5 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Larva dalam Embriogenesis Karang Acropora Hasil Pemijahan Ex-situ

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    Fertilization and larval development determine the coral population survivalof species, which has adifference characteristic of embryogenesis. This research wasaimed to compare the embryo and larvaldevelopment spawned in November 2011 in Grear Barrier Reef, Australia.Embryonic cellsdevelopment wereobserved in interval timesfrom one cell of egg tomulticellular stage (prawnchip), and larval developmentobserved from the prawnchip stageto the planulae.The results showed the development of embryos and larvaesignificantly differed between two species, i.e. embryos and larvae of Acropora millepora grew faster thanA.tenuis. The maximum size of planulae larvae of A. millepora (800-1000 μm) is biggerthan A. tenuis (650-900μm). Embryo and larvae development were different due to species variability, hence this reseach can beadapted for laboratory proccess of coral larvae nursery

    Pembelajaran Pengelolaan Terumbu Karang di Sekitar Lokasi Pengeboran Minyak dan Gas Lapangan Tiaka, Tomori Sulawesi Tengah

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    Offshore oil drilling creates impacts to marine ecosystem, not only to the lives in the water column but also tobenthic organisms. Coral reefs is one indicator that is prone to physical and chemical impacts of oil drilling. AJoint Operating Body, Pertamina-Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi (JOB PTMS) has been operating since2005/2006 in the vicinity of Gusung Tiaka, Morowalu Utara, Central Sulawesi. JOB PTMS has a commitmentand responsibility to the sustainability coral reefs in the vicinity of drilling. Until recently, coral reefmanagement activities conducted were, coral reefs monitoring and restoring (using transplantation method) aswell as cleaning up from predator Acanthaster plancii. Coral reefs monitoring runs periodically in 2008-2014 in6 points of control. The coral reefs were in bad to good conditions, with mortality index 0.16-0.72 (scale 0-1).Coral reefs damaged was resulted from many factors namely, illegal fishing and predator Acanthaster planciiwith abundance of less than 30 individuals/hectare. Coral fish diversity index was 4,74-6.06. Coraltransplantation was moderate, not only the coral growth but also nekton (fish) recruitment with high number inthe vicinity of the transplantations. Coral reef management nearby drilling area has been running gradually, aswell as developing relevant programs with environment responsibility in the vicinity of Blok Tiaka, NorthMorowali

    Keberhasilan Rehabilitasi Terumbu Karang Akibat Peristiwa Bleaching Tahun 2016 dengan Teknik Transplantasi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the succesfullnes use of two coral reef transplantation methods in the rehabilitation ofcoral reefs damaged by the phenomenon of bleaching in 2016 at the waters of Liukangloe Island, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi.In this study two methods were implemented, i.e. methods frame-spider and methods of nails-natural substrates, with 5 unitsas replication, respectively. A total of three kinds of branching corals weretransplanted, namely Acropora robusta, Poritescylindrica, and Pocillopora verrucosa. On each unit transplantation models, attached 6 coral fragments with branch length of5-12 cm for each kind of corals. A total of 3 fragments for each species of corals were labeled and coded for the survival rateand absolute growth monitoring. All five unit of experiments on each model are placed on two areas separately and placedrandomly with depths ranging from 3-4 m in the northern part of island. Observations survival rate and absolute growth of coraltransplant were conducted for every 2 weeks for 28 days by counting the dead coral fragment or missing and measure the lengthof transplant coral branch with a measuring ruler. The effectiveness of the two methods was analyzed based on the survival andgrowth of the absolute value of coral transplant. Survival rate were analyzed descriptively and the average values of absolutegrowth were analyzed by t-student. The use of frame-spider methods and methods of nails-natural substrates as effective inrehabilitating the coral reefs from bleaching phenomenon based on the parameters of survival and growth of Acropora robusta,Porites cylindrica, and Pocillopora verrucos

    An Indo-Pacifc coral spawning database

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    The discovery of multi-species synchronous spawning of scleractinian corals on the Great Barrier Reef in the 1980s stimulated an extraordinary effort to document spawning times in other parts of the globe. Unfortunately, most of these data remain unpublished which limits our understanding of regional and global reproductive patterns. The Coral Spawning Database (CSD) collates much of these disparate data into a single place. The CSD includes 6178 observations (3085 of which were unpublished) of the time or day of spawning for over 300 scleractinian species in 61 genera from 101 sites in the Indo-Pacific. The goal of the CSD is to provide open access to coral spawning data to accelerate our understanding of coral reproductive biology and to provide a baseline against which to evaluate any future changes in reproductive phenology

    An Indo-Pacific coral spawning database

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    The authors would like to thank the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies for funding the Coral Spawning Workshop in Singapore in 2017 where the database was initially developed.The discovery of multi-species synchronous spawning of scleractinian corals on the Great Barrier Reef in the 1980s stimulated an extraordinary effort to document spawning times in other parts of the globe. Unfortunately, most of these data remain unpublished which limits our understanding of regional and global reproductive patterns. The Coral Spawning Database (CSD) collates much of these disparate data into a single place. The CSD includes 6178 observations (3085 of which were unpublished) of the time or day of spawning for over 300 scleractinian species in 61 genera from 101 sites in the Indo-Pacific. The goal of the CSD is to provide open access to coral spawning data to accelerate our understanding of coral reproductive biology and to provide a baseline against which to evaluate any future changes in reproductive phenology.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe