38 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization Terhadap Keterampilan Sosial di Sekolah Menengah Atas Palembang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the team-assisted individualization model on the social skills of students in the historical subjects in Senior High School Palembang. The type of method used in this study is quasi-experimental. Class XI IPA 3 as an experimental class using random sampling. Data collection techniques used in this study are using questionnaire and observation, data analysis techniques used data homogeneity test, data linearity test, and simple regression test with significant level Fhitung Ėƒ Ftabel with real level (Ī± = 0,05). The result of Fhitung obtained is 5,40 while to find Ftabel that is db = 1 as the numerator and db = 34 as the denominator and consulted to table F is obtained 4,13. Statistical calculations have obtained the results Fhitung Ėƒ Ftabel (5,40 Ėƒ 4,13) that means there was the influence of team assisted individualization model on the social skills of students in the historical subjects in Senior High School Palembang.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh model pembelajaran team assisted individualization terhadap keterampilan sosial peserta didik pada mata pelajaran sejarah Sekolah Menengah Atas Palembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan quasi eksperimen. Kelas XI IPA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yakni dengan menggunakan angket dan observasi. Teknik uji prasyarat analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji homogenitas data, uji linearitas data, dan uji regresi sederhana dengan taraf signifikan Fhitung Ėƒ Ftabel dan taraf Ī± = 0,05. Hasil Fhitung didapat 5,40 sementara untuk mencari Ftabel yakni db = 1 sebagai pembilang dan db = 34 sebagai penyebut dan di konsultasikan ke tabelĀ FĀ didapatĀ 4,13.Ā PerhitunganĀ statistikĀ diperolehĀ hasilĀ FhitungĖƒĀ Ftabel (5,40 Ėƒ 4,13) yang artinya terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran team assisted individualization terhadap keterampilan sosial peserta didik pada mata pelajaran sejarah di Sekolah Menengah Atas Palembang

    STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONAL TOWARDS SMALLHOLDERS WELFARE Evidence from Existing Condition of Cocoa Smallholders in Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This paper deals with institutional development of cocoa smallholders. As widely known that Indonesia is the third largest cocoa producer in the world, of which about 90% of total production is obtained from smallholders. Poverty trap for cocoa smallholders is a result of: (i) the low quality of human resources, (ii) lack of agricultural assets, (iii) lack of access to social facilities, information and communication, and (iv) lack of income gained in economic activity. All this cannot be separated from the weak role and inter-agency coordination, indicating the weak of smallholders institutional. By employing an Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM), the research objectives are; (i) identifying the role of institutions in institutional of cocoa smallholders, (ii) assessing the interest of education and training materials in smallholder development. The central point of ISM results show that, (i) Local Office for Forestry and Estate (Hutbun), (ii) Local Field Extension Officer for Plantation (PPL), and (iii) Marketing Institutions are the key institution actors in strengthening institutional of cocoa smallholders. This leads us to argue that maximizing the role of Hutbun, PPL, and Marketing Institutions could help smallholder institutional development, improving welfare in other words. Similarly, the role of education and training is also needed in helping smallholders. ISM results persuasively revealed that, the materials of (i) post-harvest management, (ii) marketing, and (iii) the provision of agriculture inputs are the key elements. A major implication of this finding is that, introducing intensively materials of post-harvest management & fermentation, agriculture input provision, and marketing aspect in educating and training the smallholders, could become a potential route to strengthen institutional towards cocoa smallholders welfare in the countr


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to find out how the performance of employees in administrative services at the Makassar City Population and Civil Registration Office. This study used qualitative research methods. Data were collected by interviews, documentation and observation. The results of this study showed that the quality of employee performance in preventing illegal fees had been successful by installing CCTV so that the illegal extortion process did not occur. The quantity in employee performance with the number of completed activities had been successful through service standards at the Makassar City Population and Civil Registration Office. Punctuality in employee performance was quite good through the one day service program with a speed of service of less than 30 minutes and 3 working days. Effectiveness in employee performance had been successful with queue monitoring technology to facilitate the community in the service process.The Independence in employee performance had been successful through the counter service system that according to their respective duties and functions.Keywords: Performance, Administrative Service


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    Kelurahan Pahandut adalah salah satu kelurahan di wilayah Kecamatan Pahandut, Kota Palangka Raya dengan topografi dataran rendah, berawa-rawa dan selalu terlimpasi oleh luapan air sungai Kahayan dalam waktu beberapa bulan bila musim banjir tiba. Lokasi kegiatan Pahandut Seberang merupakan salah satu wilayah pemukiman yang cukup padat di kelurahan Pahandut adalah dimana masyarakatnya bertempat tinggal di bantaran sungai Kahayan, dengan model rumah panggung yang terbuat dari kayu dan akses jalan sempit didominasi oleh jembatan kayu (titian), sehingga tidak mempunyai lahan pekarangan yang memadai sebagai tempat budidaya tanaman. Dilain pihak, peningkatan gizi masyarakat masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui penyuluhan nilai gizi ikan dan menumbuhkan kreativitas dalam mengolah produk ikan untuk keperluan konsumsi dan usaha kuliner sebagai sumber pendapata


