41 research outputs found

    Comparative empirical analysis on the effect of mortgage loan on capital adequacy ratio / Yusuf Dinç

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    Capital adequacy ratio is the main indicator for banks to proceed with their operations. Standards for the calculation of the ratio are based on Basel Accord. Key factor for the calculation is credit risk. Credit risk is a function of credit and collateral type. In this case, mortgage has lower risk weight based on its collateral structure on credit risk. This research evaluates the effects of mortgages on capital adequacy ratio to understand the effects of collateral based credits. The findings show positive results between capital adequacy ratio and mortgages of participation banks. However, mortgages have negative impact on capital adequacy ratio of conventional banks. Participation and conventional banks of Turkey are compared on linear regression to analyse the effects of mortgages on capital adequacy ratio. Results are important for further research and professionals

    Analysis of Europe's First Fully-Fledged Islamic Digital Bank in the Arena of New Age Banking

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    The study aims to provide the first systematic account of Europe's first fully-fledged digital Islamic banking service and review in detail with the available information. It explains the new-age banking concept and theory as well as identifies the role of insha in digital trends. The research primarily focuses on the concept of new-age banking and demonstrates the application of this concept by scrutinizing an Islamic digital banking platform. It selects ‘insha’, a digital banking service platform [in other words, Bank-as-a-Service platform] that provides digital banking services in Europe, as a case for this study. The study reveals two Tiers of the new age banking: Tier I NAB brought cost efficiency by reducing personnel expenses by replacing the workforce, and Tier II NAB has come front to reduce personnel expenses by replacing workforce intelligence directly. Besides, it also discloses four aspects of new-age banking: i) Accessibility, ii) Cost Advantage, iii) Time Efficiency, and iv) Security. On the other hand, the study shows the application of new-age banking by spotlighting an Islamic digital bank, insha, which experienced significant tractions within two months of inauguration, and the app has been downloaded over 9,000 times. This paper provides an excellent case, insha, to comprehend the concept of new-age banking, and manifests how it could facilitate customers to access the banking platform

    Ozone therapy as a novel complementary therapeutic approach in refractory idiopathic granulomatous mastitis

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    Background: Autoimmunity may play a major role in the pathogenesis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM). The therapeutic potential of ozone therapy has recently been shown in rheumatological diseases, and this study aimed to assess the clinical efficacy of ozone therapy (OT) in refractory IGM. Methods: Patients with biopsy-verified IGM and incomplete response after steroid therapy (n = 47) between 2018 and 2021 were enrolled. Of these, 23 cases in cohort A had standard treatment with further steroid therapy (ST), and 24 were treated with systemic OT via autohemotherapy (AHT) in addition to steroid therapy (cohort B). Results: The median age was 33 years (range, 24–45). Patients in cohort B had a higher complete response rate after completion of a four-month ozone therapy than those in the ST-group (OT-group, 37.5% vs. ST-group, 0%; p = 0.002). At a median follow-up of 12 months (range, 12–35), the patients treated with OT had a lower one-year recurrence in the affected breast than cases in cohort A treated with ST (OT-group, 21% vs. ST-group, 70%; p = 0.001). No significant side effects were observed in patients in cohort B related to AHT. Furthermore, OT significantly decreased the total steroid treatment duration (median week of steroid use; 26 weeks in cohort A vs. 12 weeks in cohort B; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Systemic OT increases the complete response rate and decreases the duration of steroid treatment in patients with refractory IGM. Therefore, ozone therapy is an effective, well-tolerated, and safe novel complementary therapeutic modality.Istanbul Breast Societ

