitaan kasus Lesti dan Billar pada media massa daring 2022 dengan menggunakan pendekatan Teun A. Van Dijk.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dan simak catat. Data penelitian ini adalah pemberitaan kasus KDRT Lesti dan Billar pada media massa daring TribunNews.com dan Kompas.com priode 28 September sampai dengan 20 Oktober tahun 2022. Data penelitian ini diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling  dengan teknik analisis data menggunakan yaitu agih. Penyajian hasil analisis disajikan secara informal. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu . (1) kedua puluh berita yang diberitakan pada media massa Kompas.com dan TribunNews.com telah memenuhi tingkat analisis wacana menggunakan model van Dijk yaitu struktur makro, superstruktur, dan struktur mikro yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan konteks sosial dan kognisi sosial. (2) Struktur makro pada dua puluh pemberitaan tersebut ditemukan hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan makna dari judul yang diangkat oleh masing-masing berita, hal ini digunakan media agar masyarakat lebih mudah memahami isi dari masing-masing berita. (3) hasil dari superstruktur dari kedua puluh berita dari media massa daring yang berbeda skemanya sudah memenuhi syarat yang terdiri dari skema isi, skema pembuka dan skema penutup. (4) struktur mikro pada kedua puluh wacana berita menujukan adanya elemen semantik (latar, detail, maksud), elemen sintaksis (bentuk kalimat, kata ganti, koherensi), elemen stilistika, dan elemen retoris.KATA KUNCI: analisis wacana, media, media massa daring, pemberitaan

    Germinação e formação de mudas de coqueiro irrigadas com águas salinas Germination and seedling formation of coconut irrigated with saline waters

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    O cultivo de coqueiro vem crescendo no Nordeste, com aumento de produtividade, quando irrigado. Sendo comuns na região águas salinas e se considerando a carência de dados de pesquisa de salinidade em coqueiro anão-verde (Cocos nucifera L.), objetivou-se, através deste trabalho, avaliar os efeitos da irrigação com águas salinas (CEa = 2,2, 5, 10, 15 e 20 dS m-1) sobre a germinação e o crescimento inicial de plântulas, até 120 dias após semeadura (fase I), estendendo-se a avaliação, posteriormente, após repicagem para o viveiro, quando passaram a ser irrigadas com água de CEa = 2,2 dS m-1, durante 120 dias (fase II), estudando-se o efeito residual dos níveis de salinidade aplicados na fase I. Em ambos os experimentos, o delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As águas salinas foram preparadas com adição de NaCl comercial. Na primeira fase, o incremento da CEa não influenciou significativamente a germinação que variou de 80 a 97,5%, porém afetou a velocidade de germinação e o crescimento das plântulas; na fase de sementeira, a salinidade afetou a fitomassa total a partir de 5,4 dS m-1; o sistema radicular foi a variável mais afetada pela salinidade. Na fase II, as plantas oriundas de germinação sob condições de alta salinidade, após passarem a ser irrigadas com água de 2,2 dS m-1, cresceram no mesmo ritmo daquelas germinadas sem estresse salino.<br>The coconut cultivation is growing in the Northeast Brazil with increase in productivity under irrigated conditions. Saline waters are commonly found in this region and considering the lack of data related to salinity on dwarf-green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), this work had the objective of evaluating the effects of the irrigation with saline waters (ECw = 2.2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS m-1) on the germination and the initial growth of seedlings until 120 days after sowing (phase I), extending the evaluation, later, after transplanting in the nursery, when seedlings were irrigated with water of ECw = 2.2 dS m-1, for another 120 days (phase II), studying the residual effect of the applied salinity levels in the phase I. In both the experiments a completely randomized design was used with four replications. The saline waters were prepared with the addition of commercial NaCl. In the first phase, the increment of ECw did not influence the germination significantly, which varied from 80 to 97.5%, however, it affected the germination speed and the growth of the seedlings; in the germination phase the salinity affected the total phytomass starting from 5.4 dS m-1; the root system was the most affected variable by the water salinity. In the phase II, the plants germinated under conditions of high salinity when irrigated with water of 2.2 dS m-1 maintained the rhythm of growth similar to those germinated without saline stress