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan strategi marketing dalam meningkatkan produk tabungan emas pada PT. Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian dari penelitian lapangan diperoleh melalui interview (wawancara) dan dokumentasi yang bersumber dari penelitian kepustakaan berupa buku bacaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi marketing dalam meningkatkan produk tabungan emas pada PT. Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Banda, memberikan informasi cukup memuaskan melakukan segmentasi berupa sosialisasi semua kalangan masyarakat dengan target pasar melakukan literasi (pengenalan) produk tabungan cicilan emas kepada masyarakat, kantor dan sekolah, serta berhubungan dengan bauran pemasaran di antaranya produk, harga, promosi dan tempat. Dari strategi marketing tersebut paling baik adalah literasi (pengenalan) produk tabungan emas kepada masyarakat, sehingga banyak diminati oleh kalangan Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT) dan pegawai non PNS


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media air yang berbeda yaitu air tanah, air gambut, air PDAM, dan air minum isi ulang (Ro) terhadap penetasan telur ikan lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 1 (satu) bulan, pada bulan Juli sampai dengan Agustus 2020. Tempat pelaksanaan di Laboratorium Basah Jurusan Perikanan, Universitas Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Pemijahan ikan lele dengan perbandingan 1:1 menghasilkan jumlah pembuahan yang relatif tinggi mencapai 92 %. Presentase penetasan telur lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) terdapat pada perlakuan Air tanah (B) yaitu sebesar 69% dengan rata-rata pH sebesar 6,40 Ā± 0,20; diikuti perlakuan Air PDAM (C) sebesar 66,6% dengan rata-rata pH sebesar 6,43 Ā± 0,06; perlakuan Air isi Ulang Ro (D) sebesar 65,3% 6,83 dengan rata-rata pH Ā± 0,15 dan perlakuan Air Gambut (A) sebesar 63,3% dengan rata-rata pH 5,20 Ā± 0,20. Perlakuan berupa perbedaan media air yang terdiri dari Air Gambut, Air Tanah, Air PDAM dan Air isi ulang Ro yang digunakan untuk penetasan telur ikan lele (Clarias garphineus) menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata terhadap persentase telur lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) yang dihasilkan, dikarenakan presentase penetasan pada setiap perlakuan tidak terlalu berbeda jauh (63,3% - 69%) dan nilai Fhitung = 0.264 < Ftabel5% = 5.14, nilai Sig. = 0.774 > Ī± = 0.05, karena nilai Sig. > Ī± atau Fhitung< Ftabel maka disimpulkan bahwa H0 diterima atau ragam tidak berbeda nyata

    Agricultural Development-Marketing Nexus: Is Tengkulak truly Enemy of Smallholders in Indonesian Rural Area?

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    This paper notes that a serious difficulty of smallholders in Indonesia is improving marketing networks of agricultural products. The marketing network in rural area is dominated by the brokers (called tengkulak). Smallholders do not have options to finance their production except for borrowing capital input from the tengkulak. Then the tengkulaksā€™ money will be repaid by smallholders in terms of agricultural products. It is true that smallholders get capital input, as well as daily life desires easily, on one hand. However, it also true that smallholders have no choice and they are ā€˜chokedā€™ by the tengkulak in terms of price discrimination on the other hand. This phenomenon affects smallholderā€™s income. However, the tengkulak plays an important role in smallholder community. The first role is Financial/Capital Input provider. The tengkulak provides access to capital inputs for smallholders who are not able to get formal credit (banks). The second role is Production Process. The tengkulak facilitates smallholders in providing agricultural inputs. The third role is of Post-Production/ Marketing. The tengkulak enables smallholders to sell their agriculture products easily. The forth is Socio-religious role. Smallholders need money for schooling fees, medical care, donation for socio- religious activity by borrowing money from tengkulak without any administrative procedures. These facts above depicts that tengkulak is not truly enemy for smallholders

    An Alternative Model of Cocoa Production Institution: A Solution in Facing Asean Economic Community