    TASL practice guidance on the clinical assessment and management of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a multisystem disease and is significantly associated with obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. NAFLD has become the most prevalent chronic liver disease in Western countries, and the proportion of NAFLD-related cirrhosis among patients on liver transplantation waiting lists has increased. In light of the accumulated data about NAFLD, and to provide a common approach with multi-disciplines dealing with the subject, it has become necessary to create new guidance for diagnosing and treating NAFLD. This guidance was prepared following an interdisciplinary study under the leadership of the Turkish Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL), Fatty Liver Special Interest Group. This new TASL Guidance is a practical application guide on NAFLD and was prepared to standardize the clinical approach to diagnosing and treating NAFLD patients. This guidance reflects many advances in the field of NAFLD. The proposals in this guidance are meant to aid decision-making in clinical practice. The guidance is primar-ily intended for gastroenterology, endocrinology, metabolism diseases, cardi-ology, internal medicine, pediatric specialists, and family medicine specialists

    Export tax incentive policy and practice in Turkey

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    Determining The Factors Affecting The Distance Education Preferences Of Teacher Candidates

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziEğitim kavramı, insanla birlikte hayata başlayan, hem insanın hayatını anlamlı kılan hem de insanın kendisini geliştirmesini sağlayan özel bir kavramdır. Eğitim ve teknolojinin birleşmesinden meydana gelen bir kavram olan uzaktan eğitim ise genel olarak öğretici ve öğrenenin aynı anda aynı yerde bulunmasına gerek olmadan öğretme ve öğrenme etkinliklerinin düzenlenip yürütülmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Uzaktan eğitim başlangıçta geleneksel eğitime takviye olarak ortaya çıkmış olsa da sonraları artan eğitim talebinin geleneksel yollarla karşılanamaması ve televizyon, bilgisayar gibi teknolojik gelişmelerde yaşanan gelişim ve değişimlerin de etkisi ile eğitim alanında oldukça rağbet gören bir program olmuştur. Günümüzde genellikle dijital teknolojiler üzerinden gerçekleştirilen uzaktan eğitim, formal ya da informal bağlamda ilkokul kademesinden üniversiteye, lisansüstü eğitimden yaşam boyu öğrenmeye kadar hayatın birçok kademesinde eğitim fırsatı sunmaktadır. Sunulan bu eğitim fırsatına ek olarak tasarım, uygulama, teknik sorunlar gibi pek çok konuda da problemler yaşanabilmektedir. Bu problemler de öğrenenlerin uzaktan eğitimi tamamlamama/yarıda bırakmalarına sebep olabilmektedir. Bu kapsamda öğretmen adaylarının uzaktan eğitime yönelik görüşleri ile uzaktan eğitim tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla 5 (beş) alt amaca yönelik yapılan bu çalışma 2018- 2019 yılında Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesinde farklı bölümlerde eğitim görmekte olan son sınıf öğretmen adaylarının katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Öğretmen adaylarının görüşlerini almak maksadıyla açık uçlu soru formundan faydalanılmıştır. Toplanan veriler belirlenen kavramlar ve temalar çerçevesinde biraraya getirilmiştir. Araştırmanın amacına yönelik olarak, elde edilen verilerin analizinde tümevarım nitelik analiz tekniklerinden olan “içerik analizi” kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, çalışmanın amaçları doğrultusunda temalar ve alt temalar tanımlanarak MAXQDA 12 kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analiz edilmesi ile uzaktan eğitim sistemlerinin kullanımının yüksek seviyede olduğu, uzaktan eğitim sistemlerinin avantaj sağlandığı yani memnuniyetin olduğu ancak eksiklik ve memnuniyetsizliklerin de ön plana çıktığı görülmüştür. Öğretmen adaylarının uzaktan eğitim tercihlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada, uzaktan eğitimin öğretmen adaylarına zaman açısından tasarruf sağlaması, mekândan bağımsız olması ve zamandan bağımsız olması yönü ile avantaj sağladığı; donanım sorunu, öğrenci-öğretmen etkileşiminde yaşanan sorunlar, senkronizasyon sorunu, yüz yüze eğitime alışılması, soruların ders sorumlusuna sorulamaması yönüyle problemler yaşattığı; özellikle alanında uzman kişiler tarafından eğitim verilmesi, zamandan bağımsız olması, mekândan bağımsız olması faktörleri açısından da tercih sebebi olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak yapılan bu çalışmanın bir ihtiyaç analizi niteliğinde ele alınması, yaşanılan problemlerin tüm süreç boyunca değerlendirilmesi, ilgililerden alınacak dönüt ve düzeltmelerle iyileştirilmesinin uygun olacağı değerlendirilmektedir.The notion of education is unique that is stars its life circle with people enabling them both to improve themselves and to fullfill their self-improvement. Distance education, as a Notion thats joins education and technology, is described as a kind of activity that does not acquire the learner and the lecturer at the same place, at same time. Distance education has occured to assist the conventional one at the beginnin, therefore, failing to achieve ehe increasing demand of education by traditional way and the berakough improvements on PCs, TVs and the internet pave the way for distanced education and have increased the demand for it. Distanced education that is performed by the help of digital technologies, takes place as formal or informal education from primary school level to university level and offers several opportunities in terms of graduatelevel to lifelong learning. Besides these opportunities that distance education offers, there can ocur several problems about technical issues, design or application fields which can cause learners not to continue their education and to quit. This study is aimed to determine teacher candidates opinion and to find out their preferences about distance education under 5 sub-goals. Teacher candidates are chosen among senior grades from different departments of Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty. Open-ended questions are used as data collection method and the data is gathered under predetermined themes and notions. “Content Analysis” which is one of the induction techniques, is used in order to achieve the aimms of the study. All themes and sub-themes are defined to MAXQDA 12 to analyse and to infer from collected data. It is deduced thar distanced education systems are considered adventegeous so that they are highly preferred, however, there are still some dissatisfactions and lack of facility issues. This study which aims to determine teacher candidates preferences of distanced education reveals that enabling to save time and not being restricted by neither place nor time are seen as the most mentioned advantages of the distanced education. Therefore; hardware, limited interaction between teachers and students that differs from the habit of face to face interaction on education and synchronization problems are pointed as disadvantages of distanced education. All in all, it is evaluated that this study can be seen as a needs analysis and problems that have come out of the study should be considered trouhgout the distanced education process and it can be improved by feedback mechanizms