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    There is an indication that cocoa production institution is not working well as farmersā€™ expectations. The lack of coordination among institutions cause cocoa institutions are not institutionalized. The study are expected to: (1) construct the institutional model for enhancing competitiveness of cocoa exports in facing Asean Economic Community, (2) formulate a coordination model among institutions of cocoa production in accelerating Indonesian economic development. ISM analysis results show that: first, there are 11 institutions that should be more pro-active in improving cocoa production, namely: (1) Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), (2) Gardens Management Coordination Forum (FKMK), (3) Indonesian Cocoa Association (ASKINDO), (4) Indonesian Cocoa Farmers Association (APKI), (5) Indonesian Cocoa Industry Association (AIKI), (6) Provincial Office for Plantation, (7) Financial Institutions/Banks, (8) Marketing Agencies, (9) Local Office for Forestry and Plantation, (10) Extension Service Officer in District level, and (11) Joined Farmers Group (Gapoktan). Second, through the formulation of structural model of coordination in the institutional production of cocoa in the acceleration of economic development, it was revealed that the main causal of the coordination function weakness are (1) the weak of institutional training, and (2) the impact of regional autonomy policy, implies that an alternative model of cocoa production should focus on improving institutional training and reducing negative impact of regional autonomy

    The Poverty Reality of Coastal and Agriculture: How Severe the Seaweed Farmers and Cocoa Smallholders Are?

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    This paper examines rural coastal-agricultural poverty by extracting and comparing poverty causal of seaweed farmer and cocoa smallholder households as a long standing issue in developing countries. The research employed (1) Foster-Greer-Torbecke (FGT) poverty indices for describing poverty situation, (2) Regression Analysis for extracting effects of explanatory variables on Poverty, and (3) Paired-Samples T Test to evaluate income differences. Some important findings are; (1) the degree of poverty between Seaweed Farmers and Cocoa Smallholders is significantly different, meaning they have a differentiation in income structure indicating the causes of poverty are different. FGT indices reveal that the depth of poverty in seaweed farmers household is, however, severer than cocoa smallholders. In broad sense, this leads to argue that rural coastal poverty is truly severer than rural agriculture poverty; (2) the orientation of coffee, cashew-nut and livestock productions in agricultural economic activity is strong and directly associated with the poverty of cocoa smallholders. Meanwhile, the orientation of seaweed production in economic activity is strong and directly associated with the poverty of seaweed farmers. These imply that, encouraging coffee, cashew-nut and livestock productions for cocoa smallholders and seaweed production for seaweed farmers by improving access to primary input/seeds in particular (for local government policy), can be strongly expected to reduce poverty directly; (3) there are also common factors responsible for the poverty that requiring general policy options (national government). The options are expanding cultivated land area for cocoa smallholders and stretching length area for seaweed farmers, providing transfer-source income, and stepping up agriculture/aquaculture & nonagriculture extensions (technology, market and input information) can also help poverty reduction efforts


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    BUMDes Anugrah Mandiri merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Carawali yang mengelola 3 jenis usaha yaitu pertokoan, jual Gas Elpiji dan BRiLink. Namun,Ā  ketiga usaha masih kurang berkembang dan berjalan stagnan. Keterbatasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan sumber daya pengelola usaha, administrasi yang masih manual menjadi kendala utama dalam penataan adminstrasi keuangan dan sistem pemasaran digital. Desa Carawali memiliki potensi pada sektor pertanian, utamanya produksi beras merah organik dan kerajinan tenun sutra Neneā€™ Mallomo, sehingga memberikan peluang bagi BUMDes Anugrah Mandiri untuk mengembangkan usaha baru yakni usaha lumbung beras organik dan produksi kerajinan tenun sutra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengscale up dan meningkatkan daya saing BUMDes Anugrah Mandiri melalui pendampingan manajemen administrasi dan keuangan yang akuntabel. Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan sharingĀ  dan demonstrasi dengan pendekatan Pembelajaran Orang dewasa (BOD) dalam 3 tahapan, yakni (1) tahap persiapan, (2) tahap pelaksanaan, dan (3) tahap evaluasi. Program ini dilaksanakan 3 bulan oleh tim 4 orang, terdiri dari 2 (dua) Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare dan 2 Mahasiswa yang berperan sebagai anggota. Hasil pengabdian telah memberi motivasi kepada pengurus dan karyawan pentingnya pengelolaan usaha BUMDes guna meningkatkan skala usaha dengan manajemen yang lebih rapi dan terstruktur. Pencatatan dan penyusunan laporan keuangan telah disusun sesuai standar akuntansi keuangan (SAK UMKM) yang menjadi penilaian pelaporan keuangan yang akuntabel. Selain itu, ditemukan keterbatasan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang menjadi penggerak utama pengembangan usaha yang akuntabel berbasis digital, memanfaatkan potensi desa produksi beras merah organik dan kerajinan tradisional tenun kain sutra melalui kemitraan dengan petani yang tersedia dengan kreatifitas tinggi.