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    Participation banks collect participation funds for credit allocation by participation accounts and special current accounts as main function. Profit or loss offered to participation accounts on base of participation share ratio while special current accounts are considered as cost-free resources. Participation funds are used in the models that analyze participation banks’ performance. Although participation fund types are not considered as variables also special current accounts. This research brings suggestions for the variables for performance analysis of participation banks for further researches

    Gölge Bankacılıktan regüler bankacılığa geçiş özel finans kurumları örneği

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    Gölge bankacılık ile ilgili tartışmalar küresel finans krizi sonrası yoğunlaşmış ve finansal sistemin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili tartışmaların merkezine oturmuştur. Bu tez kapsamında gölge bankacılık kavramsal olarak tartışılmış ve Türkiye’de gölge bankacılıktan katılım bankası adı ile regüler bankacılığa geçiş yaparak finansal sistem içindeki önemini artıran özel finans kurumlarının regüler bankacılığa geçişi ekonometrik bir model yardımı ile ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca geçiş sonrası dönemde geçiş öncesine göre seçilen performans kriterlerinin negatif etkilendiği elde edilen ampirik bulgular yanında trend eğilim grafikleri ile de gösterilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Gölge bankacılık, Regüler bankacılık, Özel finans kurumları, Katılım bankaları, Mevduat bankaları, Karşılaştırmalı performans analizi ABSTRACT Shadow banking became a trend topic of arguments for restructuring financial system after global financial crisis. Shadow banking conceptually argued in this thesis and transition of special finance houses of Turkey to participation bank as a more important actor of financial system is proved as a shadow banking experience by an emperical analysis. Moreover findings of econometric model showed that after transition selected performance criterias negatively effected. The findings about negative effect of transition is also supported by down trend tendencies. Key Words: Shadow banking, Special finance houses, Participation banks, Traditional banks, Comperative performance analysis